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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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A hypothetical compositional language
component c1 {
function receive(message: string) { // handles "receive" messages
component c2 {
var running: bool
function run() { // Handles the "run" message
running = true
this->receive("hello world!") // Sends a message to "receive" with an argument
// An object containing the above components
var x = {
c1 = new c1()
c2 = new c2()
// send a message to components on x named "run"
x->run() // > hello world!
x->run() // > error!
var x = { } // an empty object
var y = {
value: "hi" // any value type, not a function
var z = Root { // a named object
var j = Root { // An object with children
First {
Second {
for(var child in j) {
print( // First, Second
} // Get child named "First" send it a message named "foo"
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