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Last active May 27, 2019 08:56
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My Laravel Best Practices
  • Always follow PSR2 - PSR4 php coding style, better install it on PHPStorm
  • Always validate things via RequestValidators even if it is nullable(), Move validation from controllers to Request classes.
  • Use child relationships to get child data and filter data
  • Make sure if there is any auto generated codes like __construct
  • How can a array count ever be less than 0? Check to use a simple condition instead of making it complex with double check
  • Check if there is anything should actually fail if it doesn't have a set value
  • It's a good idea to check first for the less costly conditions (especially inside a loop)
  • Always use Carbon for date processing
  • Maintain code commenting and proper docblock
  • Always use custom env for static values, do not get data from the .env file directly
    • // config/api.php 'key' => env('API_KEY'), // Use the data $apiKey = config('api.key');
  • Confirm if a method really need a default value to be set or not
  • If you need a fixed id to be used somewhere from a table add a const for that specific Model
  • Use ::select() if we are only going to use one field, use pluck if you need a list
  • For Routing always user RESTful design
  • Create new migrations with only the changes and don't drop existing tables that have data in production
  • All string fields need max length validation
  • All relational field should have a validation if it exists
  • Don't mix array indexing with object indexing on the same function. unless there's a necessity to use both
  • Let's try to at least be coherent inside a block of code with variable name (snake_case) and indexing (array|object)
    • snake_case - where all words are concatenated in lowercase with underscores
  • Always condider visibility (public|protected|private) of a property, a method or (as of PHP 7.1.0) a constant
  • Storing Relationships in Variables, Try to reduce the relationship calls as much as possible. $posts = $user->posts;
  • Always make sure not to overcrowd your route.php file. Avoid writing closures in your route.php file.
  • Avoid N+1 queries, This is when you query for relations inside of a loop, User with() $comments = Comment::with('author')->get();
  • Take Care of Eloquent Relation Caching - Because once it queries the relation, it will stores it in the cache for that request
  • Follow - Fat Models and Skinny Controllers - Put all DB related logic into Eloquent models or into Repository classes if you're using Query Builder or raw SQL queries
  • Don't repeat yourself (DRY)
  • Prefer to use Eloquent over using Query Builder and raw SQL queries. Prefer collections over arrays
  • Use config and language files, constants instead of text in the code
  • Use shorter and more readable syntax where possible, request(), session()
  • When creating a migration always use proper naming
  • When adding a new column always use proper type and position of the field, use after() nullable() unique() etc
  • Never change the date time of a migration.
  • Do not push any commit with unnecessary code commented. Only release final code.
  • Check typos for FileNeam.php, ClassNeam.php, MethodNeam, VerNeam anything with spelling mistakes.
  • For an entity api endpoint make sure you applied for dynamic ordering, sorting and relational data load.
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