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Script for building spatial indexes on tables that do not have them already in a PostGIS database. Attempts to build spatial indexes for all geometry fields in the db.
## Script for building spatial indexes on tables that do not have them already.
## Attempts to build spatial indexes for all geometry fields in the db.
## Uses the PyGreSQL module
## Future Improvements:
#### add some handling of existing indexes to possibly delete them and rebuild them with this naming convention
#### rather than just building a list of tables that have 1 or more indexes this should determine what fields for a specific table have an index (or dont) and handle them.
###### The current script would not catch a second geometry field in a table that has a single index because it would not be added to the index_list.
## This could be done as a PostgreSQL function with a trigger as well.
## Author = Justin Lewis
import pg
class build_spatial_index:
def iter_db_tables(self):
print "Building spatial indexes on all tables in the database..."
#### Builds a list of tables that have associated indexes with the word "geom" or "centroid" in the geometry field name the index is built on.
selectIndexes ="""select t.relname as table_name from pg_class t, pg_index ix, pg_attribute a
where t.oid = ix.indrelid and a.attrelid = t.oid and a.attnum = ANY(ix.indkey)
and t.relkind = 'r' and (a.attname like '%geom%' or a.attname like '%centroid%') and t.relname != 'geometry_columns' and t.relname != 'spatial_ref_sys';"""
indexes = conn.query(selectIndexes)
index_list = indexes.getresult()
#### Builds a list of tables in the database
selectTables = "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' and table_type = 'BASE TABLE' and table_name != 'geometry_columns';"
tables = conn.query(selectTables)
table_list = tables.getresult()
for table in table_list:
if table not in index_list:
table = self.strip_list_entries(table)
#### selects the geometry fields from the table
geom = self.select_geom(table)
if geom != None:
print "Creating spatial index for: ", table
indexName = table+"_"+geom+"_gist"
cmd = "CREATE INDEX {indexName} ON public.{table} USING gist({geom});".format(indexName = indexName, table = table, geom = geom)
def select_geom(self, pgtable_name):
sel = "select f_geometry_column from geometry_columns where f_table_name = '{pgtable_name}';".format(pgtable_name = pgtable_name)
sel = conn.query(sel)
result = sel.getresult()
for geoms in result:
geoms = self.strip_list_entries(geoms)
return geoms
def strip_list_entries(self, entry):
entry = str(entry)
entry = entry.lstrip("('")
entry = entry.rstrip("',)")
return entry
if __name__ == '__main__':
#DB connection properties
conn = pg.connect(dbname = 'YOUR_DB', host= 'YOUR_HOST', port= 5432, user = 'YOUR_USER',passwd= 'YOUR_PASSWORD')
build_spatial_index = build_spatial_index()
print ""
print "process complete!"
## Script for building spatial indexes on tables that do not have them already.
## Attempts to build spatial indexes for all geometry fields in the db.
## Uses the Psycopg2 module
## Future Improvements:
#### add some handling of existing indexes to possibly delete them and rebuild them with this naming convention
#### rather than just building a list of tables that have 1 or more indexes this should determine what fields for a specific table have an index (or dont) and handle them.
###### The current script would not catch a second geometry field in a table that has a single index because it would not be added to the index_list.
## This could be done as a PostgreSQL function with a trigger as well.
## Author = Justin Lewis
import psycopg2
class build_spatial_index:
def iter_db_tables(self):
print "Building spatial indexes on all tables in the database..."
#### Builds a list of tables that have associated indexes with the word "geom" or "centroid" in the geometry field name the index is built on.
selectIndexes = """select t.relname as table_name from pg_class t, pg_index ix, pg_attribute a
where t.oid = ix.indrelid and a.attrelid = t.oid and a.attnum = ANY(ix.indkey)
and t.relkind = 'r' and (a.attname like '%geom%' or a.attname like '%centroid%') and t.relname != 'geometry_columns' and t.relname != 'spatial_ref_sys';"""
indexes = cur.execute(selectIndexes)
index_list = cur.fetchall()
print index_list
#### Builds a list of tables in the database
selectTables = """SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = 'public' and table_type = 'BASE TABLE' and table_name != 'geometry_columns';"""
tables = cur.execute(selectTables)
table_list = cur.fetchall()
for table in table_list:
if table not in index_list:
table = self.strip_list_entries(table)
#### selects the geometry fields from the table
geom = self.select_geom(table)
if geom != None:
print "Creating spatial index for: ", table
indexName = table+"_"+geom+"_gist"
cmd = "CREATE INDEX {indexName} ON public.{table} USING gist({geom});".format(indexName = indexName, table = table, geom = geom)
def select_geom(self, pgtable_name):
sel = "select f_geometry_column from geometry_columns where f_table_name = '{pgtable_name}';".format(pgtable_name = pgtable_name)
sel = cur.execute(sel)
result = cur.fetchall()
for geoms in result:
geoms = self.strip_list_entries(geoms)
return geoms
def strip_list_entries(self, entry):
entry = str(entry)
entry = entry.lstrip("('")
entry = entry.rstrip("',)")
return entry
if __name__ == '__main__':
#DB connection properties
conn = psycopg2.connect(database = 'YOUR_DATABASE', host= 'YOUR_HOST', port= 5432, user = 'USERNAME',password= 'PASSWORD')
cur = conn.cursor()
build_spatial_index = build_spatial_index()
print ""
print "process complete!"
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