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Created March 17, 2017 22:51
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//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
func createSetWith(enable: Bool, requestList: [[String : Any]]) -> Set<String> {
return Set(requestList
.filter { ($0["enabled"] as? Bool) == enable }
.map { $0["key"] as? String ?? ""})
let sub1 = ["key" : "updates", "enabled": false] as [String : Any]
let sub2 = ["key" : "news", "enabled": true] as [String : Any]
let sub3 = ["key" : "itinerary", "enabled": false] as [String : Any]
let sub4 = ["key" : "cancelations", "enabled": true] as [String : Any]
let requestList = [sub1, sub2, sub3, sub4]
let disabledSubscriptions = ["news", "itinerary"]
let listToEnable = createSetWith(enable: true, requestList: requestList)
let listToDisable = createSetWith(enable: false, requestList: requestList)
let setDisabledSubscriptions = Set(disabledSubscriptions)
let newSet = setDisabledSubscriptions
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