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Created January 11, 2014 03:15
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toy bf-llvm program
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h>
#include <llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Module.h>
#include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/GenericValue.h>
#include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/Interpreter.h>
#include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/JIT.h>
#include <llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h>
int main()
// Stack size
const uint64_t ssize = 50000;
llvm::LLVMContext& context = llvm::getGlobalContext();
llvm::BasicBlock* instr_block;
llvm::Module module("BrainFuck", context);
llvm::Value* cursor;
llvm::Value* cells;
// Create a stack for our looping conditions
std::vector<llvm::BasicBlock*> stack;
// Wrapper to quickly construct ints
auto make_int = [&context](size_t length)
return llvm::Type::getIntNTy(context, length);
// Wrapper to quickly construct pointers
auto make_ptr_int = [&context](size_t length)
return llvm::Type::getIntNPtrTy(context, length);
// Wrapper to quickly construct voids
auto make_void = [&context]()
return llvm::Type::getVoidTy(context);
// Externally link a new function for the llvm
auto make_func = [&module](const llvm::Twine& name,
llvm::Type* return_type, std::vector<llvm::Type*> arg_types)
return llvm::Function::Create(
llvm::FunctionType::get(return_type, arg_types, false),
llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage, name, &module);
// A block is a container of instructions, so we construct a builder
// whenever we want a context for our instructions
auto b = [&]()
return std::unique_ptr<llvm::IRBuilder<>>(
new llvm::IRBuilder<>(instr_block));
// Retrieve the cursor value for this call
auto v = [&]()
auto builder = b();
std::vector<llvm::Value*> args = {
llvm::ConstantInt::get(make_int(32), 0),
builder->CreateLoad(cursor, "cursor")
return builder->CreateGEP(cells, args, "value_ptr");
// Setup functions that we need for our BrainFuck interpreter
// This is our wrapper function for a BrainFuck program
auto llvm_putchar = make_func("putchar", make_int(32), {make_int(32)});
auto llvm_scoped = make_func("scoped", make_void(), {});
auto llvm_bzero = make_func("bzero",
make_void(), {make_ptr_int(8), make_int(32)});
// Initializer
// Set the current instruction block to point to the main function
instr_block = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, "entry", llvm_scoped);
auto entry_builder = b();
// Now create the moving pointer and storage
cursor = entry_builder->CreateAlloca(make_int(64));
llvm::ConstantInt::get(make_int(64), 0), cursor);
// Now create the make-shift cells
cells = entry_builder->CreateAlloca(
llvm::ArrayType::get(make_int(8), ssize));
// Now create the caller arguments
std::vector<llvm::Value*> bzero_args = {
v(), llvm::ConstantInt::get(make_int(32), ssize)
entry_builder->CreateCall(llvm_bzero, bzero_args);
// Add
// Increment the load by size
auto instr_incr = [&](size_t size)
auto builder = b();
auto value_ptr = v();
auto value = builder->CreateLoad(value_ptr, "value");
value, llvm::ConstantInt::get(value->getType(), size)),
// Sub
// Decrement the load by size
auto instr_decr = [&](size_t size)
auto builder = b();
auto value_ptr = v();
auto value = builder->CreateLoad(value_ptr, "value");
value, llvm::ConstantInt::get(value->getType(), size)),
// We now create a stack / looping condition
auto instr_open = [&]()
// Setup a while() / looping condition
auto loop = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, "loop", llvm_scoped);
auto builder = b();
// Create an unconditional instruction for the loop
instr_block = loop;
// Retrieve new builder and value
builder = b();
auto value_ptr = v();
// Build our conditional
auto lhs = builder->CreateLoad(value_ptr, "value");
auto rhs = llvm::ConstantInt::get(make_int(8), 0);
auto conditional = builder->CreateICmpNE(lhs, rhs, "conditional");
// Create the conditional instruction
auto if_true = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(
context, "if_true", llvm_scoped);
auto if_false = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(
context, "if_false", llvm_scoped);
builder->CreateCondBr(conditional, if_true, if_false);
// Push our current instructions on the stack and set our current
// instruction to the if_true block
instr_block = if_true;
// Close the looping condition
auto instr_close = [&]()
auto loop = stack.back(); stack.pop_back();
auto if_false = stack.back(); stack.pop_back();
instr_block = if_false;
// Left
auto instr_left = [&](size_t size)
auto builder = b();
auto value_ptr = cursor;
auto value = builder->CreateLoad(value_ptr);
value, llvm::ConstantInt::get(value->getType(), size)),
// right
auto instr_right = [&](size_t size)
auto builder = b();
auto value_ptr = cursor;
auto value = builder->CreateLoad(value_ptr);
value, llvm::ConstantInt::get(value->getType(), size)),
// Putchar
auto instr_putchar = [&]()
auto builder = b();
auto value_ptr = v();
auto value = builder->CreateLoad(value_ptr, "value");
llvm_putchar, builder->CreateSExt(value, make_int(32)));
// Read the program
bool reset_wait_for = false;
size_t wait_for_size = 0;
char instr, wait_for = 0;
while (std::cin >> instr) {
// Optimize incr/decr instructions
if (wait_for == '+' && instr == '-') {
} else if (wait_for == '-' && instr == '+') {
} else if (wait_for == '+' && instr != '+') {
reset_wait_for = true;
} else if (wait_for == '-' && instr != '-') {
reset_wait_for = true;
// Optimize left/right instructions
else if (wait_for == '<' && instr == '>') {
} else if (wait_for == '<' && instr == '>') {
} else if (wait_for == '<' && instr != '<') {
reset_wait_for = true;
} else if (wait_for == '>' && instr != '>') {
reset_wait_for = true;
// Reset conditions
if (reset_wait_for) {
wait_for = 0;
wait_for_size = 0;
reset_wait_for = false;
switch (instr) {
case '+': wait_for = '+'; wait_for_size++; break;
case '-': wait_for = '-'; wait_for_size++; break;
case '[': instr_open(); break;
case ']': instr_close(); break;
case '<': wait_for = '<'; wait_for_size++; break;
case '>': wait_for = '>'; wait_for_size++; break;
case '.': instr_putchar(); break;
default: continue;
// Force a void return for the llvm hook
auto builder = b();
// Finalize the module and call the program
auto engine = llvm::EngineBuilder(&module).create();
auto entry = (intptr_t)(engine->getPointerToFunction(llvm_scoped));
// Run the compiled code
return 0;
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