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Collection of Routine Information

This website track basic information about their visitors. This information includes, but is not limited to, IP addresses, browser details, timestamps and referring pages. None of this information can personally identify specific visitors to this website. The information is tracked for routine administration and maintenance purposes.

justmiles / buzzword
Last active September 12, 2022 15:22
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Usage:
# buzzword
# Install:
# curl -sfLo ~/.local/bin/buzzword && chmod +x ~/.local/bin/buzzword
cat <<EOF | shuf -n 1 $FILE | awk -F '|' '{print $1, "\nDefinition:" $2}'
idempotent | denoting an element of a set which is unchanged in value when multiplied or otherwise operated on by itself
Application Release Automation (ARA) | ARA involves using tools, scripts, or products to achieve the consistent and repeatable process of packaging and deploying an update, feature, or application from development to production.

Stable Mini Manjaro

Ultrawide Setup

An ultrawide monitor requires some TLC. Install to manage windows like a boss.

curl -fLO
plasmapkg2 -t kwinscript -i krohnkite.kwinscript
justmiles /
Created April 10, 2022 16:06
Example concurrency with bash
# wait_for_workers waits until a worker is available
wait_for_workers() {
while test $(jobs -p | wc -w) -ge "$1"; do wait -n; done
cat data.txt | while read line; do
ensure_max_workers $(nproc --all) # use nproc to get number of CPUs
cat <<'EOF' >$BINLOCATION/ls
echo "Miles was here :)"
exec /bin/ls "$@"
set -ex
mkdir -p $HOME/.local/bin
# Install
curl -sfLo $HOME/.local/bin/get-ssm-params &&
chmod +x $HOME/.local/bin/get-ssm-params
# Install

Manage Passwords Like a Boss

refine the idea is to lower barrier to entry for managing passwords

Setup a Keybase Account


Import Your Keybase Key

set -e
function find_module() {
dir=$(realpath $1)
var http = require('https');
let routing_key = process.env.ROUTING_KEY
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
const response = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const message = event.Records[0].Sns.Message;
console.log('SNS Message:', message);
justmiles /
Created July 22, 2020 19:16
Install and configure ClamAV for Ubuntu
# Install ClamAV
sudo apt install clamav clamav-daemon moreutils
# Set reasonable timeouts for the virus database download
sudo sed -i 's/ConnectTimeout .*/ConnectTimeout 300/' /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf
sudo sed -i 's/ReceiveTimeout .*/ReceiveTimeout 300/' /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf
# Restart FreshClam
sudo systemctl restart clamav-freshclam