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revoice1 / Convert_z7_cue_to_CHD.ps1
Last active October 1, 2023 17:33
#Requires -Version 5.1
[string]$SourcePath = "", # Path to 7z zipped disc images to be converted
[string]$DestinationPath = "", # Path where you would like the CHD's to go. One folder per game.
[string]$WorkingPath = "", # Path where files will be extracting temporarily for CHD creation, use fast disk if possible. Will be created in the running path if undefined
[string]$CHDMANPath = "", # Path to the CHDMAN executable, will be downloaded if this isn't defined or isn't correct
[switch]$CleanWorkingPath = $false, # Switch to automatically clean (delete contents) the working path dir if it is non-empty
[switch]$DisableMultithreading = $false, # Option to disable multithreading logic, for low thread systems or if you don't want CHD conversion to take most of your CPU %
[switch]$WritePlaylistFiles = $false # Write m3u files in the destination dir, for all CHDs present (not just new ones)