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Last active September 30, 2019 03:02
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Save justinhj/7074000 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A binary queue and heap sort in Clojure
;;; An implementation of a binary heap in Clojure
;;; This is an algorithm used for efficiently taking the
;;; largest value from a collection. Commonly used to implement
;;; a priority queue
;;; The heap itself is stored as a vector. For convenience with
;;; array indexing the first element is set to nil and not used
;;; I wrote this as a learning experience not to be used to land
;;; jet aircraft or manage a nuclear reactor.
;;; Should be reasonably efficient though.
(defn greater[a b]
"return true if a is the larger of two comparable objects"
(> (compare a b) 0))
(defn greatest
"Copied from built in max but uses comparable interface to find the largest
whereas max only works with numbers"
([x] x)
([x y] (if (greater x y) x y))
([x y z & rest]
(reduce greatest (if (greater x y) x y) rest)))
(defn parent-index[n]
"calculate the parent index of a given index"
(int (/ n 2)))
(defn left-child-index[n]
(* n 2))
(defn right-child-index[n]
(inc (* n 2)))
(defn print-node[h node]
"print out a node to stdout
assumes in bounds due to use case
show exclaimed if violates max-oriented heap order"
(if (> node 1)
(let [this-val (nth h node)
parent-val (nth h (parent-index node))]
(if (greater this-val parent-val)
(println (str (nth h node) "!"))
(println (nth h node))))
(println (nth h node))))
(defn show-heap[h node]
(if (< node (count h))
(print (apply str (repeat (int (parent-index node)) ".")))
(print-node h node)
(show-heap h (left-child-index node))
(show-heap h (right-child-index node)))))
(defn get-children [h i]
"get children values or null for terminal nodes of a node"
(let [child-index (* i 2)
len (count h)
left-child (if (< child-index len) (nth h child-index) nil)
right-child (if (< (inc child-index) len) (nth h (inc child-index)) nil)
[left-child right-child]))
(defn swap [h a b]
"swap two nodes by index"
(let [temp (nth h a)]
(assoc (assoc h a (nth h b)) b temp)))
(defn sink [h i]
"sink the node at index h. this is done to maintain heap order
when a node is popped and the last node is put at root"
(let [len (count h)]
(if (< i len)
(let [[left right] (get-children h i)
parent (nth h i)]
(if (= (greatest left right parent) parent)
(if (greater left right)
(sink (swap h (left-child-index i) i) (left-child-index i))
(sink (swap h (right-child-index i) i) (right-child-index i))))))))
(defn heap-remove-max [h]
"return the item in slot 1
then swap the end item to that position
finally sink it down
returns the removed value and the new heap
in a vector"
(let [len (count h)]
(if (<= len 1)
[nil h]
(let [val (nth h 1)]
(-> h
(swap 1 (dec len))
(subvec 0 (dec len))
(sink 1))]))))
(defn float-up [h i]
"float the node at index i
up as far as it needs to to maintain
heap order"
(if (<= i 1)
h ;; terminate at the top
(let [parent (nth h (parent-index i))
me (nth h i)]
(if (greater me parent)
(float-up (swap h (parent-index i) i) (parent-index i))
(defn heap-add [h val]
"add to heap
add as last item
float it up"
(let [h' (conj h val)
len (count h')]
(float-up h' (dec len))))
(defn lazy-heap-sequence [h]
"make a heap into a lazy sequence so you iterate over it"
(let [[val new-heap] (heap-remove-max h)]
(if (nil? val)
(cons val
(lazy-heap-sequence new-heap))))))
(defn create-heap []
(defn heap-sort [s]
"heap sort
add the items to the heap then pop them off"
(let [heap (reduce heap-add (create-heap) s)]
(lazy-heap-sequence heap)))
;; creating and using the heap
;; (create-heap)
;; (heap-add (create-heap) 10)
;; (heap-add (heap-add (create-heap)) 20)
;; heap sort 100 random single character strings
;; (heap-sort (repeatedly 100 #(str (char (+ 97 (rand-int 26))))))
;; heap sort 1000 random integers
;; (heap-sort (repeatedly 1000 #(rand-int 100)))
;; sort the source file
;; (heap-sort (re-seq #"\w+" (slurp "./binary-heap.clj")))
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