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Created January 3, 2012 20:21
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Reflecting in Pyramid/SqlAlchemy
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from sqlalchemy import Table
from sqlalchemy import MetaData
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from zope.sqlalchemy import ZopeTransactionExtension
import app
import types
DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()))
DBMetadata = MetaData()
class ReflectedTable(object):
"""Base class for database objects that are mapped to tables by reflection.
Have your various model classes inherit from this class. If class.__tablename__ is defined, it will reflect
class Useraccount(ReflectedTable):
__tablename__ = "useraccount"
__tablename__ = None
def map_tables( app_model ):
to_reflect = []
for content in dir( app_model ):
module = getattr( app_model , content )
if not isinstance( module , types.ModuleType ):
for module_element in dir( module ):
module_element = getattr( module, module_element )
if not isinstance( module_element , types.TypeType ):
if issubclass( module_element , ReflectedTable ):
to_reflect.append( module_element )
for _class in to_reflect:
table_name = _class.__tablename__
if table_name:"Reflecting : %s (table: %s)" % (_class , table_name) )
table= Table( table_name, DBMetadata, autoload=True )
mapper( _class , table)
def initialize_sql(engine):
"""Call this once per engine from app.__init__.main
engine = sqlalchemy.engine_from_config(settings, prefix="sqlalchemy.")
log.debug( "\ninitialize_sql" )
DBMetadata.bind = engine
map_tables( app.models )
## import various classes here.
import models_1
import models_2
import models_3
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I like your idea of having __tablename__ as a class attribute of ReflectedTable. You've also made me realize that there's no good reason for the map_by_reflection class method. But your introspection code in map_tables to tease the ReflectedTable classes out of app_model doesn't thrill me.

In my present app all of the model classes are reflected tables, so I can't see the value in putting them in another module. I may think differently if I do something where I have a mixture of reflected table models and app-specific ones. So, for now I've opted to keep everything in, refactored to:

import logging

from sqlalchemy import Table
from sqlalchemy import MetaData
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from zope.sqlalchemy import ZopeTransactionExtension

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()))
DBMetadata = MetaData()

class ReflectedTable(object):
    """Base class for database objects that are mapped to tables by reflection.
    __tablename__ = None

class SomeTable(ReflectedTable):
    __tablename__ = 'sometable'

class AnotherTable(ReflectedTable):
    __tablename__ = 'anothertable'

def map_tables(to_reflect):
    for _class in to_reflect:'Reflecting {0} from table {1}'
                 .format(_class, _class.__tablename__))
        table = Table(_class.__tablename__, DBMetadata, autoload=True)
        mapper(_class, table)

def initialize_sql(engine):
    DBMetadata.bind = engine
    to_reflect = (
        SomeTable, AnotherTable,

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yeah, the introspection is a bit ugly.

the reason why i decided to do it that way is that i've been refactoring a bunch of legacy code that i used as a 'bootstrap' module under pylons into pyramid - and splitting out the database portion of it

for the database code, i want to:
a_ reflect tables
b_ setup and manage multiple db handles ( read, write, log, etc )

right now, it looks more like this:

ideally when I'm done , i'd do something like this:

  1. deploy the final version to github or pypi & have my apps require it
  2. drop a line into app/ to push some setup stuff into app/models/
  3. models/ just sets up the handles , and calls a master init in my package (which then does introspection)

i have at least 6 pylons apps that i'm migrating to pyramid, and am in the process of building 3 apps right now -- the more I can take stuff like this and abstract/simplify/standardize, the happier i am. the introspection is ugly, but its ultimately easier to migrate & easier to maintain.

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For future readers.. The DeferredReflection mixin is now built in to sqlaclehemy and should remove the need for special handling.

See docs here:

and here:

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