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Created June 1, 2022 19:09
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# This is a sample config file that you can use as a reference for building your own.
# The "features" section describes how to map your input events into ML features that Metarank understands.
# See doc/ for a general overview of possible things you can do, and doc/features
# for detailed per-extractor configuration options.
# These features can be shared between multiple models, so if you have a model A using features 1-2-3 and
# a model B using features 1-2, then all three features will be computed only once.
# You need to explicitely include a feture in the model configuration for Metarank to use it.
- name: popularity
type: number
scope: item
source: item.popularity
# TTL and refresh fields are part of every feature extractor that Metarank supports.
# The purpose of TTL is to configure data retention period, so in a case when there were no
# feature updates for a long time, it will eventually be dropped.
ttl: 60d
# Refresh parameter is used to downsample the amount of feature updates emitted. For example,
# there is a window_counter feature extractor, which can be used to count a number of clicks that happened for
# an item. Incrementing such a counter for a single day is an extremely lightweight operation, but computing
# window sums is not. As it's not always required to receive up-to-date counter values in ML models,
# these window sums can be updated only eventually (like once per hour), which improves the throughput a lot
# (but results in a slightly stale data during the inference process)
refresh: 1h
- name: genre
type: string
scope: item
source: item.genres
- drama
- comedy
- thriller
# see for more details on supported ML models
default: # name of the model, used in the inference process as a part of path, like /rank/default
type: lambdamart # for now, only lambdamart is supported
path: /tmp/xgboost.model # schemas like s3:// are also supported
type: xgboost # supported values: xgboost, lightgbm
iterations: 100 # optional (default 100), number of interations while training the model
seed: 0 # optional (default = random), a seed to make training deterministic
weights: # types and weights of interactions used in the model training
click: 1 # you can increase the weight of some events to hint model to optimize more for them
features: # features from the previous section used in the model
- popularity
- genre
# where to take events from, and where to write intermediate data.
workdir: file:///tmp/bootstrap
# how many CPUs use to process the data
# parallelism: 1
# inject synthetic "user examined these items in ranking" impression events
# see doc/ for details, enabled by default
# syntheticImpression:
# enabled: true
# eventName: impression # can be customized
type: file
path: file:///ranklens/events/
# possible options: file, kafka, pulsar
# type: kafka
# brokers: [broker1, broker2]
# topic: events
# groupId: metarank
# offset: earliest|id=<numerical offset id>|latest|ts=<unixtime>|last=<duration>
# type: pulsar
# serviceUrl: <pulsar service URL>
# adminUrl: <pulsar service HTTP admin URL>
# topic: events
# subscriptionName: metarank
# subscriptionType: exclusive # options are exclusive, shared, failover
# offset: earliest|id=<numerical offset id>|latest|ts=<unixtime>|last=<duration>
# offset options are:
# earliest - start from the first stored message in the topic
# id=<offset id> - start from a specific offset id
# latest - consume only events that came recently (after we connected)
# ts=<timestamp> - start from a specific absolute timestamp in the past
# last=<duration> - consume only events happened within the defined relative duration
# duration supports the following patterns: 1s, 1m, 1h, 1d
# options to use for the inference process
port: 8080
host: ""
source: # a source of events to be processed in real-time
# possible options are: kafka, pulsar, rest
# kafka and pulsar definitions are the same as for the bootstrap.source section
type: rest
bufferSize: 1000 # optional (default 10000), size of an internal buffer for feedback events
host: localhost # hostname of merarank API
port: 8080 # its port
state: # a place to store the feature values for the ML inference
# Local memory
# A node-local in-memory storage without any persistence. Loads latest feature values from the bootstrap process
# automatically, so you don't need to run the Upload job with this type of storage.
# Suitable only for local testing, as in case of a restart it will loose all the data and start with the values from
# the bootstrap stage.
type: memory
format: json # Metarank supports json and protobuf: json is human-readable, protobuf is much more compact
# Remote redis, with persistence.
# Requires the Upload job to be run to upload all the historical feature values
# computed during the bootstrap inro Redis.
# type: redis
# host: localhost
# format: json
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