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Last active January 29, 2021 02:01
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Scala 3 WriterT
object WriterTest extends App {
trait Semigroup[A]:
def combine(al: A, ar: A): A
object Semigroup:
def apply[A](using s: Semigroup[A]) = s
trait Monoid[A] extends Semigroup[A]:
def zero: A
object Monoid:
def apply[A](using m: Monoid[A]) = m
given stringMonoid: Monoid[String] with
def zero = ""
def combine(al:String, ar:String) = al + ar
given listMonoid[A]: Monoid[List[A]] with
def zero = List.empty[A]
def combine(al:List[A], ar:List[A]) = al ++ ar
object Functor:
def apply[F[_]](using f: Functor[F]) = f
trait Functor[F[_]]:
extension [A, B](x: F[A])
def map(f: A => B): F[B]
object Applicative:
def apply[F[_]](using a: Applicative[F]) = a
trait Applicative[F[_]] extends Functor[F]:
def pure[A](x:A):F[A]
extension [A,B](x: F[A])
def ap(f: F[A => B]): F[B]
def map(f: A => B): F[B] = {
extension [A,B,C](fa: F[A]) def map2(fb: F[B])(f: (A,B) => C): F[C] = {
val fab: F[B => C] = A) => (b: B) => f(a,b))
end Applicative
object Monad:
def apply[F[_]](using m: Monad[F]) = m
trait Monad[F[_]] extends Applicative[F]:
// The unit value for a monad
def pure[A](x:A):F[A]
extension[A,B](fa :F[A])
// The fundamental composition operation
def flatMap(f :A=>F[B]):F[B]
// Monad can also implement `ap` in terms of `map` and `flatMap`
def ap(fab: F[A => B]): F[B] = {
fab.flatMap {
f =>
fa.flatMap {
a =>
end Monad
given eitherMonad[Err]: Monad[[X] =>> Either[Err,X]] with
def pure[A](a: A): Either[Err, A] = Right(a)
extension [A,B](x: Either[Err,A]) def flatMap(f: A => Either[Err, B]) = {
x match {
case Right(a) => f(a)
case Left(err) => Left(err)
given optionMonad: Monad[Option] with
def pure[A](a: A) = Some(a)
extension[A,B](fa: Option[A])
def flatMap(f: A => Option[B]) = {
fa match {
case Some(a) =>
case None =>
given listMonad: Monad[List] with
def pure[A](a: A): List[A] = List(a)
extension[A,B](x: List[A])
def flatMap(f: A => List[B]): List[B] = {
x match {
case hd :: tl => f(hd) ++ tl.flatMap(f)
case Nil => Nil
given writerTMonad[F[_]: Monad,W: Monoid]: Monad[[X] =>> WriterT[F,W,X]] with {
def pure[A](a: A): WriterT[F,W,A] = WriterT(summon[Monad[F]].pure((Monoid[W].zero,a)))
extension [A,B](fa: WriterT[F,W,A]) def flatMap(f: A => WriterT[F,W,B]) = {
val ffa: F[(W,B)] = Monad[F].flatMap(fa.wrapped) {
case (wa,a) => {
f(a) {
case (wb, b) =>
(Monoid[W].combine(wa,wb), b)
case class WriterT[F[_]: Monad,W,A](val wrapped: F[(W,A)])
type EString[A] = Either[String,A]
def incrementEven(a: Int): WriterT[EString,List[String],Int] = {
if(a % 2 == 1) WriterT(Left("Odd number provided"))
else WriterT(Right((List("Inc even"), a + 1)))
def doubleOdd(a: Int): WriterT[EString, List[String], Int] = {
if(a % 2 == 0) WriterT(Left("Even number provided"))
else WriterT(Right((List("Double odd"), a + a)))
val writerExample = incrementEven(8)
val example = writerExample.flatMap(doubleOdd) // Error ambiguous F
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