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Last active November 24, 2023 21:16
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import { readdir, rm, mkdir, rename } from 'node:fs/promises';
import { join, resolve } from 'path';
const start =;
const srcDir = join('src', 'main', 'resources', '_static');
const targetDir = join('target', 'classes', '_static');
async function fileHash(file) {
const md5Hasher = new Bun.CryptoHasher('md5');
return md5Hasher.update(await file.text()).digest('hex').substring(0, 16);
async function deleteExistingOutput() {
await Promise.all(['styles', 'js'].map(async resource => {
const folder = join(targetDir, resource);
await rm(folder, { recursive: true });
await mkdir(folder);
async function exportTailwind() {
const tailwindInput = join(srcDir, 'styles', 'style.css');
const tailwindOutput = join(targetDir, 'styles', `style.min.css`);
const exitCode = await Bun.spawn([join('node_modules', 'bun', 'bin', 'bun'), 'tailwindcss', '-i', tailwindInput, '-o', tailwindOutput, '--minify'], {stdio: ['inherit', 'ignore', 'ignore']}).exited;
if (exitCode !== 0) console.error("TailwindCSS bundling failed with exit code ", exitCode);
await rename(tailwindOutput, join(targetDir, 'styles', `style--${await fileHash(Bun.file(tailwindOutput))}.min.css`));
return exitCode === 0;
async function exportBundles() {
const plugins = [
name: 'export-css',
setup: (build) => {
build.onLoad({filter: /\.css$/}, async ({path}) => {
const fileName = path.replace(/.*\//, '').replace(/(--.*)?\..+$/, '');
const inputFile = Bun.file(path);
const outputName = `${fileName}--${await fileHash(inputFile)}.min.css`;
const outputFile = Bun.file(join(targetDir, 'styles', outputName));
await Bun.write(outputFile, inputFile);
return { contents: `window.requires('/_static/styles/${outputName}');`, loader: 'js' }
name: 'inject-local',
setup: (build) => {
build.onResolve({filter: /local_modules/}, async ({path}) => {
const newPath = join(resolve(), path);
return { path: newPath, loader: 'js' };
const jsPath = join(srcDir, 'js');
const build = await{
entrypoints: (await readdir(jsPath)).map(fn => join(jsPath, fn)),
outdir: join(targetDir, 'js'),
minify: {
whitespace: true,
identifiers: true,
syntax: true,
sourcemap: 'external',
target: 'browser',
naming: '[name]--[hash].min.[ext]',
plugins: plugins
if (!build.success) console.error("Bun build failed with the following logs: ", build.logs);
return build.success;
await deleteExistingOutput();
const result = await Promise.all([exportTailwind(), exportBundles()]);
if (result.includes(false)) console.error("Resource bundling failed, see console for details");
else console.log(`Resource bundling completed in ${Math.round( - start)}ms`);
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