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Created September 25, 2009 14:16
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designed as a functional replacement to james benne
eliminates need for app.templatetags
all arguments/kwargs are resolved by default
if some comparison, do somethin, otherwise do s
add negate at the end of the tag to do the oppo
{% if_<comparison> ... %}
{% else %}
{% endif_<comparison> %}
functions can have arguments and keyword arguments
similar as varname syntax places output into varnam
is_inclusion - inclusion tag, function must return
{% <function> ... %}
what it does
load default tags used everywhere automagically
uses settings var
no need for {% load %}
easy conversion of old template tags (but they will
from template_utils import functions, compariso
hello = lambda: 'hello world'
register tags anywhere in the standard loaded pytho,,, etc.
app.templatetags.function (old school)
no import/registration needed, just set fun
tags can have handy attrs
name - name of tag to use in template
takes_context - if true, passes context as firs
do_not_resolve - resolves none of the arguments
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