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justvanrossum /
Last active June 21, 2016 21:22
Create a wavy animaton with DrawBot
# Physics stolen from:
def blobPos(pt, r, a):
x, y = pt
x += cos(a) * r
y += sin(a) * r
return (x, y)
def drawGrid(cells):
justvanrossum /
Last active March 24, 2016 06:42
DrawBot: Generate an animation simulating an oscilloscope showing a Lissajous curve.
canvasSize = 500
nFrames = 20
nSteps = 20
radius = 195
nEchoes = 20
nScopeLines = 10
xFrequency = 3
yFrequency = 4
justvanrossum /
Last active February 10, 2016 12:32
DrawBot: Create an animated flower-like pattern by drawing circles on a donut.
# nCirclesH = 18; nCirclesV = 6:
# nCirclesH = 38; nCirclesV = 28:
def project(x, y, innerR, outerR, phase):
# convert from "donut space" to normal space
angle = 2 * pi * x
f = (cos(phase + pi * y) + 1) / 2
R = innerR + f * (outerR - innerR)
justvanrossum /
Last active January 5, 2016 11:12
DrawBot: A moving tribute to Ellsworth Kelly's "Seine" (1951).
# A moving tribute to Ellsworth Kelly's "Seine" (1951).
from random import seed # seed() allows us to get repeatable pseudo-noise
def expandGrid(pixels):
assert len(pixels) % 2
mid = len(pixels) // 2
midColumn = pixels[mid]
pixels.insert(mid + 1, list(midColumn))
pixels.insert(mid + 0, list(midColumn))