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Last active September 15, 2018 05:53
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Dutch auction smart contract for a presentation.
// Created By: Justin Meiners (2018)
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
contract DutchAuction {
uint public askingPrice;
address public auctioneer;
address public winner;
address public seller;
// indicates when the auction is complete
bool public finished;
mapping (address => uint) private escrow;
event AskingPriceChanged(uint amount);
event Finished(uint amount, address winner);
constructor(uint _askingPrice, address _auctioneer, address _seller) public {
askingPrice = _askingPrice;
auctioneer = _auctioneer;
seller = _seller;
finished = false;
function lowerAskingPrice(uint _askingPrice) public {
// only the auctioneer can adjust the askingPrice
require(msg.sender == auctioneer);
// auctioneer can only lower the askingPrice
require(_askingPrice < askingPrice);
askingPrice = _askingPrice;
// notify
emit AskingPriceChanged(askingPrice);
function deposit() public payable {
// auctioneer cannot participate
require(msg.sender != auctioneer);
// you must register with some money
require(msg.value > 0);
// store money in their escrow account
escrow[msg.sender] += msg.value;
function withdraw() public {
// withdraw money from escrow account
// this can be done at anytime
uint amount = escrow[msg.sender];
require(amount > 0);
escrow[msg.sender] = 0;
delete escrow[msg.sender];
function call() public {
// auctioneer and seller cannot participate
require(msg.sender != auctioneer && msg.sender != seller);
require(escrow[msg.sender] >= askingPrice);
// subtract from escrow
escrow[msg.sender] -= askingPrice;
winner = msg.sender;
finished = true;
// give it to the sender
escrow[seller] += askingPrice;
emit Finished(askingPrice, winner);
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