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Created June 24, 2019 21:46
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  • Save justinwoo/f4e9732916fd0b0a03f60705840c6d53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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(App (Select (Identifier "pkgs") (AttrPath "fetchFromGitHub"))
[ (Bind (AttrPath "owner") (StringValue "\"justinwoo\""))
, (Bind (AttrPath "repo") (StringValue "\"psc-package2nix\""))
, (Bind (AttrPath "rev") (StringValue "\"b4d6a834ac124440a503f0510b8a9de95532b16c\""))
, (Bind (AttrPath "sha256") (StringValue "\"0g9fq4j472bcr1x5na6mzr3av95xhvdmnlns1ncvsl4kqa8ix2zr\""))
data Expr
-- top level
= Expression (Array Expr)
-- i just want to print comments
| Comment String
-- <nixpkgs>
| Spath String
-- ../whatever.nix
| Path String
-- "hi"
| StringValue String
-- integer, e.g. 123
| Integer String
-- indented string
| StringIndented String
-- unary, e.g. !x, -a
| Unary String Expr
-- binary, e.g. a < b
| Binary Expr String Expr
-- Identifier
| Identifier String
-- function, input_expr: output_expr
| Function Expr Expr
-- set function, { formals }: output_expr
| SetFunction Expr Expr
-- the main thing, application of a function with its arg?
| App Expr Expr
-- let exprs in exprs
| Let (Array Expr) (Array Expr)
-- if cond_exprs then_exprs else_exprs
| If Expr Expr Expr
-- a set
| AttrSet (Array Expr)
-- a recursive attr set
| RecAttrSet (Array Expr)
-- parenthesized
| Parens Expr
-- a list
| List (Array Expr)
-- bind, e.g. owner = 1;
| Bind Expr Expr
-- attrpath, only contains Identifier? e.g. owner of owner = 1;
| AttrPath String
-- inherit
| Inherit (Array Expr)
-- with (thing); expr
| With Expr Expr
-- attributes for inherit?
| Attrs (Array Expr)
-- as in `set.attr`, Select expr selector_expr
| Select Expr Expr
-- set fn args, e.g. inside of braces { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
| Formals (Array Expr)
-- ellipses, they show up in formals
| Ellipses
-- set fn arg with an identifier, where it may or may not have a default value expr
| Formal Expr (Maybe Expr)
-- Uri
| Uri String
derive instance eqExpr :: Eq Expr
derive instance genericsExpr :: Generic Expr _
instance showExpr :: Show Expr where
show x = genericShow x
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