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Last active December 30, 2015 05:38
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Line drawing demo. Use with Coffeescript mode in Processing 2
setup: ->
# Processing.js setup
size(1600, 900)
class Point
constructor: (@x, @y) ->
sub: (other) ->
new Point(@x - other.x, @y - other.y)
magnitude: ->
@x*@x + @y*@y
# line made of two points
class Line
constructor: (@start, @end) ->
draw: ->
# stroke must be done after
line(@start.x, @start.y, @end.x, @end.y)
# stateful storage
@points = [] # current line
@all = [] # all points ever drawn
# aliases
@p = (x, y) -> new Point(x, y)
@l = (s, e) -> new Line(s, e)
draw_lines: (arr_of_line) ->
for l in arr_of_line
# detect points that are close together
# draw the return value with @draw_lines
detect_close: (pts, cur) ->
close = []
for p in pts
dx = p.x - cur.x
dy = p.y - cur.y
d = dx*dx + dy*dy
if d < 3000 and d > 250
close.push @l(p, cur)
return close
# run on redraw() called
draw: ->
len = @points.length
cur = @points[len-1]
prev = @points[len-2]
# detect points close to the current one, and draw a line between them and the current point.
# very very cool looking
@draw_lines @detect_close(@all, cur)
# link to 5 points ago. pretty cool looking
line(@points[len - 6].x, @points[len - 6].y, cur.x, cur.y) if @points[len - 6]?
# draw basic line. not super cool
if prev?
line(prev.x, prev.y, cur.x, cur.y)
mouseDragged: ->
# add new point if the mouse hase moved
cur = @p(mouseX, mouseY)
@points.push cur
@all.push cur
console.log("added point", cur)
mousePressed: ->
# start a new line
@points = []
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justjake commented Dec 4, 2013


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