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Last active June 23, 2018 06:05
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Incomplete Lisp interpreter. See the one on my github.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <regex>
#include <ctype.h>
namespace Lisp
struct Cell
enum Type
Type type;
std::string string_value;
int int_value;
float float_value;
bool bool_value;
std::vector<Cell> list;
Cell() : type(Cell::Type::NONE) {}
Cell(Type type) : type(type) {}
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, Cell cell)
switch (cell.type)
case Type::NONE:
stream << "NONE";
case Type::NUMBER:
stream << cell.float_value;
case Type::BOOL:
stream << cell.bool_value;
case Type::ID:
case Type::STRING:
stream << cell.string_value;
case Type::LIST:
stream << "[";
for (auto x : cell.list)
stream << x << " " ;
stream << "]";
return stream;
class Parser
using Iter = std::string::const_iterator;
struct Token
enum Type
NONE = 0, L_PAREN, R_PAREN, // language syntax
ID, // names
STRING, INT, HEX, FLOAT // literals
Type type;
Iter start, end;
Token(Type type, Iter start, Iter end)
: type(type), start(start), end(end) {}
std::vector< std::pair<Token::Type, std::regex> > types;
std::pair<bool, Token> NextToken(Iter begin, Iter end)
// skip whitespace
while (begin != end && isspace(*begin))
// find a matching token type
for (auto t : types)
std::smatch m;
if (std::regex_search(begin, end, m, t.second))
return std::make_pair(true, Token(t.first, begin, m.suffix().first));
return std::make_pair(false, Token(Token::Type::NONE, begin, end));
std::vector<Token> Tokenize(const std::string& source)
std::vector<Token> tokens;
Iter c = source.begin();
while (c != source.end())
auto result = NextToken(c, source.end());
if (!result.first)
c = result.second.end;
//std::cout << Token::type_name_table[result.second.type] << std::endl;
return tokens;
template <typename I>
Cell BuildAtom(I& begin, I& end)
Token tok = *begin;
switch (tok.type)
case Token::Type::INT:
std::string value(tok.start, tok.end);
Cell cell(Cell::Type::NUMBER);
cell.int_value = std::stoi(value);
return cell;
case Token::Type::HEX:
std::string value(tok.start, tok.end);
Cell cell(Cell::Type::NUMBER);
cell.int_value = (int)strtol(value.c_str(), NULL, 16);
return cell;
case Token::Type::FLOAT:
std::string value(tok.start, tok.end);
Cell cell(Cell::Type::NUMBER);
cell.float_value = std::stof(value);
return cell;
case Token::Type::STRING:
Cell cell(Cell::Type::STRING);
cell.string_value = std::string(tok.start + 1, tok.end - 1);
return cell;
case Token::Type::ID:
Cell cell(Cell::Type::ID);
cell.string_value = std::string(tok.start, tok.end);
return cell;
return Cell(Cell::Type::NONE);
template <typename I>
Cell BuildAst(I& begin, I& end)
if (begin == end)
std::cout << "Syntax error" << std::endl;
return Cell(Cell::Type::NONE);
if (begin->type == Token::Type::L_PAREN)
Cell new_list(Cell::Type::LIST);
while (begin->type != Token::Type::R_PAREN)
new_list.list.push_back(BuildAst(begin, end));
return new_list;
return BuildAtom(begin, end);
#define Reg(T, L) types.push_back(std::make_pair(T, std::regex(L)))
Reg(Token::Type::L_PAREN, R"(^\()");
Reg(Token::Type::R_PAREN, R"(^\))");
Reg(Token::Type::ID, R"(^([a-zA-Z\-\+\*\/\<\>])([a-zA-Z0-9_])*)");
Reg(Token::Type::FLOAT, R"(^([0-9])+(\.)([0-9])*)");
Reg(Token::Type::HEX, R"(^0(x|X)[0-9]+)");
Reg(Token::Type::INT, R"(^[0-9]+)");
Reg(Token::Type::STRING, R"(^\"([^"])*")");
#undef Reg
Cell Parse(const std::string& source)
auto tokens = Tokenize(source);
auto start = tokens.begin();
auto end = tokens.end();
return BuildAst(start, end);
struct Env
std::map<std::string, Cell> variables;
std::map<std::string, std::function<Cell(const Cell&)>> procedures;
static Env Global()
Env env;
env.procedures["*"] =[](const Cell& l) {
float product = l.list[0].float_value;
for (auto it = l.list.begin() + 1; it != l.list.end(); ++it)
product *= it->float_value;
Cell result(Cell::Type::NUMBER);
result.float_value = product;
return result;
env.procedures["+"] =[](const Cell& l) {
float sum = l.list[0].float_value;
for (auto it = l.list.begin() + 1; it != l.list.end(); ++it)
sum += it->float_value;
Cell result(Cell::Type::NUMBER);
result.float_value = sum;
return result;
env.procedures[">"] =[](const Cell& l) {
Cell result(Cell::Type::BOOL);
result.bool_value = l.list[0].float_value > l.list[1].float_value;
return result;
env.procedures["display"] = [](const Cell& l) {
std::cout << l.list[0];
return l;
env.procedures["newline"] = [](const Cell& l) {
std::cout << std::endl;
return l;
return env;
class Interpreter
Interpreter() {
env = Env::Global();
Env env;
Cell Eval(const Cell& cell)
if (cell.type == Cell::Type::ID)
return env.variables[cell.string_value];
else if (cell.type == Cell::Type::LIST)
if (cell.list[0].string_value == "if")
// if conditionals
if (Eval(cell.list[1]).bool_value)
return Eval(cell.list[2]);
return Eval(cell.list[3]);
else if (cell.list[0].string_value == "define")
// variable definitions
auto var = Eval(cell.list[2]);
env.variables[cell.list[1].string_value] = var;
return var;
// procedure calls
Cell arg_list(Cell::Type::LIST);
for (auto it = cell.list.begin() + 1; it != cell.list.end(); ++it)
return env.procedures[cell.list[0].string_value](arg_list);
return cell;
using namespace Lisp;
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
//std::string prog("(hello (world 1) \"dawg\" 3.14)");
std::string prog("(display (if (> 5.0 4.0) (* 5.0 4.0) (+ 1.0 2.0)))");
Parser parser;
auto cell = parser.Parse(prog);
Interpreter interpreter;
Cell result = interpreter.Eval(cell);
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