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Last active June 24, 2020 19:22
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some of my solutions for some katas on codewars
//default configuration
function defaults(obj, defs) {
result = {};
for (var key in obj) {
result[key] = obj[key];
for (var key in defs) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
result[key] = defs[key];
if (result[key].error !== undefined) {
throw result[key].error
return result;
function mandatory(err) {
return {
error: err
//Let's make a function called compose that accepts a value as a parameter, as well as any number of functions as additional parameters.The function will return the value that results from the first parameter being used as a parameter for all of the accepted function parameters in turn.
var compose = function() {
var value = arguments[0];
var result;
var args = [];
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return arguments[0];
args.forEach(function(arg, index) {
if (typeof arg === "function") {
if (index === 1) {
result =, value);
} else {
result =, result);
return result;
//Write a function evilTwin(obj) which returns a new object with all the same properties as obj, and with an additional property hasGoatee set to true.
function evilTwin(orig) {
function evilBro() {};
evilBro.prototype = orig;
var twin = new evilBro();
twin.constructor = evilBro;
twin.hasGoatee = true;
return twin;
//dependency injection function
var DI = function(dependency) {
this.dependency = dependency;
DI.prototype.inject = function(func) {
var funcString = func.toString();
var matches = funcString.match(/^function\s+?.*?\((.*?)\)/);
var argsNames = matches[1].split(',').map(function(arg) {
return arg.trim();
var dependency = this.dependency;
return function() {
var args = argsNames.reduce(function(args, argName) {
argName && args.push(dependency[argName]);
return args;
}, []);
return func.apply(this, args);
//Create a combinator function named flip that takes a function as an argument and returns that function with it's arguments reversed.
function flip(fn) {
return function() {
return fn.apply(this,
//Roman Numerals Encoder
function solution(number) {
var romanDecimals = {
M: 1000,
CM: 900,
D: 500,
CD: 400,
C: 100,
XC: 90,
L: 50,
XL: 40,
X: 10,
IX: 9,
V: 5,
IV: 4,
I: 1
var romanNumber = '';
for (var roman in romanDecimals) {
while (number >= romanDecimals[roman]) {
romanNumber += roman;
number -= romanDecimals[roman];
return romanNumber;
//Largest 5 digit number in a series
function solution(digits) {
var arr = digits.split("");
arr.forEach(function(digit, index) {
arr[index] = parseInt(arr.slice(index, index + 5).join(""), 10);
return Math.max.apply(Math, arr.filter(function(digit) {
return digit.toString().length === 5;
//Your goal in this kata is to implement an difference function, which subtracts one list from another.
//It should remove all values from list a, which are present in list b.
function array_diff(a, b) {
var result = [];
var filterNonRejects = function(value) {
return function(element) {
return element !== value;
if (b.length === 0) {
return a;
b.forEach(function(rejectItem) {
return [].concat.apply([], result);
//The numberOfOccurrences function must return the number of occurrences of an element in an array
Array.prototype.numberOfOccurrences = function(nr) {
return this.filter(function(element) {
return element === nr;
//RGB to hex conversion
function rgb(r, g, b) {
function toHex(rgb) {
if (rgb < 0) {
return "00";
if (rgb > 255) {
return "FF";
var hex = rgb.toString(16);
return hex.length == 1 ? "0" + hex.toUpperCase() : hex.toUpperCase();
return toHex(r) + toHex(g) + toHex(b);
//Given two arrays, the purpose of this Kata is to check if these two arrays are the same. "The same" in this Kata means the two arrays contains arrays of 2 numbers which are same and not necessarily sorted the same way. i.e. [[2,5], [3,6]] is same as [[5,2], [3,6]] or [[6,3], [5,2]] or [[6,3], [2,5]]
function same(aArr, bArr) {
if (aArr.length === 0 && bArr.length === 0) {
return true;
if (aArr.length !== bArr.length) {
return false;
aArr = {
return element.sort();
bArr = {
return element.sort();
var result = [];
var flag = 0;
aArr.forEach(function(aItem) {
var temp = bArr.filter(function(bItem) {
return bItem[0] - aItem[0] === 0 && bItem[1] - aItem[1] === 0;
if (temp === undefined) {
return flag === 0;
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