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Created July 1, 2014 00:18
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# converts vim documentation to simple html
# Sirtaj Singh Kang (
# Wed Oct 8 01:15:48 EST 1997
# Edited and extended by Dion Nicolaas <>
# (version 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 3.3, 3.3.1)
# Made into a CGI by Thorsten Maerz <>
# (version 3.2)
# New in version 2.0:
# - Added Windows NT date command
# - fixed ARGV bug
# - Let Vim do the HTMLizing, just add links afterwards (this adds syntax
# highlighting)
# Wed 27-09-2000
# New in version 3.0:
# - Use Perl date
# - Use lowercase html tags to work with vim 6.0
# - Match every keyword that appears in the text
# Tue 25-09-01
# New in version 3.1:
# - Option for HTML level
# - Do replace < and > when no HTML
# Thu 27-09-01
# New in version 3.2:
# - works as cgi script
# Thu 27-09-01
# New in version 3.3:
# - More nevermatch words
# - Remove modelines from files
# - improved Perl HTMLising
# Fri 28-09-01
# New in version 3.3.1:
# - use vims colorschemes (quickndirty)
use strict;
# set $isCGI to 1 to run as a cgi-script
my $isCGI = 1;
# Set this to your executable of Vim
#my $vimcmd = "d:/bin/vim/vim60/gvim.exe";
my $vimcmd = "vim";
# Set this to all words you don't want to match, in between **
my $nevermatch = "*is* *as* *end* *section* *various* *case* *put* *help* *starting* *go*";
# ======================================================================
# Nothing below this line should have to be changed.
# ======================================================================
my %syn;
my $CGIfilename;
my $CGIsearch;
my $CGIbasename;
if ($isCGI) {
use Fcntl;
use POSIX qw(tmpnam);
use CGI qw/:standard/;
($CGIbasename = $0) =~ s#.*/([^/]+)#$1#;
my $date = gmtime;
my %url = ();
my %file = ();
my $opt_htmlising = 2;
my $progID = " 3.2";
sub readTagFile
my($tagfile) = @_;
my($tag, $file);
open(TAGS,"$tagfile") || die "can't read tags\n";
while (<TAGS>) {
$tag = $1;
if ($isCGI) {
$file{$tag}= $2;
# $url{$tag} = "<A HREF=\"$CGIbasename?$file{$tag}#$tag\">$tag</A>";
$url{$tag} = "<A HREF=\"$CGIbasename";
if (param('cs')) {
$url{$tag} .= "?cs=".param('cs').'&';
else {
$url{$tag} .= '?';
$url{$tag} .= "page=$file{$tag}#$tag\">$tag</A>";
else {
($file{$tag}= $2) =~ s/.txt$/.html/g;
$url{$tag} = "<A HREF=\"$file{$tag}#$tag\">$tag</A>";
sub vim2html
# viminfile is the original which will be munched by vim.
my ($viminfile) = @_;
my $infile;
$infile = "$viminfile.html";
if ($opt_htmlising < 2) {
open (IN, "$viminfile") or die "Can't read input file $viminfile: $?";
if ($isCGI) {
# try new temporary filenames until we get one that didn't already
# exist; the check should be unnecessary, but you can't be too careful
do { $infile = tmpnam() }
until sysopen(INTER, $infile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL);
else {
open(INTER, ">$infile")
or die "Can't write intermediate file $infile: $?";
if ($opt_htmlising == 1) {
# write header
print INTER "<html><head></head><body><pre>";
my ($example, $examplecount) = 0;
my $curly = 0;
# Create a "safe" file
while (<IN>) {
# Replace tabs with spaces (ts=8)
my $pos;
while (($pos = index($_, "\t")) != -1) {
$pos %= 8;
if ($pos == 8) { $pos = 0; }
my $padding = substr(" ", 0, 8 - $pos);
if ($opt_htmlising == 1 || $isCGI) {
# bugs
# intro.txt:*CTRL-{char}*
# do syntax highlighting in Perl
s/^\&lt;$//; # only <
s/^\&lt;(\s)/ $1/; # leading <
s/\&gt;$// unless /\&lt;/; # trailing >
s/(.*)~$/$syn{'Header'}$1$syn{'end'}/; # trailing ~
s/^[-=]+$/$syn{'SectionDelim'}$&$syn{'end'}/g; # ===== or ----
# dont highlight ^*word* : wouldnt be recognized as jump target later
s/ \*[^ *]*\*/$syn{'HyperTextEntry'}$&$syn{'end'}/g; # *Entry*
s/(?<! \*)'[^' ]{2,}'/$syn{'Option'}$&$syn{'end'}/g; # 'Option'
s/(?<! \*)\&lt;[^&]*\&gt;/$syn{'Special'}$&$syn{'end'}/g; # <Special>
s/(?<! \*)\[[^\] ]{2,}\]/$syn{'Special'}$&$syn{'end'}/g; # [Special]
s/(?<! \*){[^}]*}/$syn{'Special'}$&$syn{'end'}/g; # {Special}
# multiline fails on usr_40.txt
#s/(?<! \*)(?<!'){[^}]{2,}}/$syn{'Special'}$&$syn{'end'}/g; # {Special}
#if (s/(?<! \*){[^}]*$/$syn{'Special'}$&/g) { $curly = 1; }
#if ($curly) { s/[^}]*}/$&$syn{'end'}/g and $curly = 0; }
s/(?<! \*)CTRL-\?/$syn{'Special'}$&$syn{'end'}/g;
s/(?<! \*)CTRL-\./$syn{'Special'}$&$syn{'end'}/g;
s/(?<! \*)CTRL-Break/$syn{'Special'}$&$syn{'end'}/g;
s/(?<! \*)CTRL-PageUp/$syn{'Special'}$&$syn{'end'}/g;
s/(?<! \*)CTRL-PageDown/$syn{'Special'}$&$syn{'end'}/g;
s/(?<! \*)CTRL-Insert/$syn{'Special'}$&$syn{'end'}/g;
s/(?<! \*)CTRL-Del/$syn{'Special'}$&$syn{'end'}/g;
s/\bN\b/$syn{'Special'}$&$syn{'end'}/g; # Not quite right
#s/"(.*)"/<b>$&<\/b>/g; # bold "word"
print INTER $_;
if ($opt_htmlising == 1) {
# write footer
print INTER "</pre></body></html>";
else {
# execute
# gvim $viminfile -c "so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/2html.vim" -c "wq" -c "q"
# to let vim do the HTMLizing
my $socmd;
if ($ENV{'OSTYPE'} =~ /linux/i) {
$socmd = "so \$VIMRUNTIME/syntax/2html.vim"
else {
$socmd = "\"so \$VIMRUNTIME/syntax/2html.vim\""
my (@args) = ($vimcmd, $viminfile, "-c", $socmd, "-c", "wq", "-c", "q");
print @args;
system(@args) == 0
or die "system @args failed: $?";
my $outfile;
open(IN, "$infile") || die "Couldn't read from $infile.\n";
($outfile = $infile) =~ s/.*\///g;
# infile is called .txt.html
$outfile =~ s/\.txt\.html$//g;
if ($isCGI) {
open(OUT, ">-");
else {
open(OUT, ">$outfile.html")
|| die "Couldn't write to $outfile.html.\n";
my $dontmatch = ""; # tags not to match in this paragraph
my $currentlabel = ""; # used to build $dontmatch
# Replace applicable parts
while (<IN>) {
# Change the title and add an H1
s/<title>.*<\/title>/<title>Vim documentation: $outfile<\/title>/g;
s/<pre>/<h1>Vim documentation: $outfile<\/h1><hr><pre>/g;
# Add bottom line
s/<\/pre>/<\/pre><hr><p><i>Generated by <tt>$progID<\/tt> on $date<\/i><\/p>/g;
# Remove modeline
s/ vim:.*:\s*$//;
# Links
# We don't want to link to the section we're reading, so we remember
# where we are.
if (m/\*[^ *]+\*/) { # label in this line?
# remember it
$currentlabel .= $_;
$dontmatch = $nevermatch . $currentlabel;
} else {
# first line of this section
$currentlabel = "";
# replace all applicable words with a link
my $out = ""; # we'll build the output in here.
while (length $_ ) {
# copy various pieces of line to $out, changing them into
# links where appropriate. The order here is significant, as we
# don't want to touch e.g. HTML tags.
# copy leading spaces
if (s/^(\s+)//) {
$out .= $1;
# copy html tags
if (s/^(<[^>]+>)//)
$out .= $1;
# copy keywords in **
if (s/^(\*[^| ]+\*)//)
$out .= $1;
# keywords in ""
# Mostly appear in sentences like: 'the "/" command ...'
# So we replace them almost always with a link.
if (s/^\&quot;([^| ]+)\&quot;//) {
my $tag = $1;
# don't link when it appears in $dontmatch
my $skip = ($dontmatch =~ m/\*\Q$tag\E\*/);
if ($url{$tag} and not $skip) {
$out .= "\&quot;$url{$tag}\&quot;";
else {
$out .= "\&quot;$tag\&quot;";
# keywords in ||
# We always replace them with a link, if the link exists.
if (s/^\|([^| ]+)\|//) {
if ($url{$1}) {
$out .= "\|$url{$1}\|";
else {
$out .= "\|$1\|";
# plain word
# We replace them if not in $dontmatch and longer than 1 char, to
# prevent changing a and I and many others
if (s/^([^ |<"]+)//) {
my $tag = $1;
my $skip = ($dontmatch =~ m/\*\Q$tag\E\*/);
# no one char hits (includes &gt; and &lt;)
if (length($tag) > 1 and
$tag ne "&lt;" and
$tag ne "&gt;"
and not $skip) {
$out .= "$url{$tag}";
else {
$out .= $tag;
# unmatched <"|, copy.
if (s/^([|<"])//) {
$out .= $1;
die "Nothing matched? line = \"$_\"\n";
# *keyword* is only replaced now, to make skipping them earlier easier
$out =~ s/\*([^ *]+)\*/\*<a name="$1">$1<\/a>\*/g;
print OUT "$out\n";
# infile is intermediate, can now go
unlink $infile;
sub usage
$progID (Thu 27-09-2001)
Converts vim documentation to HTML.
usage: [-v{0|1|2}] <tag file> <text files>
-v0 means no HTMLising (apart from links)
-v1 means basic HTML
-v2 means let Vim do the HTMLising.
Default is -v2.
<text files> should have the extension .txt
The output files will have the extension .html
# CGI / HTML header and footer
sub CGIStartHTML
my $color=param('cs');
print <<EOF;
Content-type: text/html
<HEAD><TITLE>Vim online doc: $CGIfilename</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY $syn{'color'}>
<table width="100%"><tr>
<td align="left">
<H1>VimDoc: $CGIfilename</H1>
<td align="center">
<a href="$color">FAQ</a><br>
<a href="/vimdocschemes.html">select color</a>
<td align="center">
<a href="$CGIbasename?cs=$color">help</a><br>
<a href="$CGIbasename?cs=$color&page=usr_toc.txt">manual</a>
<td align="center">
<a href="/mike/index.html">PS / PDF</a><br>
<a href="/dion/vimum.html">single file</a><br>
<td align="center">
<a href="">VimOnline</a><br>
<a href=""></a><br>
<td align="center">
<a href="#search">search</a><br>
<a href="/">VimDoc</a><br>
$CGIsearch=param('search') || '';
my $color=param('cs');
print <<EOF
<a name="search"></a>
<form method="GET" action="$CGIbasename">
<input type="text" name="search" value="$CGIsearch">
<input type="submit" value="Search tag (regex)">
<input type="hidden" name="cs" value="$color">
<a href="$CGIbasename?cs=$color">Main help</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="$CGIbasename?cs=$color&page=usr_toc.txt">Table Of Contents</a>
<p align="right"><font size=-2>Automatically generated by <a href="">$progID</a> on $date</font></p>
sub searchTag
my( $file, $name );
my $CGIsearch = shift;
my $count;
foreach (keys(%url)) {
if (/$CGIsearch/i) {
print "$file{$_} : $url{$_}\n";
$count = $count || 'no';
print "\n<br>$count hits";
# main
if ($isCGI) {
my $pipecmd='cvs -z9 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs1:/cvsroot/vim co -p vim/runtime/doc/';
$CGIfilename=param('page') || 'help.txt';
$CGIfilename = 'search &quot;'.param('search').'&quot;' if param('search');
if (param('cs') eq 'blue') {
$syn{'Header'} = '<font color="#00fc00">';
$syn{'SectionDelim'} = '<font color="#00fc00">';
$syn{'Example'} = '<font color="#b8bcb8">';
$syn{'HyperTextJump'} = '<font color="#b8bcb8">';
$syn{'HyperTextEntry'} = '<font color="#00fcf8">';
$syn{'Option'} = '<font color="#f8a400">';
$syn{'Special'} = '<font color="#f800f8">';
$syn{'color'} = 'bgcolor="#000088" text="#f8fcf8" '
.'LINK="#b8bcb8" '
.'VLINK="#888c88" '
$syn{'end'} = '</font>';
elsif (param('cs') eq 'elflord') {
$syn{'Header'} = '<font color="#f880f8">';
$syn{'SectionDelim'} = '<font color="#f880f8">';
$syn{'Example'} = '<font color="#80a0f8">';
$syn{'HyperTextJump'} = '<font color="#40fcf8">';
$syn{'HyperTextEntry'} = '<font color="#f800f8">';
$syn{'Option'} = '<font color="#60fc60">';
$syn{'Special'} = '<font color="#f80000">';
$syn{'color'} = 'bgcolor="#000000" text="#00fcf8" '
.'LINK="#40fcf8" '
.'VLINK="#30aca8" '
$syn{'end'} = '</font>';
elsif (param('cs') eq 'evening') {
$syn{'Header'} = '<font color="#f880f8">';
$syn{'SectionDelim'} = '<font color="#f880f8">';
$syn{'Example'} = '<font color="#80a0f8">';
$syn{'HyperTextJump'} = '<font color="#40fcf8">';
$syn{'HyperTextEntry'} = '<font color="#f8a0a0">';
$syn{'Option'} = '<font color="#60fc60">';
$syn{'Special'} = '<font color="#f8a400">';
$syn{'color'} = 'bgcolor="#303030" text="#f8fcf8" '
.'LINK="#40fcf8" '
.'VLINK="#30aca8" '
$syn{'end'} = '</font>';
elsif (param('cs') eq 'koehler') {
$syn{'Header'} = '<font color="#f880f8">';
$syn{'SectionDelim'} = '<font color="#f880f8">';
$syn{'Example'} = '<font color="#80a0f8">';
$syn{'HyperTextJump'} = '<font color="#40fcf8">';
$syn{'HyperTextEntry'} = '<font color="#f8a0a0">';
$syn{'Option'} = '<font color="#60fc60">';
$syn{'Special'} = '<font color="#f8a400">';
$syn{'color'} = 'bgcolor="#000000" text="#f8fcf8" '
.'LINK="#40fcf8" '
.'VLINK="#30aca8" '
$syn{'end'} = '</font>';
elsif (param('cs') eq 'morning') {
$syn{'Header'} = '<font color="#a020f0">';
$syn{'SectionDelim'} = '<font color="#a020f0">';
$syn{'Example'} = '<font color="#0000f8">';
$syn{'HyperTextJump'} = '<font color="#008888">';
$syn{'HyperTextEntry'} = '<font color="#f800f8">';
$syn{'Option'} = '<font color="#288850">';
$syn{'Special'} = '<font color="#6858c8">';
$syn{'color'} = 'bgcolor="#e0e4e0" text="#000000" '
.'LINK="#008888" '
.'VLINK="#006868" '
$syn{'end'} = '</font>';
elsif (param('cs') eq 'murphy') {
$syn{'Header'} = '<font color="#f0dcb0">';
$syn{'SectionDelim'} = '<font color="#f0dcb0">';
$syn{'Example'} = '<font color="#f8a400">';
$syn{'HyperTextJump'} = '<font color="#00fcf8">';
$syn{'HyperTextEntry'} = '<font color="#f8fcf8">';
$syn{'Option'} = '<font color="#b8bcb8">';
$syn{'Special'} = '<font color="#f800f8">';
$syn{'color'} = 'bgcolor="#000000" text="#90ec90" '
.'LINK="#00fcf8" '
.'VLINK="#00aca8" '
$syn{'end'} = '</font>';
elsif (param('cs') eq 'pablo') {
$syn{'Header'} = '<font color="#00fc00">';
$syn{'SectionDelim'} = '<font color="#00fc00">';
$syn{'Example'} = '<font color="#808080">';
$syn{'HyperTextJump'} = '<font color="#00c0c0">';
$syn{'HyperTextEntry'} = '<font color="#00fcf8">';
$syn{'Option'} = '<font color="#00c000">';
$syn{'Special'} = '<font color="#0000f8">';
$syn{'color'} = 'bgcolor="#000000" text="#f8fcf8" '
.'LINK="#00c0c0" '
.'VLINK="#008080" '
$syn{'end'} = '</font>';
elsif (param('cs') eq 'peachpuff') {
$syn{'Header'} = '<font color="#c800c8">';
$syn{'SectionDelim'} = '<font color="#c800c8">';
$syn{'Example'} = '<font color="#406090">';
$syn{'HyperTextJump'} = '<font color="#008888">';
$syn{'HyperTextEntry'} = '<font color="#c00058">';
$syn{'Option'} = '<font color="#288850">';
$syn{'Special'} = '<font color="#6858c8">';
$syn{'color'} = 'bgcolor="#f8d8b8" text="#000000" '
.'LINK="#008888" '
.'VLINK="#006868" '
$syn{'end'} = '</font>';
elsif (param('cs') eq 'printman') {
$syn{'Header'} = '<font color="#000000">';
$syn{'SectionDelim'} = '<font color="#000000">';
$syn{'Example'} = '<font color="#000000">';
$syn{'HyperTextJump'} = '<font color="#000000">';
$syn{'HyperTextEntry'} = '<font color="#000000">';
$syn{'Option'} = '<font color="#000000">';
$syn{'Special'} = '<font color="#000000">';
$syn{'color'} = 'bgcolor="#f8fcf8" text="#000000" '
.'LINK="#000000" '
.'VLINK="#a8aca8" '
$syn{'end'} = '</font>';
elsif (param('cs') eq 'ron') {
$syn{'Header'} = '<font color="#e8a8b8">';
$syn{'SectionDelim'} = '<font color="#e8a8b8">';
$syn{'Example'} = '<font color="#00fc00">';
$syn{'HyperTextJump'} = '<font color="#00fcf8">';
$syn{'HyperTextEntry'} = '<font color="#00fcf8">';
$syn{'Option'} = '<font color="#288850">';
$syn{'Special'} = '<font color="#f8fc00">';
$syn{'color'} = 'bgcolor="#000000" text="#00fcf8" '
.'LINK="#00fcf8" '
.'VLINK="#00aca8" '
$syn{'end'} = '</font>';
elsif (param('cs') eq 'shine') {
$syn{'Header'} = '<font color="#a020f0">';
$syn{'SectionDelim'} = '<font color="#a020f0">';
$syn{'Example'} = '<font color="#a8a8a8">';
$syn{'HyperTextJump'} = '<font color="#008888">';
$syn{'HyperTextEntry'} = '<font color="#a07070">';
$syn{'Option'} = '<font color="#288850">';
$syn{'Special'} = '<font color="#f88c00">';
$syn{'color'} = 'bgcolor="#f8fcf8" text="#000000" '
.'LINK="#008888" '
.'VLINK="#006868" '
$syn{'end'} = '</font>';
elsif (param('cs') eq 'torte') {
$syn{'Header'} = '<font color="#f880f8">';
$syn{'SectionDelim'} = '<font color="#f880f8">';
$syn{'Example'} = '<font color="#80a0f8">';
$syn{'HyperTextJump'} = '<font color="#00fc00">';
$syn{'HyperTextEntry'} = '<font color="#f8a0a0">';
$syn{'Option'} = '<font color="#60fc60">';
$syn{'Special'} = '<font color="#f8a400">';
$syn{'color'} = 'bgcolor="#000000" text="#c8ccc8" '
.'LINK="#00fc00" '
.'VLINK="#00ac00" '
$syn{'end'} = '</font>';
elsif (param('cs') eq 'zellner') {
$syn{'Header'} = '<font color="#a020f0">';
$syn{'SectionDelim'} = '<font color="#a020f0">';
$syn{'Example'} = '<font color="#f80000">';
$syn{'HyperTextJump'} = '<font color="#0000f8">';
$syn{'HyperTextEntry'} = '<font color="#f800f8">';
$syn{'Option'} = '<font color="#0000f8">';
$syn{'Special'} = '<font color="#f800f8">';
$syn{'color'} = 'bgcolor="#f8fcf8" text="#000000" '
.'LINK="#0000f8" '
.'VLINK="#0000a8" '
$syn{'end'} = '</font>';
else { # (param('cs') eq 'default') {
$syn{'Header'} = '<font color="#a020f0">';
$syn{'SectionDelim'} = '<font color="#a020f0">';
$syn{'Example'} = '<font color="#0000f8">';
$syn{'HyperTextJump'} = '<font color="#008888">';
$syn{'HyperTextEntry'} = '<font color="#f800f8">';
$syn{'Option'} = '<font color="#288850">';
$syn{'Special'} = '<font color="#6858c8">';
$syn{'color'} = 'bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" '
.'LINK="#008888" '
.'VLINK="#006868" '
$syn{'end'} = '</font>';
if (param('search')) {
else {
print "<p></p>";
else {
if ($#ARGV < 1) {
print "ERROR: too few arguments\n";
my $nextarg = 0;
my $more = 0;
do {
print "$ARGV[$nextarg]\n";
$more = 0;
if ($ARGV[$nextarg] eq "-h0") {
$opt_htmlising = 0; # no html
$more = 1;
elsif ($ARGV[$nextarg] eq "-h1") {
$opt_htmlising = 1; # basic html
$more = 1;
elsif ($ARGV[$nextarg] eq "-h2") {
$opt_htmlising = 2; # Vim html
$more = 1;
} while ($more);
print "Processing tags...\n";
foreach my $file ($nextarg..$#ARGV) {
print "Processing ".$ARGV[ $file ]."...\n";
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