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Last active December 11, 2015 16:48
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Save justinstoller/4630022 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An example smf property defined type (I don't remember if it works...)
# This provides simple setting of smf service properties idempotently
# Usage:
# smf_prop { 'application/pkg/server pkg/port=blah': }
# Example (from my defunct ips repo manifest
# Smf_prop {
# notify => Service[ $service ],
# require => Exec[ "create-pkgrepo-${path}" ],
# }
# smf_prop { "${service} pkg/inst_root=${path}": }
# smf_prop { "${service} pkg/port=${port}": }
# smf_prop { "${service} pkg/readonly=${readonly}": }
# smf_prop { "${service} pkg/threads=${threads}": }
# smf_prop { "${service} pkg/proxy_base=${proxy}": }
# service { $service: enable => true, ensure => running, }
define smf_prop (
$title = $name,
$ensure = 'present'
) {
$service_holder = split $title, ' '
$key_value = split $service_holder[1], '='
$service = $service_holder[0]
$prop = $key_value[0]
$value = $key_value[1]
# shorter commands please
$listval = 'listprop -o value'
Exec { path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/sbin' ], logoutput => on_failure }
if $ensure == 'present' {
# if the value is blank then we can ensure the property is present
# but that it's value is unset
if $value == '' {
exec { "unset-${service}-${prop}":
command => "svccfg -s ${service} delpropvalue ${prop}",
unless => "svccfg -s ${service} ${listval} ${prop} | grep ' '",
} else {
# otherwise set the value hard!
exec { "set-${service}-${prop}-to-${value}":
command => "svccfg -s ${service} setprop ${prop} = ${value}",
unless => "svccfg -s ${service} ${listval} ${prop} | grep ${value}",
} elsif $ensure == 'absent' {
# if the value wasn't set then we will remove the property altogether
if $value == '' {
exec { "remove-${prop}-from-${service}":
command => "svccfg -s ${service} delprop ${prop}",
unless => "svccfg -s ${service} listprop ${prop} | grep ${prop}",
} else {
# otherwise we'll remove the property from a set of them
exec { "remove-${value}-from-${service}-${prop}":
command => "svccfg -s ${service} delpropvalue ${prop} ${value}",
unless => "svccfg -s ${service} ${listval} ${prop} | grep ${value}",
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