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Created August 21, 2015 14:19
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k8s aws conformance results 2015-08-21T09:27:37
Conformance test using /home/justinsb/.kube/config against master at
Conformance test run date:Fri Aug 21 09:27:37 EDT 2015
Conformance test SHA:293e209f3e5c21ab106880e32999e9cc05eb48ad
Conformance test version tag(s):
Conformance test checking conformance with Kubernetes version 1.0
Conformance test: not doing test setup.
I0821 09:27:37.533736 30123 e2e_test.go:98] The --provider flag is not set. Treating as a conformance test. Some tests may not be run.
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:27:37.694: INFO: Waiting up to 10m0s for all pods (need at least 0) in namespace 'kube-system' to be running and ready
Aug 21 09:27:43.250: INFO: 11 / 11 pods in namespace 'kube-system' are running and ready (5 seconds elapsed)
Aug 21 09:27:43.250: INFO: expected 7 pod replicas in namespace 'kube-system', 7 are Running and Ready.
Running Suite: Kubernetes e2e suite
Random Seed: 1436380640 - Will randomize all specs
Will run 84 of 146 specs
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default commmand (docker entrypoint)
[BeforeEach] Docker Containers
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:27:48.392: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-containers-3y7il
Aug 21 09:27:48.480: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-3y7il with secrets found. (87.64997ms)
[It] should be able to override the image's default commmand (docker entrypoint)
STEP: Creating a pod to test override command
Aug 21 09:27:48.572: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-containers-6a4967ea-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:27:48.658: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-6a4967ea-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:27:48.658: INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-6a4967ea-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-3y7il' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (85.348282ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:27:53.743: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-6a4967ea-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:27:53.743: INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-6a4967ea-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-3y7il' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.170506822s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod client-containers-6a4967ea-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:[/ep-2]
[AfterEach] Docker Containers
• [SLOW TEST:21.095 seconds]
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default commmand (docker entrypoint)
EmptyDir volumes
should support (non-root,0777,tmpfs)
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:28:09.478: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-9x8ms
Aug 21 09:28:09.569: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-9x8ms with secrets found. (90.921888ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:28:09.569: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-9x8ms
Aug 21 09:28:09.653: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-9x8ms with secrets found. (84.346973ms)
[It] should support (non-root,0777,tmpfs)
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir 0777 on tmpfs
Aug 21 09:28:09.742: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-76e830bf-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:28:09.833: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-76e830bf-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:28:09.833: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-76e830bf-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-9x8ms' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (91.44362ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:28:14.921: INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-76e830bf-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-9x8ms' so far
Aug 21 09:28:14.921: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-76e830bf-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-9x8ms' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.178935761s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-76e830bf-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": tmpfs
content of file "/test-volume/test-file": mount-tester new file
perms of file "/test-volume/test-file": -rwxrwxrwx
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
Aug 21 09:28:20.293: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:28:25.396: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:28:25.396: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:28:25.396: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:28:25.396: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:28:25.396: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:28:25.396: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:28:25.396: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:28:25.396: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-9x8ms" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:26.273 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should support (non-root,0777,tmpfs)
Proxy version v1
should proxy through a service and a pod
[BeforeEach] version v1
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:28:35.746: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-4p775
Aug 21 09:28:35.832: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-4p775 with secrets found. (85.819491ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:28:35.832: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-4p775
Aug 21 09:28:35.917: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-4p775 with secrets found. (85.114691ms)
[It] should proxy through a service and a pod
STEP: 2015-08-21 09:28:36.01207825 -0400 EDT Creating replication controller proxy-service-a2d8d
Aug 21 09:28:36.102: INFO: 2015-08-21 09:28:36.102190951 -0400 EDT Created replication controller with name: proxy-service-a2d8d, namespace: e2e-tests-proxy-4p775, replica count: 1
Aug 21 09:28:37.102: INFO: 2015-08-21 09:28:37.102372086 -0400 EDT proxy-service-a2d8d Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 terminating, 0 unknown
Aug 21 09:28:37.102: INFO: Ignoring prom push, push gateway unavailable
Aug 21 09:28:38.102: INFO: 2015-08-21 09:28:38.102574654 -0400 EDT proxy-service-a2d8d Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 terminating, 0 unknown
Aug 21 09:28:38.102: INFO: Ignoring prom push, push gateway unavailable
Aug 21 09:28:39.102: INFO: 2015-08-21 09:28:39.102771053 -0400 EDT proxy-service-a2d8d Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 terminating, 0 unknown
Aug 21 09:28:39.102: INFO: Ignoring prom push, push gateway unavailable
Aug 21 09:28:40.102: INFO: 2015-08-21 09:28:40.102939022 -0400 EDT proxy-service-a2d8d Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 1 running, 0 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 terminating, 0 unknown
Aug 21 09:28:40.102: INFO: Ignoring prom push, push gateway unavailable
Aug 21 09:28:46.621: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 384.749311ms)
Aug 21 09:28:46.708: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 321.554016ms)
Aug 21 09:28:46.753: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 215.731725ms)
Aug 21 09:28:46.795: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 107.688564ms)
Aug 21 09:28:46.925: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 87.555624ms)
Aug 21 09:28:47.073: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 85.434904ms)
Aug 21 09:28:47.224: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 86.294386ms)
Aug 21 09:28:47.377: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 89.017185ms)
Aug 21 09:28:47.526: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 88.81126ms)
Aug 21 09:28:47.675: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 87.328992ms)
Aug 21 09:28:47.824: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 86.205245ms)
Aug 21 09:28:47.975: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 86.920865ms)
Aug 21 09:28:48.125: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 86.528821ms)
Aug 21 09:28:48.282: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 93.741551ms)
Aug 21 09:28:48.425: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 86.380135ms)
Aug 21 09:28:48.575: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 86.304368ms)
Aug 21 09:28:48.725: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 86.16ms)
Aug 21 09:28:48.888: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 99.85503ms)
Aug 21 09:28:49.026: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 87.158124ms)
Aug 21 09:28:49.176: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 86.84648ms)
Aug 21 09:28:49.328: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 88.901883ms)
Aug 21 09:28:49.478: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 88.883637ms)
Aug 21 09:28:49.626: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 87.046883ms)
Aug 21 09:28:49.776: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 86.19616ms)
Aug 21 09:28:49.927: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 87.552886ms)
Aug 21 09:28:50.089: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 99.176191ms)
Aug 21 09:28:50.227: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 86.864614ms)
Aug 21 09:28:50.377: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 87.344584ms)
Aug 21 09:28:50.527: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 87.137906ms)
Aug 21 09:28:50.710: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 119.560776ms)
Aug 21 09:28:50.827: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 86.820378ms)
Aug 21 09:28:50.977: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 86.847473ms)
Aug 21 09:28:51.129: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 87.976314ms)
Aug 21 09:28:51.286: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 95.0992ms)
Aug 21 09:28:51.430: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 88.568103ms)
Aug 21 09:28:51.578: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 86.876546ms)
Aug 21 09:28:51.728: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 87.078396ms)
Aug 21 09:28:51.878: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 86.76398ms)
Aug 21 09:28:52.028: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 86.82981ms)
Aug 21 09:28:52.185: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 93.812466ms)
Aug 21 09:28:52.344: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 101.886975ms)
Aug 21 09:28:52.543: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 151.526154ms)
Aug 21 09:28:52.748: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 205.648423ms)
Aug 21 09:28:52.943: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 250.590368ms)
Aug 21 09:28:53.143: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 301.284476ms)
Aug 21 09:28:53.344: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 351.265807ms)
Aug 21 09:28:53.544: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 401.433044ms)
Aug 21 09:28:53.743: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 450.400269ms)
Aug 21 09:28:53.944: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 501.214538ms)
Aug 21 09:28:54.143: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 550.551916ms)
Aug 21 09:28:54.357: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 614.126099ms)
Aug 21 09:28:54.544: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 650.804897ms)
Aug 21 09:28:54.749: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 705.595209ms)
Aug 21 09:28:54.951: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 757.430175ms)
Aug 21 09:28:55.152: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 808.32946ms)
Aug 21 09:28:55.360: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 866.135096ms)
Aug 21 09:28:55.543: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 899.230784ms)
Aug 21 09:28:55.744: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 949.999114ms)
Aug 21 09:28:55.955: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 1.011386928s)
Aug 21 09:28:56.143: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 1.049102635s)
Aug 21 09:28:56.344: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 1.0995904s)
Aug 21 09:28:56.544: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 1.149807422s)
Aug 21 09:28:56.743: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 1.198614444s)
Aug 21 09:28:56.944: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 1.249800292s)
Aug 21 09:28:57.143: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 1.298571944s)
Aug 21 09:28:57.344: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 1.349060651s)
Aug 21 09:28:57.544: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 1.399061222s)
Aug 21 09:28:57.743: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 1.448445878s)
Aug 21 09:28:57.943: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 1.498043653s)
Aug 21 09:28:58.144: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 1.548508891s)
Aug 21 09:28:58.355: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 1.609899302s)
Aug 21 09:28:58.543: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 1.648096743s)
Aug 21 09:28:58.744: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 1.69840074s)
Aug 21 09:28:58.943: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 1.746961798s)
Aug 21 09:28:59.144: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 1.797734894s)
Aug 21 09:28:59.344: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 1.847848466s)
Aug 21 09:28:59.556: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 1.910199727s)
Aug 21 09:28:59.743: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 1.946628746s)
Aug 21 09:28:59.944: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 1.997477863s)
Aug 21 09:29:00.143: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 2.046966735s)
Aug 21 09:29:00.386: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 2.139168243s)
Aug 21 09:29:00.544: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 2.147334674s)
Aug 21 09:29:00.751: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 2.204598109s)
Aug 21 09:29:00.943: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 2.24640382s)
Aug 21 09:29:01.145: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 2.297867033s)
Aug 21 09:29:01.343: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 2.346472966s)
Aug 21 09:29:01.543: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 2.39603486s)
Aug 21 09:29:01.744: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 2.447015855s)
Aug 21 09:29:01.943: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 2.49613683s)
Aug 21 09:29:02.147: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 2.549989093s)
Aug 21 09:29:02.346: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 2.598926521s)
Aug 21 09:29:02.546: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 2.648462554s)
Aug 21 09:29:02.743: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 2.69527432s)
Aug 21 09:29:02.945: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 2.747380377s)
Aug 21 09:29:03.147: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 2.798493788s)
Aug 21 09:29:03.343: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:162/: bar (200; 2.844894343s)
Aug 21 09:29:03.548: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname1/: foo (200; 2.899757414s)
Aug 21 09:29:03.744: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/services/proxy-service-a2d8d:portname2/: bar (200; 2.94519463s)
Aug 21 09:29:03.943: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:80/rewrite... (200; 2.994522175s)
Aug 21 09:29:04.144: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-4p775/pods/proxy-service-a2d8d-33dig:160/: foo (200; 3.045026495s)
STEP: 2015-08-21 09:29:04.144193125 -0400 EDT Deleting replication controller proxy-service-a2d8d in namespace e2e-tests-proxy-4p775
Aug 21 09:29:07.189: INFO: Deleting RC took: 2.845052094s
Aug 21 09:29:12.276: INFO: Terminating RC pods took: 5.086630589s
[AfterEach] version v1
Aug 21 09:29:12.386: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:29:17.489: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:29:17.489: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:29:17.489: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:29:17.489: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:29:17.489: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:29:17.489: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:29:17.489: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:29:17.489: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-proxy-4p775" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:52.104 seconds]
version v1
should proxy through a service and a pod
should function for intra-pod communication
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:29:27.852: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-752y2
Aug 21 09:29:27.943: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-752y2 with secrets found. (90.835106ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:29:27.943: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-752y2
Aug 21 09:29:28.029: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-752y2 with secrets found. (86.157729ms)
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Executing a successful http request from the external internet
[It] should function for intra-pod communication
STEP: Creating a service named "nettest" in namespace "e2e-tests-nettest-752y2"
STEP: Creating a webserver (pending) pod on each node
Aug 21 09:29:28.322: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:29:28.322: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:29:28.322: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:29:28.322: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:29:28.322: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:29:28.322: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:29:28.322: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:29:28.322: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:29:28.417: INFO: Created pod nettest-lc3by on node
Aug 21 09:29:28.516: INFO: Created pod nettest-rkapw on node
Aug 21 09:29:28.605: INFO: Created pod nettest-q3fow on node
Aug 21 09:29:28.694: INFO: Created pod nettest-70e6q on node
STEP: Waiting for the webserver pods to transition to Running state
Aug 21 09:29:28.694: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod nettest-lc3by status to be running
Aug 21 09:29:28.779: INFO: Waiting for pod nettest-lc3by in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-752y2' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (85.825733ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:29:33.869: INFO: Found pod 'nettest-lc3by' on node ''
Aug 21 09:29:33.869: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod nettest-rkapw status to be running
Aug 21 09:29:33.959: INFO: Waiting for pod nettest-rkapw in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-752y2' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (89.944717ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:29:39.047: INFO: Found pod 'nettest-rkapw' on node ''
Aug 21 09:29:39.047: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod nettest-q3fow status to be running
Aug 21 09:29:39.138: INFO: Found pod 'nettest-q3fow' on node ''
Aug 21 09:29:39.138: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod nettest-70e6q status to be running
Aug 21 09:29:39.231: INFO: Found pod 'nettest-70e6q' on node ''
STEP: Waiting for connectivity to be verified
Aug 21 09:29:41.231: INFO: About to make a proxy status call
Aug 21 09:29:41.320: INFO: Proxy status call returned in 88.925626ms
Aug 21 09:29:41.320: INFO: Attempt 0: test still running
Aug 21 09:29:43.320: INFO: About to make a proxy status call
Aug 21 09:29:43.408: INFO: Proxy status call returned in 88.241022ms
Aug 21 09:29:43.408: INFO: Attempt 1: test still running
Aug 21 09:29:45.408: INFO: About to make a proxy status call
Aug 21 09:29:45.494: INFO: Proxy status call returned in 86.147516ms
Aug 21 09:29:45.494: INFO: Passed on attempt 2. Cleaning up.
STEP: Cleaning up the webserver pods
STEP: Cleaning up the service
[AfterEach] Networking
Aug 21 09:29:46.036: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:29:51.125: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:29:51.125: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:29:51.125: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:29:51.125: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:29:51.125: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:29:51.125: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:29:51.125: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:29:51.125: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-nettest-752y2" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:33.638 seconds]
should function for intra-pod communication
should serve a basic endpoint from pods
[BeforeEach] Services
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:30:01.493: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-services-1ekod
Aug 21 09:30:01.583: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-services-1ekod with secrets found. (89.861591ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:30:01.583: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-services-1ekod
Aug 21 09:30:01.669: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-services-1ekod with secrets found. (86.233662ms)
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
Aug 21 09:30:06.762: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur
Aug 21 09:30:06.854: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur with secrets found. (91.855106ms)
Aug 21 09:30:11.944: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-zgyl9
Aug 21 09:30:12.035: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-zgyl9 with secrets found. (90.441812ms)
[It] should serve a basic endpoint from pods
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur to expose endpoints map[]
Aug 21 09:30:12.218: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur/endpoints/endpoint-test2 970f4519-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 690 0 2015-08-21 09:29:03 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} []}
Aug 21 09:30:12.218: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[] -> map[] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur exposes endpoints map[] (86.401693ms elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod test1 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur to expose endpoints map[test1:[80]]
Aug 21 09:30:12.393: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur/endpoints/endpoint-test2 970f4519-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 690 0 2015-08-21 09:29:03 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} []}
Aug 21 09:30:12.393: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[test1:[80]] -> map[97288abd-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur
Aug 21 09:30:12.479: INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[test1:[80]] (172.120119ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
Aug 21 09:30:17.566: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur/endpoints/endpoint-test2 970f4519-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 690 0 2015-08-21 09:29:03 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} []}
Aug 21 09:30:17.566: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[test1:[80]] -> map[97288abd-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur
Aug 21 09:30:17.654: INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[test1:[80]] (5.346292924s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
Aug 21 09:30:22.740: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur/endpoints/endpoint-test2 970f4519-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 707 0 2015-08-21 09:29:03 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2082709a0}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
Aug 21 09:30:22.740: INFO: Found pod 97288abd-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 80 and container port 80
Aug 21 09:30:22.740: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[97288abd-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[test1:[80]] -> map[97288abd-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur exposes endpoints map[test1:[80]] (10.52763056s elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur to expose endpoints map[test1:[80] test2:[80]]
Aug 21 09:30:23.016: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur/endpoints/endpoint-test2 970f4519-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 707 0 2015-08-21 09:29:03 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2082681c0}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
Aug 21 09:30:23.016: INFO: Found pod 97288abd-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 80 and container port 80
Aug 21 09:30:23.016: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[97288abd-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[test1:[80] test2:[80]] -> map[97288abd-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80] 9d7cc845-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur
Aug 21 09:30:23.202: INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[97288abd-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80]], expected map[test1:[80] test2:[80]] (275.587346ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
Aug 21 09:30:28.289: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur/endpoints/endpoint-test2 970f4519-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 707 0 2015-08-21 09:29:03 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2082699d0}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
Aug 21 09:30:28.289: INFO: Found pod 97288abd-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 80 and container port 80
Aug 21 09:30:28.289: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[97288abd-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[test1:[80] test2:[80]] -> map[97288abd-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80] 9d7cc845-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur
Aug 21 09:30:28.472: INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[97288abd-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80]], expected map[test2:[80] test1:[80]] (5.545337014s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
Aug 21 09:30:33.558: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur/endpoints/endpoint-test2 970f4519-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 724 0 2015-08-21 09:29:03 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2082593b0} { 0xc208259490}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
Aug 21 09:30:33.558: INFO: Found pod 9d7cc845-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 80 and container port 80
Aug 21 09:30:33.558: INFO: Found pod 97288abd-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 80 and container port 80
Aug 21 09:30:33.558: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[9d7cc845-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80] 97288abd-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[test1:[80] test2:[80]] -> map[97288abd-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80] 9d7cc845-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur exposes endpoints map[test1:[80] test2:[80]] (10.80654042s elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur to expose endpoints map[test2:[80]]
Aug 21 09:30:33.914: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur/endpoints/endpoint-test2 970f4519-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 726 0 2015-08-21 09:29:03 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2082511f0}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
Aug 21 09:30:33.914: INFO: Found pod 9d7cc845-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 80 and container port 80
Aug 21 09:30:33.914: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[9d7cc845-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[test2:[80]] -> map[9d7cc845-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[80]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur exposes endpoints map[test2:[80]] (178.595211ms elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur to expose endpoints map[]
Aug 21 09:30:34.181: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur/endpoints/endpoint-test2 970f4519-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 731 0 2015-08-21 09:29:03 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} []}
Aug 21 09:30:34.182: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[] -> map[] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur exposes endpoints map[] (90.086437ms elapsed)
[AfterEach] Services
Aug 21 09:30:34.286: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:30:39.378: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:30:39.378: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:30:39.378: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:30:39.378: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:30:39.378: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:30:39.378: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:30:39.378: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:30:39.378: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-services-1ekod" for this suite.
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2zfur
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-zgyl9
• [SLOW TEST:58.784 seconds]
should serve a basic endpoint from pods
EmptyDir volumes
should support (non-root,0644,tmpfs)
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:31:00.274: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-q1z8n
Aug 21 09:31:00.362: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-q1z8n with secrets found. (88.031015ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:31:00.362: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-q1z8n
Aug 21 09:31:00.449: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-q1z8n with secrets found. (87.035458ms)
[It] should support (non-root,0644,tmpfs)
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir 0644 on tmpfs
Aug 21 09:31:00.539: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-dcb595a2-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:31:00.624: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-dcb595a2-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:31:00.624: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-dcb595a2-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-q1z8n' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (85.662606ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:31:05.713: INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-dcb595a2-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-q1z8n' so far
Aug 21 09:31:05.713: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-dcb595a2-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-q1z8n' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.174293875s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-dcb595a2-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": tmpfs
content of file "/test-volume/test-file": mount-tester new file
perms of file "/test-volume/test-file": -rw-r--r--
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
Aug 21 09:31:11.127: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:31:16.221: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:31:16.221: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:31:16.221: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:31:16.221: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:31:16.221: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:31:16.221: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:31:16.221: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:31:16.221: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-q1z8n" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:26.310 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should support (non-root,0644,tmpfs)
should be sent by kubelets and the scheduler about pods scheduling and running
[BeforeEach] Events
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:31:26.583: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-events-wn9ii
Aug 21 09:31:26.673: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-events-wn9ii with secrets found. (90.800551ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:31:26.673: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-events-wn9ii
Aug 21 09:31:26.760: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-events-wn9ii with secrets found. (86.250879ms)
[It] should be sent by kubelets and the scheduler about pods scheduling and running
STEP: creating the pod
STEP: submitting the pod to kubernetes
Aug 21 09:31:26.850: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod send-events-ec644cd8-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be running
Aug 21 09:31:26.937: INFO: Waiting for pod send-events-ec644cd8-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-events-wn9ii' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (86.674801ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:31:32.035: INFO: Waiting for pod send-events-ec644cd8-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-events-wn9ii' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.185216374s elapsed)
Aug 21 09:31:37.123: INFO: Found pod 'send-events-ec644cd8-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' on node ''
STEP: verifying the pod is in kubernetes
STEP: retrieving the pod
&{TypeMeta:{Kind: APIVersion:} ObjectMeta:{Name:send-events-ec644cd8-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf GenerateName: Namespace:e2e-tests-events-wn9ii SelfLink:/api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-events-wn9ii/pods/send-events-ec644cd8-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf UID:c3964605-4808-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 ResourceVersion:842 Generation:0 CreationTimestamp:2015-08-21 09:30:18 -0400 EDT DeletionTimestamp:<nil> DeletionGracePeriodSeconds:<nil> Labels:map[name:foo time:760276519] Annotations:map[]} Spec:{Volumes:[{Name:default-token-nan01 VolumeSource:{HostPath:<nil> EmptyDir:<nil> GCEPersistentDisk:<nil> AWSElasticBlockStore:<nil> GitRepo:<nil> Secret:0xc2082f88e0 NFS:<nil> ISCSI:<nil> Glusterfs:<nil> PersistentVolumeClaim:<nil> RBD:<nil>}}] Containers:[{Name:p Command:[] Args:[] WorkingDir: Ports:[{Name: HostPort:0 ContainerPort:80 Protocol:TCP HostIP:}] Env:[] Resources:{Limits:map[] Requests:map[]} VolumeMounts:[{Name:default-token-nan01 ReadOnly:true MountPath:/var/run/secrets/}] LivenessProbe:<nil> ReadinessProbe:<nil> Lifecycle:<nil> TerminationMessagePath:/dev/termination-log ImagePullPolicy:IfNotPresent SecurityContext:<nil> Stdin:false TTY:false}] RestartPolicy:Always TerminationGracePeriodSeconds:0xc2082f88d8 ActiveDeadlineSeconds:<nil> DNSPolicy:ClusterFirst NodeSelector:map[] ServiceAccountName:default HostNetwork:false ImagePullSecrets:[]} Status:{Phase:Running Conditions:[{Type:Ready Status:True}] Message: Reason: HostIP: PodIP: StartTime:2015-08-21 09:30:18 -0400 EDT ContainerStatuses:[{Name:p State:{Waiting:<nil> Running:0xc2085df040 Terminated:<nil>} LastTerminationState:{Waiting:<nil> Running:<nil> Terminated:<nil>} Ready:true RestartCount:0 ImageID:docker://00619279d4083019321e4865829a65a550a23c677d76cbb44274ade0d92ca7a9 ContainerID:docker://69f3ba5fb8d4b8e9a2ee166ed6b3589cc91679fae1787b077235cb1d3b8005c0}]}}
STEP: checking for scheduler event about the pod
Saw scheduler event for our pod.
STEP: checking for kubelet event about the pod
Saw kubelet event for our pod.
STEP: deleting the pod
[AfterEach] Events
Aug 21 09:31:41.575: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:31:46.665: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:31:46.665: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:31:46.665: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:31:46.665: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:31:46.665: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:31:46.665: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:31:46.665: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:31:46.665: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-events-wn9ii" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:30.446 seconds]
should be sent by kubelets and the scheduler about pods scheduling and running
EmptyDir volumes
should support (root,0666,default)
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:31:57.030: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-mbosa
Aug 21 09:31:57.120: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-mbosa with secrets found. (90.343788ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:31:57.120: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-mbosa
Aug 21 09:31:57.206: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-mbosa with secrets found. (85.793659ms)
[It] should support (root,0666,default)
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir 0666 on node default medium
Aug 21 09:31:57.302: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-fe8a0d33-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:31:57.389: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-fe8a0d33-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:31:57.389: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-fe8a0d33-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-mbosa' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (87.070811ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:32:02.477: INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-fe8a0d33-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-mbosa' so far
Aug 21 09:32:02.477: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-fe8a0d33-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-mbosa' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.174659161s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-fe8a0d33-4808-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": 61267
content of file "/test-volume/test-file": mount-tester new file
perms of file "/test-volume/test-file": -rw-rw-rw-
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
Aug 21 09:32:07.847: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:32:12.936: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:32:12.936: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:32:12.936: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:32:12.936: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:32:12.936: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:32:12.936: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:32:12.936: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:32:12.936: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-mbosa" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:26.280 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should support (root,0666,default)
Kubectl client Kubectl run pod
should create a pod from an image when restart is OnFailure
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:32:23.318: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-gw9zq
Aug 21 09:32:23.409: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-gw9zq with secrets found. (90.882298ms)
[BeforeEach] Kubectl run pod
[It] should create a pod from an image when restart is OnFailure
STEP: running the image nginx
Aug 21 09:32:23.409: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config run e2e-test-nginx-pod --restart=OnFailure --image=nginx --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-gw9zq'
e2e-test-nginx-pod 0/1 Pending 0 1m
STEP: verifying the pod e2e-test-nginx-pod was created
[AfterEach] Kubectl run pod
Aug 21 09:32:24.202: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config stop pods e2e-test-nginx-pod --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-gw9zq'
Aug 21 09:32:25.089: INFO: pod "e2e-test-nginx-pod" deleted
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-gw9zq
• [SLOW TEST:12.140 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl run pod
should create a pod from an image when restart is OnFailure
EmptyDir volumes
should support (root,0777,tmpfs)
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:32:35.447: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-n4w4e
Aug 21 09:32:35.537: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-n4w4e with secrets found. (90.378303ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:32:35.537: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-n4w4e
Aug 21 09:32:35.623: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-n4w4e with secrets found. (85.529215ms)
[It] should support (root,0777,tmpfs)
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir 0777 on tmpfs
Aug 21 09:32:35.721: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-156fff15-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:32:35.807: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-156fff15-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:32:35.807: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-156fff15-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-n4w4e' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (85.292141ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:32:40.896: INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-156fff15-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-n4w4e' so far
Aug 21 09:32:40.896: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-156fff15-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-n4w4e' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.174599317s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-156fff15-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": tmpfs
content of file "/test-volume/test-file": mount-tester new file
perms of file "/test-volume/test-file": -rwxrwxrwx
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
Aug 21 09:32:46.263: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:32:51.357: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:32:51.357: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:32:51.357: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:32:51.357: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:32:51.357: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:32:51.357: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:32:51.357: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:32:51.357: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-n4w4e" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:26.268 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should support (root,0777,tmpfs)
validates that NodeSelector is respected.
[BeforeEach] SchedulerPredicates
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:32:56.722: INFO: Waiting for terminating namespaces to be deleted...
Aug 21 09:33:01.901: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-sched-pred-52xfe
Aug 21 09:33:01.987: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-sched-pred-52xfe with secrets found. (86.137695ms)
[It] validates that NodeSelector is respected.
STEP: Trying to schedule Pod with nonempty NodeSelector.
Aug 21 09:33:02.260: INFO: Sleeping 10 seconds and crossing our fingers that scheduler will run in that time.
[AfterEach] SchedulerPredicates
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-sched-pred-52xfe
• Failure [21.184 seconds]
validates that NodeSelector is respected. [It]

<[]api.Event | len:0, cap:0>: []
not to be empty
EmptyDir volumes
volume on default medium should have the correct mode
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:33:22.908: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-q633s
Aug 21 09:33:23.006: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-q633s with secrets found. (97.93193ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:33:23.006: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-q633s
Aug 21 09:33:23.093: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-q633s with secrets found. (87.526203ms)
[It] volume on default medium should have the correct mode
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir volume type on node default medium
Aug 21 09:33:23.184: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-31bb60f3-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:33:23.270: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-31bb60f3-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:33:23.270: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-31bb60f3-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-q633s' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (85.840453ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:33:28.361: INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-31bb60f3-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-q633s' so far
Aug 21 09:33:28.361: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-31bb60f3-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-q633s' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.177232191s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-31bb60f3-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": 61267
perms of file "/test-volume": -rwxr-x---
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Collecting events from namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-q633s".
Aug 21 09:33:33.853: INFO: event for pod-31bb60f3-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {scheduler } scheduled: Successfully assigned pod-31bb60f3-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf to
Aug 21 09:33:33.853: INFO: event for pod-31bb60f3-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} pulled: Pod container image "" already present on machine
Aug 21 09:33:33.853: INFO: event for pod-31bb60f3-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} created: Created with docker id dee389a580a8
Aug 21 09:33:33.853: INFO: event for pod-31bb60f3-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} started: Started with docker id dee389a580a8
Aug 21 09:33:33.853: INFO: event for pod-31bb60f3-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} created: Created with docker id 7a2f369f4744
Aug 21 09:33:33.853: INFO: event for pod-31bb60f3-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} started: Started with docker id 7a2f369f4744
Aug 21 09:33:33.853: INFO: event for pod-31bb60f3-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} killing: Killing with docker id dee389a580a8
Aug 21 09:33:34.044: INFO: Pod kube-system elasticsearch-logging-v1-7w4sv, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:33:34.044: INFO: Pod kube-system elasticsearch-logging-v1-rz5mu, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:33:34.044: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:33:34.044: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:33:34.044: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:33:34.044: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:33:34.044: INFO: Pod kube-system kibana-logging-v1-2uk02, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:33:34.044: INFO: Pod kube-system kube-dns-v8-padaw, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:33:34.044: INFO: Pod kube-system kube-ui-v1-k2s4l, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:33:34.044: INFO: Pod kube-system monitoring-heapster-v6-qfg9r, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:33:34.044: INFO: Pod kube-system monitoring-influx-grafana-v1-r241e, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:33:34.044: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:33:39.135: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:33:39.135: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:33:39.135: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:33:39.135: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:33:39.135: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:33:39.135: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:33:39.135: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:33:39.135: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-q633s" for this suite.
• Failure [26.591 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
volume on default medium should have the correct mode [It]
"perms of file \"/test-volume\": -rwxrwxrwx" in container output
<string>: mount type of "/test-volume": 61267
perms of file "/test-volume": -rwxr-x---
to contain substring
<string>: perms of file "/test-volume": -rwxrwxrwx
should *not* be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe
[BeforeEach] Pods
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:33:49.499: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-3vru7
Aug 21 09:33:49.609: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-3vru7 with secrets found. (109.795437ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:33:49.609: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-3vru7
Aug 21 09:33:49.696: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-3vru7 with secrets found. (87.240307ms)
[It] should *not* be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe
STEP: Creating pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-3vru7
Aug 21 09:33:49.786: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod liveness-http status to be !pending
Aug 21 09:33:49.874: INFO: Waiting for pod liveness-http in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-3vru7' status to be '!pending'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (87.381939ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:33:54.962: INFO: Saw pod 'liveness-http' in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-3vru7' out of pending state (found '"Running"')
STEP: Started pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-3vru7
STEP: checking the pod's current state and verifying that restartCount is present
STEP: Initial restart count of pod liveness-http is 0
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (89.794826ms elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (2.17735883s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (4.265775796s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (6.353845227s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (8.441613946s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (10.527737393s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (12.615131609s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (14.702072704s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (16.7884333s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (18.875013736s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (20.963528873s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (23.053474785s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (25.141642391s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (27.230577892s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (29.324189992s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (31.419714437s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (33.507345711s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (35.595382948s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (37.684206703s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (39.772044557s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (41.869370608s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (43.956870634s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (46.043167734s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (48.130654448s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (50.217983476s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (52.30525198s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (54.392880368s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (56.488715349s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (58.575592443s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m0.66242317s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m2.759578622s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m4.850554393s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m6.937528652s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m9.025281284s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m11.111704552s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m13.19870977s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m15.288978413s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m17.375810611s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m19.463344256s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m21.551010872s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m23.638487649s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m25.726072696s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m27.8138822s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m29.901542468s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m31.98910726s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m34.076380409s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m36.163554729s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m38.250262859s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m40.338576547s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m42.42938391s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m44.518808829s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m46.605517966s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m48.693402358s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m50.782108919s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m52.869228045s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m54.956619651s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m57.043264262s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-3vru7/liveness-http is now 0 (1m59.130620446s elapsed)
STEP: deleting the pod
[AfterEach] Pods
Aug 21 09:35:56.292: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:36:01.385: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:36:01.385: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:36:01.385: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:36:01.385: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:36:01.385: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:36:01.385: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:36:01.385: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:36:01.385: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pods-3vru7" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:142.254 seconds]
should *not* be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe
should get a host IP
Variable Expansion
should allow composing env vars into new env vars
[BeforeEach] Variable Expansion
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:36:11.743: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-7lhkh
Aug 21 09:36:11.834: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-7lhkh with secrets found. (90.546561ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:36:11.834: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-7lhkh
Aug 21 09:36:11.920: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-7lhkh with secrets found. (86.802204ms)
[It] should allow composing env vars into new env vars
STEP: Creating a pod to test env composition
Aug 21 09:36:12.018: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod var-expansion-965c60a2-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:36:12.104: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-965c60a2-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:36:12.104: INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-965c60a2-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-7lhkh' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (85.904802ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:36:17.193: INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-965c60a2-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-7lhkh' so far
Aug 21 09:36:17.193: INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-965c60a2-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-7lhkh' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.175041923s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod var-expansion-965c60a2-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container dapi-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:KUBERNETES_PORT=tcp://
[AfterEach] Variable Expansion
Aug 21 09:36:22.552: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:36:27.643: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:36:27.643: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:36:27.643: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:36:27.643: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:36:27.643: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:36:27.643: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:36:27.643: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:36:27.643: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-var-expansion-7lhkh" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:26.279 seconds]
Variable Expansion
should allow composing env vars into new env vars
EmptyDir volumes
should support (root,0666,tmpfs)
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:36:38.026: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-erji0
Aug 21 09:36:38.119: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-erji0 with secrets found. (92.770471ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:36:38.119: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-erji0
Aug 21 09:36:38.225: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-erji0 with secrets found. (106.114457ms)
[It] should support (root,0666,tmpfs)
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir 0666 on tmpfs
Aug 21 09:36:38.315: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-a60a2dc9-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:36:38.405: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-a60a2dc9-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:36:38.405: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-a60a2dc9-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-erji0' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (89.318375ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:36:43.502: INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-a60a2dc9-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-erji0' so far
Aug 21 09:36:43.502: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-a60a2dc9-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-erji0' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.186881738s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-a60a2dc9-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": tmpfs
content of file "/test-volume/test-file": mount-tester new file
perms of file "/test-volume/test-file": -rw-rw-rw-
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
Aug 21 09:36:48.888: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:36:53.977: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:36:53.977: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:36:53.977: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:36:53.977: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:36:53.977: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:36:53.977: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:36:53.977: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:36:53.977: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-erji0" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:26.318 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should support (root,0666,tmpfs)
Kubectl client Kubectl patch
should add annotations for pods in rc
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:37:04.347: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-tjpkm
Aug 21 09:37:04.458: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-tjpkm with secrets found. (110.985036ms)
[It] should add annotations for pods in rc
STEP: creating Redis RC
Aug 21 09:37:04.458: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-tjpkm'
Aug 21 09:37:05.070: INFO: replicationcontroller "redis-master" created
STEP: patching all pods
Aug 21 09:37:05.157: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod redis-master-bfqlc status to be running
Aug 21 09:37:05.245: INFO: Waiting for pod redis-master-bfqlc in namespace 'e2e-tests-kubectl-tjpkm' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (88.102355ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:37:10.336: INFO: Waiting for pod redis-master-bfqlc in namespace 'e2e-tests-kubectl-tjpkm' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.179419426s elapsed)
Aug 21 09:37:15.427: INFO: Found pod 'redis-master-bfqlc' on node ''
Aug 21 09:37:15.427: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config patch pod redis-master-bfqlc --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-tjpkm -p {"metadata":{"annotations":{"x":"y"}}}'
Aug 21 09:37:16.174: INFO: "redis-master-bfqlc" patched
STEP: checking annotations
Aug 21 09:37:16.265: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod redis-master-bfqlc status to be running
Aug 21 09:37:16.354: INFO: Found pod 'redis-master-bfqlc' on node ''
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-tjpkm
• [SLOW TEST:22.370 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl patch
should add annotations for pods in rc
validates resource limits of pods that are allowed to run.
[BeforeEach] SchedulerPredicates
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:37:21.714: INFO: Waiting for terminating namespaces to be deleted...
Aug 21 09:37:26.903: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-sched-pred-2v7fg
Aug 21 09:37:26.994: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-sched-pred-2v7fg with secrets found. (90.713488ms)
[It] validates resource limits of pods that are allowed to run.
Aug 21 09:37:27.173: INFO: Pod elasticsearch-logging-v1-7w4sv requesting capacity 100 on Node
Aug 21 09:37:27.173: INFO: Pod elasticsearch-logging-v1-rz5mu requesting capacity 100 on Node
Aug 21 09:37:27.173: INFO: Pod requesting capacity 100 on Node
Aug 21 09:37:27.173: INFO: Pod requesting capacity 100 on Node
Aug 21 09:37:27.173: INFO: Pod requesting capacity 100 on Node
Aug 21 09:37:27.173: INFO: Pod requesting capacity 100 on Node
Aug 21 09:37:27.173: INFO: Pod kibana-logging-v1-2uk02 requesting capacity 100 on Node
Aug 21 09:37:27.173: INFO: Pod kube-dns-v8-padaw requesting capacity 310 on Node
Aug 21 09:37:27.173: INFO: Pod kube-ui-v1-k2s4l requesting capacity 100 on Node
Aug 21 09:37:27.173: INFO: Pod monitoring-heapster-v6-qfg9r requesting capacity 100 on Node
Aug 21 09:37:27.173: INFO: Pod monitoring-influx-grafana-v1-r241e requesting capacity 200 on Node
Aug 21 09:37:27.173: INFO: Node: has capacity: 800
Aug 21 09:37:27.173: INFO: Node: has capacity: 700
Aug 21 09:37:27.173: INFO: Node: has capacity: 700
Aug 21 09:37:27.173: INFO: Node: has capacity: 390
STEP: Starting additional 25 Pods to fully saturate the cluster CPU and trying to start another one
Aug 21 09:37:30.723: INFO: 11 pods running
Aug 21 09:37:36.018: INFO: 26 pods running
Aug 21 09:37:41.318: INFO: 32 pods running
Aug 21 09:37:46.595: INFO: 36 pods running
Aug 21 09:37:51.684: INFO: Sleeping 10 seconds and crossing our fingers that scheduler will run in that time.
[AfterEach] SchedulerPredicates
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-sched-pred-2v7fg
• Failure [50.732 seconds]
validates resource limits of pods that are allowed to run. [It]

<[]api.Event | len:0, cap:0>: []
not to be empty
should be submitted and removed
[BeforeEach] Pods
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:38:17.444: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-p59gc
Aug 21 09:38:17.535: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-p59gc with secrets found. (90.222891ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:38:17.535: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-p59gc
Aug 21 09:38:17.620: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-p59gc with secrets found. (85.343081ms)
[It] should be submitted and removed
STEP: creating the pod
STEP: setting up watch
STEP: submitting the pod to kubernetes
STEP: verifying the pod is in kubernetes
STEP: verifying pod creation was observed
STEP: deleting the pod
STEP: verifying pod deletion was observed
[AfterEach] Pods
Aug 21 09:38:18.263: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:38:23.350: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:38:23.350: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:38:23.350: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:38:23.350: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:38:23.350: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:38:23.350: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:38:23.350: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:38:23.350: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pods-p59gc" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:16.269 seconds]
should be submitted and removed
Kubectl client Update Demo
should create and stop a replication controller
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:38:33.713: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-ky73m
Aug 21 09:38:33.800: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-ky73m with secrets found. (86.833775ms)
[BeforeEach] Update Demo
[It] should create and stop a replication controller
STEP: creating a replication controller
Aug 21 09:38:33.800: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-ky73m'
STEP: using delete to clean up resources
Aug 21 09:38:33.817: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config stop --grace-period=0 -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-ky73m'
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-ky73m
• Failure [10.480 seconds]
Kubectl client
Update Demo
should create and stop a replication controller [It]
Aug 21 09:38:33.817: Error running &{/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ [kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-ky73m] [] <nil> the path "/home/justinsb/k8s/src/" does not exist
[] <nil> 0xc2086c8180 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc20804f7a8 0xc20804f7d0 0xc20804f7f0] [0xc20804f7a8 0xc20804f7d0 0xc20804f7f0] [0xc20804f7c0 0xc20804f7e8] [0x682f50 0x682f50] 0xc2081bbc20}:
Command stdout:
the path "/home/justinsb/k8s/src/" does not exist

should support r/w
[BeforeEach] hostPath
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:38:44.194: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-hostpath-w6aqv
Aug 21 09:38:44.280: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-hostpath-w6aqv with secrets found. (85.854726ms)
[It] should support r/w
STEP: Creating a pod to test hostPath r/w
Aug 21 09:38:44.369: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-f12c9808-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:38:44.454: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-f12c9808-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:38:44.454: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-f12c9808-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostpath-w6aqv' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (85.034485ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:38:49.541: INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-f12c9808-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostpath-w6aqv' so far
Aug 21 09:38:49.541: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-f12c9808-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostpath-w6aqv' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.172473226s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-f12c9808-4809-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": 61267
content of file "/test-volume/test-file": mount-tester new file
mode of file "/test-volume/test-file": -rw-r--r--
[AfterEach] hostPath
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-hostpath-w6aqv
• [SLOW TEST:21.086 seconds]
should support r/w
Kubectl client Kubectl run pod
should create a pod from an image when restart is Never
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:39:05.279: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-clrt4
Aug 21 09:39:05.365: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-clrt4 with secrets found. (86.12785ms)
[BeforeEach] Kubectl run pod
[It] should create a pod from an image when restart is Never
STEP: running the image nginx
Aug 21 09:39:05.365: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config run e2e-test-nginx-pod --restart=Never --image=nginx --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-clrt4'
e2e-test-nginx-pod 0/1 Pending 0 1m
STEP: verifying the pod e2e-test-nginx-pod was created
[AfterEach] Kubectl run pod
Aug 21 09:39:06.099: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config stop pods e2e-test-nginx-pod --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-clrt4'
Aug 21 09:39:06.920: INFO: pod "e2e-test-nginx-pod" deleted
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-clrt4
• [SLOW TEST:12.003 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl run pod
should create a pod from an image when restart is Never
Kubectl client Update Demo
should scale a replication controller
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:39:17.284: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-dawx3
Aug 21 09:39:17.373: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-dawx3 with secrets found. (89.151434ms)
[BeforeEach] Update Demo
[It] should scale a replication controller
STEP: creating a replication controller
Aug 21 09:39:17.373: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-dawx3'
STEP: using delete to clean up resources
Aug 21 09:39:17.394: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config stop --grace-period=0 -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-dawx3'
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-dawx3
• Failure [10.522 seconds]
Kubectl client
Update Demo
should scale a replication controller [It]
Aug 21 09:39:17.394: Error running &{/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ [kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-dawx3] [] <nil> the path "/home/justinsb/k8s/src/" does not exist
[] <nil> 0xc20885f2c0 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc208842228 0xc208842248 0xc208842268] [0xc208842228 0xc208842248 0xc208842268] [0xc208842240 0xc208842260] [0x682f50 0x682f50] 0xc208904360}:
Command stdout:
the path "/home/justinsb/k8s/src/" does not exist

should be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe
[BeforeEach] Pods
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:39:27.804: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-i93r9
Aug 21 09:39:27.902: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-i93r9 with secrets found. (97.637605ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:39:27.902: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-i93r9
Aug 21 09:39:27.987: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-i93r9 with secrets found. (84.860914ms)
[It] should be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe
STEP: Creating pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-i93r9
Aug 21 09:39:28.076: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod liveness-http status to be !pending
Aug 21 09:39:28.160: INFO: Waiting for pod liveness-http in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-i93r9' status to be '!pending'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (84.629391ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:39:33.248: INFO: Saw pod 'liveness-http' in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-i93r9' out of pending state (found '"Running"')
STEP: Started pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-i93r9
STEP: checking the pod's current state and verifying that restartCount is present
STEP: Initial restart count of pod liveness-http is 0
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-i93r9/liveness-http is now 0 (89.276584ms elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-i93r9/liveness-http is now 0 (2.176627402s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-i93r9/liveness-http is now 0 (4.263674661s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-i93r9/liveness-http is now 0 (6.352173504s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-i93r9/liveness-http is now 0 (8.438068611s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-i93r9/liveness-http is now 0 (10.52469576s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-i93r9/liveness-http is now 0 (12.610561937s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-i93r9/liveness-http is now 0 (14.696311132s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-i93r9/liveness-http is now 1 (16.782426049s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-i93r9/liveness-http changed from 0 to 1
STEP: deleting the pod
[AfterEach] Pods
Aug 21 09:39:50.211: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:39:55.305: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:39:55.305: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:39:55.305: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:39:55.305: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:39:55.305: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:39:55.305: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:39:55.305: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:39:55.305: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pods-i93r9" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:37.858 seconds]
should be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe
EmptyDir volumes
should support (non-root,0644,default)
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:40:05.661: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-uifbr
Aug 21 09:40:05.751: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-uifbr with secrets found. (89.882531ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:40:05.751: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-uifbr
Aug 21 09:40:05.838: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-uifbr with secrets found. (86.173012ms)
[It] should support (non-root,0644,default)
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir 0644 on node default medium
Aug 21 09:40:05.928: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-21c94af6-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:40:06.014: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-21c94af6-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:40:06.014: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-21c94af6-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-uifbr' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (85.75041ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:40:11.103: INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-21c94af6-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-uifbr' so far
Aug 21 09:40:11.103: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-21c94af6-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-uifbr' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.174583349s elapsed)
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Collecting events from namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-uifbr".
Aug 21 09:40:16.375: INFO: event for pod-21c94af6-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {scheduler } scheduled: Successfully assigned pod-21c94af6-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf to
Aug 21 09:40:16.375: INFO: event for pod-21c94af6-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} pulled: Pod container image "" already present on machine
Aug 21 09:40:16.375: INFO: event for pod-21c94af6-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} created: Created with docker id 14ea75241143
Aug 21 09:40:16.375: INFO: event for pod-21c94af6-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} started: Started with docker id 14ea75241143
Aug 21 09:40:16.375: INFO: event for pod-21c94af6-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} created: Created with docker id 9a8041eb7ff8
Aug 21 09:40:16.375: INFO: event for pod-21c94af6-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} started: Started with docker id 9a8041eb7ff8
Aug 21 09:40:16.375: INFO: event for pod-21c94af6-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} killing: Killing with docker id 14ea75241143
Aug 21 09:40:16.554: INFO: Pod kube-system elasticsearch-logging-v1-7w4sv, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:40:16.554: INFO: Pod kube-system elasticsearch-logging-v1-rz5mu, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:40:16.554: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:40:16.554: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:40:16.554: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:40:16.554: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:40:16.554: INFO: Pod kube-system kibana-logging-v1-2uk02, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:40:16.554: INFO: Pod kube-system kube-dns-v8-padaw, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:40:16.554: INFO: Pod kube-system kube-ui-v1-k2s4l, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:40:16.554: INFO: Pod kube-system monitoring-heapster-v6-qfg9r, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:40:16.554: INFO: Pod kube-system monitoring-influx-grafana-v1-r241e, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:40:16.554: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:40:21.643: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:40:21.643: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:40:21.643: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:40:21.643: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:40:21.643: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:40:21.643: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:40:21.643: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:40:21.643: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-uifbr" for this suite.
• Failure [26.351 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should support (non-root,0644,default) [It]
Expected error:
<*errors.errorString | 0xc20881b360>: {
s: "pod 'pod-21c94af6-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' terminated with failure: &{ExitCode:1 Signal:0 Reason: Message: StartedAt:2015-08-21 09:38:57 -0400 EDT FinishedAt:2015-08-21 09:38:57 -0400 EDT ContainerID:docker://9a8041eb7ff8a1ab69a780b6bbcd8dfc310d3022d35b2eacc4e3cf72c3e44fbc}",
pod 'pod-21c94af6-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' terminated with failure: &{ExitCode:1 Signal:0 Reason: Message: StartedAt:2015-08-21 09:38:57 -0400 EDT FinishedAt:2015-08-21 09:38:57 -0400 EDT ContainerID:docker://9a8041eb7ff8a1ab69a780b6bbcd8dfc310d3022d35b2eacc4e3cf72c3e44fbc}
not to have occurred
should provide Internet connection for containers
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:40:32.015: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-a5a0m
Aug 21 09:40:32.104: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-a5a0m with secrets found. (88.711209ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:40:32.104: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-a5a0m
Aug 21 09:40:32.189: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-a5a0m with secrets found. (85.449808ms)
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Executing a successful http request from the external internet
[It] should provide Internet connection for containers
STEP: Running container which tries to wget
STEP: Verify that the pod succeed
Aug 21 09:40:32.406: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod wget-test status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:40:32.496: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'wget-test-container' in pod 'wget-test' yet
Aug 21 09:40:32.496: INFO: Waiting for pod wget-test in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-a5a0m' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (89.98335ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:40:37.583: INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'wget-test-container' in pod 'wget-test' in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-a5a0m' so far
Aug 21 09:40:37.583: INFO: Waiting for pod wget-test in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-a5a0m' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.177043096s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
[AfterEach] Networking
Aug 21 09:40:42.767: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:40:47.856: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:40:47.856: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:40:47.856: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:40:47.856: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:40:47.856: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:40:47.856: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:40:47.856: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:40:47.856: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-nettest-a5a0m" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:26.198 seconds]
should provide Internet connection for containers
should be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
[BeforeEach] Pods
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:40:58.219: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-yttwn
Aug 21 09:40:58.307: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-yttwn with secrets found. (87.818092ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:40:58.307: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-yttwn
Aug 21 09:40:58.393: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-yttwn with secrets found. (85.684635ms)
[It] should be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
STEP: Creating pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-yttwn
Aug 21 09:40:58.482: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod liveness-exec status to be !pending
Aug 21 09:40:58.574: INFO: Waiting for pod liveness-exec in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-yttwn' status to be '!pending'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (92.535537ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:41:03.662: INFO: Saw pod 'liveness-exec' in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-yttwn' out of pending state (found '"Running"')
STEP: Started pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-yttwn
STEP: checking the pod's current state and verifying that restartCount is present
STEP: Initial restart count of pod liveness-exec is 0
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-yttwn/liveness-exec is now 0 (98.166304ms elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-yttwn/liveness-exec is now 0 (2.184651444s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-yttwn/liveness-exec is now 0 (4.27107309s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-yttwn/liveness-exec is now 0 (6.359792644s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-yttwn/liveness-exec is now 0 (8.446524981s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-yttwn/liveness-exec is now 0 (10.549448347s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-yttwn/liveness-exec is now 0 (12.636089112s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-yttwn/liveness-exec is now 0 (14.721637828s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-yttwn/liveness-exec is now 0 (16.807190034s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-yttwn/liveness-exec is now 0 (18.892751584s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-yttwn/liveness-exec is now 0 (20.979290935s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-yttwn/liveness-exec is now 0 (23.066008628s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-yttwn/liveness-exec is now 1 (25.152198004s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-yttwn/liveness-exec changed from 0 to 1
STEP: deleting the pod
[AfterEach] Pods
Aug 21 09:41:28.998: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:41:34.088: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:41:34.088: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:41:34.088: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:41:34.088: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:41:34.088: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:41:34.088: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:41:34.088: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:41:34.088: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pods-yttwn" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:46.234 seconds]
should be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
Proxy version v1
should proxy to cadvisor
[BeforeEach] version v1
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:41:44.449: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-obtu6
Aug 21 09:41:44.534: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-obtu6 with secrets found. (85.591775ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:41:44.534: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-obtu6
Aug 21 09:41:44.621: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-obtu6 with secrets found. (86.47112ms)
[It] should proxy to cadvisor
Aug 21 09:41:44.818: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 108.499096ms)
Aug 21 09:41:44.906: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 87.468638ms)
Aug 21 09:41:44.997: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 91.674311ms)
Aug 21 09:41:45.097: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 99.769967ms)
Aug 21 09:41:45.189: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 91.5775ms)
Aug 21 09:41:45.276: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 87.146243ms)
Aug 21 09:41:45.367: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 91.166841ms)
Aug 21 09:41:45.460: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 93.208967ms)
Aug 21 09:41:45.552: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 91.859898ms)
Aug 21 09:41:45.651: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 98.263058ms)
Aug 21 09:41:45.740: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 89.208303ms)
Aug 21 09:41:45.830: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 90.053796ms)
Aug 21 09:41:45.929: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 98.75765ms)
Aug 21 09:41:46.020: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 91.120314ms)
Aug 21 09:41:46.111: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 91.381337ms)
Aug 21 09:41:46.265: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 153.620421ms)
Aug 21 09:41:46.447: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 182.179689ms)
Aug 21 09:41:46.649: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 201.688516ms)
Aug 21 09:41:46.855: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 206.50409ms)
Aug 21 09:41:47.047: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 191.221914ms)
[AfterEach] version v1
Aug 21 09:41:47.047: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:41:52.142: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:41:52.142: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:41:52.142: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:41:52.142: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:41:52.143: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:41:52.143: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:41:52.143: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:41:52.143: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-proxy-obtu6" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:18.066 seconds]
version v1
should proxy to cadvisor
EmptyDir volumes
should support (root,0644,tmpfs)
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:42:02.515: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-gj9kl
Aug 21 09:42:02.604: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-gj9kl with secrets found. (88.897376ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:42:02.604: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-gj9kl
Aug 21 09:42:02.688: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-gj9kl with secrets found. (84.263662ms)
[It] should support (root,0644,tmpfs)
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir 0644 on tmpfs
Aug 21 09:42:02.778: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-676f3c74-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:42:02.863: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-676f3c74-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:42:02.863: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-676f3c74-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-gj9kl' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (84.750828ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:42:07.952: INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-676f3c74-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-gj9kl' so far
Aug 21 09:42:07.952: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-676f3c74-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-gj9kl' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.174258095s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-676f3c74-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": tmpfs
content of file "/test-volume/test-file": mount-tester new file
perms of file "/test-volume/test-file": -rw-r--r--
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
Aug 21 09:42:13.390: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:42:18.486: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:42:18.486: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:42:18.486: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:42:18.486: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:42:18.486: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:42:18.486: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:42:18.486: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:42:18.486: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-gj9kl" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:26.349 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should support (root,0644,tmpfs)
[Autoscaling] should scale cluster size based on memory utilization
[BeforeEach] Autoscaling
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:42:28.860: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-autoscaling-zmuzz
Aug 21 09:42:28.949: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-autoscaling-zmuzz with secrets found. (89.319821ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:42:28.949: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-autoscaling-zmuzz
Aug 21 09:42:29.035: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-autoscaling-zmuzz with secrets found. (85.486319ms)
[BeforeEach] Autoscaling
[AfterEach] Autoscaling
Aug 21 09:42:29.035: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:42:34.124: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:42:34.124: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:42:34.124: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:42:34.124: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:42:34.124: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:42:34.124: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:42:34.124: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:42:34.124: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-autoscaling-zmuzz" for this suite.
[AfterEach] Autoscaling
STEP: Removing autoscaler
S [SKIPPING] in Spec Setup (BeforeEach) [16.303 seconds]
[Autoscaling] should scale cluster size based on memory utilization [BeforeEach]
Aug 21 09:42:29.035: Only supported for providers [gce] (not )
should be updated
[BeforeEach] Pods
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:42:45.166: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-3774y
Aug 21 09:42:45.255: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-3774y with secrets found. (89.1097ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:42:45.255: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-3774y
Aug 21 09:42:45.341: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-3774y with secrets found. (85.652274ms)
[It] should be updated
STEP: creating the pod
STEP: submitting the pod to kubernetes
Aug 21 09:42:45.439: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-update-80db84e2-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be running
Aug 21 09:42:45.524: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-update-80db84e2-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-3774y' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (85.350851ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:42:50.610: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-update-80db84e2-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-3774y' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.171240095s elapsed)
Aug 21 09:42:55.697: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-update-80db84e2-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-3774y' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (10.258091896s elapsed)
Aug 21 09:43:00.786: INFO: Found pod 'pod-update-80db84e2-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' on node ''
STEP: verifying the pod is in kubernetes
STEP: updating the pod
Aug 21 09:43:01.463: INFO: Conflicting update to pod, re-get and re-update: pods "pod-update-80db84e2-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf" cannot be updated: the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
STEP: updating the pod
STEP: deleting the pod
[AfterEach] Pods
STEP: Collecting events from namespace "e2e-tests-pods-3774y".
Aug 21 09:43:02.159: INFO: event for pod-update-80db84e2-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} pulled: Pod container image "" already present on machine
Aug 21 09:43:02.159: INFO: event for pod-update-80db84e2-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {scheduler } scheduled: Successfully assigned pod-update-80db84e2-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf to
Aug 21 09:43:02.159: INFO: event for pod-update-80db84e2-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} created: Created with docker id 8cd562a5014c
Aug 21 09:43:02.159: INFO: event for pod-update-80db84e2-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} started: Started with docker id 8cd562a5014c
Aug 21 09:43:02.159: INFO: event for pod-update-80db84e2-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} pulled: Successfully pulled image ""
Aug 21 09:43:02.159: INFO: event for pod-update-80db84e2-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} created: Created with docker id 917464da288b
Aug 21 09:43:02.159: INFO: event for pod-update-80db84e2-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} started: Started with docker id 917464da288b
Aug 21 09:43:02.342: INFO: Pod e2e-tests-pods-3774y pod-update-80db84e2-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:43:02.342: INFO: Pod kube-system elasticsearch-logging-v1-7w4sv, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:43:02.342: INFO: Pod kube-system elasticsearch-logging-v1-rz5mu, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:43:02.342: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:43:02.342: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:43:02.342: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:43:02.342: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:43:02.342: INFO: Pod kube-system kibana-logging-v1-2uk02, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:43:02.342: INFO: Pod kube-system kube-dns-v8-padaw, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:43:02.342: INFO: Pod kube-system kube-ui-v1-k2s4l, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:43:02.342: INFO: Pod kube-system monitoring-heapster-v6-qfg9r, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:43:02.342: INFO: Pod kube-system monitoring-influx-grafana-v1-r241e, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:43:02.342: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:43:07.431: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:43:07.431: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:43:07.431: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:43:07.431: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:43:07.431: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:43:07.431: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:43:07.431: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:43:07.431: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pods-3774y" for this suite.
• Failure [32.630 seconds]
should be updated [It]
Expected error:
<*errors.errorString | 0xc20864eff0>: {
s: "failed to update pod: Pod \"pod-update-80db84e2-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf\" is invalid: spec: invalid value '{Volumes:[{Name:default-token-npday VolumeSource:{HostPath:<nil> EmptyDir:<nil> GCEPersistentDisk:<nil> AWSElasticBlockStore:<nil> GitRepo:<nil> Secret:<*>(0xc20a11ebd0){SecretName:default-token-npday} NFS:<nil> ISCSI:<nil> Glusterfs:<nil> PersistentVolumeClaim:<nil> RBD:<nil>}}] Containers:[{Name:nginx Command:<nil> Args:<nil> WorkingDir: Ports:[{Name: HostPort:0 ContainerPort:80 Protocol:TCP HostIP:}] Env:<nil> Resources:{Limits:<nil> Requests:<nil>} VolumeMounts:[{Name:default-token-npday ReadOnly:true MountPath:/var/run/secrets/}] LivenessProbe:<*>(0xc209f5a390){Handler:{Exec:<nil> HTTPGet:<*>(0xc209704a00){Path:/index.html Port:8080 Host: Scheme:HTTP} TCPSocket:<nil>} InitialDelaySeconds:30 TimeoutSeconds:1} ReadinessProbe:<nil> Lifecycle:<nil> TerminationMessagePath:/dev/termination-log ImagePullPolicy:IfNotPresent SecurityContext:<nil>}] RestartPolicy:Always TerminationGracePeriodSeconds:<*>(0xc20a11ed08)30 ActiveDeadlineSeconds:<nil> DNSPolicy:ClusterFirst NodeSelector:<nil> ServiceAccountName:default HostNetwork:false ImagePullSecrets:<nil>}': may not update fields other than container.image",
failed to update pod: Pod "pod-update-80db84e2-480a-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf" is invalid: spec: invalid value '{Volumes:[{Name:default-token-npday VolumeSource:{HostPath:<nil> EmptyDir:<nil> GCEPersistentDisk:<nil> AWSElasticBlockStore:<nil> GitRepo:<nil> Secret:<*>(0xc20a11ebd0){SecretName:default-token-npday} NFS:<nil> ISCSI:<nil> Glusterfs:<nil> PersistentVolumeClaim:<nil> RBD:<nil>}}] Containers:[{Name:nginx Command:<nil> Args:<nil> WorkingDir: Ports:[{Name: HostPort:0 ContainerPort:80 Protocol:TCP HostIP:}] Env:<nil> Resources:{Limits:<nil> Requests:<nil>} VolumeMounts:[{Name:default-token-npday ReadOnly:true MountPath:/var/run/secrets/}] LivenessProbe:<*>(0xc209f5a390){Handler:{Exec:<nil> HTTPGet:<*>(0xc209704a00){Path:/index.html Port:8080 Host: Scheme:HTTP} TCPSocket:<nil>} InitialDelaySeconds:30 TimeoutSeconds:1} ReadinessProbe:<nil> Lifecycle:<nil> TerminationMessagePath:/dev/termination-log ImagePullPolicy:IfNotPresent SecurityContext:<nil>}] RestartPolicy:Always TerminationGracePeriodSeconds:<*>(0xc20a11ed08)30 ActiveDeadlineSeconds:<nil> DNSPolicy:ClusterFirst NodeSelector:<nil> ServiceAccountName:default HostNetwork:false ImagePullSecrets:<nil>}': may not update fields other than container.image
not to have occurred
should serve multiport endpoints from pods
[BeforeEach] Services
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:43:17.793: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-services-q03co
Aug 21 09:43:17.883: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-services-q03co with secrets found. (89.913063ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:43:17.883: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-services-q03co
Aug 21 09:43:17.969: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-services-q03co with secrets found. (85.532829ms)
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
Aug 21 09:43:23.075: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
Aug 21 09:43:23.165: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw with secrets found. (89.461438ms)
Aug 21 09:43:28.260: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-axkkl
Aug 21 09:43:28.354: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-axkkl with secrets found. (93.502726ms)
[It] should serve multiport endpoints from pods
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw to expose endpoints map[]
Aug 21 09:43:28.537: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 71b14c67-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 2249 0 2015-08-21 09:42:19 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} []}
Aug 21 09:43:28.537: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[] -> map[] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw exposes endpoints map[] (85.681942ms elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod podname1 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw to expose endpoints map[podname1:[100]]
Aug 21 09:43:28.711: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 71b14c67-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 2249 0 2015-08-21 09:42:19 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} []}
Aug 21 09:43:28.711: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[podname1:[100]] -> map[71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
Aug 21 09:43:28.797: INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[podname1:[100]] (170.035661ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
Aug 21 09:43:33.882: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 71b14c67-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 2249 0 2015-08-21 09:42:19 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} []}
Aug 21 09:43:33.882: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[podname1:[100]] -> map[71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
Aug 21 09:43:33.969: INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[podname1:[100]] (5.342495113s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
Aug 21 09:43:39.056: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 71b14c67-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 2265 0 2015-08-21 09:42:19 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc208213180}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
Aug 21 09:43:39.057: INFO: Found pod 71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 100 and container port 100
Aug 21 09:43:39.057: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[podname1:[100]] -> map[71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw exposes endpoints map[podname1:[100]] (10.51684074s elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod podname2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw to expose endpoints map[podname2:[101] podname1:[100]]
Aug 21 09:43:39.322: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 71b14c67-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 2265 0 2015-08-21 09:42:19 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc208208850}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
Aug 21 09:43:39.322: INFO: Found pod 71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 100 and container port 100
Aug 21 09:43:39.322: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] -> map[71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100] 781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[101]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
Aug 21 09:43:39.497: INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] (262.336018ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
Aug 21 09:43:44.584: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 71b14c67-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 2265 0 2015-08-21 09:42:19 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081fa070}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
Aug 21 09:43:44.584: INFO: Found pod 71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 100 and container port 100
Aug 21 09:43:44.584: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] -> map[781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[101] 71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
Aug 21 09:43:44.762: INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] (5.52693552s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
Aug 21 09:43:49.848: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 71b14c67-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 2282 0 2015-08-21 09:42:19 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081fb810}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc2081fb8f0}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]}]}
Aug 21 09:43:49.848: INFO: Found pod 71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 100 and container port 100
Aug 21 09:43:49.849: INFO: Found pod 781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 101 and container port 101
Aug 21 09:43:49.849: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100] 781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[101]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] -> map[781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[101] 71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw exposes endpoints map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] (10.790136342s elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod podname3 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw to expose endpoints map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]]
Aug 21 09:43:50.210: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 71b14c67-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 2282 0 2015-08-21 09:42:19 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081eb880}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc2081eb960}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]}]}
Aug 21 09:43:50.210: INFO: Found pod 71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 100 and container port 100
Aug 21 09:43:50.211: INFO: Found pod 781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 101 and container port 101
Aug 21 09:43:50.211: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[101] 71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] -> map[71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100] 781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[101] 7e9903cc-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100 101]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
Aug 21 09:43:50.466: INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100] 781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[101]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] (352.911942ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
Aug 21 09:43:55.552: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 71b14c67-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 2282 0 2015-08-21 09:42:19 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081dbab0}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc2081dbb90}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]}]}
Aug 21 09:43:55.552: INFO: Found pod 71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 100 and container port 100
Aug 21 09:43:55.552: INFO: Found pod 781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 101 and container port 101
Aug 21 09:43:55.552: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100] 781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[101]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101] podname1:[100]] -> map[71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100] 781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[101] 7e9903cc-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100 101]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
Aug 21 09:43:55.816: INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100] 781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[101]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] (5.702713957s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
Aug 21 09:44:00.902: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 71b14c67-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 2299 0 2015-08-21 09:42:19 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081cdd50} { 0xc2081cde30}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc2081cdf10} { 0xc2081c0000}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]}]}
Aug 21 09:44:00.902: INFO: Found pod 71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 100 and container port 100
Aug 21 09:44:00.902: INFO: Found pod 7e9903cc-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 100 and container port 100
Aug 21 09:44:00.902: INFO: Found pod 781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 101 and container port 101
Aug 21 09:44:00.902: INFO: Found pod 7e9903cc-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 101 and container port 101
Aug 21 09:44:00.902: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100] 7e9903cc-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100 101] 781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[101]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] -> map[7e9903cc-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100 101] 71ca6dd8-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100] 781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[101]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw exposes endpoints map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] (11.047628928s elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw to expose endpoints map[podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]]
Aug 21 09:44:01.337: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 71b14c67-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 2302 0 2015-08-21 09:42:19 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081aebd0} { 0xc2081aecb0}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc2081aee70}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
Aug 21 09:44:01.337: INFO: Found pod 781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 101 and container port 101
Aug 21 09:44:01.337: INFO: Found pod 7e9903cc-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 101 and container port 101
Aug 21 09:44:01.337: INFO: Found pod 7e9903cc-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 100 and container port 100
Aug 21 09:44:01.337: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[101] 7e9903cc-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[101 100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] -> map[781cd5ff-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[101] 7e9903cc-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100 101]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw exposes endpoints map[podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] (259.09462ms elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw to expose endpoints map[podname3:[100 101]]
Aug 21 09:44:01.682: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 71b14c67-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 2307 0 2015-08-21 09:42:19 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2081990a0}] [{portname2 101 TCP} {portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
Aug 21 09:44:01.682: INFO: Found pod 7e9903cc-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 101 and container port 101
Aug 21 09:44:01.682: INFO: Found pod 7e9903cc-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 100 and container port 100
Aug 21 09:44:01.683: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[7e9903cc-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[101 100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[podname3:[100 101]] -> map[7e9903cc-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505:[100 101]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw exposes endpoints map[podname3:[100 101]] (171.63871ms elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw to expose endpoints map[]
Aug 21 09:44:01.955: INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 71b14c67-480a-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505 2311 0 2015-08-21 09:42:19 -0400 EDT <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} []}
Aug 21 09:44:01.955: INFO: Found port by pod UID map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to UIDs: map[] -> map[] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw exposes endpoints map[] (89.945765ms elapsed)
[AfterEach] Services
Aug 21 09:44:02.062: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:44:07.151: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:44:07.151: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:44:07.151: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:44:07.151: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:44:07.151: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:44:07.151: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:44:07.151: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:44:07.151: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-services-q03co" for this suite.
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-xwbyw
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-axkkl
• [SLOW TEST:70.270 seconds]
should serve multiport endpoints from pods
should *not* be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
[BeforeEach] Pods
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:44:28.065: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-a60wu
Aug 21 09:44:28.153: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-a60wu with secrets found. (88.905817ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:44:28.154: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-a60wu
Aug 21 09:44:28.239: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-a60wu with secrets found. (85.601494ms)
[It] should *not* be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
STEP: Creating pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-a60wu
Aug 21 09:44:28.327: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod liveness-exec status to be !pending
Aug 21 09:44:28.413: INFO: Waiting for pod liveness-exec in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-a60wu' status to be '!pending'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (85.774271ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:44:33.506: INFO: Saw pod 'liveness-exec' in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-a60wu' out of pending state (found '"Running"')
STEP: Started pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-a60wu
STEP: checking the pod's current state and verifying that restartCount is present
STEP: Initial restart count of pod liveness-exec is 0
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (86.997376ms elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (2.172453988s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (4.258419392s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (6.344930501s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (8.430809248s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (10.517295067s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (12.602943107s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (14.68803812s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (16.774264842s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (18.859544926s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (20.945794362s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (23.032661251s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (25.134975462s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (27.220249383s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (29.307167091s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (31.393256791s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (33.487934932s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (35.575105957s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (37.661205341s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (39.746882374s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (41.832595098s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (43.91835072s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (46.00440346s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (48.091367989s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (50.184522978s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (52.270376048s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (54.357448967s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (56.443606876s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (58.529614088s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m0.615478339s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m2.700766021s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m4.788544946s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m6.876223622s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m8.962409348s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m11.048298402s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m13.136267047s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m15.22158966s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m17.307526425s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m19.393294529s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m21.478680335s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m23.566405062s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m25.652891792s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m27.739449784s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m29.82477007s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m31.911477259s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m33.997483381s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m36.085265715s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m38.170595317s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m40.256197555s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m42.34425079s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m44.443510993s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m46.542587542s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m48.630300431s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m50.717717112s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m52.811851352s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m54.899126052s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m56.990582909s elapsed)
STEP: Restart count of pod e2e-tests-pods-a60wu/liveness-exec is now 0 (1m59.078398012s elapsed)
STEP: deleting the pod
[AfterEach] Pods
Aug 21 09:46:34.775: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:46:39.865: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:46:39.865: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:46:39.865: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:46:39.865: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:46:39.865: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:46:39.865: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:46:39.865: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:46:39.865: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pods-a60wu" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:142.162 seconds]
should *not* be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
EmptyDir volumes
should support (non-root,0666,default)
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:46:50.227: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-fkhtt
Aug 21 09:46:50.316: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-fkhtt with secrets found. (89.313277ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:46:50.316: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-fkhtt
Aug 21 09:46:50.402: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-fkhtt with secrets found. (85.271467ms)
[It] should support (non-root,0666,default)
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir 0666 on node default medium
Aug 21 09:46:50.491: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-12ece415-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:46:50.578: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-12ece415-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:46:50.578: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-12ece415-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-fkhtt' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (86.888813ms elapsed)
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Collecting events from namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-fkhtt".
Aug 21 09:46:55.864: INFO: event for pod-12ece415-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {scheduler } scheduled: Successfully assigned pod-12ece415-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf to
Aug 21 09:46:55.864: INFO: event for pod-12ece415-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} pulled: Pod container image "" already present on machine
Aug 21 09:46:55.864: INFO: event for pod-12ece415-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} created: Created with docker id 9749905ba79b
Aug 21 09:46:55.864: INFO: event for pod-12ece415-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} started: Started with docker id 9749905ba79b
Aug 21 09:46:55.864: INFO: event for pod-12ece415-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} created: Created with docker id 4a189c4f65f8
Aug 21 09:46:55.864: INFO: event for pod-12ece415-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} started: Started with docker id 4a189c4f65f8
Aug 21 09:46:56.060: INFO: Pod kube-system elasticsearch-logging-v1-7w4sv, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:46:56.060: INFO: Pod kube-system elasticsearch-logging-v1-rz5mu, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:46:56.060: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:46:56.060: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:46:56.060: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:46:56.060: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:46:56.060: INFO: Pod kube-system kibana-logging-v1-2uk02, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:46:56.061: INFO: Pod kube-system kube-dns-v8-padaw, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:46:56.061: INFO: Pod kube-system kube-ui-v1-k2s4l, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:46:56.061: INFO: Pod kube-system monitoring-heapster-v6-qfg9r, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:46:56.061: INFO: Pod kube-system monitoring-influx-grafana-v1-r241e, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 09:46:56.061: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:47:01.151: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:47:01.151: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:47:01.151: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:47:01.151: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:47:01.151: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:47:01.151: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:47:01.151: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:47:01.151: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-fkhtt" for this suite.
• Failure [21.279 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should support (non-root,0666,default) [It]
Expected error:
<*errors.errorString | 0xc2083fed00>: {
s: "pod 'pod-12ece415-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' terminated with failure: &{ExitCode:1 Signal:0 Reason: Message: StartedAt:2015-08-21 09:45:42 -0400 EDT FinishedAt:2015-08-21 09:45:42 -0400 EDT ContainerID:docker://4a189c4f65f89d840fad754d6cc5538e37fde1b2fa3c94e3057d2b27da150245}",
pod 'pod-12ece415-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' terminated with failure: &{ExitCode:1 Signal:0 Reason: Message: StartedAt:2015-08-21 09:45:42 -0400 EDT FinishedAt:2015-08-21 09:45:42 -0400 EDT ContainerID:docker://4a189c4f65f89d840fad754d6cc5538e37fde1b2fa3c94e3057d2b27da150245}
not to have occurred
Kubectl client Kubectl run rc
should create an rc from an image
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:47:11.503: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-wr2jn
Aug 21 09:47:11.594: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-wr2jn with secrets found. (91.048246ms)
[BeforeEach] Kubectl run rc
[It] should create an rc from an image
STEP: running the image nginx
Aug 21 09:47:11.594: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config run e2e-test-nginx-rc --image=nginx --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-wr2jn'
e2e-test-nginx-rc e2e-test-nginx-rc nginx run=e2e-test-nginx-rc 1 1m
STEP: verifying the rc e2e-test-nginx-rc was created
STEP: verifying the pod controlled by rc e2e-test-nginx-rc was created
[AfterEach] Kubectl run rc
Aug 21 09:47:12.399: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config stop rc e2e-test-nginx-rc --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-wr2jn'
Aug 21 09:47:15.634: INFO: replicationcontroller "e2e-test-nginx-rc" deleted
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-wr2jn
• [SLOW TEST:14.499 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl run rc
should create an rc from an image
should be schedule with cpu and memory limits
[BeforeEach] Pods
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:47:26.004: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-fnlkw
Aug 21 09:47:26.093: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-fnlkw with secrets found. (88.517951ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:47:26.093: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-fnlkw
Aug 21 09:47:26.180: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-fnlkw with secrets found. (86.888551ms)
[It] should be schedule with cpu and memory limits
STEP: creating the pod
Aug 21 09:47:26.272: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-update-28402fc6-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be running
Aug 21 09:47:26.357: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-update-28402fc6-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-fnlkw' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (85.379751ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:47:31.445: INFO: Found pod 'pod-update-28402fc6-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' on node ''
[AfterEach] Pods
Aug 21 09:47:31.538: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:47:36.626: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:47:36.626: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:47:36.626: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:47:36.626: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:47:36.626: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:47:36.626: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:47:36.626: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:47:36.626: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pods-fnlkw" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:20.986 seconds]
should be schedule with cpu and memory limits
Docker Containers
should use the image defaults if command and args are blank
[BeforeEach] Docker Containers
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:47:46.993: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-containers-deizr
Aug 21 09:47:47.084: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-deizr with secrets found. (91.289736ms)
[It] should use the image defaults if command and args are blank
STEP: Creating a pod to test use defaults
Aug 21 09:47:47.174: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-containers-34b5fa99-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:47:47.261: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-34b5fa99-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:47:47.261: INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-34b5fa99-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-deizr' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (86.828925ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:47:52.347: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-34b5fa99-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:47:52.347: INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-34b5fa99-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-deizr' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.173718072s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod client-containers-34b5fa99-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:[/ep default arguments]
[AfterEach] Docker Containers
• [SLOW TEST:21.122 seconds]
Docker Containers
should use the image defaults if command and args are blank
should contain environment variables for services
[BeforeEach] Pods
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:48:08.121: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-d2d1p
Aug 21 09:48:08.207: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-d2d1p with secrets found. (86.40135ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:48:08.207: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-d2d1p
Aug 21 09:48:08.292: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-d2d1p with secrets found. (84.667127ms)
[It] should contain environment variables for services
Aug 21 09:48:08.390: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod server-envvars-415a05ab-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be running
Aug 21 09:48:08.476: INFO: Waiting for pod server-envvars-415a05ab-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-d2d1p' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (85.568695ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:48:13.564: INFO: Waiting for pod server-envvars-415a05ab-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-d2d1p' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.173848492s elapsed)
Aug 21 09:48:18.651: INFO: Found pod 'server-envvars-415a05ab-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' on node ''
STEP: Creating a pod to test service env
Aug 21 09:48:18.840: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-envvars-4795d184-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:48:18.927: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'env3cont' in pod 'client-envvars-4795d184-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:48:18.927: INFO: Waiting for pod client-envvars-4795d184-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-d2d1p' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (87.147226ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod client-envvars-4795d184-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container env3cont: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT=443
[AfterEach] Pods
Aug 21 09:48:24.520: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:48:29.622: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:48:29.622: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:48:29.622: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:48:29.622: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:48:29.622: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:48:29.622: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:48:29.622: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:48:29.622: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pods-d2d1p" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:31.870 seconds]
should contain environment variables for services
Kubectl client Kubectl expose
should create services for rc
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:48:39.981: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-48mce
Aug 21 09:48:40.071: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-48mce with secrets found. (89.945217ms)
[It] should create services for rc
STEP: creating Redis RC
Aug 21 09:48:40.072: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-48mce'
Aug 21 09:48:40.757: INFO: replicationcontroller "redis-master" created
Aug 21 09:48:40.843: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod redis-master-rt1s6 status to be running
Aug 21 09:48:40.935: INFO: Waiting for pod redis-master-rt1s6 in namespace 'e2e-tests-kubectl-48mce' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (92.07195ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:48:46.023: INFO: Waiting for pod redis-master-rt1s6 in namespace 'e2e-tests-kubectl-48mce' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (5.180075852s elapsed)
Aug 21 09:48:51.114: INFO: Found pod 'redis-master-rt1s6' on node ''
Aug 21 09:48:51.114: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log redis-master-rt1s6 redis-master --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-48mce'
Aug 21 09:48:51.945: INFO: 1:C 21 Aug 13:47:41.633 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf
_.-``__ ''-._
_.-`` `. `_. ''-._ Redis 3.0.3 (00000000/0) 64 bit
.-`` .-```. ```\/ _.,_ ''-._
( ' , .-` | `, ) Running in standalone mode
|`-._`-...-` __...-.``-._|'` _.-'| Port: 6379
| `-._ `._ / _.-' | PID: 1
`-._ `-._ `-./ _.-' _.-'
|`-._`-._ `-.__.-' _.-'_.-'|
| `-._`-._ _.-'_.-' |
`-._ `-._`-.__.-'_.-' _.-'
|`-._`-._ `-.__.-' _.-'_.-'|
| `-._`-._ _.-'_.-' |
`-._ `-._`-.__.-'_.-' _.-'
`-._ `-.__.-' _.-'
`-._ _.-'
1:M 21 Aug 13:47:41.634 # Server started, Redis version 3.0.3
1:M 21 Aug 13:47:41.634 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect.
1:M 21 Aug 13:47:41.634 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled.
1:M 21 Aug 13:47:41.634 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128.
1:M 21 Aug 13:47:41.635 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 6379
STEP: exposing RC
Aug 21 09:48:51.945: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config expose rc redis-master --name=rm2 --port=1234 --target-port=6379 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-48mce'
rm2 unknown 1234/TCP app=redis,role=master <unknown>
Aug 21 09:48:57.947: INFO: Service rm2 in namespace e2e-tests-kubectl-48mce found.
Aug 21 09:48:58.033: INFO: Found pod 2bd4f72e-480b-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 6379 and container port 6379
STEP: exposing service
Aug 21 09:48:58.118: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config expose service rm2 --name=rm3 --port=2345 --target-port=6379 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-48mce'
rm3 unknown 2345/TCP app=redis,role=master <unknown>
Aug 21 09:49:04.097: INFO: Service rm3 in namespace e2e-tests-kubectl-48mce found.
Aug 21 09:49:04.187: INFO: Found pod 2bd4f72e-480b-11e5-80b6-0284014c5505, host port 6379 and container port 6379
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-48mce
• [SLOW TEST:34.651 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl expose
should create services for rc
should work after restarting apiserver
[BeforeEach] Services
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:49:14.635: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-services-yidq7
Aug 21 09:49:14.726: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-services-yidq7 with secrets found. (90.727154ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:49:14.726: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-services-yidq7
Aug 21 09:49:14.813: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-services-yidq7 with secrets found. (87.481535ms)
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
Aug 21 09:49:19.914: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-r2z9p
Aug 21 09:49:20.003: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-r2z9p with secrets found. (89.081175ms)
Aug 21 09:49:25.092: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-dek4b
Aug 21 09:49:25.180: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-dek4b with secrets found. (87.543353ms)
[It] should work after restarting apiserver
[AfterEach] Services
Aug 21 09:49:25.180: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:49:30.273: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:49:30.273: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:49:30.273: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:49:30.273: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:49:30.273: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:49:30.273: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:49:30.273: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:49:30.273: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-services-yidq7" for this suite.
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-r2z9p
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-dek4b
S [SKIPPING] [36.543 seconds]
should work after restarting apiserver [It]
Aug 21 09:49:25.180: Only supported for providers [gce] (not )
EmptyDir volumes
should support (root,0644,default)
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:49:51.183: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-e1zza
Aug 21 09:49:51.273: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-e1zza with secrets found. (90.610317ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:49:51.273: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-e1zza
Aug 21 09:49:51.358: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-e1zza with secrets found. (84.819619ms)
[It] should support (root,0644,default)
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir 0644 on node default medium
Aug 21 09:49:51.448: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-7ec8a4e7-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:49:51.534: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-7ec8a4e7-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:49:51.534: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-7ec8a4e7-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-e1zza' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (86.098566ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-7ec8a4e7-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": 61267
content of file "/test-volume/test-file": mount-tester new file
perms of file "/test-volume/test-file": -rw-r--r--
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
Aug 21 09:49:56.890: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:50:01.980: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:50:01.980: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:50:01.980: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:50:01.980: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:50:01.980: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:50:01.980: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:50:01.980: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:50:01.980: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-e1zza" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:21.174 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should support (root,0644,default)
should work after restarting kube-proxy
[BeforeEach] Services
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:50:12.353: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-services-12e9y
Aug 21 09:50:12.443: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-services-12e9y with secrets found. (89.349098ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:50:12.443: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-services-12e9y
Aug 21 09:50:12.531: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-services-12e9y with secrets found. (88.678848ms)
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
Aug 21 09:50:17.622: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-377dg
Aug 21 09:50:17.717: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-377dg with secrets found. (95.068018ms)
Aug 21 09:50:22.807: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-qq4vd
Aug 21 09:50:22.898: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-qq4vd with secrets found. (90.349475ms)
[It] should work after restarting kube-proxy
[AfterEach] Services
Aug 21 09:50:22.898: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:50:27.987: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:50:27.987: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:50:27.987: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:50:27.987: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:50:27.987: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:50:27.987: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:50:27.987: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:50:27.987: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-services-12e9y" for this suite.
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-377dg
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-qq4vd
S [SKIPPING] [36.532 seconds]
should work after restarting kube-proxy [It]
Aug 21 09:50:22.898: Only supported for providers [gce gke] (not )
Kubectl client Kubectl label
should update the label on a resource
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:50:48.881: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-mifcz
Aug 21 09:50:48.967: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-mifcz with secrets found. (86.252908ms)
[BeforeEach] Kubectl label
STEP: creating the pod
Aug 21 09:50:48.967: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-mifcz'
[AfterEach] Kubectl label
STEP: using delete to clean up resources
Aug 21 09:50:49.000: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config stop --grace-period=0 -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-mifcz'
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-mifcz
• Failure in Spec Setup (BeforeEach) [10.524 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl label
should update the label on a resource [BeforeEach]
Aug 21 09:50:48.999: Error running &{/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ [kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-mifcz] [] <nil> the path "/home/justinsb/k8s/src/" does not exist
[] <nil> 0xc20871c9a0 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc208842498 0xc2088424b8 0xc2088424e0] [0xc208842498 0xc2088424b8 0xc2088424e0] [0xc2088424b0 0xc2088424d8] [0x682f50 0x682f50] 0xc208924fc0}:
Command stdout:
the path "/home/justinsb/k8s/src/" does not exist

Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default command and arguments
[BeforeEach] Docker Containers
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:50:59.404: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-containers-ja6g3
Aug 21 09:50:59.495: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-ja6g3 with secrets found. (90.662181ms)
[It] should be able to override the image's default command and arguments
STEP: Creating a pod to test override all
Aug 21 09:50:59.584: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-containers-a7656d5e-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:50:59.672: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-a7656d5e-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:50:59.672: INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-a7656d5e-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-ja6g3' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (87.73804ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod client-containers-a7656d5e-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:[/ep-2 override arguments]
[AfterEach] Docker Containers
• [SLOW TEST:15.988 seconds]
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default command and arguments
EmptyDir volumes
should support (root,0777,default)
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:51:15.405: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-54cto
Aug 21 09:51:15.496: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-54cto with secrets found. (90.952666ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:51:15.496: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-54cto
Aug 21 09:51:15.583: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-54cto with secrets found. (86.164254ms)
[It] should support (root,0777,default)
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir 0777 on node default medium
Aug 21 09:51:15.671: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-b0fc437e-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:51:15.759: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-b0fc437e-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:51:15.759: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-b0fc437e-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-54cto' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (88.463783ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-b0fc437e-480b-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": 61267
content of file "/test-volume/test-file": mount-tester new file
perms of file "/test-volume/test-file": -rwxrwxrwx
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
Aug 21 09:51:21.133: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:51:26.223: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:51:26.223: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:51:26.223: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:51:26.223: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:51:26.223: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:51:26.223: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:51:26.223: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:51:26.223: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-54cto" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:21.183 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should support (root,0777,default)
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a readonly PD on two hosts, then remove both.
[BeforeEach] Pod Disks
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:51:36.576: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-pyv16
Aug 21 09:51:36.665: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-pyv16 with secrets found. (89.509364ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:51:36.665: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-pyv16
Aug 21 09:51:36.751: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-pyv16 with secrets found. (86.066819ms)
[BeforeEach] Pod Disks
[It] should schedule a pod w/ a readonly PD on two hosts, then remove both.
[AfterEach] Pod Disks
Aug 21 09:51:36.841: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:51:41.928: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:51:41.928: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:51:41.928: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:51:41.928: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:51:41.928: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:51:41.928: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:51:41.928: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:51:41.928: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pod-disks-pyv16" for this suite.
S [SKIPPING] [15.709 seconds]
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a readonly PD on two hosts, then remove both. [It]
Aug 21 09:51:36.840: Only supported for providers [gce gke] (not )
Kubectl client Kubectl api-versions
should check if v1 is in available api versions
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:51:52.290: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-o8q0i
Aug 21 09:51:52.378: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-o8q0i with secrets found. (87.755333ms)
[It] should check if v1 is in available api versions
STEP: validating api verions
Aug 21 09:51:52.378: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config api-versions'
Aug 21 09:51:53.137: INFO: Available Server Api Versions: v1
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-o8q0i
• [SLOW TEST:11.214 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl api-versions
should check if v1 is in available api versions
Probing container
with readiness probe that fails should never be ready and never restart
[BeforeEach] Probing container
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:52:03.502: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-twa4u
Aug 21 09:52:03.588: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-twa4u with secrets found. (85.300852ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:52:03.588: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-twa4u
Aug 21 09:52:03.675: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-twa4u with secrets found. (87.003174ms)
[It] with readiness probe that fails should never be ready and never restart
[AfterEach] Probing container
Aug 21 09:53:33.959: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:53:39.048: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:53:39.048: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:53:39.048: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:53:39.048: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:53:39.048: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:53:39.048: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:53:39.048: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:53:39.048: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-container-probe-twa4u" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:105.906 seconds]
Probing container
with readiness probe that fails should never be ready and never restart
[Autoscaling] should scale cluster size based on cpu utilization
[BeforeEach] Autoscaling
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:53:49.414: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-autoscaling-mz5tm
Aug 21 09:53:49.504: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-autoscaling-mz5tm with secrets found. (89.601293ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:53:49.504: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-autoscaling-mz5tm
Aug 21 09:53:49.590: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-autoscaling-mz5tm with secrets found. (85.997591ms)
[BeforeEach] Autoscaling
[AfterEach] Autoscaling
Aug 21 09:53:49.590: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:53:54.678: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:53:54.678: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:53:54.678: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:53:54.678: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:53:54.678: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:53:54.678: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:53:54.678: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:53:54.678: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-autoscaling-mz5tm" for this suite.
[AfterEach] Autoscaling
STEP: Removing autoscaler
S [SKIPPING] in Spec Setup (BeforeEach) [16.199 seconds]
[Autoscaling] should scale cluster size based on cpu utilization [BeforeEach]
Aug 21 09:53:49.590: Only supported for providers [gce] (not )
Downward API
should provide pod name and namespace as env vars
[BeforeEach] Downward API
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:54:05.603: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-downward-api-vkis7
Aug 21 09:54:05.692: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-downward-api-vkis7 with secrets found. (88.882333ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:54:05.692: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-downward-api-vkis7
Aug 21 09:54:05.777: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-downward-api-vkis7 with secrets found. (84.833497ms)
[It] should provide pod name and namespace as env vars
STEP: Creating a pod to test downward api env vars
Aug 21 09:54:05.873: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod downward-api-166de4b9-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:54:05.958: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'downward-api-166de4b9-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:54:05.958: INFO: Waiting for pod downward-api-166de4b9-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-downward-api-vkis7' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (85.682007ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod downward-api-166de4b9-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container dapi-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:KUBERNETES_PORT=tcp://
[AfterEach] Downward API
Aug 21 09:54:11.316: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:54:16.405: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:54:16.405: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:54:16.405: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:54:16.405: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:54:16.405: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:54:16.405: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:54:16.405: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:54:16.405: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-downward-api-vkis7" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:21.162 seconds]
Downward API
should provide pod name and namespace as env vars
EmptyDir volumes
volume on tmpfs should have the correct mode
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:54:26.768: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-m2401
Aug 21 09:54:26.857: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-m2401 with secrets found. (89.180948ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:54:26.858: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-m2401
Aug 21 09:54:26.944: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-m2401 with secrets found. (86.287393ms)
[It] volume on tmpfs should have the correct mode
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir volume type on tmpfs
Aug 21 09:54:27.035: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-230badb7-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:54:27.119: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-230badb7-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:54:27.119: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-230badb7-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-m2401' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (84.68883ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-230badb7-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": tmpfs
perms of file "/test-volume": -rwxrwxrwx
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
Aug 21 09:54:32.480: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:54:37.570: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:54:37.570: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:54:37.570: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:54:37.570: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:54:37.570: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:54:37.570: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:54:37.570: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:54:37.570: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-m2401" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:21.166 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
volume on tmpfs should have the correct mode
should mount an API token into pods
[BeforeEach] ServiceAccounts
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:54:47.931: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-qeeev
Aug 21 09:54:48.021: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-qeeev with secrets found. (89.477777ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:54:48.021: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-qeeev
Aug 21 09:54:48.107: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-qeeev with secrets found. (85.610547ms)
[It] should mount an API token into pods
STEP: getting the auto-created API token
STEP: Creating a pod to test consume service account token
Aug 21 09:54:48.798: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-service-account-3003b00a-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:54:48.883: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'token-test' in pod 'pod-service-account-3003b00a-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:54:48.883: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-service-account-3003b00a-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-qeeev' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (84.727107ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
Aug 21 09:54:53.971: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-service-account-3003b00a-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-service-account-3003b00a-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container token-test: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:content of file "/var/run/secrets/": eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJrdWJlcm5ldGVzL3NlcnZpY2VhY2NvdW50Iiwia3ViZXJuZXRlcy5pby9zZXJ2aWNlYWNjb3VudC9uYW1lc3BhY2UiOiJlMmUtdGVzdHMtc3ZjYWNjb3VudHMtcWVlZXYiLCJrdWJlcm5ldGVzLmlvL3NlcnZpY2VhY2NvdW50L3NlY3JldC5uYW1lIjoiZGVmYXVsdC10b2tlbi1kdDdwaCIsImt1YmVybmV0ZXMuaW8vc2VydmljZWFjY291bnQvc2VydmljZS1hY2NvdW50Lm5hbWUiOiJkZWZhdWx0Iiwia3ViZXJuZXRlcy5pby9zZXJ2aWNlYWNjb3VudC9zZXJ2aWNlLWFjY291bnQudWlkIjoiMDZhYzU2MGQtNDgwYy0xMWU1LTgwYjYtMDI4NDAxNGM1NTA1Iiwic3ViIjoic3lzdGVtOnNlcnZpY2VhY2NvdW50OmUyZS10ZXN0cy1zdmNhY2NvdW50cy1xZWVldjpkZWZhdWx0In0.CWw1inzckYUYtP2fs8Iyrmffwq2BTpxjlb5osW4EicG2eJnZk7h6uEg55Ad7raiimp1mZzGci8b4G9VsyClkbUSKrTuAKNkaH7CPopLhreAbnRhEA4wUnGJtLZqTNPBC2BWpRK1tjsBHnhN-0sqWx4VFuqQf55pGSqTQn5bz58h4S22Ntr_kaz-UtA763N9kNPex5NEx4Tf0fRMbWt4B0we5tSMxjFCzr2EEEefl6OCeXiDlR-AuVXTxidOZ_XFa2DxJQR6Yh3zGFsiEFyoDVptzlYAme4gUo74wSGuyZsTTMK5LV0NW7U-zbtQMDl_UTY9HDZ_aI5XbI54lOfaKBQ
STEP: Creating a pod to test consume service account root CA
Aug 21 09:54:54.428: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-service-account-3003b00a-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:54:54.517: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'token-test' in pod 'pod-service-account-3003b00a-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:54:54.517: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-service-account-3003b00a-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-qeeev' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (89.148813ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
Aug 21 09:54:59.605: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-service-account-3003b00a-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-service-account-3003b00a-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container root-ca-test: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:content of file "/var/run/secrets/": -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
[AfterEach] ServiceAccounts
Aug 21 09:54:59.978: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:55:05.067: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:55:05.067: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:55:05.067: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:55:05.067: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:55:05.067: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:55:05.067: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:55:05.067: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:55:05.067: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-svcaccounts-qeeev" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:27.514 seconds]
should mount an API token into pods
Kubectl client Proxy server
should support proxy with --port 0
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:55:15.448: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-2lbjv
Aug 21 09:55:15.534: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-2lbjv with secrets found. (86.041902ms)
[It] should support proxy with --port 0
STEP: starting the proxy server
Aug 21 09:55:15.534: INFO: Asynchronously running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config proxy -p 0'
STEP: curling proxy /api/ output
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-2lbjv
• [SLOW TEST:11.057 seconds]
Kubectl client
Proxy server
should support proxy with --port 0
should be consumable from pods
[BeforeEach] Secrets
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:55:26.506: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-secrets-fk0yl
Aug 21 09:55:26.595: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-secrets-fk0yl with secrets found. (89.438101ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:55:26.595: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-secrets-fk0yl
Aug 21 09:55:26.681: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-secrets-fk0yl with secrets found. (85.400904ms)
[It] should be consumable from pods
STEP: Creating secret with name secret-test-46a6c81a-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf
STEP: Creating a pod to test consume secrets
Aug 21 09:55:26.858: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-secrets-46b44502-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 09:55:26.945: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'secret-test' in pod 'pod-secrets-46b44502-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 09:55:26.945: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-secrets-46b44502-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-secrets-fk0yl' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (86.306562ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-secrets-46b44502-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container secret-test: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:mode of file "/etc/secret-volume/data-1": -r--r--r--
content of file "/etc/secret-volume/data-1": value-1
STEP: Cleaning up the secret
[AfterEach] Secrets
Aug 21 09:55:32.408: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:55:37.497: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:55:37.497: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:55:37.497: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:55:37.497: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:55:37.497: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:55:37.497: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:55:37.497: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:55:37.497: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-secrets-fk0yl" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:21.351 seconds]
should be consumable from pods
should call prestop when killing a pod
[BeforeEach] PreStop
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:55:47.856: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-prestop-tgk9b
Aug 21 09:55:47.947: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-prestop-tgk9b with secrets found. (90.752268ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:55:47.947: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-prestop-tgk9b
Aug 21 09:55:48.032: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-prestop-tgk9b with secrets found. (85.558281ms)
[It] should call prestop when killing a pod
STEP: Creating server pod server in namespace e2e-tests-prestop-tgk9b
STEP: Waiting for pods to come up.
Aug 21 09:55:48.123: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod server status to be running
Aug 21 09:55:48.209: INFO: Waiting for pod server in namespace 'e2e-tests-prestop-tgk9b' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (85.729001ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:55:53.296: INFO: Found pod 'server' on node ''
STEP: Creating tester pod server in namespace e2e-tests-prestop-tgk9b
Aug 21 09:55:53.474: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod tester status to be running
Aug 21 09:55:53.563: INFO: Waiting for pod tester in namespace 'e2e-tests-prestop-tgk9b' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (89.465907ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:55:58.650: INFO: Found pod 'tester' on node ''
STEP: Deleting pre-stop pod
Aug 21 09:56:03.834: INFO: Saw: {
"Hostname": "server",
"Sent": null,
"Received": {
"prestop": 1
"Errors": null,
"Log": [
"Unable to read the endpoints for default/nettest: endpoints \"nettest\" not found; will try again.",
"Unable to read the endpoints for default/nettest: endpoints \"nettest\" not found; will try again."
"StillContactingPeers": true
STEP: Deleting the server pod
[AfterEach] PreStop
Aug 21 09:56:03.923: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:56:09.013: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:56:09.013: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:56:09.013: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:56:09.013: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:56:09.013: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:56:09.014: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:56:09.014: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:56:09.014: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-prestop-tgk9b" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:31.518 seconds]
should call prestop when killing a pod
Kibana Logging Instances Is Alive
should check that the Kibana logging instance is alive
[BeforeEach] Kibana Logging Instances Is Alive
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:56:19.380: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kibana-logging-z4xoj
Aug 21 09:56:19.465: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kibana-logging-z4xoj with secrets found. (85.514845ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:56:19.466: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kibana-logging-z4xoj
Aug 21 09:56:19.550: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kibana-logging-z4xoj with secrets found. (84.610789ms)
[BeforeEach] Kibana Logging Instances Is Alive
[AfterEach] Kibana Logging Instances Is Alive
Aug 21 09:56:19.551: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:56:24.639: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:56:24.639: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:56:24.639: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:56:24.639: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:56:24.639: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:56:24.639: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:56:24.639: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:56:24.639: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-kibana-logging-z4xoj" for this suite.
S [SKIPPING] in Spec Setup (BeforeEach) [15.623 seconds]
Kibana Logging Instances Is Alive
should check that the Kibana logging instance is alive [BeforeEach]
Aug 21 09:56:19.550: Only supported for providers [gce] (not )
Probing container
with readiness probe should not be ready before initial delay and never restart
[BeforeEach] Probing container
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:56:34.999: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-lncpb
Aug 21 09:56:35.088: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-lncpb with secrets found. (89.1331ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:56:35.088: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-lncpb
Aug 21 09:56:35.174: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-lncpb with secrets found. (85.69827ms)
[It] with readiness probe should not be ready before initial delay and never restart
Aug 21 09:56:40.353: INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
Aug 21 09:56:45.356: INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
Aug 21 09:56:50.354: INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
Aug 21 09:56:55.354: INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
Aug 21 09:57:00.351: INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
Aug 21 09:57:05.352: INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
[AfterEach] Probing container
Aug 21 09:57:10.445: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:57:15.535: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:57:15.535: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:57:15.535: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:57:15.535: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:57:15.535: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:57:15.535: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:57:15.535: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:57:15.535: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-container-probe-lncpb" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:50.897 seconds]
Probing container
with readiness probe should not be ready before initial delay and never restart
should be able to up and down services
[BeforeEach] Services
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:57:25.896: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-services-r0q6f
Aug 21 09:57:25.984: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-services-r0q6f with secrets found. (88.643363ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:57:25.985: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-services-r0q6f
Aug 21 09:57:26.069: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-services-r0q6f with secrets found. (83.997785ms)
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
Aug 21 09:57:31.168: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-0hocc
Aug 21 09:57:31.257: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-0hocc with secrets found. (89.171255ms)
Aug 21 09:57:36.345: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-ewusz
Aug 21 09:57:36.435: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-ewusz with secrets found. (89.221757ms)
[It] should be able to up and down services
[AfterEach] Services
Aug 21 09:57:36.435: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:57:41.526: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:57:41.527: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:57:41.527: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:57:41.527: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:57:41.527: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:57:41.527: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:57:41.527: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:57:41.527: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-services-r0q6f" for this suite.
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-0hocc
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-ewusz
S [SKIPPING] [36.522 seconds]
should be able to up and down services [It]
Aug 21 09:57:36.435: Only supported for providers [gce gke aws] (not )
should correctly serve identically named services in different namespaces on different external IP addresses
[BeforeEach] Services
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:58:02.420: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-services-6oz43
Aug 21 09:58:02.509: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-services-6oz43 with secrets found. (89.00836ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:58:02.509: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-services-6oz43
Aug 21 09:58:02.594: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-services-6oz43 with secrets found. (85.489995ms)
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
Aug 21 09:58:07.688: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-214p8
Aug 21 09:58:07.778: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-214p8 with secrets found. (89.342461ms)
Aug 21 09:58:12.867: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-di6rd
Aug 21 09:58:12.957: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-di6rd with secrets found. (90.298237ms)
[It] should correctly serve identically named services in different namespaces on different external IP addresses
[AfterEach] Services
Aug 21 09:58:12.958: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:58:18.046: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:58:18.046: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:58:18.046: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:58:18.046: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:58:18.046: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:58:18.046: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:58:18.046: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:58:18.046: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-services-6oz43" for this suite.
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-214p8
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-di6rd
S [SKIPPING] [36.530 seconds]
should correctly serve identically named services in different namespaces on different external IP addresses [It]
Aug 21 09:58:12.957: Only supported for providers [gce gke aws] (not )
should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image
[BeforeEach] ReplicationController
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 09:58:38.949: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-tbt1o
Aug 21 09:58:39.034: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-tbt1o with secrets found. (85.476597ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 09:58:39.034: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-tbt1o
Aug 21 09:58:39.126: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-tbt1o with secrets found. (91.562162ms)
[It] should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image
STEP: Creating replication controller my-hostname-basic-b95b9f05-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf
Aug 21 09:58:39.308: INFO: Pod name my-hostname-basic-b95b9f05-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: Found 2 pods out of 2
STEP: Ensuring each pod is running
Aug 21 09:58:39.308: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod my-hostname-basic-b95b9f05-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf-2u31x status to be running
Aug 21 09:58:39.397: INFO: Waiting for pod my-hostname-basic-b95b9f05-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf-2u31x in namespace 'e2e-tests-replication-controller-tbt1o' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (89.23451ms elapsed)
Aug 21 09:58:44.489: INFO: Found pod 'my-hostname-basic-b95b9f05-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf-2u31x' on node ''
Aug 21 09:58:44.489: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod my-hostname-basic-b95b9f05-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf-z9zyt status to be running
Aug 21 09:58:44.578: INFO: Found pod 'my-hostname-basic-b95b9f05-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf-z9zyt' on node ''
STEP: Trying to dial each unique pod
Aug 21 09:58:49.844: INFO: Controller my-hostname-basic-b95b9f05-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: Got expected result from replica 1 [my-hostname-basic-b95b9f05-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf-2u31x]: "my-hostname-basic-b95b9f05-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf-2u31x", 1 of 2 required successes so far
Aug 21 09:58:50.016: INFO: Controller my-hostname-basic-b95b9f05-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: Got expected result from replica 2 [my-hostname-basic-b95b9f05-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf-z9zyt]: "my-hostname-basic-b95b9f05-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf-z9zyt", 2 of 2 required successes so far
STEP: 2015-08-21 09:58:50.01675333 -0400 EDT Deleting replication controller my-hostname-basic-b95b9f05-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace e2e-tests-replication-controller-tbt1o
Aug 21 09:58:52.713: INFO: Deleting RC took: 2.611521847s
Aug 21 09:58:57.799: INFO: Terminating RC pods took: 5.086078263s
[AfterEach] ReplicationController
Aug 21 09:58:57.799: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 09:59:02.889: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:59:02.889: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:59:02.889: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:59:02.889: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:59:02.889: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:59:02.889: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 09:59:02.889: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 09:59:02.889: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-replication-controller-tbt1o" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:34.315 seconds]
should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image
Kubectl client Kubectl describe
should check if kubectl describe prints relevant information for rc and pods
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:59:13.271: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-0joow
Aug 21 09:59:13.361: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-0joow with secrets found. (89.732197ms)
[It] should check if kubectl describe prints relevant information for rc and pods
Aug 21 09:59:13.361: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-0joow'
Aug 21 09:59:13.988: INFO: replicationcontroller "redis-master" created
Aug 21 09:59:13.988: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-0joow'
Aug 21 09:59:14.638: INFO: service "redis-master" created
Aug 21 09:59:14.724: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod redis-master-yrmhq status to be running
Aug 21 09:59:14.814: INFO: Found pod 'redis-master-yrmhq' on node ''
Aug 21 09:59:14.814: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config describe pod redis-master-yrmhq --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-0joow'
Aug 21 09:59:15.767: INFO: Name: redis-master-yrmhq
Namespace: e2e-tests-kubectl-0joow
Image(s): redis
Labels: app=redis,role=master
Status: Running
Replication Controllers: redis-master (1/1 replicas created)
Image: redis
State: Running
Started: Fri, 21 Aug 2015 09:58:05 -0400
Ready: False
Restart Count: 0
Type Status
Ready False
Type: Secret (a secret that should populate this volume)
SecretName: default-token-pt0e1
FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubobjectPath Reason Message
1m 1m 1 {scheduler } scheduled Successfully assigned redis-master-yrmhq to
1m 1m 1 {kubelet} implicitly required container POD pulled Pod container image "" already present on machine
1m 1m 1 {kubelet} implicitly required container POD created Created with docker id 62f9576a020d
1m 1m 1 {kubelet} implicitly required container POD started Started with docker id 62f9576a020d
1m 1m 1 {kubelet} spec.containers{redis-master} created Created with docker id a0dd07813f2f
1m 1m 1 {kubelet} spec.containers{redis-master} started Started with docker id a0dd07813f2f
Aug 21 09:59:15.767: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config describe rc redis-master --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-0joow'
Aug 21 09:59:16.691: INFO: Name: redis-master
Namespace: e2e-tests-kubectl-0joow
Image(s): redis
Selector: app=redis,role=master
Labels: app=redis,role=master
Replicas: 1 current / 1 desired
Pods Status: 1 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed
No volumes.
FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubobjectPath Reason Message
1m 1m 1 {replication-controller } successfulCreate Created pod: redis-master-yrmhq
Aug 21 09:59:16.692: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config describe service redis-master --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-0joow'
Aug 21 09:59:17.575: INFO: Name: redis-master
Namespace: e2e-tests-kubectl-0joow
Labels: app=redis,role=master
Selector: app=redis,role=master
Type: ClusterIP
Port: <unnamed> 6379/TCP
Endpoints: <none>
Session Affinity: None
No events.
Aug 21 09:59:17.665: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config describe node'
Aug 21 09:59:18.639: INFO: Name:
CreationTimestamp: Fri, 21 Aug 2015 09:23:59 -0400
Type Status LastHeartbeatTime LastTransitionTime Reason Message
Ready True Fri, 21 Aug 2015 09:58:02 -0400 Fri, 21 Aug 2015 09:24:29 -0400 kubelet is posting ready status
cpu: 1
memory: 1015208Ki
pods: 40
Allocated resources (total requests):
cpu: 300m
memory: 300Mi
pods: 3
Kernel Version: 3.19.0-20-generic
OS Image: Ubuntu 15.04
Container Runtime Version: docker://Unknown
Kubelet Version: v1.0.3
Kube-Proxy Version: v1.0.3
ExternalID: i-d5861e10
Pods: (3 in total)
Namespace Name CPU(milliCPU) Memory(bytes)
kube-system 100 (10%!o(MISSING)f total) 0 (0%!o(MISSING)f total)
kube-system kibana-logging-v1-2uk02 100 (10%!o(MISSING)f total) 0 (0%!o(MISSING)f total)
kube-system monitoring-heapster-v6-qfg9r 100 (10%!o(MISSING)f total) 314572800 (30%!o(MISSING)f total)
CPU(milliCPU): 300 (30%!o(MISSING)f total)
Memory(bytes): 314572800 (30%!o(MISSING)f total)
FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubobjectPath Reason Message
35m 35m 1 {kubelet} NodeNotReady Node status is now: NodeNotReady
34m 34m 1 {kubelet} starting Starting kubelet.
34m 34m 1 {kubelet} NodeReady Node status is now: NodeReady
Aug 21 09:59:18.639: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config describe namespace e2e-tests-kubectl-0joow'
Aug 21 09:59:19.481: INFO: Name: e2e-tests-kubectl-0joow
Labels: <none>
Status: Active
No resource quota.
No resource limits.
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-0joow
• [SLOW TEST:16.587 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl describe
should check if kubectl describe prints relevant information for rc and pods
should not exceed expected amount.
[BeforeEach] ResourceUsage
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
[It] should not exceed expected amount.
STEP: Getting ResourceConsumption on all nodes
Aug 21 09:59:45.747: INFO: /docker-daemon on usage: &e2e.containerResourceUsage{Name:"", Timestamp:time.Time{sec:0, nsec:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}, CPUUsageInCores:0.016594329275026, MemoryUsageInBytes:96096256, MemoryWorkingSetInBytes:56252825, CPUInterval:0}
Aug 21 09:59:45.747: INFO: /kubelet on usage: &e2e.containerResourceUsage{Name:"", Timestamp:time.Time{sec:0, nsec:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}, CPUUsageInCores:0, MemoryUsageInBytes:1130496, MemoryWorkingSetInBytes:1056768, CPUInterval:0}
Aug 21 09:59:45.747: INFO: /kube-proxy on usage: &e2e.containerResourceUsage{Name:"", Timestamp:time.Time{sec:0, nsec:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}, CPUUsageInCores:0, MemoryUsageInBytes:512000, MemoryWorkingSetInBytes:466944, CPUInterval:0}
Aug 21 09:59:45.747: INFO: /system on usage: &e2e.containerResourceUsage{Name:"", Timestamp:time.Time{sec:0, nsec:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}, CPUUsageInCores:9.030667937215315e-05, MemoryUsageInBytes:1380352, MemoryWorkingSetInBytes:1310720, CPUInterval:0}
Aug 21 09:59:45.747: INFO: /docker-daemon on usage: &e2e.containerResourceUsage{Name:"", Timestamp:time.Time{sec:0, nsec:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}, CPUUsageInCores:0.020097214240914322, MemoryUsageInBytes:243036160, MemoryWorkingSetInBytes:108310528, CPUInterval:0}
Aug 21 09:59:45.747: INFO: /kubelet on usage: &e2e.containerResourceUsage{Name:"", Timestamp:time.Time{sec:0, nsec:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}, CPUUsageInCores:0, MemoryUsageInBytes:675840, MemoryWorkingSetInBytes:606208, CPUInterval:0}
Aug 21 09:59:45.747: INFO: /kube-proxy on usage: &e2e.containerResourceUsage{Name:"", Timestamp:time.Time{sec:0, nsec:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}, CPUUsageInCores:0, MemoryUsageInBytes:454656, MemoryWorkingSetInBytes:409600, CPUInterval:0}
Aug 21 09:59:45.747: INFO: /system on usage: &e2e.containerResourceUsage{Name:"", Timestamp:time.Time{sec:0, nsec:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}, CPUUsageInCores:1.2395422372866316e-05, MemoryUsageInBytes:1392640, MemoryWorkingSetInBytes:1314816, CPUInterval:0}
Aug 21 09:59:45.747: INFO: /docker-daemon on usage: &e2e.containerResourceUsage{Name:"", Timestamp:time.Time{sec:0, nsec:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}, CPUUsageInCores:0.013764887895864988, MemoryUsageInBytes:76238848, MemoryWorkingSetInBytes:43782144, CPUInterval:0}
Aug 21 09:59:45.747: INFO: /kubelet on usage: &e2e.containerResourceUsage{Name:"", Timestamp:time.Time{sec:0, nsec:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}, CPUUsageInCores:0, MemoryUsageInBytes:880640, MemoryWorkingSetInBytes:749568, CPUInterval:0}
Aug 21 09:59:45.747: INFO: /kube-proxy on usage: &e2e.containerResourceUsage{Name:"", Timestamp:time.Time{sec:0, nsec:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}, CPUUsageInCores:0, MemoryUsageInBytes:315392, MemoryWorkingSetInBytes:270336, CPUInterval:0}
Aug 21 09:59:45.747: INFO: /system on usage: &e2e.containerResourceUsage{Name:"", Timestamp:time.Time{sec:0, nsec:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}, CPUUsageInCores:1.1337277314247054e-05, MemoryUsageInBytes:1179648, MemoryWorkingSetInBytes:1130496, CPUInterval:0}
Aug 21 09:59:45.747: INFO: /docker-daemon on usage: &e2e.containerResourceUsage{Name:"", Timestamp:time.Time{sec:0, nsec:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}, CPUUsageInCores:0.015373676658726946, MemoryUsageInBytes:209666867, MemoryWorkingSetInBytes:108720947, CPUInterval:0}
Aug 21 09:59:45.747: INFO: /kubelet on usage: &e2e.containerResourceUsage{Name:"", Timestamp:time.Time{sec:0, nsec:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}, CPUUsageInCores:0, MemoryUsageInBytes:860160, MemoryWorkingSetInBytes:729088, CPUInterval:0}
Aug 21 09:59:45.747: INFO: /kube-proxy on usage: &e2e.containerResourceUsage{Name:"", Timestamp:time.Time{sec:0, nsec:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}, CPUUsageInCores:0, MemoryUsageInBytes:1220608, MemoryWorkingSetInBytes:1175552, CPUInterval:0}
Aug 21 09:59:45.747: INFO: /system on usage: &e2e.containerResourceUsage{Name:"", Timestamp:time.Time{sec:0, nsec:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}, CPUUsageInCores:0.0005793562416525509, MemoryUsageInBytes:1224704, MemoryWorkingSetInBytes:1163264, CPUInterval:0}
• [SLOW TEST:20.990 seconds]
should not exceed expected amount.
Kubectl client Proxy server
should support --unix-socket=/path
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 09:59:50.839: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-cz8hc
Aug 21 09:59:50.926: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-cz8hc with secrets found. (86.453336ms)
[It] should support --unix-socket=/path
STEP: Starting the proxy
Aug 21 09:59:50.926: INFO: Asynchronously running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config proxy --unix-socket=/tmp/kubectl-proxy-unix037255263/test'
STEP: retrieving proxy /api/ output
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-cz8hc
• [SLOW TEST:11.003 seconds]
Kubectl client
Proxy server
should support --unix-socket=/path
Kubectl client Kubectl cluster-info
should check if Kubernetes master services is included in cluster-info
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 10:00:01.846: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-j0m15
Aug 21 10:00:01.936: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-j0m15 with secrets found. (89.980116ms)
[It] should check if Kubernetes master services is included in cluster-info
STEP: validating cluster-info
Aug 21 10:00:01.936: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config cluster-info'
Aug 21 10:00:02.658: INFO: Kubernetes master is running at
Elasticsearch is running at
Kibana is running at
KubeDNS is running at
KubeUI is running at
Grafana is running at
Heapster is running at
InfluxDB is running at
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-j0m15
• [SLOW TEST:11.190 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl cluster-info
should check if Kubernetes master services is included in cluster-info
Proxy version v1
should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port
[BeforeEach] version v1
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 10:00:13.038: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-syo43
Aug 21 10:00:13.134: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-syo43 with secrets found. (95.626654ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 10:00:13.134: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-syo43
Aug 21 10:00:13.218: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-syo43 with secrets found. (84.805397ms)
[It] should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port
Aug 21 10:00:13.399: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 92.788928ms)
Aug 21 10:00:13.486: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 87.652014ms)
Aug 21 10:00:13.572: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 86.016708ms)
Aug 21 10:00:13.659: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 86.759868ms)
Aug 21 10:00:13.746: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 86.881245ms)
Aug 21 10:00:13.834: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 87.460437ms)
Aug 21 10:00:13.920: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 86.85738ms)
Aug 21 10:00:14.008: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 87.792043ms)
Aug 21 10:00:14.095: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 86.678722ms)
Aug 21 10:00:14.184: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 88.685023ms)
Aug 21 10:00:14.271: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 86.874505ms)
Aug 21 10:00:14.358: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 87.346101ms)
Aug 21 10:00:14.451: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 93.341201ms)
Aug 21 10:00:14.563: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 111.913609ms)
Aug 21 10:00:14.650: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 86.584083ms)
Aug 21 10:00:14.830: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 180.22231ms)
Aug 21 10:00:15.032: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 201.561426ms)
Aug 21 10:00:15.232: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 199.832813ms)
Aug 21 10:00:15.432: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 200.693928ms)
Aug 21 10:00:15.632: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 199.543189ms)
[AfterEach] version v1
Aug 21 10:00:15.632: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 10:00:20.720: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:00:20.720: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:00:20.720: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:00:20.720: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:00:20.720: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:00:20.720: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:00:20.720: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:00:20.720: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-proxy-syo43" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:18.049 seconds]
version v1
should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port
Variable Expansion
should allow substituting values in a container's args
[BeforeEach] Variable Expansion
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 10:00:31.083: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-ff2ph
Aug 21 10:00:31.172: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-ff2ph with secrets found. (88.772158ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 10:00:31.172: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-ff2ph
Aug 21 10:00:31.257: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-ff2ph with secrets found. (85.038402ms)
[It] should allow substituting values in a container's args
STEP: Creating a pod to test substitution in container's args
Aug 21 10:00:31.348: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod var-expansion-fc316bad-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 10:00:31.434: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-fc316bad-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 10:00:31.434: INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-fc316bad-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-ff2ph' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (85.188466ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod var-expansion-fc316bad-480c-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container dapi-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:test-value
[AfterEach] Variable Expansion
Aug 21 10:00:36.799: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 10:00:41.888: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:00:41.888: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:00:41.888: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:00:41.888: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:00:41.888: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:00:41.888: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:00:41.888: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:00:41.888: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-var-expansion-ff2ph" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:21.176 seconds]
Variable Expansion
should allow substituting values in a container's args
Variable Expansion
should allow substituting values in a container's command
[BeforeEach] Variable Expansion
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 10:00:52.259: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-4mr6d
Aug 21 10:00:52.352: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-4mr6d with secrets found. (92.620741ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 10:00:52.352: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-4mr6d
Aug 21 10:00:52.437: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-4mr6d with secrets found. (84.850484ms)
[It] should allow substituting values in a container's command
STEP: Creating a pod to test substitution in container's command
Aug 21 10:00:52.526: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod var-expansion-08d13cd0-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 10:00:52.612: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-08d13cd0-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 10:00:52.613: INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-08d13cd0-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-4mr6d' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (86.590839ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod var-expansion-08d13cd0-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container dapi-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:test-value
[AfterEach] Variable Expansion
Aug 21 10:00:57.984: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 10:01:03.083: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:01:03.083: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:01:03.083: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:01:03.083: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:01:03.083: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:01:03.083: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:01:03.083: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:01:03.083: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-var-expansion-4mr6d" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:21.183 seconds]
Variable Expansion
should allow substituting values in a container's command
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD, remove it, then schedule it on another host
[BeforeEach] Pod Disks
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 10:01:13.442: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-fcouy
Aug 21 10:01:13.531: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-fcouy with secrets found. (88.315289ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 10:01:13.531: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-fcouy
Aug 21 10:01:13.616: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-fcouy with secrets found. (85.554167ms)
[BeforeEach] Pod Disks
[It] should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD, remove it, then schedule it on another host
[AfterEach] Pod Disks
Aug 21 10:01:13.705: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 10:01:18.801: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:01:18.801: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:01:18.801: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:01:18.801: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:01:18.801: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:01:18.801: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:01:18.801: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:01:18.801: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pod-disks-fcouy" for this suite.
S [SKIPPING] [15.715 seconds]
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD, remove it, then schedule it on another host [It]
Aug 21 10:01:13.704: Only supported for providers [gce gke aws] (not )
EmptyDir volumes
should support (non-root,0666,tmpfs)
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 10:01:29.168: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-mlh8p
Aug 21 10:01:29.260: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-mlh8p with secrets found. (92.227885ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 10:01:29.260: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-mlh8p
Aug 21 10:01:29.348: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-mlh8p with secrets found. (87.420941ms)
[It] should support (non-root,0666,tmpfs)
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir 0666 on tmpfs
Aug 21 10:01:29.439: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-1ed1663d-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 10:01:29.524: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-1ed1663d-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 10:01:29.524: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-1ed1663d-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-mlh8p' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (85.24332ms elapsed)
Aug 21 10:01:34.611: INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-1ed1663d-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-mlh8p' so far
Aug 21 10:01:34.611: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-1ed1663d-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-mlh8p' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.172168572s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-1ed1663d-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": tmpfs
content of file "/test-volume/test-file": mount-tester new file
perms of file "/test-volume/test-file": -rw-rw-rw-
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
Aug 21 10:01:39.966: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 10:01:45.055: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:01:45.055: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:01:45.055: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:01:45.055: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:01:45.055: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:01:45.055: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:01:45.055: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:01:45.055: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-mlh8p" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:26.262 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should support (non-root,0666,tmpfs)
Kubectl client Update Demo
should do a rolling update of a replication controller
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 10:01:55.419: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-z21b6
Aug 21 10:01:55.505: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-z21b6 with secrets found. (85.834256ms)
[BeforeEach] Update Demo
[It] should do a rolling update of a replication controller
STEP: creating the initial replication controller
Aug 21 10:01:55.505: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-z21b6'
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-z21b6
• Failure [10.476 seconds]
Kubectl client
Update Demo
should do a rolling update of a replication controller [It]
Aug 21 10:01:55.528: Error running &{/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ [kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-z21b6] [] <nil> the path "/home/justinsb/k8s/src/" does not exist
[] <nil> 0xc2085b49a0 exit status 1 <nil> true [0xc208842448 0xc208842468 0xc208842488] [0xc208842448 0xc208842468 0xc208842488] [0xc208842460 0xc208842480] [0x682f50 0x682f50] 0xc208d3f7a0}:
Command stdout:
the path "/home/justinsb/k8s/src/" does not exist

EmptyDir volumes
should support (non-root,0777,default)
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 10:02:05.897: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-xugs2
Aug 21 10:02:05.982: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-xugs2 with secrets found. (85.271297ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 10:02:05.982: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-xugs2
Aug 21 10:02:06.068: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-xugs2 with secrets found. (85.07579ms)
[It] should support (non-root,0777,default)
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir 0777 on node default medium
Aug 21 10:02:06.158: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-34b4660f-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 10:02:06.243: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-34b4660f-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 10:02:06.243: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-34b4660f-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-xugs2' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (84.917476ms elapsed)
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Collecting events from namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-xugs2".
Aug 21 10:02:11.537: INFO: event for pod-34b4660f-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {scheduler } scheduled: Successfully assigned pod-34b4660f-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf to
Aug 21 10:02:11.537: INFO: event for pod-34b4660f-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} pulled: Pod container image "" already present on machine
Aug 21 10:02:11.537: INFO: event for pod-34b4660f-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} created: Created with docker id 8ed3e6e3a5af
Aug 21 10:02:11.537: INFO: event for pod-34b4660f-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} started: Started with docker id 8ed3e6e3a5af
Aug 21 10:02:11.537: INFO: event for pod-34b4660f-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} created: Created with docker id 8edd04f903c7
Aug 21 10:02:11.537: INFO: event for pod-34b4660f-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf: {kubelet} started: Started with docker id 8edd04f903c7
Aug 21 10:02:11.727: INFO: Pod kube-system elasticsearch-logging-v1-7w4sv, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 10:02:11.727: INFO: Pod kube-system elasticsearch-logging-v1-rz5mu, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 10:02:11.727: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 10:02:11.727: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 10:02:11.727: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 10:02:11.727: INFO: Pod kube-system, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 10:02:11.727: INFO: Pod kube-system kibana-logging-v1-2uk02, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 10:02:11.727: INFO: Pod kube-system kube-dns-v8-padaw, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 10:02:11.727: INFO: Pod kube-system kube-ui-v1-k2s4l, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 10:02:11.727: INFO: Pod kube-system monitoring-heapster-v6-qfg9r, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 10:02:11.727: INFO: Pod kube-system monitoring-influx-grafana-v1-r241e, deletionTimestamp=<nil>
Aug 21 10:02:11.727: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 10:02:16.815: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:02:16.815: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:02:16.815: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:02:16.815: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:02:16.815: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:02:16.815: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:02:16.815: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:02:16.815: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-xugs2" for this suite.
• Failure [21.275 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should support (non-root,0777,default) [It]
Expected error:
<*errors.errorString | 0xc208892b10>: {
s: "pod 'pod-34b4660f-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' terminated with failure: &{ExitCode:1 Signal:0 Reason: Message: StartedAt:2015-08-21 10:00:57 -0400 EDT FinishedAt:2015-08-21 10:00:57 -0400 EDT ContainerID:docker://8edd04f903c77568ddfa2066c749bd0dfa8aba4202111dd5b27156e83ad2e452}",
pod 'pod-34b4660f-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' terminated with failure: &{ExitCode:1 Signal:0 Reason: Message: StartedAt:2015-08-21 10:00:57 -0400 EDT FinishedAt:2015-08-21 10:00:57 -0400 EDT ContainerID:docker://8edd04f903c77568ddfa2066c749bd0dfa8aba4202111dd5b27156e83ad2e452}
not to have occurred
Kubectl client Kubectl logs
should find a string in pod logs
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 10:02:27.170: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-8q991
Aug 21 10:02:27.256: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-8q991 with secrets found. (85.886404ms)
[It] should find a string in pod logs
STEP: creating Redis RC
Aug 21 10:02:27.256: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-8q991'
Aug 21 10:02:27.934: INFO: replicationcontroller "redis-master" created
STEP: checking logs
Aug 21 10:02:28.022: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod redis-master-vqlcb status to be running
Aug 21 10:02:28.111: INFO: Waiting for pod redis-master-vqlcb in namespace 'e2e-tests-kubectl-8q991' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (89.48986ms elapsed)
Aug 21 10:02:33.199: INFO: Found pod 'redis-master-vqlcb' on node ''
Aug 21 10:02:33.199: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log redis-master-vqlcb redis-master --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-8q991'
Aug 21 10:02:34.039: INFO: 1:C 21 Aug 14:01:19.770 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf
_.-``__ ''-._
_.-`` `. `_. ''-._ Redis 3.0.3 (00000000/0) 64 bit
.-`` .-```. ```\/ _.,_ ''-._
( ' , .-` | `, ) Running in standalone mode
|`-._`-...-` __...-.``-._|'` _.-'| Port: 6379
| `-._ `._ / _.-' | PID: 1
`-._ `-._ `-./ _.-' _.-'
|`-._`-._ `-.__.-' _.-'_.-'|
| `-._`-._ _.-'_.-' |
`-._ `-._`-.__.-'_.-' _.-'
|`-._`-._ `-.__.-' _.-'_.-'|
| `-._`-._ _.-'_.-' |
`-._ `-._`-.__.-'_.-' _.-'
`-._ `-.__.-' _.-'
`-._ _.-'
1:M 21 Aug 14:01:19.771 # Server started, Redis version 3.0.3
1:M 21 Aug 14:01:19.771 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect.
1:M 21 Aug 14:01:19.771 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled.
1:M 21 Aug 14:01:19.771 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128.
1:M 21 Aug 14:01:19.771 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 6379
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-8q991
• [SLOW TEST:17.225 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl logs
should find a string in pod logs
should provide unchanging, static URL paths for kubernetes api services.
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 10:02:44.403: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-3h9wq
Aug 21 10:02:44.495: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-3h9wq with secrets found. (91.495693ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 10:02:44.495: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-3h9wq
Aug 21 10:02:44.583: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-3h9wq with secrets found. (88.152549ms)
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Executing a successful http request from the external internet
[It] should provide unchanging, static URL paths for kubernetes api services.
STEP: testing: /validate
STEP: testing: /healthz
[AfterEach] Networking
Aug 21 10:02:44.886: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 10:02:49.975: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:02:49.975: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:02:49.975: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:02:49.975: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:02:49.975: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:02:49.975: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:02:49.975: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:02:49.975: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-nettest-3h9wq" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:15.956 seconds]
should provide unchanging, static URL paths for kubernetes api services.
Examples e2e [Example]ClusterDns
should create pod that uses dns
[BeforeEach] Examples e2e
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 10:03:00.350: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-examples-380b3
Aug 21 10:03:00.440: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-examples-380b3 with secrets found. (89.521925ms)
[It] should create pod that uses dns
Aug 21 10:03:05.551: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl
Aug 21 10:03:05.643: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl with secrets found. (91.275776ms)
Aug 21 10:03:10.743: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-dnsexample1-qyuid
Aug 21 10:03:10.829: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-dnsexample1-qyuid with secrets found. (85.627092ms)
Aug 21 10:03:10.829: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl'
Aug 21 10:03:11.458: INFO: replicationcontroller "dns-backend" created
Aug 21 10:03:11.458: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample1-qyuid'
Aug 21 10:03:12.054: INFO: replicationcontroller "dns-backend" created
Aug 21 10:03:12.054: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl'
Aug 21 10:03:12.755: INFO: service "dns-backend" created
Aug 21 10:03:12.755: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample1-qyuid'
Aug 21 10:03:13.387: INFO: service "dns-backend" created
Aug 21 10:03:18.473: INFO: Service dns-backend in namespace e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl found.
Aug 21 10:03:23.559: INFO: Service dns-backend in namespace e2e-tests-dnsexample1-qyuid found.
STEP: trying to dial each unique pod
Aug 21 10:03:28.915: INFO: Controller dns-backend: Failed to GET from replica 1 [dns-backend-vvosk]: an error on the server has prevented the request from succeeding (get pods dns-backend-vvosk):
Aug 21 10:03:33.915: INFO: Controller dns-backend: Failed to GET from replica 1 [dns-backend-vvosk]: an error on the server has prevented the request from succeeding (get pods dns-backend-vvosk):
Aug 21 10:03:38.912: INFO: Controller dns-backend: Failed to GET from replica 1 [dns-backend-vvosk]: an error on the server has prevented the request from succeeding (get pods dns-backend-vvosk):
Aug 21 10:03:43.914: INFO: Controller dns-backend: Failed to GET from replica 1 [dns-backend-vvosk]: an error on the server has prevented the request from succeeding (get pods dns-backend-vvosk):
Aug 21 10:03:48.910: INFO: Controller dns-backend: Failed to GET from replica 1 [dns-backend-vvosk]: an error on the server has prevented the request from succeeding (get pods dns-backend-vvosk):
Aug 21 10:03:53.912: INFO: Controller dns-backend: Failed to GET from replica 1 [dns-backend-vvosk]: an error on the server has prevented the request from succeeding (get pods dns-backend-vvosk):
Aug 21 10:03:58.913: INFO: Controller dns-backend: Got non-empty result from replica 1 [dns-backend-vvosk]: "Hello World!", 1 of 1 required successes so far
Aug 21 10:03:58.913: INFO: found 1 backend pods responding in namespace e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl
STEP: trying to dial the service e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl.dns-backend via the proxy
Aug 21 10:04:04.086: INFO: Service dns-backend: found nonempty answer: Hello World!
STEP: trying to dial each unique pod
Aug 21 10:04:09.442: INFO: Controller dns-backend: Got non-empty result from replica 1 [dns-backend-nbul8]: "Hello World!", 1 of 1 required successes so far
Aug 21 10:04:09.442: INFO: found 1 backend pods responding in namespace e2e-tests-dnsexample1-qyuid
STEP: trying to dial the service e2e-tests-dnsexample1-qyuid.dns-backend via the proxy
Aug 21 10:04:14.627: INFO: Service dns-backend: found nonempty answer: Hello World!
Aug 21 10:04:14.714: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config exec dns-backend-vvosk --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl -- python -c
import socket
print 'ok'
print 'err''
Aug 21 10:04:16.322: INFO: ok
Aug 21 10:04:16.322: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl'
Aug 21 10:04:16.947: INFO: pod "dns-frontend" created
Aug 21 10:04:16.948: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f - --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample1-qyuid'
Aug 21 10:04:17.628: INFO: pod "dns-frontend" created
Aug 21 10:04:17.628: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log dns-frontend dns-frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl'
Aug 21 10:04:18.341: INFO: Internal Error: pod is not in 'Running', 'Succeeded' or 'Failed' state - State: "Pending"
Aug 21 10:04:23.342: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log dns-frontend dns-frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl'
Aug 21 10:04:24.045: INFO: Internal Error: pod is not in 'Running', 'Succeeded' or 'Failed' state - State: "Pending"
Aug 21 10:04:29.045: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log dns-frontend dns-frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl'
Aug 21 10:04:29.810: INFO: Internal Error: pod is not in 'Running', 'Succeeded' or 'Failed' state - State: "Pending"
Aug 21 10:04:34.811: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log dns-frontend dns-frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl'
Aug 21 10:04:35.512: INFO: Internal Error: pod is not in 'Running', 'Succeeded' or 'Failed' state - State: "Pending"
Aug 21 10:04:40.512: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log dns-frontend dns-frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl'
Aug 21 10:04:41.220: INFO: Internal Error: pod is not in 'Running', 'Succeeded' or 'Failed' state - State: "Pending"
Aug 21 10:04:46.220: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log dns-frontend dns-frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl'
Aug 21 10:04:47.012: INFO: Internal Error: pod is not in 'Running', 'Succeeded' or 'Failed' state - State: "Pending"
Aug 21 10:04:52.012: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log dns-frontend dns-frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl'
Aug 21 10:04:52.824: INFO: Internal Error: pod is not in 'Running', 'Succeeded' or 'Failed' state - State: "Pending"
Aug 21 10:04:57.824: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log dns-frontend dns-frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl'
Aug 21 10:04:58.599: INFO: Internal Error: pod is not in 'Running', 'Succeeded' or 'Failed' state - State: "Pending"
Aug 21 10:05:03.599: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log dns-frontend dns-frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl'
Aug 21 10:05:04.368: INFO: Internal Error: pod is not in 'Running', 'Succeeded' or 'Failed' state - State: "Pending"
Aug 21 10:05:09.368: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log dns-frontend dns-frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl'
Aug 21 10:05:10.154: INFO: Internal Error: pod is not in 'Running', 'Succeeded' or 'Failed' state - State: "Pending"
Aug 21 10:05:15.154: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log dns-frontend dns-frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl'
Aug 21 10:05:15.920: INFO: Internal Error: pod is not in 'Running', 'Succeeded' or 'Failed' state - State: "Pending"
Aug 21 10:05:20.920: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log dns-frontend dns-frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl'
Aug 21 10:05:21.622: INFO:
Aug 21 10:05:26.622: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log dns-frontend dns-frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl'
Aug 21 10:05:27.410: INFO:
Send request to: http://dns-backend.e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl.cluster.local:8000
<Response [200]>
Hello World!
Aug 21 10:05:27.410: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log dns-frontend dns-frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample1-qyuid'
Aug 21 10:05:28.234: INFO: Internal Error: pod is not in 'Running', 'Succeeded' or 'Failed' state - State: "Pending"
Aug 21 10:05:33.234: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log dns-frontend dns-frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample1-qyuid'
Aug 21 10:05:34.020: INFO:
Aug 21 10:05:39.020: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log dns-frontend dns-frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample1-qyuid'
Aug 21 10:05:39.806: INFO:
Aug 21 10:05:44.806: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config log dns-frontend dns-frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-dnsexample1-qyuid'
Aug 21 10:05:45.590: INFO:
Send request to: http://dns-backend.e2e-tests-dnsexample0-1hiyl.cluster.local:8000
<Response [200]>
Hello World!
[AfterEach] Examples e2e
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-examples-380b3
• [SLOW TEST:186.141 seconds]
Examples e2e
should create pod that uses dns
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD shared between multiple containers, write to PD, delete pod, verify contents, and repeat in rapid succession
[BeforeEach] Pod Disks
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 10:06:06.494: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-onuxn
Aug 21 10:06:06.585: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-onuxn with secrets found. (91.083904ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 10:06:06.585: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-onuxn
Aug 21 10:06:06.671: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pod-disks-onuxn with secrets found. (86.019724ms)
[BeforeEach] Pod Disks
[It] should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD shared between multiple containers, write to PD, delete pod, verify contents, and repeat in rapid succession
[AfterEach] Pod Disks
Aug 21 10:06:06.759: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 10:06:11.849: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:06:11.849: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:06:11.849: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:06:11.849: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:06:11.849: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:06:11.849: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:06:11.849: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:06:11.849: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-pod-disks-onuxn" for this suite.
S [SKIPPING] [15.723 seconds]
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD shared between multiple containers, write to PD, delete pod, verify contents, and repeat in rapid succession [It]
Aug 21 10:06:06.759: Only supported for providers [gce gke aws] (not )
Service endpoints latency
should not be very high
[BeforeEach] Service endpoints latency
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 10:06:22.216: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-gbj05
Aug 21 10:06:22.304: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-gbj05 with secrets found. (87.714241ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 10:06:22.304: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-gbj05
Aug 21 10:06:22.396: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-gbj05 with secrets found. (92.244311ms)
[It] should not be very high
STEP: 2015-08-21 10:06:22.396803842 -0400 EDT Creating replication controller svc-latency-rc
Aug 21 10:06:22.487: INFO: 2015-08-21 10:06:22.487389443 -0400 EDT Created replication controller with name: svc-latency-rc, namespace: e2e-tests-svc-latency-gbj05, replica count: 1
Aug 21 10:06:23.487: INFO: 2015-08-21 10:06:23.487547075 -0400 EDT svc-latency-rc Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 terminating, 0 unknown
Aug 21 10:06:23.487: INFO: Ignoring prom push, push gateway unavailable
Aug 21 10:06:24.487: INFO: 2015-08-21 10:06:24.487695604 -0400 EDT svc-latency-rc Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 0 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 terminating, 0 unknown
Aug 21 10:06:24.487: INFO: Ignoring prom push, push gateway unavailable
Aug 21 10:06:25.487: INFO: 2015-08-21 10:06:25.487829837 -0400 EDT svc-latency-rc Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 1 running, 0 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 terminating, 0 unknown
Aug 21 10:06:25.487: INFO: Ignoring prom push, push gateway unavailable
Aug 21 10:06:26.292: INFO: Created: latency-svc-d0fdk
Aug 21 10:06:32.709: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-d0fdk [6.821530803s]
Aug 21 10:06:32.950: INFO: Created: latency-svc-j38ur
Aug 21 10:06:32.961: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-j38ur [119.202487ms]
Aug 21 10:06:33.220: INFO: Created: latency-svc-j8ny3
Aug 21 10:06:33.239: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-j8ny3 [397.424653ms]
Aug 21 10:06:33.347: INFO: Created: latency-svc-wxtxi
Aug 21 10:06:33.357: INFO: Created: latency-svc-shylo
Aug 21 10:06:33.369: INFO: Created: latency-svc-dzl74
Aug 21 10:06:33.379: INFO: Created: latency-svc-5h25x
Aug 21 10:06:33.388: INFO: Created: latency-svc-bohu2
Aug 21 10:06:33.401: INFO: Created: latency-svc-lhoqr
Aug 21 10:06:33.413: INFO: Created: latency-svc-6tgcp
Aug 21 10:06:33.421: INFO: Created: latency-svc-l0qm6
Aug 21 10:06:33.469: INFO: Created: latency-svc-y9gf2
Aug 21 10:06:33.494: INFO: Created: latency-svc-7p5g3
Aug 21 10:06:33.507: INFO: Created: latency-svc-eli6w
Aug 21 10:06:33.525: INFO: Created: latency-svc-0416d
Aug 21 10:06:33.534: INFO: Created: latency-svc-3xb1y
Aug 21 10:06:33.613: INFO: Created: latency-svc-xjnw6
Aug 21 10:06:33.636: INFO: Created: latency-svc-9agik
Aug 21 10:06:34.338: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-3xb1y [1.493706004s]
Aug 21 10:06:34.342: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5h25x [1.499626939s]
Aug 21 10:06:34.348: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-6tgcp [1.505431505s]
Aug 21 10:06:34.352: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-7p5g3 [1.508400321s]
Aug 21 10:06:34.357: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-0416d [1.512622363s]
Aug 21 10:06:34.359: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9agik [818.031527ms]
Aug 21 10:06:34.363: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dzl74 [1.520547921s]
Aug 21 10:06:34.370: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-bohu2 [1.527302634s]
Aug 21 10:06:34.371: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-eli6w [1.527545458s]
Aug 21 10:06:34.377: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-l0qm6 [1.53407195s]
Aug 21 10:06:34.421: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-lhoqr [1.577554023s]
Aug 21 10:06:34.421: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-shylo [1.578651867s]
Aug 21 10:06:34.421: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wxtxi [1.578495108s]
Aug 21 10:06:34.494: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-xjnw6 [979.050989ms]
Aug 21 10:06:34.704: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-y9gf2 [1.860463002s]
Aug 21 10:06:34.893: INFO: Created: latency-svc-uwna4
Aug 21 10:06:35.001: INFO: Created: latency-svc-dyucw
Aug 21 10:06:35.010: INFO: Created: latency-svc-dabbv
Aug 21 10:06:35.033: INFO: Created: latency-svc-ajvvr
Aug 21 10:06:35.047: INFO: Created: latency-svc-esb5s
Aug 21 10:06:35.074: INFO: Created: latency-svc-4csey
Aug 21 10:06:35.085: INFO: Created: latency-svc-s5yaw
Aug 21 10:06:35.101: INFO: Created: latency-svc-0iizq
Aug 21 10:06:35.117: INFO: Created: latency-svc-ibtle
Aug 21 10:06:35.129: INFO: Created: latency-svc-0j71b
Aug 21 10:06:35.138: INFO: Created: latency-svc-omo9c
Aug 21 10:06:35.155: INFO: Created: latency-svc-kdily
Aug 21 10:06:35.160: INFO: Created: latency-svc-vdjlv
Aug 21 10:06:35.173: INFO: Created: latency-svc-qwxng
Aug 21 10:06:35.182: INFO: Created: latency-svc-sliuj
Aug 21 10:06:36.194: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-uwna4 [1.469869962s]
Aug 21 10:06:36.245: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dyucw [1.791051411s]
Aug 21 10:06:36.296: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dabbv [1.836739307s]
Aug 21 10:06:36.401: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ajvvr [1.628841247s]
Aug 21 10:06:36.444: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-esb5s [1.709905095s]
Aug 21 10:06:36.456: INFO: Created: latency-svc-6ge0c
Aug 21 10:06:36.513: INFO: Created: latency-svc-wdnxl
Aug 21 10:06:36.609: INFO: Created: latency-svc-f1tw2
Aug 21 10:06:36.694: INFO: Created: latency-svc-dlftn
Aug 21 10:06:36.761: INFO: Created: latency-svc-jljf5
Aug 21 10:06:36.793: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-4csey [1.974916813s]
Aug 21 10:06:36.844: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-s5yaw [2.008805651s]
Aug 21 10:06:36.901: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-0iizq [2.040549968s]
Aug 21 10:06:37.023: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ibtle [2.0121004s]
Aug 21 10:06:37.038: INFO: Created: latency-svc-x1reh
Aug 21 10:06:37.048: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-0j71b [2.036573789s]
Aug 21 10:06:37.055: INFO: Created: latency-svc-2gwhq
Aug 21 10:06:37.153: INFO: Created: latency-svc-tm38o
Aug 21 10:06:37.246: INFO: Created: latency-svc-c44zk
Aug 21 10:06:37.276: INFO: Created: latency-svc-vwfis
Aug 21 10:06:37.444: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-omo9c [2.433370707s]
Aug 21 10:06:37.494: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-kdily [2.477991508s]
Aug 21 10:06:37.550: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-vdjlv [2.529046902s]
Aug 21 10:06:37.645: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-qwxng [2.58857165s]
Aug 21 10:06:37.696: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-sliuj [2.630608511s]
Aug 21 10:06:37.697: INFO: Created: latency-svc-9y35v
Aug 21 10:06:37.771: INFO: Created: latency-svc-2ju54
Aug 21 10:06:37.978: INFO: Created: latency-svc-0farg
Aug 21 10:06:38.020: INFO: Created: latency-svc-299j0
Aug 21 10:06:38.104: INFO: Created: latency-svc-mrikk
Aug 21 10:06:38.194: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-6ge0c [1.895051577s]
Aug 21 10:06:38.243: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wdnxl [1.88674972s]
Aug 21 10:06:38.347: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-f1tw2 [1.942338601s]
Aug 21 10:06:38.391: INFO: Created: latency-svc-y164n
Aug 21 10:06:38.488: INFO: Created: latency-svc-3rw80
Aug 21 10:06:38.571: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dlftn [2.009349397s]
Aug 21 10:06:38.571: INFO: Created: latency-svc-ecddq
Aug 21 10:06:38.647: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jljf5 [1.980534664s]
Aug 21 10:06:38.785: INFO: Created: latency-svc-yofav
Aug 21 10:06:38.850: INFO: Created: latency-svc-ufpq1
Aug 21 10:06:38.944: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-x1reh [2.030432021s]
Aug 21 10:06:38.995: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2gwhq [2.041467689s]
Aug 21 10:06:39.146: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-tm38o [2.102962082s]
Aug 21 10:06:39.148: INFO: Created: latency-svc-f42f9
Aug 21 10:06:39.235: INFO: Created: latency-svc-j6lvb
Aug 21 10:06:39.293: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-c44zk [2.141149659s]
Aug 21 10:06:39.347: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-vwfis [2.17493295s]
Aug 21 10:06:39.355: INFO: Created: latency-svc-pjtu8
Aug 21 10:06:39.512: INFO: Created: latency-svc-bj2bd
Aug 21 10:06:39.553: INFO: Created: latency-svc-jr5qd
Aug 21 10:06:39.693: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9y35v [2.138848824s]
Aug 21 10:06:39.743: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2ju54 [2.143635276s]
Aug 21 10:06:39.924: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-0farg [2.261606825s]
Aug 21 10:06:39.926: INFO: Created: latency-svc-bj95u
Aug 21 10:06:39.945: INFO: Created: latency-svc-54uec
Aug 21 10:06:40.047: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-299j0 [2.236216047s]
Aug 21 10:06:40.093: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-mrikk [2.087562568s]
Aug 21 10:06:40.150: INFO: Created: latency-svc-g5px7
Aug 21 10:06:40.325: INFO: Created: latency-svc-myhnz
Aug 21 10:06:40.364: INFO: Created: latency-svc-rmeog
Aug 21 10:06:40.446: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-y164n [2.148319004s]
Aug 21 10:06:40.552: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-3rw80 [2.193701382s]
Aug 21 10:06:40.593: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ecddq [2.121039546s]
Aug 21 10:06:40.658: INFO: Created: latency-svc-tq4zl
Aug 21 10:06:40.791: INFO: Created: latency-svc-has8n
Aug 21 10:06:40.893: INFO: Created: latency-svc-wv32t
Aug 21 10:06:40.995: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-yofav [2.312995266s]
Aug 21 10:06:41.099: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ufpq1 [2.344134551s]
Aug 21 10:06:41.206: INFO: Created: latency-svc-31rtn
Aug 21 10:06:41.243: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-f42f9 [2.193614517s]
Aug 21 10:06:41.314: INFO: Created: latency-svc-9uf36
Aug 21 10:06:41.445: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-j6lvb [2.31118287s]
Aug 21 10:06:41.461: INFO: Created: latency-svc-olbhi
Aug 21 10:06:41.593: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-pjtu8 [2.334007038s]
Aug 21 10:06:41.650: INFO: Created: latency-svc-tgtta
Aug 21 10:06:41.826: INFO: Created: latency-svc-bov6c
Aug 21 10:06:41.894: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-bj2bd [2.48918114s]
Aug 21 10:06:42.105: INFO: Created: latency-svc-82l4w
Aug 21 10:06:42.144: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jr5qd [2.684687497s]
Aug 21 10:06:42.352: INFO: Created: latency-svc-ee5ln
Aug 21 10:06:42.394: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-bj95u [2.596928904s]
Aug 21 10:06:42.602: INFO: Created: latency-svc-lzzjs
Aug 21 10:06:42.743: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-54uec [2.89355875s]
Aug 21 10:06:42.949: INFO: Created: latency-svc-vgq2i
Aug 21 10:06:42.993: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-g5px7 [2.942717795s]
Aug 21 10:06:43.143: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-myhnz [2.980597315s]
Aug 21 10:06:43.194: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-rmeog [2.926434268s]
Aug 21 10:06:43.195: INFO: Created: latency-svc-38fch
Aug 21 10:06:43.340: INFO: Created: latency-svc-013yf
Aug 21 10:06:43.400: INFO: Created: latency-svc-7oyea
Aug 21 10:06:43.593: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-tq4zl [3.03673772s]
Aug 21 10:06:43.696: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-has8n [3.031966276s]
Aug 21 10:06:43.744: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wv32t [2.952692188s]
Aug 21 10:06:43.802: INFO: Created: latency-svc-zdt48
Aug 21 10:06:44.020: INFO: Created: latency-svc-chori
Aug 21 10:06:44.043: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-31rtn [2.940257403s]
Aug 21 10:06:44.101: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9uf36 [2.889733776s]
Aug 21 10:06:44.129: INFO: Created: latency-svc-mivkt
Aug 21 10:06:44.197: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-olbhi [2.845320693s]
Aug 21 10:06:44.247: INFO: Created: latency-svc-oh1m2
Aug 21 10:06:44.314: INFO: Created: latency-svc-wv3aa
Aug 21 10:06:44.396: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-tgtta [2.846097533s]
Aug 21 10:06:44.403: INFO: Created: latency-svc-6k8hf
Aug 21 10:06:44.543: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-bov6c [2.843982115s]
Aug 21 10:06:44.606: INFO: Created: latency-svc-gwzu1
Aug 21 10:06:44.694: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-82l4w [2.695221606s]
Aug 21 10:06:44.750: INFO: Created: latency-svc-cukob
Aug 21 10:06:44.845: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ee5ln [2.591447142s]
Aug 21 10:06:44.895: INFO: Created: latency-svc-vlukg
Aug 21 10:06:44.994: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-lzzjs [2.48672947s]
Aug 21 10:06:45.055: INFO: Created: latency-svc-7htms
Aug 21 10:06:45.155: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-vgq2i [2.307794477s]
Aug 21 10:06:45.219: INFO: Created: latency-svc-5jiuv
Aug 21 10:06:45.293: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-38fch [2.196890523s]
Aug 21 10:06:45.371: INFO: Created: latency-svc-9hkfl
Aug 21 10:06:45.499: INFO: Created: latency-svc-t7fjl
Aug 21 10:06:45.543: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-013yf [2.296982333s]
Aug 21 10:06:45.647: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-7oyea [2.340703659s]
Aug 21 10:06:45.762: INFO: Created: latency-svc-5odkk
Aug 21 10:06:45.850: INFO: Created: latency-svc-gyf0t
Aug 21 10:06:45.894: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zdt48 [2.194843535s]
Aug 21 10:06:46.094: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-chori [2.26574579s]
Aug 21 10:06:46.108: INFO: Created: latency-svc-3fj9e
Aug 21 10:06:46.244: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-mivkt [2.210680634s]
Aug 21 10:06:46.308: INFO: Created: latency-svc-x520k
Aug 21 10:06:46.455: INFO: Created: latency-svc-5qa2g
Aug 21 10:06:46.647: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-oh1m2 [2.494786206s]
Aug 21 10:06:46.747: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wv3aa [2.540349229s]
Aug 21 10:06:46.794: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-6k8hf [2.490942258s]
Aug 21 10:06:46.876: INFO: Created: latency-svc-atrmc
Aug 21 10:06:46.998: INFO: Created: latency-svc-igwd8
Aug 21 10:06:47.006: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-gwzu1 [2.502914892s]
Aug 21 10:06:47.111: INFO: Created: latency-svc-vhzu4
Aug 21 10:06:47.216: INFO: Created: latency-svc-vefqs
Aug 21 10:06:47.244: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-cukob [2.588874578s]
Aug 21 10:06:47.394: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-vlukg [2.597411375s]
Aug 21 10:06:47.451: INFO: Created: latency-svc-nqac3
Aug 21 10:06:47.598: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-7htms [2.642494982s]
Aug 21 10:06:47.603: INFO: Created: latency-svc-w4li8
Aug 21 10:06:47.743: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5jiuv [2.62190541s]
Aug 21 10:06:47.798: INFO: Created: latency-svc-nrtmg
Aug 21 10:06:47.945: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9hkfl [2.672165543s]
Aug 21 10:06:47.948: INFO: Created: latency-svc-pequd
Aug 21 10:06:48.147: INFO: Created: latency-svc-zeci7
Aug 21 10:06:48.194: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-t7fjl [2.794315404s]
Aug 21 10:06:48.394: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5odkk [2.735327395s]
Aug 21 10:06:48.418: INFO: Created: latency-svc-c78bo
Aug 21 10:06:48.496: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-gyf0t [2.743547544s]
Aug 21 10:06:48.598: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-3fj9e [2.584815741s]
Aug 21 10:06:48.611: INFO: Created: latency-svc-amjuf
Aug 21 10:06:48.709: INFO: Created: latency-svc-5jcu7
Aug 21 10:06:48.800: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-x520k [2.597695533s]
Aug 21 10:06:48.809: INFO: Created: latency-svc-v1qa6
Aug 21 10:06:48.943: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5qa2g [2.588477455s]
Aug 21 10:06:49.009: INFO: Created: latency-svc-u87ha
Aug 21 10:06:49.143: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-atrmc [2.370071558s]
Aug 21 10:06:49.148: INFO: Created: latency-svc-mag6g
Aug 21 10:06:49.294: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-igwd8 [2.41330836s]
Aug 21 10:06:49.345: INFO: Created: latency-svc-xcn8i
Aug 21 10:06:49.444: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-vhzu4 [2.438209402s]
Aug 21 10:06:49.491: INFO: Created: latency-svc-zytkz
Aug 21 10:06:49.497: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-vefqs [2.380604647s]
Aug 21 10:06:49.671: INFO: Created: latency-svc-9skrh
Aug 21 10:06:49.674: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-nqac3 [2.318171852s]
Aug 21 10:06:49.695: INFO: Created: latency-svc-oz478
Aug 21 10:06:49.844: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-w4li8 [2.341840831s]
Aug 21 10:06:49.870: INFO: Created: latency-svc-uinfe
Aug 21 10:06:49.993: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-nrtmg [2.291253209s]
Aug 21 10:06:50.051: INFO: Created: latency-svc-5ocdg
Aug 21 10:06:50.144: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-pequd [2.293736094s]
Aug 21 10:06:50.196: INFO: Created: latency-svc-jm799
Aug 21 10:06:50.293: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zeci7 [2.243511416s]
Aug 21 10:06:50.354: INFO: Created: latency-svc-as823
Aug 21 10:06:50.444: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-c78bo [2.121237907s]
Aug 21 10:06:50.504: INFO: Created: latency-svc-0pzyh
Aug 21 10:06:50.644: INFO: Created: latency-svc-1c369
Aug 21 10:06:50.650: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-amjuf [2.144779822s]
Aug 21 10:06:50.844: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5jcu7 [2.241277344s]
Aug 21 10:06:50.856: INFO: Created: latency-svc-763ld
Aug 21 10:06:50.894: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-v1qa6 [2.178986775s]
Aug 21 10:06:51.043: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-u87ha [2.131720688s]
Aug 21 10:06:51.062: INFO: Created: latency-svc-bu6ix
Aug 21 10:06:51.128: INFO: Created: latency-svc-32mnc
Aug 21 10:06:51.273: INFO: Created: latency-svc-5zolk
Aug 21 10:06:51.344: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-mag6g [2.297754638s]
Aug 21 10:06:51.541: INFO: Created: latency-svc-u93uf
Aug 21 10:06:51.547: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-xcn8i [2.299801657s]
Aug 21 10:06:51.693: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zytkz [2.296371778s]
Aug 21 10:06:51.750: INFO: Created: latency-svc-ygu0c
Aug 21 10:06:51.898: INFO: Created: latency-svc-r0dsg
Aug 21 10:06:51.943: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9skrh [2.395883709s]
Aug 21 10:06:52.146: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-oz478 [2.545082051s]
Aug 21 10:06:52.149: INFO: Created: latency-svc-xki7w
Aug 21 10:06:52.249: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-uinfe [2.473458972s]
Aug 21 10:06:52.357: INFO: Created: latency-svc-zbn3f
Aug 21 10:06:52.459: INFO: Created: latency-svc-mh6tj
Aug 21 10:06:52.493: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5ocdg [2.541632951s]
Aug 21 10:06:52.643: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jm799 [2.547833939s]
Aug 21 10:06:52.691: INFO: Created: latency-svc-dufpt
Aug 21 10:06:52.869: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-as823 [2.609501653s]
Aug 21 10:06:52.875: INFO: Created: latency-svc-g2m8n
Aug 21 10:06:53.067: INFO: Created: latency-svc-fvxqs
Aug 21 10:06:53.194: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-0pzyh [2.792901846s]
Aug 21 10:06:53.343: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-1c369 [2.794193822s]
Aug 21 10:06:53.391: INFO: Created: latency-svc-z558u
Aug 21 10:06:53.586: INFO: Created: latency-svc-qxl0o
Aug 21 10:06:53.760: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-763ld [3.001126278s]
Aug 21 10:06:54.020: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-bu6ix [3.060344978s]
Aug 21 10:06:54.086: INFO: Created: latency-svc-s810l
Aug 21 10:06:54.107: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-32mnc [3.104583393s]
Aug 21 10:06:54.208: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5zolk [3.04295006s]
Aug 21 10:06:54.332: INFO: Created: latency-svc-f1lme
Aug 21 10:06:54.422: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-u93uf [2.97524942s]
Aug 21 10:06:54.449: INFO: Created: latency-svc-fsfib
Aug 21 10:06:54.547: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ygu0c [2.891380308s]
Aug 21 10:06:54.567: INFO: Created: latency-svc-cpeex
Aug 21 10:06:54.694: INFO: Created: latency-svc-fqy33
Aug 21 10:06:54.700: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-r0dsg [2.902777675s]
Aug 21 10:06:54.776: INFO: Created: latency-svc-5lyli
Aug 21 10:06:54.842: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-xki7w [2.79069198s]
Aug 21 10:06:54.900: INFO: Created: latency-svc-6rm95
Aug 21 10:06:55.047: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zbn3f [2.796570483s]
Aug 21 10:06:55.050: INFO: Created: latency-svc-9qxtv
Aug 21 10:06:55.148: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-mh6tj [2.784706948s]
Aug 21 10:06:55.252: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dufpt [2.655748816s]
Aug 21 10:06:55.260: INFO: Created: latency-svc-ewg87
Aug 21 10:06:55.377: INFO: Created: latency-svc-dxlmj
Aug 21 10:06:55.447: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-g2m8n [2.696587218s]
Aug 21 10:06:55.457: INFO: Created: latency-svc-zy2sv
Aug 21 10:06:55.593: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-fvxqs [2.619954254s]
Aug 21 10:06:55.651: INFO: Created: latency-svc-xkxqn
Aug 21 10:06:55.744: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-z558u [2.44789021s]
Aug 21 10:06:55.805: INFO: Created: latency-svc-g21uf
Aug 21 10:06:55.943: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-qxl0o [2.484819244s]
Aug 21 10:06:55.957: INFO: Created: latency-svc-hcdhg
Aug 21 10:06:56.148: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-s810l [2.204754272s]
Aug 21 10:06:56.181: INFO: Created: latency-svc-rbpvd
Aug 21 10:06:56.344: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-f1lme [2.162917424s]
Aug 21 10:06:56.358: INFO: Created: latency-svc-oo2ni
Aug 21 10:06:56.544: INFO: Created: latency-svc-n3x96
Aug 21 10:06:56.549: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-fsfib [2.197196404s]
Aug 21 10:06:56.753: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-cpeex [2.313744881s]
Aug 21 10:06:56.759: INFO: Created: latency-svc-o5k9y
Aug 21 10:06:56.894: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-fqy33 [2.322015414s]
Aug 21 10:06:56.945: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5lyli [2.26316484s]
Aug 21 10:06:56.963: INFO: Created: latency-svc-lygzz
Aug 21 10:06:57.095: INFO: Created: latency-svc-pfx20
Aug 21 10:06:57.149: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-6rm95 [2.345321422s]
Aug 21 10:06:57.160: INFO: Created: latency-svc-m5bqk
Aug 21 10:06:57.386: INFO: Created: latency-svc-1ctd8
Aug 21 10:06:57.396: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9qxtv [2.443175726s]
Aug 21 10:06:57.649: INFO: Created: latency-svc-giy60
Aug 21 10:06:57.654: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ewg87 [2.501576398s]
Aug 21 10:06:57.793: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dxlmj [2.520617441s]
Aug 21 10:06:57.843: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zy2sv [2.480733644s]
Aug 21 10:06:57.856: INFO: Created: latency-svc-k5qg4
Aug 21 10:06:58.058: INFO: Created: latency-svc-msj8t
Aug 21 10:06:58.058: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-xkxqn [2.502036225s]
Aug 21 10:06:58.059: INFO: Created: latency-svc-bagyz
Aug 21 10:06:58.266: INFO: Created: latency-svc-jr6y3
Aug 21 10:06:58.294: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-g21uf [2.59042669s]
Aug 21 10:06:58.443: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-hcdhg [2.581707722s]
Aug 21 10:06:58.500: INFO: Created: latency-svc-p7xpf
Aug 21 10:06:58.647: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-rbpvd [2.564469347s]
Aug 21 10:06:58.651: INFO: Created: latency-svc-d1tm4
Aug 21 10:06:58.846: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-oo2ni [2.585993869s]
Aug 21 10:06:58.849: INFO: Created: latency-svc-m9075
Aug 21 10:06:58.993: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-n3x96 [2.544067616s]
Aug 21 10:06:59.051: INFO: Created: latency-svc-io3gy
Aug 21 10:06:59.146: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-o5k9y [2.492243032s]
Aug 21 10:06:59.221: INFO: Created: latency-svc-g8oqq
Aug 21 10:06:59.300: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-lygzz [2.433099003s]
Aug 21 10:06:59.345: INFO: Created: latency-svc-un2ad
Aug 21 10:06:59.494: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-pfx20 [2.494240867s]
Aug 21 10:06:59.500: INFO: Created: latency-svc-a5ykz
Aug 21 10:06:59.599: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-m5bqk [2.532510207s]
Aug 21 10:06:59.700: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-1ctd8 [2.408690483s]
Aug 21 10:06:59.710: INFO: Created: latency-svc-usf1z
Aug 21 10:06:59.813: INFO: Created: latency-svc-p9rrc
Aug 21 10:06:59.907: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-giy60 [2.387063416s]
Aug 21 10:06:59.913: INFO: Created: latency-svc-az71i
Aug 21 10:07:00.043: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-k5qg4 [2.283681973s]
Aug 21 10:07:00.119: INFO: Created: latency-svc-srdah
Aug 21 10:07:00.245: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-msj8t [2.313259877s]
Aug 21 10:07:00.248: INFO: Created: latency-svc-h9w3s
Aug 21 10:07:00.348: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-bagyz [2.386968763s]
Aug 21 10:07:00.444: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jr6y3 [2.278199759s]
Aug 21 10:07:00.470: INFO: Created: latency-svc-ffko4
Aug 21 10:07:00.603: INFO: Created: latency-svc-tdz6a
Aug 21 10:07:00.643: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-p7xpf [2.24374723s]
Aug 21 10:07:00.707: INFO: Created: latency-svc-f569x
Aug 21 10:07:00.848: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-d1tm4 [2.300625356s]
Aug 21 10:07:00.851: INFO: Created: latency-svc-gzl15
Aug 21 10:07:00.994: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-m9075 [2.243612422s]
Aug 21 10:07:01.047: INFO: Created: latency-svc-25kgi
Aug 21 10:07:01.194: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-io3gy [2.243710569s]
Aug 21 10:07:01.204: INFO: Created: latency-svc-9ouhs
Aug 21 10:07:01.344: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-g8oqq [2.248983504s]
Aug 21 10:07:01.393: INFO: Created: latency-svc-hvbbf
Aug 21 10:07:01.551: INFO: Created: latency-svc-qohaj
Aug 21 10:07:01.593: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-un2ad [2.343664323s]
Aug 21 10:07:01.791: INFO: Created: latency-svc-ch6p9
Aug 21 10:07:01.798: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-a5ykz [2.393302581s]
Aug 21 10:07:01.995: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-usf1z [2.394317539s]
Aug 21 10:07:02.002: INFO: Created: latency-svc-vujsq
Aug 21 10:07:02.194: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-p9rrc [2.476792396s]
Aug 21 10:07:02.245: INFO: Created: latency-svc-2ox03
Aug 21 10:07:02.252: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-az71i [2.433219977s]
Aug 21 10:07:02.429: INFO: Created: latency-svc-26zlh
Aug 21 10:07:02.449: INFO: Created: latency-svc-qzykm
Aug 21 10:07:02.493: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-srdah [2.478485008s]
Aug 21 10:07:02.696: INFO: Created: latency-svc-urgcv
Aug 21 10:07:02.753: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-h9w3s [2.604082928s]
Aug 21 10:07:02.944: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ffko4 [2.590587629s]
Aug 21 10:07:02.957: INFO: Created: latency-svc-8uvuz
Aug 21 10:07:03.141: INFO: Created: latency-svc-apeuv
Aug 21 10:07:03.150: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-tdz6a [2.673761873s]
Aug 21 10:07:03.196: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-f569x [2.583162143s]
Aug 21 10:07:03.358: INFO: Created: latency-svc-f5c9e
Aug 21 10:07:03.401: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-gzl15 [2.652801869s]
Aug 21 10:07:03.402: INFO: Created: latency-svc-70c30
Aug 21 10:07:03.620: INFO: Created: latency-svc-w52pi
Aug 21 10:07:03.643: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-25kgi [2.691934095s]
Aug 21 10:07:03.793: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9ouhs [2.688898566s]
Aug 21 10:07:03.842: INFO: Created: latency-svc-f00w7
Aug 21 10:07:04.017: INFO: Created: latency-svc-z6g3a
Aug 21 10:07:04.045: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-hvbbf [2.747146633s]
Aug 21 10:07:04.243: INFO: Created: latency-svc-32j69
Aug 21 10:07:04.293: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-qohaj [2.844445868s]
Aug 21 10:07:04.506: INFO: Created: latency-svc-1yt5o
Aug 21 10:07:04.593: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ch6p9 [2.896244739s]
Aug 21 10:07:04.743: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-vujsq [2.836094214s]
Aug 21 10:07:04.800: INFO: Created: latency-svc-j5s6w
Aug 21 10:07:04.893: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2ox03 [2.770891975s]
Aug 21 10:07:04.949: INFO: Created: latency-svc-hd7z0
Aug 21 10:07:05.092: INFO: Created: latency-svc-e10ll
Aug 21 10:07:05.096: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-26zlh [2.777758448s]
Aug 21 10:07:05.196: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-qzykm [2.841684082s]
Aug 21 10:07:05.298: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-urgcv [2.701282097s]
Aug 21 10:07:05.493: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-8uvuz [2.634102372s]
Aug 21 10:07:05.744: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-apeuv [2.69787818s]
Aug 21 10:07:06.044: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-f5c9e [2.780072317s]
Aug 21 10:07:06.193: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-70c30 [2.889208432s]
Aug 21 10:07:06.295: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-w52pi [2.783985925s]
Aug 21 10:07:06.543: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-f00w7 [2.796311037s]
Aug 21 10:07:06.744: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-z6g3a [2.821849349s]
Aug 21 10:07:06.894: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-32j69 [2.746072223s]
Aug 21 10:07:06.944: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-1yt5o [2.536610662s]
Aug 21 10:07:07.094: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-e10ll [2.100030314s]
Aug 21 10:07:07.144: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-hd7z0 [2.297348855s]
Aug 21 10:07:07.344: INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-j5s6w [2.643324731s]
STEP: 2015-08-21 10:07:07.448768642 -0400 EDT Deleting replication controller svc-latency-rc in namespace e2e-tests-svc-latency-gbj05
Aug 21 10:07:10.173: INFO: Deleting RC took: 2.638702752s
Aug 21 10:07:15.259: INFO: Terminating RC pods took: 5.086353876s
Aug 21 10:07:15.260: INFO: Latencies: [119.202487ms 397.424653ms 818.031527ms 979.050989ms 1.469869962s 1.493706004s 1.499626939s 1.505431505s 1.508400321s 1.512622363s 1.520547921s 1.527302634s 1.527545458s 1.53407195s 1.577554023s 1.578495108s 1.578651867s 1.628841247s 1.709905095s 1.791051411s 1.836739307s 1.860463002s 1.88674972s 1.895051577s 1.942338601s 1.974916813s 1.980534664s 2.008805651s 2.009349397s 2.0121004s 2.030432021s 2.036573789s 2.040549968s 2.041467689s 2.087562568s 2.100030314s 2.102962082s 2.121039546s 2.121237907s 2.131720688s 2.138848824s 2.141149659s 2.143635276s 2.144779822s 2.148319004s 2.162917424s 2.17493295s 2.178986775s 2.193614517s 2.193701382s 2.194843535s 2.196890523s 2.197196404s 2.204754272s 2.210680634s 2.236216047s 2.241277344s 2.243511416s 2.243612422s 2.243710569s 2.24374723s 2.248983504s 2.261606825s 2.26316484s 2.26574579s 2.278199759s 2.283681973s 2.291253209s 2.293736094s 2.296371778s 2.296982333s 2.297348855s 2.297754638s 2.299801657s 2.300625356s 2.307794477s 2.31118287s 2.312995266s 2.313259877s 2.313744881s 2.318171852s 2.322015414s 2.334007038s 2.340703659s 2.341840831s 2.343664323s 2.344134551s 2.345321422s 2.370071558s 2.380604647s 2.386968763s 2.387063416s 2.393302581s 2.394317539s 2.395883709s 2.408690483s 2.41330836s 2.433099003s 2.433219977s 2.433370707s 2.438209402s 2.443175726s 2.44789021s 2.473458972s 2.476792396s 2.477991508s 2.478485008s 2.480733644s 2.484819244s 2.48672947s 2.48918114s 2.490942258s 2.492243032s 2.494240867s 2.494786206s 2.501576398s 2.502036225s 2.502914892s 2.520617441s 2.529046902s 2.532510207s 2.536610662s 2.540349229s 2.541632951s 2.544067616s 2.545082051s 2.547833939s 2.564469347s 2.581707722s 2.583162143s 2.584815741s 2.585993869s 2.588477455s 2.58857165s 2.588874578s 2.59042669s 2.590587629s 2.591447142s 2.596928904s 2.597411375s 2.597695533s 2.604082928s 2.609501653s 2.619954254s 2.62190541s 2.630608511s 2.634102372s 2.642494982s 2.643324731s 2.652801869s 2.655748816s 2.672165543s 2.673761873s 2.684687497s 2.688898566s 2.691934095s 2.695221606s 2.696587218s 2.69787818s 2.701282097s 2.735327395s 2.743547544s 2.746072223s 2.747146633s 2.770891975s 2.777758448s 2.780072317s 2.783985925s 2.784706948s 2.79069198s 2.792901846s 2.794193822s 2.794315404s 2.796311037s 2.796570483s 2.821849349s 2.836094214s 2.841684082s 2.843982115s 2.844445868s 2.845320693s 2.846097533s 2.889208432s 2.889733776s 2.891380308s 2.89355875s 2.896244739s 2.902777675s 2.926434268s 2.940257403s 2.942717795s 2.952692188s 2.97524942s 2.980597315s 3.001126278s 3.031966276s 3.03673772s 3.04295006s 3.060344978s 3.104583393s]
Aug 21 10:07:15.260: INFO: 50 %ile: 2.438209402s
Aug 21 10:07:15.260: INFO: 90 %ile: 2.845320693s
Aug 21 10:07:15.260: INFO: 99 %ile: 3.060344978s
Aug 21 10:07:15.260: INFO: Total sample count: 200
[AfterEach] Service endpoints latency
Aug 21 10:07:15.260: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 10:07:20.349: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:07:20.349: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:07:20.349: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:07:20.349: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:07:20.349: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:07:20.349: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:07:20.349: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:07:20.349: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-svc-latency-gbj05" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:68.493 seconds]
Service endpoints latency
should not be very high
should give a volume the correct mode
[BeforeEach] hostPath
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 10:07:30.709: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-hostpath-gotzq
Aug 21 10:07:30.799: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-hostpath-gotzq with secrets found. (90.322997ms)
[It] should give a volume the correct mode
STEP: Creating a pod to test hostPath mode
Aug 21 10:07:30.893: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-f6427da8-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 10:07:30.980: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-f6427da8-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 10:07:30.980: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-f6427da8-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostpath-gotzq' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (87.50059ms elapsed)
Aug 21 10:07:36.072: INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-f6427da8-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostpath-gotzq' so far
Aug 21 10:07:36.072: INFO: Waiting for pod pod-f6427da8-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostpath-gotzq' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.179313993s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod pod-f6427da8-480d-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": 61267
mode of file "/test-volume": dtrwxrwxrwx
[AfterEach] hostPath
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-hostpath-gotzq
• [SLOW TEST:21.126 seconds]
should give a volume the correct mode
Kubectl client Kubectl version
should check is all data is printed
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 10:07:51.850: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-0a3pf
Aug 21 10:07:51.940: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-0a3pf with secrets found. (90.235771ms)
[It] should check is all data is printed
Aug 21 10:07:51.940: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config version'
Aug 21 10:07:52.578: INFO: Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"1+", GitVersion:"v1.1.0-alpha.0.2177+65f4ebd92700e2", GitCommit:"65f4ebd92700e211f5a3a31a72e61893336c196d", GitTreeState:"clean"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"0", GitVersion:"v1.0.3", GitCommit:"61c6ac5f350253a4dc002aee97b7db7ff01ee4ca", GitTreeState:"clean"}
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-0a3pf
• [SLOW TEST:11.101 seconds]
Kubectl client
Kubectl version
should check is all data is printed
should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image
[BeforeEach] ReplicationController
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 10:08:02.938: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-723ca
Aug 21 10:08:03.024: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-723ca with secrets found. (86.619547ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 10:08:03.024: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-723ca
Aug 21 10:08:03.110: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-replication-controller-723ca with secrets found. (85.778817ms)
[It] should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image
[AfterEach] ReplicationController
Aug 21 10:08:03.111: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 10:08:08.207: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:08:08.207: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:08:08.207: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:08:08.207: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:08:08.207: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:08:08.207: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:08:08.207: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:08:08.207: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-replication-controller-723ca" for this suite.
S [SKIPPING] [15.632 seconds]
should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image [It]
Aug 21 10:08:03.110: Only supported for providers [gce gke] (not )
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default arguments (docker cmd)
[BeforeEach] Docker Containers
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 10:08:18.572: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-containers-ya9al
Aug 21 10:08:18.662: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-ya9al with secrets found. (90.663557ms)
[It] should be able to override the image's default arguments (docker cmd)
STEP: Creating a pod to test override arguments
Aug 21 10:08:18.752: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-containers-12c9da8f-480e-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf status to be success or failure
Aug 21 10:08:18.838: INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-12c9da8f-480e-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' yet
Aug 21 10:08:18.838: INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-12c9da8f-480e-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-ya9al' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (85.724701ms elapsed)
Aug 21 10:08:23.926: INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-12c9da8f-480e-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf' in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-ya9al' so far
Aug 21 10:08:23.926: INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-12c9da8f-480e-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-ya9al' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.174152125s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node pod client-containers-12c9da8f-480e-11e5-b5b5-00224d56fdcf container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Successfully fetched pod logs:[/ep override arguments]
[AfterEach] Docker Containers
• [SLOW TEST:21.105 seconds]
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default arguments (docker cmd)
Proxy version v1
should proxy logs on node
[BeforeEach] version v1
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 10:08:39.675: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-p07k0
Aug 21 10:08:39.761: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-p07k0 with secrets found. (86.345101ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 10:08:39.761: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-p07k0
Aug 21 10:08:39.847: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-p07k0 with secrets found. (85.732577ms)
[It] should proxy logs on node
Aug 21 10:08:40.060: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 117.346213ms)
Aug 21 10:08:40.148: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 87.615548ms)
Aug 21 10:08:40.235: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 87.911118ms)
Aug 21 10:08:40.322: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 86.756957ms)
Aug 21 10:08:40.411: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 88.659542ms)
Aug 21 10:08:40.505: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 94.440742ms)
Aug 21 10:08:40.593: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 87.464074ms)
Aug 21 10:08:40.680: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 86.912149ms)
Aug 21 10:08:40.768: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 87.958438ms)
Aug 21 10:08:40.855: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 86.63052ms)
Aug 21 10:08:40.941: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 86.328645ms)
Aug 21 10:08:41.037: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 95.543597ms)
Aug 21 10:08:41.124: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 87.386327ms)
Aug 21 10:08:41.212: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 88.008142ms)
Aug 21 10:08:41.299: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 86.697014ms)
Aug 21 10:08:41.474: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 175.040995ms)
Aug 21 10:08:41.673: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 199.186045ms)
Aug 21 10:08:41.873: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 199.660229ms)
Aug 21 10:08:42.074: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 201.079347ms)
Aug 21 10:08:42.280: INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/ <pre>
<a href="cloud-init-output.log">cloud-init-output.log</a>
<a href="es-startupscript.log.pos... (200; 206.078403ms)
[AfterEach] version v1
Aug 21 10:08:42.280: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 10:08:47.372: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:08:47.372: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:08:47.372: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:08:47.372: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:08:47.372: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:08:47.372: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:08:47.372: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:08:47.372: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-proxy-p07k0" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:18.060 seconds]
version v1
should proxy logs on node
should check that the kube-ui instance is alive
[BeforeEach] kube-ui
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 10:08:57.734: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kube-ui-t8ydp
Aug 21 10:08:57.828: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kube-ui-t8ydp with secrets found. (94.695545ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 10:08:57.829: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kube-ui-t8ydp
Aug 21 10:08:57.915: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kube-ui-t8ydp with secrets found. (86.189103ms)
[It] should check that the kube-ui instance is alive
STEP: Checking the kube-ui service exists.
Aug 21 10:09:03.001: INFO: Service kube-ui in namespace kube-system found.
STEP: Checking to make sure the kube-ui pods are running
STEP: Checking to make sure we get a response from the kube-ui.
STEP: Checking that the ApiServer /ui endpoint redirects to a valid server.
[AfterEach] kube-ui
Aug 21 10:09:08.493: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 10:09:13.582: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:09:13.582: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:09:13.582: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:09:13.582: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:09:13.582: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:09:13.582: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:09:13.582: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:09:13.582: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-kube-ui-t8ydp" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:26.209 seconds]
should check that the kube-ui instance is alive
kubelet Monitor resource usage on node
Ask kubelet to report container resource usage
[BeforeEach] kubelet
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 10:09:23.946: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubelet-3ubrk
Aug 21 10:09:24.033: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubelet-3ubrk with secrets found. (87.05376ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 10:09:24.033: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubelet-3ubrk
Aug 21 10:09:24.119: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubelet-3ubrk with secrets found. (85.863452ms)
[BeforeEach] kubelet
[It] Ask kubelet to report container resource usage
STEP: Waiting 1m0s to collect resource usage on node
Aug 21 10:10:24.298: INFO:
Resource usage on node "":
container cpu(cores) memory(MB)
"/" 0.522 708.87
"/docker-daemon" 0.019 96.26
"/kubelet" NaN 1.09
"/kube-proxy" 0.000 0.42
"/system" NaN 1.38
Aug 21 10:10:24.298: INFO:
Resource usage on node "":
container cpu(cores) memory(MB)
"/" 0.166 761.50
"/docker-daemon" 0.051 209.81
"/kubelet" NaN 0.54
"/kube-proxy" NaN 0.37
"/system" NaN 3.05
Aug 21 10:10:24.298: INFO:
Resource usage on node "":
container cpu(cores) memory(MB)
"/" 0.538 744.60
"/docker-daemon" 0.026 264.84
"/kubelet" NaN 0.83
"/kube-proxy" 0.000 0.27
"/system" 0.000 2.56
Aug 21 10:10:24.298: INFO:
Resource usage on node "":
container cpu(cores) memory(MB)
"/" 0.084 814.14
"/docker-daemon" 0.041 269.67
"/kubelet" NaN 0.74
"/kube-proxy" NaN 1.02
"/system" NaN 2.25
Aug 21 10:10:24.298: INFO:
CPU usage of containers on node "":
container 5th% 50th% 90th% 95th%
"/" 0.019 0.057 0.509 0.537
"/docker-daemon" 0.000 0.007 0.039 0.044
"/kubelet" NaN NaN NaN NaN
"/kube-proxy" NaN NaN NaN NaN
"/system" NaN NaN NaN 0.000
Aug 21 10:10:24.298: INFO:
CPU usage of containers on node "":
container 5th% 50th% 90th% 95th%
"/" 0.028 0.073 0.210 0.218
"/docker-daemon" 0.000 0.000 0.081 0.121
"/kubelet" NaN NaN NaN NaN
"/kube-proxy" NaN NaN NaN NaN
"/system" 0.000 NaN NaN NaN
Aug 21 10:10:24.298: INFO:
CPU usage of containers on node "":
container 5th% 50th% 90th% 95th%
"/" 0.050 0.159 1.000 1.000
"/docker-daemon" 0.000 0.012 0.038 0.052
"/kubelet" NaN NaN 0.000 NaN
"/kube-proxy" NaN NaN NaN NaN
"/system" NaN NaN 0.000 NaN
Aug 21 10:10:24.298: INFO:
CPU usage of containers on node "":
container 5th% 50th% 90th% 95th%
"/" 0.027 0.085 0.161 0.167
"/docker-daemon" 0.000 0.001 0.046 0.058
"/kubelet" NaN NaN NaN NaN
"/kube-proxy" NaN NaN NaN NaN
"/system" NaN NaN NaN 0.000
[AfterEach] kubelet
Aug 21 10:10:24.298: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 10:10:29.535: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:10:29.535: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:10:29.535: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:10:29.535: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:10:29.535: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:10:29.535: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:10:29.535: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:10:29.535: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-kubelet-3ubrk" for this suite.
[AfterEach] kubelet
• [SLOW TEST:76.126 seconds]
Monitor resource usage on node
Ask kubelet to report container resource usage
Kubectl client Guestbook application
should create and stop a working application
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
Aug 21 10:10:40.078: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-mxqjn
Aug 21 10:10:40.165: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-mxqjn with secrets found. (86.939395ms)
[BeforeEach] Guestbook application
[It] should create and stop a working application
STEP: creating all guestbook components
Aug 21 10:10:40.165: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config create -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-mxqjn'
Aug 21 10:10:41.367: INFO: replicationcontroller "frontend" created
service "frontend" created
replicationcontroller "redis-master" created
service "redis-master" created
replicationcontroller "redis-slave" created
service "redis-slave" created
STEP: validating guestbook app
Aug 21 10:10:41.367: INFO: Waiting for frontend to serve content.
Aug 21 10:11:58.172: INFO: Trying to add a new entry to the guestbook.
Aug 21 10:11:58.420: INFO: Verifying that added entry can be retrieved.
STEP: using delete to clean up resources
Aug 21 10:11:58.518: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config stop --grace-period=0 -f /home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-mxqjn'
Aug 21 10:12:07.543: INFO: replicationcontroller "frontend" deleted
service "frontend" deleted
replicationcontroller "redis-master" deleted
service "redis-master" deleted
replicationcontroller "redis-slave" deleted
service "redis-slave" deleted
Aug 21 10:12:07.543: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config get rc,svc -l name=frontend --no-headers --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-mxqjn'
Aug 21 10:12:08.309: INFO:
Aug 21 10:12:08.309: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config get pods -l name=frontend --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-mxqjn -t {{ range .items }}{{ if not .metadata.deletionTimestamp }}{{ }}{{ "\n" }}{{ end }}{{ end }}'
Aug 21 10:12:09.092: INFO:
Aug 21 10:12:09.092: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config get rc,svc -l name=redis-master --no-headers --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-mxqjn'
Aug 21 10:12:09.832: INFO:
Aug 21 10:12:09.832: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config get pods -l name=redis-master --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-mxqjn -t {{ range .items }}{{ if not .metadata.deletionTimestamp }}{{ }}{{ "\n" }}{{ end }}{{ end }}'
Aug 21 10:12:10.687: INFO:
Aug 21 10:12:10.687: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config get rc,svc -l name=redis-slave --no-headers --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-mxqjn'
Aug 21 10:12:11.441: INFO:
Aug 21 10:12:11.441: INFO: Running '/home/justinsb/k8s/src/ --server= --kubeconfig=/home/justinsb/.kube/config get pods -l name=redis-slave --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-mxqjn -t {{ range .items }}{{ if not .metadata.deletionTimestamp }}{{ }}{{ "\n" }}{{ end }}{{ end }}'
Aug 21 10:12:12.187: INFO:
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-mxqjn
• [SLOW TEST:102.491 seconds]
Kubectl client
Guestbook application
should create and stop a working application
should provide secure master service
[BeforeEach] Services
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
Aug 21 10:12:22.559: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-services-eh3sa
Aug 21 10:12:22.649: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-services-eh3sa with secrets found. (90.370335ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
Aug 21 10:12:22.649: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-services-eh3sa
Aug 21 10:12:22.734: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-services-eh3sa with secrets found. (84.558991ms)
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /home/justinsb/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
Aug 21 10:12:27.825: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-2lvg5
Aug 21 10:12:27.915: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-2lvg5 with secrets found. (89.804697ms)
Aug 21 10:12:33.006: INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-3wpcs
Aug 21 10:12:33.095: INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-3wpcs with secrets found. (89.548138ms)
[It] should provide secure master service
[AfterEach] Services
Aug 21 10:12:33.198: INFO: Waiting up to 1m0s for all nodes to be ready
Aug 21 10:12:38.296: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:29 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:12:38.296: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:12:38.296: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:32 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:12:38.296: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:12:38.296: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:40 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:12:38.296: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
Aug 21 10:12:38.296: INFO: Node condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True, reason: "kubelet is posting ready status", message: "", last transition time: 2015-08-21 09:24:35 -0400 EDT
Aug 21 10:12:38.296: INFO: Successfully found node readiness to be true
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-services-eh3sa" for this suite.
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-2lvg5
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-3wpcs
• [SLOW TEST:36.627 seconds]
should provide secure master service
Summarizing 11 Failures:
[Fail] SchedulerPredicates [It] validates that NodeSelector is respected. 
[Fail] EmptyDir volumes [It] volume on default medium should have the correct mode 
[Fail] SchedulerPredicates [It] validates resource limits of pods that are allowed to run. 
[Fail] Kubectl client Update Demo [It] should create and stop a replication controller 
[Fail] Kubectl client Update Demo [It] should scale a replication controller 
[Fail] EmptyDir volumes [It] should support (non-root,0644,default) 
[Fail] Pods [It] should be updated 
[Fail] EmptyDir volumes [It] should support (non-root,0666,default) 
[Fail] Kubectl client Kubectl label [BeforeEach] should update the label on a resource 
[Fail] Kubectl client Update Demo [It] should do a rolling update of a replication controller 
[Fail] EmptyDir volumes [It] should support (non-root,0777,default) 
Ran 73 of 146 Specs in 2710.809 seconds
FAIL! -- 62 Passed | 11 Failed | 1 Pending | 72 Skipped --- FAIL: TestE2E (2716.56s)
Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 45m16.599835047s
Test Suite Failed
!!! Error in hack/
'"${ginkgo}" "${ginkgo_args[@]:+${ginkgo_args[@]}}" "${e2e_test}" -- "${auth_config[@]:+${auth_config[@]}}" --host="https://${KUBE_MASTER_IP-}" --provider="${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" --gce-project="${PROJECT:-}" --gce-zone="${ZONE:-}" --gke-cluster="${CLUSTER_NAME:-}" --kube-master="${KUBE_MASTER:-}" --cluster-tag="${CLUSTER_ID:-}" --repo-root="${KUBE_VERSION_ROOT}" --node-instance-group="${NODE_INSTANCE_GROUP:-}" --num-nodes="${NUM_MINIONS:-}" --prefix="${KUBE_GCE_INSTANCE_PREFIX:-e2e}" ${E2E_REPORT_DIR+"--report-dir=${E2E_REPORT_DIR}"} "${@:-}"' exited with status 1
Call stack:
1: hack/ main(...)
Exiting with status 1
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