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Created March 1, 2021 19:45
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package org.justinhj
object Scala2WriterTWithCats extends App {
// Implement WriterT using Cats implementation of Monad and Monoids
import cats.{Monad, Monoid}
case class WriterT[F[_]: Monad,W,A](val wrapped: F[(W,A)])
implicit def writerTMonad[F[_]: Monad,W: Monoid] = new Monad[WriterT[F,W,?]] {
override def pure[A](a: A): WriterT[F,W,A] = WriterT(Monad[F].pure((Monoid[W].empty,a)))
override def flatMap[A, B](fa: WriterT[F,W,A])(f: A => WriterT[F,W,B]): WriterT[F,W,B] = {
val ffa: F[(W,B)] = Monad[F].flatMap(fa.wrapped) {
case (wa,a) => {
val what = f(a).wrapped
case (wb, b) =>
(Monoid[W].combine(wa,wb), b)
// Simple default implementation of tailRecM
override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => WriterT[F,W,Either[A,B]]): WriterT[F,W,B] =
flatMap(f(a)) {
case Right(b) => pure(b)
case Left(nextA) => tailRecM(nextA)(f)
// Use an implicit class conversion to add flatMap and map as methods to any WriterT ...
implicit final class WriterTOps[F[_]: Monad, W: Monoid, A](private val fa: WriterT[F,W,A]) {
def flatMap[B](f: A => WriterT[F,W,B]): WriterT[F,W,B] =
Monad[WriterT[F,W,?]].flatMap(fa)(a => f(a))
def map[B](f: A => B): WriterT[F,W,B] =
Monad[WriterT[F,W,?]].map(fa)(a => f(a))
def incrementEven(a: Int): WriterT[Either[String, ?],String,Int] = {
if(a % 2 == 1) WriterT(Left[String, (String, Int)]("Odd number provided"))
else WriterT(Right(("Inc even", a + 1)))
def doubleOdd(a: Int): WriterT[Either[String, ?], String, Int] = {
if(a % 2 == 0) WriterT(Left[String, (String, Int)]("Even number provided"))
else WriterT(Right(("Double odd", a + a)))
// Step 1 can we flatMap?
val writerExample = incrementEven(8).flatMap(doubleOdd)
// Step 2 can we use pure
val p8 = Monad[WriterT[Either[String, ?], String, ?]].pure(8)
// Step 3 use in a for comprehension?
val r : WriterT[Either[String, ?], String, Int] = for (
a <- Monad[WriterT[Either[String, ?], String, ?]].pure(8);
b <- incrementEven(a);
c <- doubleOdd(b)
) yield c
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