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Last active December 23, 2018 11:47
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this derivation always fails for me with nix-build
pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
name = "psc-package2nix-prefetch-${dep}-${version}";
dep = "simple-json";
repo = "";
version = "v4.0.0";
in pkgs.runCommand name {
buildInputs = with pkgs; [
} ''
RESULT=$(nix-prefetch-git "${repo}" --rev "${version}" --quiet | jq '.sha256' -r)
if [ $RESULT == '0sjjj9z1dhilhpc8pq4154czrb79z9cm044jvn75kxcjv6v5l2m5' ]; then
echo "Prefetched revision was empty: ${repo} ${version}";
exit 1;
echo $RESULT > $out;
# always fails with 0sjjj9z1dhilhpc8pq4154czrb79z9cm044jvn75kxcjv6v5l2m5, an empty fetched result
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