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Created May 2, 2018 23:42
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(define (eval-html templ env)
(define (lookup-var key env)
(let ((pair (assoc key env)))
(if (pair? pair)
(cdr pair)
(define (tag? templ)
(and (pair? templ) (symbol? (car templ))))
(define (attr-list? templ)
(and (pair? templ) (pair? (car templ))))
(define (eval-attr-list templ)
(cond ((null? templ) 'done)
((pair? (car templ))
(let ((key (car (car templ)))
(val (cdr (car templ))))
(display " ")
(display key)
(display "=\"")
(display val)
(display "\"")))))
(define (eval-tag templ)
(let ((tag (car templ))
(tag-string (symbol->string (car templ))))
(display "<")
(display tag-string)
(let ((next (cdr templ)))
(if (or (null? next) (not (attr-list? (car next))))
(begin (display ">") (eval-list next))
(begin (eval-attr-list (car next)) (display ">") (eval-list (cdr next)))))
(display "</")
(display tag-string)
(display ">")))
(define (eval-list templ)
(cond ((null? templ) 'done)
((tag? templ)
(eval-tag templ))
(begin (eval (car templ)) (eval-list (cdr templ))))))
(define (eval templ)
((list? templ) (eval-list templ))
((string? templ) (display templ))
(else (error templ))))
(eval templ))
(define template2
(for-each person (get list))
(li (ref item name) (ref item age))))
(define template
(title "Plant o matic Web Page"))
(body ((bgcolor . "yellow"))
(h1 "Plant O matic")
(h3 ((align . "right")) "New automatic plant feeding and watering")
(p (font ((color . "green")
(face . "comic sans")
(size . 2))
"Be the first in your neighborhood to own the plant-o-matic"))
(p ((align . "center"))
(font ((color . "#00FFFF") (face . "arial") (size 5))) "Don't Wait"
(hr ((color . "purple"))))
"this new " (b "product") " will save you " (u "time") ", "
(p (em "money") (br) "and will keep your plants" (i "alive")))))
(eval-html template '(title . "Plant o matic Web Page"))
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