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# boring version of
# <3 beesandbombs!
canvasSize = 800
numFrames = 50
numSquares = 50
radius = 0.3 * canvasSize
squareSize = 0.2 * canvasSize
for frame in range(numFrames):
justvanrossum /
Created December 3, 2020 14:29
Example of using a nested function to create a cubic Bézier evaluator
from fontTools.misc.bezierTools import calcCubicParameters
def cubic(*cubic_points):
(ax, ay), (bx, by), (cx, cy), (dx, dy) = calcCubicParameters(*cubic_points)
def evaluate(t):
ttt = t * t * t
tt = t * t
x = ax * ttt + bx * tt + cx * t + dx
y = ay * ttt + by * tt + cy * t + dy
return x, y
justvanrossum /
Created April 16, 2020 19:18
MEHRINGDAMM: Spacing by bounding box
# Image from
imagePath = "MEHRINGDAMM.jpeg"
w, h = imageSize(imagePath)
size(w, h)
with savedState():
image(imagePath, (0, 0), 0.6)
justvanrossum /
Created April 9, 2020 15:04
Jigsaw puzzle generator for DrawBot
def translatePoints(points, dx, dy):
return [(x + dx, y + dy) for x, y in points]
def transposePoints(points):
return [(y, x) for x, y in points]
def pairs(seq):
it = iter(seq)
prev = next(it)
for item in it:
justvanrossum /
Created April 5, 2020 18:23
Animated Color Grid with DrawBot
canvasSize = 500
numSquares = 25
squareSize = canvasSize / numSquares
numFrames = 50
for frame in range(numFrames):
t = frame / numFrames
newPage(canvasSize, canvasSize)
justvanrossum /
Last active August 20, 2020 08:50
Scrape OT tag definitions and descriptions from OT spec site (script, language and feature tags)
import os
import re
def parse(data):
start = data.find("<tbody>")
end = data.find("</tbody>")
data = data[start+7:end]
for chunk in re.findall(r"<tr>.+?</tr>", data, re.DOTALL):
fields = re.findall(r"<td>(.+?)</td>", chunk, re.DOTALL)
justvanrossum /
Last active March 11, 2020 21:19
DrawBot script to recreate 'Untitled Computer Assisted Drawing' by Paul Brown from 1975
# Original:
# Paul Brown, 'Untitled Computer Assisted Drawing' (1975)
# The program was written in Fortran and drawn with Calcomp's drum pen plotter.
def drawArc(center, radius, startAngle, endAngle):
bez = BezierPath()
bez.arc(center, radius, startAngle, endAngle, False)
justvanrossum /
Created June 6, 2019 06:30
macOS/Python: Get dimension info about active screens
from AppKit import NSScreen, NSDeviceSize, NSDeviceResolution
from Quartz import CGDisplayScreenSize
for i, screen in enumerate(NSScreen.screens(), 1):
description = screen.deviceDescription()
pw, ph = description[NSDeviceSize].sizeValue()
rx, ry = description[NSDeviceResolution].sizeValue()
mmw, mmh = CGDisplayScreenSize(description["NSScreenNumber"])
scaleFactor = screen.backingScaleFactor()
pw *= scaleFactor
justvanrossum /
Last active August 6, 2019 15:14
DrawBot: create a simple animation with moving squares
def easeInOutQuad(t):
t *= 2
if t < 1:
return 0.5 * (t ** 2)
t = 2 - t
return 1 - 0.5 * (t ** 2)
justvanrossum /
Last active October 4, 2020 23:36
DrawBot: create a simple loop of nested ellipses
# Result:
def drawEllipses(cx, cy, rx, ry, dx, dy, n, bw=0):
for i in range(n):
oval(cx - rx, cy - ry, 2 * rx, 2 * ry)
rx -= dx
ry -= dy
bw = 1 - bw