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Created January 15, 2018 13:27
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import $ivy.`org.tpolecat::doobie-core:0.4.4`
import $ivy.`org.tpolecat::doobie-postgres:0.4.4`
import java.time._
import java.sql.Timestamp
import java.util.TimeZone
import scala.sys.process._
import scala.xml.XML
import doobie.imports._
import scalaz._, scalaz.effect.IO, Scalaz._, scalaz.concurrent.Task,
val xa = DriverManagerTransactor[IO]("org.postgresql.Driver", "jdbc:postgresql:kilowatch", "scott", "tiger")
// enable implicit conversion from zoneddatetime
implicit val ZonedDateTimeMeta: Meta[ZonedDateTime] =
ts => ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(ts.getTime), ZoneId.systemDefault), // tz is arbitrary
zdt => new Timestamp(Instant.from(zdt).toEpochMilli)
case class MeterSetting(id: String, joulesPerReading: Int)
case class MeterReading(when: ZonedDateTime, reading: Long, meter: MeterSetting )
def buildCmd (id: String) = s"""/usr/bin/rtlamr -single -filterid=$id -format=xml"""
def read(meter: MeterSetting) = {
val xml = XML.loadString( buildCmd(!! )
MeterReading( ZonedDateTime.parse( (xml \ "Time") text ), (xml \ "Message" \@ "Consumption") toLong, meter )
def buildInsert(reading: MeterReading): Update0 = {
val reported = java.sql.Timestamp.from(reading.when.toInstant)
val deviceid =
val raw_reading = reading.reading
val joules = raw_reading * reading.meter.joulesPerReading
sql"insert into readings (reported, deviceid, raw_reading, joules) values ($reported, $deviceid, $raw_reading, $joules)".update
val joulesPerKiloWh = 3600 * 1000;
val joulesPerDecaWh = 3600 * 10;
val house = MeterSetting("ishouldlookthisup", joulesPerKiloWh)
val casita = MeterSetting("thisonetoo", joulesPerDecaWh)
val transaction =
for {
h <- buildInsert(read(house)).run
c <- buildInsert(read(casita)).run
} yield (h,c)
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