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Last active December 30, 2015 07:59
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Power of anonymous functions

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Plotting from euclidean space to screen coordinates in Coffeescript, for my Spectrograph class

plot: (width, height, max_Y) ->
 # re-generate coeficceint functions
 if ! (@_width == width && @_height == height && @_max_Y == max_Y)
   w_coef = width / SIZE
   h_coef = height / max_Y # consider changing this to absolute w/height? nah
   # @X and @Y transform normal euclidean X, Y points into screen X Y points
   # for the given graph widht, height, maxY values
   @X = (x) -> w_coef * x
   @Y = (y) -> height - (h_coef * y)

 plotted = []
 i = 0
 for magnitude in @graph
   plotted.push make_pair(@X(i), @Y(magnitude))
 return plotted

It now looks like this, in Java:

class SpaceMap {
  float from_width,
  SpaceMap(float fw, float max_y, float tw, float th) {
    from_width = fw;
    from_max_y = max_y;
    to_width = tw;
    to_height = th;
  float X(float x) {
    return (to_width/from_width) * x;
  float Y(float y) {
    return to_height - (to_height / from_max_y) * y;
// bla bla .......
PVector[] plot(float w, float h, float max_Y) {
  SpaceMap smap = new SpaceMap(size, max_Y, w, h);
  PVector[] plotted = new PVector[size];
  for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
    plotted[i] = new PVector(smap.X(i), smap.Y(graph[i]));
  return plotted;
* map from euclidean coordinate space to screen coordinate space
* of a certain size.
class SpaceMap {
float from_width,
SpaceMap(float fw, float max_y, float tw, float th) {
from_width = fw;
from_max_y = max_y;
to_width = tw;
to_height = th;
float X(float x) {
return (to_width/from_width) * x;
float Y(float y) {
return to_height - (to_height / from_max_y) * y;
* a graph
class Spectrograph {
public int size = 64;
public float[] graph;
Spectrograph(float[] g, int s) {
size = s;
graph = g;
Spectrograph(int s) {
size = s;
graph = new float[s];
this.randomize(0.0, 1.0);
void mutate(float coeff) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
graph[i] = random(0, coeff) * graph[i];
void randomize(float low, float high) {
for (int i=0; i < size; i++) {
graph[i] = random(low, high);
* plot all points in the base graph into screen-space coorinates as
* an ordered array of line point PVectors
PVector[] plot(float w, float h, float max_Y) {
SpaceMap smap = new SpaceMap(size, max_Y, w, h);
PVector[] plotted = new PVector[size];
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
plotted[i] = new PVector(smap.X(i), smap.Y(graph[i]));
return plotted;
void draw(float w, float h, float max_Y) {
PVector[] points = this.plot(w, h, max_Y);
for (int i=1; i<size; i++) {
line(points[i-1].x, points[i-1].y, points[i].x, points[i].y);
setup: ->
size(500, 500)
SIZE = 64 # columns in the spectrograph
make_pair = (_x, _y) -> {x: _x, y: _y}
# holds a 1-d matrix of a certain size
class Spectrograph
constructor: (values) ->
@graph = values
# retrieve float values interpolated from the nearby indexes
interpolate: (f) ->
floor = Math.floor(f)
ceil = Math.ceil(f)
dif = ceil - f
if dif == 0
return @graph[f]
return @graph[floor]*(1-dif) + @graph[ceil]*dif
mutate: (coef) ->
@graph = (v) ->
Math.random() * coef * v
randomize: ->
@graph = (v) -> Math.random()
plot: (width, height, max_Y) ->
# re-generate coeficceint functions
if ! (@_width == width && @_height == height && @_max_Y == max_Y)
w_coef = width / SIZE
h_coef = height / max_Y # consider changing this to absolute w/height? nah
console.log(w_coef, h_coef)
# @X and @Y transform normal euclidean X, Y points into screen X Y points
# for the given graph widht, height, maxY values
@X = (x) ->
res = w_coef * x
# console.log("x", x, res)
@Y = (y) ->
res = height - (h_coef * y)
console.log("y", y, res)
plotted = []
i = 0
for magnitude in @graph
plotted.push make_pair(@X(i), @Y(magnitude))
return plotted
# draws the whole graph. translate before calling if you need it.
draw: (width, height, max_Y) ->
plot = @plot(width, height, max_Y)
console.log("plot", plot)
# start to point 0
# line(plot[0].x, @Y 0, plot[0].x, plot[0].y)
# stroke(0)
# all points
i = 1
while i < @graph.length
line(plot[i-1].x, plot[i-1].y, plot[i].x, plot[i].y)
# last to end
# line(plot[plot.length-1].x, plot[plot.length-1].y, plot[plot.length-1].x, @Y(0))
# stroke(0)
ar = []
i = 0
while i < SIZE
ar.push Math.random()
@spectro = new Spectrograph(ar)
draw: ->
@spectro.draw(500, 200, 1)
mouseDragged: ->
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