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Created September 21, 2019 12:18
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John Rust's NFXP algorithm
# Lazy implementation of John Rust's Nested Fixed Point (NFXP) algorithm.
# Based on
# Download first the Aguirregabiria and Mira NPL code from here:
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import date
from statsmodels.base.model import GenericLikelihoodModel
from scipy import stats
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Read the data
def get_data():
data = np.fromfile('./aguirregabiria_mira/bus1234.dat')
data = data.reshape(int(len(data)/6),6)
data = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['id','group','year','month','replace','miles'])
data['miles'] = (data['miles'])/1e6
data['date'] = pd.to_datetime(data[['year', 'month']].assign(Day=1))
data = data[['id','group','date','replace','miles']]
date_lag = data.copy()
date_lag['date'] = date_lag['date'] - pd.DateOffset(months=1)
data = data.merge(date_lag, how='left', on=['id','group','date'] , suffixes=('','_next'))
data = data.dropna()
return data
# Obtain density of miles and transition probabilities
def get_miles_states(miles, step):
states = np.arange(miles.min(), miles.max(), step)
return states
def estimate_miles_pdf(df, step):
dx = (1 - df['replace'])*(df['miles_next'] - df['miles']) + df['replace']*df['miles_next']
states = np.arange(dx.min(), dx.max(), step)
kernel = stats.gaussian_kde(dx, bw_method='silverman')
pdfdx = kernel(states)
return np.array([pdfdx/pdfdx.sum()]).transpose()
# Gets the transition probability assuming no replacement
def get_transition_probs(df, step):
pdfdx = estimate_miles_pdf(df, step).transpose()
miles_states = get_miles_states(df['miles'], step)
end_zeros = np.zeros((1, len(miles_states) - pdfdx.shape[1]))
fmat = np.concatenate((pdfdx, end_zeros), axis=1)
for row in range(1, len(miles_states)):
cutoff = len(miles_states) - row - pdfdx.shape[1]
# Simply append the densities, sliding them one column every row while not reaching the end
if cutoff >=0:
start_zeros = np.zeros((1, row))
end_zeros = np.zeros((1, len(miles_states) - pdfdx.shape[1] - row))
fmat_new = np.concatenate((start_zeros, pdfdx, end_zeros), axis=1)
fmat = np.concatenate((fmat, fmat_new))
# Reached the end, must redistribute the density to make sure that the rows sum to one
remaining_pdf = pdfdx[:, 0:cutoff]
redistributed_pdf = remaining_pdf/remaining_pdf.sum()
start_zeros = np.zeros((1, row))
fmat_new = np.concatenate((start_zeros, redistributed_pdf), axis=1)
fmat = np.concatenate((fmat, fmat_new))
return fmat
# Maximum Likelihood
class NFXPML(GenericLikelihoodModel):
def __init__(self, df, ev, **kwds):
super(NFXPML, self).__init__(df['replace'].values, df['miles'].values, **kwds)
self.step = 0.00195
self.trans = get_transition_probs(df, self.step)
self.ev = ev
self.states = get_miles_states(self.exog, self.step) = ['tr', 'c']
self.contraction_tolerance = 10e-16
self.beta = 0.9999
def get_linear_cost_vector(self, cost_theta):
c = cost_theta[0]*self.states.reshape((len(self.states), 1))
return c
def get_square_root_cost_vector(self, cost_theta):
return cost_theta[0]*np.sqrt(self.states.reshape((len(self.states), 1)))
# Fixed Point:
def contraction_iterations(self, theta):
keep_iterating = True
start_time = time.time()
while keep_iterating:
ev_0 = self.ev
n,_ = ev_0.shape
tr = theta[0]
cost_theta = theta[1:]
c = self.get_linear_cost_vector(cost_theta)
non_replacement_case = -c + self.beta*ev_0
# The following parameter recenters the probability estimate to avoid over/underflow
K = non_replacement_case.max()
within_log = np.exp(non_replacement_case - K) + np.exp(-tr - c[0,0] + self.beta*ev_0[0,0] - K)
ev_1 = np.log(within_log)
ev_1 = K + np.matmul(self.trans, ev_1)
self.ev = ev_1
deviation = np.abs(np.max(ev_1 - ev_0, axis=0))
if deviation < self.contraction_tolerance:
keep_iterating = False
end_time = time.time()
lapsed = end_time - start_time
return self.ev
def get_choice_pr(self, theta):
tr = theta[0]
cost_theta = theta[1:]
c = self.get_linear_cost_vector(cost_theta)
non_replacement_prob = 1/(1 + np.exp(c - self.beta*self.ev - tr - c[0,0] + self.beta*self.ev[0,0]))
states = self.states.reshape((len(self.states), 1))
pr = interp1d(states.squeeze(), non_replacement_prob.squeeze())
x = (self.exog/self.step).astype(int)*self.step
pr = pr(x.squeeze())
non_replacement_prob = (1 - self.endog)*pr + self.endog*(1 - pr)
return non_replacement_prob
def loglike(self, theta):
# Inner loop: Fixed Point
# Outer loop: ML
choice_pr = self.get_choice_pr(theta)
tr, c = theta
print('Current tr={:.4f}, c={:.4f}'.format(tr, c))
ll = np.log(choice_pr).sum()
return ll
df = get_data()
states = get_miles_states(df['miles'], 0.00195)
solver = NFXPML(df, np.ones(len(states)).reshape((len(states), 1)))
res =,1))*0.5, maxiter=100000, full_output=True, disp=True)
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