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Last active October 29, 2019 00:11
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Exploring building a CSS-in-JS system in Typescript
import { CSSProperties, Component } from "react"
* Base types.
* A SheetProducer makes a sheet based on a context.
* Right now, the context only contains a `theme`.
type SheetProducer<Theme, Props, Classes extends string> = (
context: Context<Theme>
) => Sheet<Props, Classes>
* A sheet contains maps names to styles.
* Each style is for a single class of elements.
type Sheet<Props, Classes extends string> = {
[K in Classes]: Styles<Props>
// TODO: assert StaticSheet is assignable to Sheet<never>
* A static stylesheet that can be used in a React component's render() function.
type StaticSheet<S extends Sheet<any, any>> = {
[K in keyof S]: CSSProperties
type Styles<Props> = {
[K in keyof CSSProperties]:
| CSSProperties[K] // A static property for this class
| ((props: Props) => CSSProperties[K]) // A dynamic property based on props. style?
} & {
// Bulk dynamic properties. style?
// This is a stretch feature - it might not be worth including.
_?: (props: Props) => CSSProperties
type Context<Theme> = { theme: Theme }
* StylesCache memoizes the computation of `StaticSheet`s by its input parameters.
* The StylesCache is the core of our engine.
class StylesCache<Theme extends object> {
private byProducer: WeakMap<
SheetProducer<Theme, any, any>,
byContext: WeakMap<
sheet: Sheet<any, any>
byProps: WeakMap<
object, // Some props
staticSheet: StaticSheet<any>
> = new WeakMap()
* Get a static sheet suitable for rendering a component.
getStaticSheet<Props extends object>(
producer: SheetProducer<Theme, Props, any>,
context: Context<Theme>,
props: Props
): StaticSheet<any> {
let producerCache = this.byProducer.get(producer)
if (!producerCache) {
producerCache = { byContext: new WeakMap() }
this.byProducer.set(producer, producerCache)
let contextCache = producerCache.byContext.get(context)
if (!contextCache) {
contextCache = {
sheet: producer(context),
byProps: new WeakMap(),
producerCache.byContext.set(context, contextCache)
let propsCache = contextCache.byProps.get(props)
if (!propsCache) {
propsCache = {
staticSheet: getStaticSheetFromSheetAndProps(contextCache.sheet, props),
contextCache.byProps.set(props, propsCache)
// Further optimizations left on the table:
// - Memoize extracting the "static parts" from the sheet
// - Memoize detecting the "dynamic" keys inside the sheet
// - Considering deepEquals or shallowEquals, etc. Right now only referrential.
return propsCache.staticSheet
function getStaticSheetFromSheetAndProps<Props, S extends Sheet<Props>>(
sheet: S,
props: Props
): StaticSheet<S> {
const result: StaticSheet<S> = {} as any
for (const [className, styles] of exactEntries(sheet)) {
const { _: getOverrideProperties, ...styles2 } = styles
const resultStyles: any = {} // XXX
// Props by key
for (const pair of exactEntries(styles2)) {
if (!pair) {
const [property, propertyValue] = pair
if (typeof propertyValue === "function") {
const computedPropertyValue = propertyValue(props)
resultStyles[property] = computedPropertyValue as any // XXX
} else {
resultStyles[property] = propertyValue as any // XXX
if (getOverrideProperties) {
Object.assign(resultStyles, getOverrideProperties(props))
result[className] = resultStyles
return result
type ExactEntries<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: [K, T[K]]
}[keyof T]
* Variant of Object.entries that assumes T is an exact object.
* Object.entries is pessimistically typed.
* @see
function exactEntries<T>(obj: T): Array<ExactEntries<T>> {
// Using Array due to not setting --downlevelIteration when targeting whateverthefuck.
// TODO: change to just Object.entries, or use lodash or something.
return Array.from(Object.entries(obj)) as any
* StyledComponent
* oof, this needs a lot of work to be ergonomic.
type MyTheme = {
name: "dark" | "light"
const globalStylesCache = new StylesCache<MyTheme>()
const globalContext: Context<MyTheme> = {
theme: { name: "dark" },
// Take 1: an Abstract Class.
// Learnings: abstract classes are obnoxious, and defining methods on the subclass does
// not infer/fill type variables.
abstract class StyledComponent<
SP extends SheetProducer<MyTheme, Props, any> = SheetProducer<
> extends Component<Props> {
// Subclasses should implement this as:
// - a normal method (so it's referentially shared on `prototype`)
// - or assign a static function declaration.
// Using an arrow func prop will cause recomputation on every render.
// TODO: warn on successive recomputes!
abstract produceStyles: SP
// TODO: actually implement
abstract get styleContext(): Context<MyTheme>
get styles(): StaticSheet<ReturnType<SP>> {
return globalStylesCache.getStaticSheet(
* UIButton
* yikes.
class UIButton<UIButtonProps> extends StyledComponent<UIButtonProps> {
get stylesContext() {
return globalContext
produceStyles(context: Context<MyTheme>) {
return {
button: {
// Dang, these don't autocomplete....
// Take 2: a more type-sympathetic approach
function createStyleProducer<Props, Classes extends string>(
producer: (context: Context<MyTheme>) => Sheet<Props, Classes>
): (context: Context<MyTheme>) => Sheet<Props, Classes> {
return producer
abstract class StyledComponent2<
Props extends object,
SP extends SheetProducer<MyTheme, Props, any>
> extends Component<Props> {
abstract sheetProducer: SP
get styles(): StaticSheet<ReturnType<SP>> {
return globalStylesCache.getStaticSheet(
get styleContext(): Context<MyTheme> {
return globalContext
interface UIButtonProps {
onClick?: (e: ReactMouseEvent<any, any>) => void
isSecondary?: boolean
// Everything infers ok, but you need to specify the dynamic property function's argument type.
// This works great, even without `use const`.
const uiButtonStyles = createStyleProducer(({ theme }) => {
return {
button: {
textAlign: "center",
fontSize: 18,
padding: "5px 10px",
// Make single property dynamic.
color: === "light"
? ({ isSecondary }: UIButtonProps) => (isSecondary ? "#444" : "#000")
: ({ isSecondary }: UIButtonProps) => (isSecondary ? "#ddd" : "#FFF"),
// Override multiple properties at once
_: ({ isSecondary }: UIButtonProps) => ({
background: === "light" ? "#ddd" : "444",
border: === "light" ? "2px solid black" : "2px solid white",
class UIButton2 extends StyledComponent2<UIButtonProps, typeof uiButtonStyles> {
sheetProducer = uiButtonStyles
render() {
return (
<div style={this.styles.button} onClick={this.props.onClick}>
// How can we make things like the StylesCache easier to build?
// It seems quite common to want a multi-level WeakMap-based cache
// for problems like memoization.
type WeakMapTreeData<T> = {
map?: WeakMap<object, WeakMapTreeData<T>>
value?: T
function createWeakMapTreeData<T>(): WeakMapTreeData<T> {
return { map: new WeakMap() }
* WeakMapTree is a view into a (possibly-shared) WeakMapTreeData at a specific
* level of heirarchy.
* The `Path` type paramter should be a fixed-length tuple type.
* A path indexes into the WeakMapTreeData.
* For example, one could use a WeakMapTree to memoize a function with
* three arguments:
* ```
* function expensive(a: A, b: B, c: C): R
* const expensiveCache = new WeakMapTree<[A, B, C], R>()
* const expensiveMemoized = (a: A, b: B, c: C) => expensiveCache.compute([a, b, c], () => expensive(a, b, c))
* ```
class WeakMapTree<Path extends object[], Value> {
public readonly data: WeakMapTreeData<Value>
constructor(tree: WeakMapTreeData<Value> = createWeakMapTreeData()) { = tree
set(path: Path, val: Value) {
let data =
for (const part of path) {
if (! { = new WeakMap()
let nextData =
if (!nextData) {
nextData = { map: new WeakMap() }, nextData)
data = nextData
data.value = val
get(path: Path): Value | undefined {
let data: WeakMapTreeData<Value> | undefined =
for (const part of path) {
if (data && {
data =
} else {
return undefined
return data && data.value
* Retrieve the value at `path`, or compute it and store the
* value.
compute(path: Path, valThunk: () => Value) {
let value = this.get(path)
if (!value) {
value = valThunk()
this.set(path, value)
return value
// Now that we have WeakMapTree, we can use it to greatly simplify the implementation
// of StylesCache.
// Because of the WeakMapTree abstraction, it'd be easy to add or remove new layers
// of caching - for example, we could easily drop the props-related features.
class StylesCache2<Theme extends object> {
tree = createWeakMapTreeData<any>()
byProducer = new WeakMapTree<[SheetProducer<Theme, any, any>], unknown>(
sheetByProducerAndContext = new WeakMapTree<
[SheetProducer<Theme, any, any>, Context<Theme>],
Sheet<any, any>
staticSheetByProducerAndContextAndProps = new WeakMapTree<
[SheetProducer<Theme, any, any>, Context<Theme>, object],
getStaticSheet<Props extends object>(
producer: SheetProducer<Theme, Props, any>,
context: Context<Theme>,
props: Props
): StaticSheet<any> {
const sheet = this.sheetByProducerAndContext.compute(
[producer, context],
() => producer(context)
return this.staticSheetByProducerAndContextAndProps.compute(
[producer, context, props],
() => getStaticSheetFromSheetAndProps(sheet, props)
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