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Created June 12, 2017 12:26
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module Main exposing (..)
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Events
import Html.Lazy
Click the text three times.
Each click is expected to toggle the view (between a div and a button). The
first click toggles the view as expected (from div to button); the second
click does not (the button remains, though it seems its tagger has been
replaced); and the third click sends a Float value through the
String.toUpper tagger.
main : Program Never Bool String
main =
{ model = True
, update = always not
, view = view
view : Bool -> Html String
view showStr =
if showStr |> Debug.log "showStr" then
-- The problem does not occur when the nodes have a different number of
-- taggers, so adding, e.g., `|> identity` to one of the cases
-- below will prevent the problem.
Html.Lazy.lazy viewStr "a" |> String.toUpper
Html.Lazy.lazy viewNum 1.0 |> toString
viewStr : String -> Html String
viewStr string =
[ Html.Events.onClick string
[ Html.text ("Str " ++ string)
viewNum : Float -> Html Float
viewNum float =
[ Html.Events.onClick float
[ Html.text ("Num " ++ toString float)
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