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Forked from valorin/Middleware-CSP.php
Created May 1, 2023 08:24
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CSP Middleware - the simple CSP middleware I use across all of my projects.
$production = env('APP_ENV', 'production') === 'production';
return [
// Toggle Report-Only based on production
'report_only' => ! $production,
// Policy directives
'policy' => [
// Defaults to Report URI CSP Wizard URL, which is the easiest way to add a CSP to an existing site.
// Check it out at:
'report-uri' => ["https://<subdomain>"],
'default-src' => ["'none'"],
'connect-src' => ["'none'"],
'font-src' => ["'none'"],
'frame-src' => ["'none'"],
'img-src' => ["'self'"],
'manifest-src' => ["'self'"],
'script-src' => ["'report-sample'", "'self'"],
'style-src' => ["'self'"],
'form-action' => ["'none'"],
'frame-ancestors' => ["'none'"],
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Vite;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
* Simple Content Security Policy middleware.
* Provides a super simple way to add a CSP to a Laravel app.
* Simply add the required directives to your config/csp.php file.
* Hooks directly into Vite to generate a Nonce for scripts and styles.
* !!! Don't forget to add the CSP middleware into the 'web' middleware group !!!
* @author Stephen Rees-Carter <>
* @see
class CSP
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$response = $next($request);
$csp = config('csp');
$csp['policy']['script-src'][] = "'nonce-".Vite::cspNonce()."'";
$csp['policy']['style-src'][] = "'nonce-".Vite::cspNonce()."'";
if (app()->isLocal()) {
$vite = Vite::asset('');
$csp['policy']['connect-src'][] = 'wss:'.Str::after($vite, 'https:');
$csp['policy']['script-src'][] = $vite;
$csp['policy']['style-src'][] = $vite;
$policy = collect($csp['policy'])
->map(fn ($value, $key) => "{$key} ".collect($value)->filter()->implode(' '))
->implode(' ; ');
$header = $csp['report_only'] ? 'Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only' : 'Content-Security-Policy';
$response->headers->set($header, $policy);
return $response;
<!-- Include the nonce with the globally shared $cspNonce variable -->
<script src="" nonce="{{ Vite::cspNonce() }}" defer></script>
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