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Last active November 21, 2018 18:42
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CakePHP 3.x and Croogo 3.x Creating a Custom Plugin

Creating Plugins For Croogo

sudo bin/cake bake plugin Apps

You will be asked to choose a location of the plugin. Select outermost Plugin/ folder.
Creates proper directory structure for new plugin
Adds entry in config/bootstrap.php file to load newly created plugin It is recommended that you delete entry of newly baked plugin from config/bootstrap.php file as you will be able to enable-disable plugin from UI. The line will look something like:

Plugin::load('Apps', ['bootstrap' => false, 'routes' => true]);

Configure Plugin To Enable – Disable

Copy the example plugin.json file to your custom plugins config directory and edit it accordingly as below:

cp vendor/croogo/croogo/Example/config/plugin.json plugins/Apps/config/

Add Menu For Your Plugin

Copy the Blocks admin_menu.php file to your custom plugins config directory and edit it accordingly as below:

cp vendor/croogo/croogo/Blocks/config/plugin.json plugins/Apps/config/
sudo bin/cake bake model Domains --plugin Apps --table apps_domains --no-fixture --no-test --force
sudo bin/cake bake controller Domains --plugin Apps --prefix Admin --theme Croogo/Core --no-test --force
sudo bin/cake bake template Domains --plugin Apps --prefix Admin --theme Croogo/Core --force

Now visit and activate the plugins and see it appears in admin left sidebar main menu.


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