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Forked from bbeng89/base_package.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_('Access Denied'));
class BasePackage extends Package {
* The following variables can be defined by child classes.
* Only define the ones you need.
* Format for $blocks array:
* array('block_one', 'block_two');
* simple array of strings that are just block handles
protected $blocks = array();
* Format for $pageTypes array:
* array('page_type_handle' => array(
* 'ctHandle' => 'page_type_handle',
* 'ctName' => 'Page Type Name'
* ));
* The key is the handle of the page type.
* The value is an array of data that will be sent to CollectionType::add()
protected $pageTypes = array();
* Format for $singlePages array:
* array('path' => array(
* 'data' => array('cName' => 'Name of Single Page'),
* 'attributes' => array('exclude_nav' => true)
* ));
* The key is the path to the page type
* The value is an array containing two other arrays:
* - 'data' - data that will be set on the page (page name, etc.)
* - 'attributes' - any attributes to be set on that single page (exclude from nav, exclude from page list, etc.)
protected $singlePages = array();
* Format for $themes array:
* array('theme_one', 'theme_two');
* simple array of strings that are just theme handles
protected $themes = array();
* Determine how page attributes can be added to sets. Options are:
* ASET_ALLOW_SINGLE - attribute can only be in one set
* ASET_ALLOW_MULTIPLE - attribute can be in more than one set
* Defaults to allowing attributes to belong only to one set
protected $allowPageAttributeSets = AttributeKeyCategory::ASET_ALLOW_SINGLE;
* Format for $pageAttributeSets array:
* array('set_one_handle' => 'Set One Name', 'set_two_handle' => 'Set Two Name');
protected $pageAttributeSets = array();
* Format for $pageAttributes array:
*array('handle' => array(
* 'set_handle' => 'set_handle',
* 'type' => 'text',
* 'data' => array(),
* 'select_options' => array()
* )
* );
* handle - the handle for this attribute
* set_handle - the handle of the set this attribute belongs to
* type - the type of attribute. Options are: select, text, textarea, date_time, number, boolean, image_file (may be missing some. can also be custom types)
* data - values to pass to the add method for the attribute. differs for each type. See comment below for available data options
* select_options - for select attributes only. these are the options that will appear in the dropdown. just a simple array of strings
* Possible options for data array (using example data):
* //define for ALL attributes:
* 'akHandle' => 'handle',
* 'akName' => 'Human Readable Name',
* //defined for MOST attributes:
* 'akIsSearchable' => true,
* 'akIsSearchableIndexed' => 1,
* //defined for date_time attribute types:
* 'akDateDisplayMode' => 'date'
* //Other options for akDateDisplayMode
* 'date' ('Date Only')
* 'date_time' ('Both Date and Time')
* 'text' ('Text Input Field')
* //defined for SELECT attribute types:
* 'akSelectAllowMultipleValues' => false,
* 'akSelectAllowOtherValues' => true,
* 'akSelectOptionDisplayOrder' => 'alpha_asc'
* //defined for TEXTAREA attributes:
* 'akTextareaDisplayMode' => 'text'
* //Other options for akTextareaDisplayMode
* 'text' ('Plain Text')
* 'rich_text' ('Rich Text - Simple (Default Setting)')
* 'rich_text_basic' ('Rich Text - Basic Controls')
* 'rich_text_advanced' ('Rich Text - Advanced')
* 'rich_text_office' ('Rich Text - Office')
* 'rich_text_custom' ('Rich Text - Custom')
protected $pageAttributes = array();
* These are all the exact same formats as the page attribute variables
protected $allowUserAttributeSets = AttributeKeyCategory::ASET_ALLOW_SINGLE;
protected $userAttributeSets = array();
protected $userAttributes = array();
* These are all the exact same formats as the page attribute variables
protected $allowFileAttributeSets = AttributeKeyCategory::ASET_ALLOW_SINGLE;
protected $fileAttributeSets = array();
protected $fileAttributes = array();
* Methods
* You generally won't need to override these, but you can if
* you need some custom functionality
public function install($post = array()) {
$pkg = parent::install();
return $pkg;
//this will need to be overridden by child classes. they can call parent::upgrade to get the pkgID
public function upgrade(){
$pkg = Package::getByHandle($this->pkgHandle);
return $pkg;
protected function installBlocks($pkg){
foreach($this->blocks as $handle){
$bt = BlockType::getByHandle($handle);
if (!$bt || !is_object($bt)){
BlockType::installBlockTypeFromPackage($handle, $pkg);
else {
Loader::db()->execute('update Pages set pkgID = ? where btID = ?', array($pkg->pkgID, $bt->getBlockTypeID()));
protected function installPageTypes($pkg){
foreach($this->pageTypes as $handle => $data){
$pt = CollectionType::getByHandle($handle);
$pt = CollectionType::add($data, $pkg);
protected function installSinglePages($pkg){
foreach($this->singlePages as $path => $options){
$cID = Page::getByPath($path)->getCollectionID();
if(intval($cID) > 0 && $cID !== 1){
// the single page already exists, so we want
// to update it to use our package elements
Loader::db()->execute('update Pages set pkgID = ? where cID = ?', array($pkg->pkgID, $cID));
$p = SinglePage::add($path, $pkg);
if(is_object($p) && !$p->isError()){
//set any specified attributes
foreach($options['attributes'] as $k => $v){
$p->setAttribute($k, $v);
protected function installThemes($pkg){
foreach($this->themes as $theme){
PageTheme::add($theme, $pkg);
protected function installPageAttributeSets($pkg){
//Page Attribute Sets
if(isset($this->pageAttributeSets) && count($this->pageAttributeSets) > 0){
$cakc = AttributeKeyCategory::getByHandle('collection');
foreach($this->pageAttributeSets as $handle => $name){
$this->installAttributeSet($cakc, $handle, $name, $pkg);
protected function installUserAttributeSets($pkg){
//User Attribute Sets
if(isset($this->userAttributeSets) && count($this->userAttributeSets) > 0){
$uakc = AttributeKeyCategory::getByHandle('user');
foreach($this->userAttributeSets as $handle => $name){
$this->installAttributeSet($uakc, $handle, $name, $pkg);
protected function installFileAttributeSets($pkg){
//File Attribute Sets
if(isset($this->fileAttributeSets) && count($this->fileAttributeSets) > 0){
$fakc = AttributeKeyCategory::getByHandle('file');
foreach($this->fileAttributeSets as $handle => $name){
$this->installAttributeSet($fakc, $handle, $name, $pkg);
* $akc - Instance of AttributeKeyCategory (can be fore collection, user, or file)
* $handle - The attribute set handle (string)
* $name - The attribute set name (string)
private function installAttributeSet($akc, $handle, $name, $pkg){
$set = AttributeSet::getByHandle($handle);
if(!$set instanceof AttributeSet){
$set = $akc->addSet($handle, $name, $pkg);
protected function installPageAttributes($pkg){
//add page attributes
foreach($this->pageAttributes as $handle => $options){
$this->installAttribute('CollectionAttributeKey', $handle, $options, $pkg);
protected function installUserAttributes($pkg){
//add user attributes
foreach($this->userAttributes as $handle => $options){
$this->installAttribute('UserAttributeKey', $handle, $options, $pkg);
protected function installFileAttributes($pkg){
//add page attributes
foreach($this->fileAttributes as $handle => $options){
$this->installAttribute('FileAttributeKey', $handle, $options, $pkg);
* $class - 'CollectionAttributeKey', 'UserAttributeKey', or 'FileAttributeKey' (string)
* $handle - The handle for the attribute to add (string)
* $options - Options for this attribute. Can define:
* - 'set_handle' => 'set_handle' (optional - the set to add this attribute to)
* - 'type' => 'text' (required - the attribute type)
* - 'data' => array() (required - at least needs to define akHandle and akName)
* - 'select_options' => array() (optional - if this is a select attribute this will be an array of options for the select)
private function installAttribute($class, $handle, $options, $pkg){
if($class != "CollectionAttributeKey" && $class != "UserAttributeKey" && $class != "FileAttributeKey"){
throw new Exception("Invalid class passed to installAttributes");
$ak = $class::getByHandle($handle);
//make sure the attribute doesn't already exist
if (!$ak instanceof $class) {
$ak = $class::add($options['type'], $options['data'], $pkg);
//if this is a select attribute then add it's options
if($options['type'] === 'select' && isset($options['select_options'])){
$temp = $class::getByHandle($handle);
foreach($options['select_options'] as $so){
SelectAttributeTypeOption::add($temp, $so);
//if a set was specified for this attribute than add it to that set
$set = AttributeSet::getByHandle($options['set_handle']);
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