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Created February 19, 2019 17:35
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import os, sys, time, math, simplekml, googlemaps
gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key='X')
for row in open(sys.argv[1],'r').read().strip().split("\n"):
geocode_results = gmaps.places(row, location=sys.argv[2], radius=1000)["results"]
for result in geocode_results:
place_result =["place_id"])["result"]
visc = ([x["long_name"] for x in place_result["address_components"] if "route" in x["types"]] or (place_result.get('vicinity')) or [""])[0]
p = kml.newpoint(name=result["name"], description=result["name"] + " " + visc+ " \n" + "".join([u"\xA3" for x in range(0, place_result.get("price_level") or 0)]) + " (" + str(place_result.get("rating")) + ") " + str(place_result.get("website")), coords=[result["geometry"]["location"].values()[::-1] ])'jenniferslist.kml')
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