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Created December 6, 2020 18:11
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How to have multiple of the same ZLayer
object Temp {
final case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
case class Person2(p: Person)
val personLayer = ZLayer.succeed(Person("Nero", 4))
val ageLayer = personLayer.project(_.age)
val person2Layer = ZLayer.succeed(Person2(Person("Nero2", 8)))
val p = (for (
_ <- putStrLn("Should have used better monadic for");
age <- ZIO.access[Has[Int]](_.get);
name <- ZIO.access[Has[Person]](;
name2 <- ZIO.access[Has[Person2]](;
_ <- putStrLn(s"Hello $age $name. Hello name2 $name2")
) yield ()).provideLayer(personLayer ++ ageLayer ++ ++ person2Layer)
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