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Created June 7, 2017 08:44

ILP Kit 3.0 Release Plan

Major Changes

(All changes are described below in more detail.)

  • Make ilp-connector stateless and extract standalone mode
  • Add support for asymmetric trustlines
  • Deprecate Five Bells Ledger
  • Switch to binary ILQP (#390) ✔
  • Improvements to routing
  • Quote by liquidity curve
  • Support for webhooks (via custom receivers) (#179)

Release Goals

ILP Kit 2.0, although short-lived, has been the most stable ILP Kit release to date. We've done crazy demos with it and we love it.

However, we still have a number of issues:

  • Stability issues with websockets
  • High overall latency
  • Single-process architecture (no way to scale)
  • State is fragmented (ledger tables, ILP Kit tables, plugin store tables)

In order to make progress at addressing these issues, we aim for the following goals for this release:

  • No more clunky internal websockets
  • All state is managed by ILP Kit (to be further consolidated in the future)
  • UI feels more responsive


Stateless connector library

We've compromised on the connector's statelessness to accomodate stateful plugins.

Currently, the connector provides a store, which uses Sequelize to connect to a database. Unfortunately, the store only provides key-value semantics, no transactions. As a result, this mechanism is not safe to use in a multi-process environment. (Multiple ILP Kits using the same database.)

However, it has turned out that plugins build two main primitives on top of the store: Balance and TransferLog


Today, the ILP Kit instantiates plugins like this:

await connector.addPlugin(hostInfo.ledgerName, {
  currency: options.currencyCode, // connectors have this option to contradict the ledgerInfo's currencyCode, but we don't use that.
  plugin: 'ilp-plugin-virtual',
  store: true,

We propose to remove the store feature from ILP Connector and instead have stateful plugins accept a backend parameter.

await connector.addPlugin(hostInfo.ledgerName, {
  currency: options.currencyCode, // connectors have this option to contradict the ledgerInfo's currencyCode, but we don't use that.
  plugin: 'ilp-plugin-virtual',
  options: {
    backend: createPluginBackend()


The backend parameter is an object of the abstract type PluginBackend:

interface PluginBackend {
  getBalance(name: string, opts: BalanceOptions): Balance
  getTransferLog(): TransferLog

interface Balance {
  setMaximum(n: string): void
  getMaximum(): string
  connect(): Promise<void>
  get(): string
  add(n: string): Promise<void>
  sub(n: string): Promise<void>

interface BalanceOptions {
  maximum: string | null, // Maximum allowed balance (or null if unlimited)
  minimum: string | null, // Minimum allowed balance (or null if unlimited)
  key: string // used as a prefix for entries in the key/value store (defaults to '')

interface TransferLog {
  get(transferId: string): Promise<Transfer> // Asynchronously retrieve a transfer from the persistent store
  getCached(transferId: string): Transfer // Synchronously retrieve transfer from cache
  getFulfillment(transferId: string): Promise<string> // Retrieve a transfer's fulfillment from the persistent store
  dropCached(transferId: string) // Remove transfer from cache
  fulfill(transferId: string, fulfillment: string): Promise<void> // Set transfer state to fulfilled
  cancel(transferId: string): Promise<void> // Set transfer state to canceled

interface Transfer {
  // see Ledger Plugin Interface

We can imagine several implementations of this interface:

  • MockPluginBackend - In-memory backend for unit tests or development
  • SequelizePluginBackend - Simple single-process backend for ILP Kit
  • KafkaPluginBackend - More sophisticated and scalable future backend for multi-process environments

Backwards compatibility

In order to keep plugins compatible with old versions of ILP Kit, we can implement a createBackendFromStore method in ilp-plugin-shared, which creates a SequelizePluginBackend from a store. When instantiating a plugin with a _store, but without a backend, the plugin would generate a backend using createBackendFromStore.

In order to keep ILP Kit 3.0 compatible with ILP Kit 2.1 databases, we can make it so ILP Kit 3.0 also uses ilp-plugin-shared to generate a SequelizeBackend which stores data in exactly the same way (same key names etc.) that it is being done currently. Future versions of ILP Kit may use more sophisticated backends and we will use migrations to move the data over.

Refactoring standalone support

ILP Connector is currently half written as a library and half as a server. We propose a refactor such that ilp-connector is a pure JavaScript library that needs to be included from JavaScript. The ability to run a connector standalone should be factored out into a scripts/server.js script inside of the ilp-connector repo.

Support for asymmetric trust lines

In order to support asymmetric trust lines, we create two new ledger plugins: Plugin ILP Kit Server and Plugin ILP Kit Client.

When instantiated, Plugin ILP Kit Server creates two objects:

  1. A plugin instance to give to the connector, which looks to the connector more or less like it's just talking to a Plugin Bells.
  2. A plugin instance that ILP Kit can use internally, which looks like a Plugin Bells instance with admin privileges (can listen on all accounts etc.)

Plugin ILP Kit Server also creates a public interface (HTTP + Websocket?) which ILP Kit exposes and which can be consumed by Plugin ILP Kit Client.

Deprecate Five Bells Ledger

We have to decide if we still want to support Five Bells Ledger in the 3.0 release.

If yes, we could add a flag in the Users table for ILP Kit to determine if a user is a five-bells-ledger or asymmetric trust line user.

If no, we need to write a migration that converts all ledger users to asymmetric trustline users.

Binary ILQP

This is the only change proposed in this document that is visible by peers. If any of the other changes are projected to take a long time to implement, arguably we should release binary ILQP first.

Routing changes

@michiel: Can you provide a summary here?

Quoting by liquidity curve

ILQP supports getting a liquidity curve instead of a quote for a specific amount. We should implement and support this functionality in ILP Kit.

The end goal is that ILP Kit will immediately request a quote when the destination identifier has been entered, even before the amount has been chosen. That way, the user can type different amounts and the quote will update in real-time, without a round-trip to the server.

The quote should be periodically refreshed (subject to the quote expiry).

Support for webhooks

Webhooks are the most common way for integrating external shopping cart systems and applications with payment systems. In order to make integrating ILP as easy as possible for merchants, we should support some form of webhooks.

The current PR aims to implement webhooks via SPSP custom receivers. (E.g. user "bob" creates a receiver which is linked to a specific webhook endpoint.)

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Plugin ILP Kit Server also creates a public interface (HTTP + Websocket?) which ILP Kit exposes and which can be consumed by Plugin ILP Kit Client.

This sounds like it would have to accomplish the same tasks as a five-bells-ledger (same persistence, adding/removing accounts dynamically, notifications, authentication). Are there any big differences that I'm missing, or is it essentially a FBL rewrite made to be used inside one process?

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Another thing I think we should add is better notifications for the admin. Send an email to them when:

  1. One of their trustlines is getting close to maxed out
  2. One of their users requested withdrawal
  3. One of their peers initiates a cash settlement
  4. Someone attempts to peer with them (if we add the "friend request" style peering feature)

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IMHO, I think we should tag a 3.0.0-rc1 as soon as DJ's and my open PRs are merged (liquidity quoting and cheapest-shortest-path routing), and set up an alpha network like we did for 2.0, so that we can don't have to interrupt continuous integration too long. Non-breaking changes can be done in a subsequent (3.*) release.

  • stateless connector -> yes, we already started working on this, for release in 3.*
  • stand-alone connector -> yes, in 3.* because it's non-breaking; I would say:
    1. PluginBackend
    2. stateless connector (multi-process with one shared storage through PluginBackend)
    3. make rpc process get peers list and routing tables from storage backend
    4. extract the rpc end-point from ilp-kit's api process and run it separately - this is also good against connector-DoS (but you will still need to administer it via the Peers table!)
  • asymmetric trustlines -> I would say create the plugin, but don't use it in ilp-kit specifically
  • Deprecate Five Bells Ledger -> I think this would be a lot of work, and not necessarily for ilp-kit as reference implementation *)
  • Switch to binary ILQP (#390) ✔
  • Improvements to routing -> yes, in 3.0 (my PRs already open)
  • Quote by liquidity curve -> yes, in 3.0 (DJ's PRs already open)
  • Support for webhooks (via custom receivers) (#179) -> yes, in 3.*

*) we had a lot of product requirements discussions in the last two weeks. I now think ilp-kit should first and foremost be a composition of all our components, so that includes the FiveBells ledger. At the same time, ilp-kit can be used as a personal ILP node. This means we need to make it usable; fix known vulnerabilities (gratuity-attack, DoS the SPSP endpoint, etc) and bugs (when things like the 7-days bug are discovered, we should have an emergency procedure that guarantees a hotfix within 24 hours), live-test the network using, etc.
I don't think ilp-kit would be the software of choice for a public customer-facing node that allows sign-up. Such a node would probably require a full-time sysadmin, and they will probably build a custom web service using components from ilp-kit, plus some custom stuff (like, for instance, asymmetric trustlines instead of a multi-user ledger, and probably a custom user database that integrates with some billing, usage monitoring, or CRM system).

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Also maybe we could put interledger/rfcs#222 (comment) on the roadmap? I think it will significantly improve the security considerations for a hobbyist running a person ilp-kit, cc @dappelt

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