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Created February 4, 2012 01:18
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v 0.0.3
a port of some classic pylons styling, but without much of the cruft that was not used often
This allows for a very particular coding style, which i prefer.
As you can see below, 'methods' are broken into multiple parts:
- a callable dispatcher ( login )
- a private printer ( _login_print )
- a private submit processor ( _login_submit )
The formencode schema does not interact with the database. it is used entirely for "lightweight" validation and cheap operations ( length, presence, etc )
The more involved operations occur in the submit processor.
At any time, if an error is occured, a call to "form_reprint" can be made. that function makes a subrequest and runs htmlfill on it.
Custom errors can be set as well.
If you want to set a "oh noes! message" for the form, pass in the `error_main` argument to validate, that will set an error in Error_Main , which will do one of two things:
a- formencode.htmlfill will replace this marking in your template
<form:error name="Error_Main"/>
with the follwing :
<span class="error-message">${error_main}</span><br/>
<form:error name="Error_Main"/> will appear on valid documents , as htmlfill won't be called to strip it out
if you want to strip it out, you could do the following :
- pass your formStash into a template via the print mechanism
- test for form validity in the form ; the FormStash class has an is_error attribute which is set True on errors ( and cleared when no errors exist )
b- if the marking is not in your template, it will be at the top of the document ( before the html ) as
<!-- for: Error_Main -->
<span class="error-message">${error_main}</span>
As with all formencode implementaitons, you can control where an error message appears by placing an explicit <form:error name="${formfield}"/>
there is a trivial attempt at multiple form handling - a "form_stash" argument can be used , which will store different "FormStash" wrapped structures in the names provided.
the caveat to this approach right now, is that it doesn't support using a "render" on the form object -- it expects forms to be manually coded. this was originally by design ( to have more control ). I'd love to be able to support that - or find other ways to allow the subrequest mechanism to go away.
80% of this code is adapted from Pylons, 20% is outright copy/pasted.
define your form
import formencode
class _Schema_Base(formencode.Schema):
allow_extra_fields = True
filter_extra_fields = False
class FormLogin(_Schema_Base):
email_address = formencode.validators.Email(not_empty=True)
password = formencode.validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True)
remember_me = formencode.validators.Bool()
define your view/handler
import pyramid_formencode_classic
class WebLogin(base):
def login(self):
if 'login' in self.request.POST:
return self._login_submit()
return self._login_print()
def _login_print(self):
return render_to_response( "web/account/login.mako" , {"project":"MyApp" } , self.request)
def _login_submit(self):
try :
if not pyramid_formencode_classic.form_validate( self.request , schema=forms.FormLogin , error_main="OH NOES!" ):
raise pyramid_formencode_classic.ValidationStop("Invalid Form")
results= self.request.formStash.results
useraccount = model.find_user( results['email_address'] )
if not useraccount:
pyramid_formencode_classic.formerrors_set(self.request,section="email_address",message="Email not registered")
if not useraccount.verify_submitted_password( results['password'] ):
pyramid_formencode_classic.formerrors_set(self.request,section="email_address",message="Wrong password")
except pyramid_formencode_classic.ValidationStop :
pyramid_formencode_classic.formerrors_set(self.request,section="Error_Main",message="There was an error with your form")
return formhandling.form_reprint( self.request , self._login_print )
return HTTPFound(location='/account/home')
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import formencode
import sys
def determine_response_charset(response):
"""FROM PYLONS -- Determine the charset of the specified Response object,
returning the default system encoding when none is set"""
charset = response.charset
if charset is None:
charset = sys.getdefaultencoding()
log.debug("Determined result charset to be: %s", charset)
return charset
def encode_formencode_errors(errors, encoding, encoding_errors='strict'):
"""FROM PYLONS -- Encode any unicode values contained in a FormEncode errors dict
to raw strings of the specified encoding"""
if errors is None or isinstance(errors, str):
# None or Just incase this is FormEncode<=0.7
elif isinstance(errors, unicode):
errors = errors.encode(encoding, encoding_errors)
elif isinstance(errors, dict):
for key, value in errors.iteritems():
errors[key] = encode_formencode_errors(value, encoding, encoding_errors)
# Fallback to an iterable (a list)
errors = [encode_formencode_errors(error, encoding, encoding_errors) for error in errors]
return errors
def formatter_nobr(error):
Formatter that escapes the error, wraps the error in a span with
class ``error-message``, and doesn't add a ``<br>``
return '<span class="error-message">%s</span>\n' % formencode.rewritingparser.html_quote(error)
class ValidationStop(Exception):
"""Stop validating"""
class FormStash( object ):
"""Wrapper object, stores all the vars and objects surrounding a form validation"""
is_error= None
is_parsed= False
is_unicode_params= False
schema= None
errors= None
results= None
defaults= None
def __init__(self):
self.errors= {}
self.results= {}
self.defaults= {}
def get_form( request, form_stash='formStash' ):
return getattr( request , form_stash )
def _form_ensure( request , form_stash='formStash' ):
"""ensures there is a FormStash instance attached to the request"""
if not hasattr( request , form_stash):
setattr( request , form_stash , FormStash() )
return getattr( request , form_stash )
def formerrors_set( request , form_stash='formStash' , section='Error_Main' , message='There was an error with your submission...' ):
"""manages the dict of errors"""
form= _form_ensure( request , form_stash=form_stash )
if message is None:
if section in form.errors:
del form.errors[section]
form.errors[section]= message
if form.errors:
form.is_error = True
def formerrors_clear( request, form_stash='formStash' , section=None ):
form= _form_ensure( request , form_stash=form_stash )
if form.errors :
if section:
if section in form.errors :
del form.errors['section']
form.errors= {}
if form.errors:
form.is_error = True
def form_validate(\
request ,
schema=None ,
form_stash= 'formStash',
validate_post=True ,
validate_get=False ,
validate_params=None ,
variable_decode=False ,
dict_char='.' ,
list_char='-' ,
state= None,
error_main=None ,
"""form validation only : returns True/False ; sets up Errors ;
Validate input for a FormEncode schema.
This is largely ported Pylons core, as is all of the docstring!
Given a form schema, validate will attempt to validate the schema
If validation was successful, the valid result dict will be saved as ``request.formResult.results``.
.. warnings ::
``validate_post`` and ``validate_get`` applies to *where* the arguments to be
validated come from. It does *not* restrict the form to
only working with post, merely only checking POST vars.
``validate_params`` will exclude get and post data
``schema`` ( None )
Refers to a FormEncode Schema object to use during validation.
``form_stash`` ( formStash )
Name of the attribute formStash will be saved into.
Useful if you have multiple forms.
``validate_post`` ( True )
Boolean that indicates whether or not POST variables
should be included during validation.
``validate_get`` ( True )
Boolean that indicates whether or not GET variables
should be included during validation.
MultiDict of params if you want to validate by hand
``variable_decode`` ( False )
Boolean to indicate whether FormEncode's variable decode
function should be run on the form input before validation.
``dict_char`` ( '.' )
Passed through to FormEncode. Toggles the form field naming
scheme used to determine what is used to represent a dict. This
option is only applicable when used with variable_decode=True.
``list_char`` ( '-' )
Passed through to FormEncode. Toggles the form field naming
scheme used to determine what is used to represent a list. This
option is only applicable when used with variable_decode=True.
Passed through to FormEncode for use in validators that utilize a state object.
``error_main`` ( None )
If there are any errors that occur, this will drop an error in "Error_Main" key.
log.debug("form_validate - starting...")
errors= {}
formStash= FormStash()
formStash.schema= schema
# if we don't pass in ``validate_params``...
## we must validate via GET, POST or BOTH
if not validate_params:
if validate_post and validate_get :
validate_params = request.params
elif validate_post and not validate_get :
validate_params = request.POST
elif not validate_post and validate_get :
validate_params = request.GET
# if there are no params to validate against, then just stop
if not validate_params:
formStash.is_error= True
raise ValidationStop()
# initialize our results
results= {}
if schema:
log.debug("form_validate - validating against a schema")
results= schema.to_python( validate_params , state )
except formencode.Invalid, e:
errors= e.unpack_errors( variable_decode , dict_char , list_char )
formStash.is_parsed= True
formStash.results= results
formStash.errors= errors
formStash.defaults = validate_params
if errors:
log.debug("form_validate - Errors found in validation")
formStash.is_error= True
if error_main:
formerrors_set( request , section='Error_Main', message=error_main )
except ValidationStop :
log.debug("form_validate - encountered a ValidationStop")
setattr( request , form_stash, formStash )
return not formStash.is_error
def form_reprint( request , form_print_method , form_stash='formStash', auto_error_formatter=formatter_nobr , **htmlfill_kwargs ):
"""reprint a form
``request`` -- request instance
``form_print_method`` -- bound method to execute
``frorm_stash`` (formStash) -- specify a stash
``auto_error_formatter`` (formatter_nobr) -- specify a formatter for rendering errors
this is an htmlfill_kwargs , but we default to one without a br
`**htmlfill_kwargs` -- passed on to htmlfill
log.debug("form_reprint - starting...")
response= form_print_method()
# If the form_content is an exception response, return it
# potential ways to check:
## hasattr( response, 'exception')
## resposne.code != 200
## repsonse.code == 302 <-- http found
if hasattr(response, 'exception'):
log.debug("form_reprint - response has exception, redirecting")
return response
formStash= getattr( request , form_stash )
form_content= response.text
# Ensure htmlfill can safely combine the form_content, params and
# errors variables (that they're all of the same string type)
if not formStash.is_unicode_params:
log.debug("Raw string form params: ensuring the '%s' form and FormEncode errors are converted to raw strings for htmlfill", form_print_method )
encoding= determine_response_charset(response)
if hasattr( response , 'errors' ):
# WSGIResponse's content may (unlikely) be unicode
if isinstance(form_content, unicode):
form_content= form_content.encode(encoding, response.errors)
# FormEncode>=0.7 errors are unicode (due to being localized via ugettext). Convert any of the possible formencode unpack_errors formats to contain raw strings
errors= encode_formencode_errors(errors, encoding, response.errors)
elif not isinstance( form_content, unicode):
log.debug("Unicode form params: ensuring the '%s' form is converted to unicode for htmlfill", form)
encoding= determine_response_charset(response)
form_content= form_content.decode(encoding)
form_content= formencode.htmlfill.render(\
response.text= form_content
return response
# comment out the above return , and raise a ValueError to debug the local environment with the Pyramid interactive tool
raise ValueError('!!!')
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