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Last active February 15, 2018 05:50
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Patches SML/NJ version 110.82 to do an unused variables check!
Index: compiler/ElabData/basics/lambdavar.sig
--- compiler/ElabData/basics/lambdavar.sig (revision 4519)
+++ compiler/ElabData/basics/lambdavar.sig (working copy)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
signature LAMBDA_VAR =
- type lvar
+ type lvar = int
val saveLvarNames : bool ref
val lvarIsNamed : lvar -> bool
Index: compiler/Elaborator/basics/elabcontrol.sig
--- compiler/Elaborator/basics/elabcontrol.sig (revision 4519)
+++ compiler/Elaborator/basics/elabcontrol.sig (working copy)
@@ -50,4 +50,7 @@
val printAbsyn : bool ref
+ val unusedBindingWarn : bool ref
+ (* Elaborator/elaborate/check-unused.sml *)
end (* signature ELAB_CONTROL *)
Index: compiler/Elaborator/basics/elabcontrol.sml
--- compiler/Elaborator/basics/elabcontrol.sml (revision 4519)
+++ compiler/Elaborator/basics/elabcontrol.sml (working copy)
@@ -89,5 +89,8 @@
val printAbsyn = ref false
+ val unusedBindingWarn =
+ cnew ("unused-binding-warn", "warn when variables are defined but not used", true)
end (* local *)
end (* structure ElabControl *)
Index: compiler/Elaborator/elaborate/check-unused.sml
--- compiler/Elaborator/elaborate/check-unused.sml (nonexistent)
+++ compiler/Elaborator/elaborate/check-unused.sml (working copy)
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+structure CheckUnused =
+structure VarSet = HashSetFn(
+ struct
+ open VarCon
+ type hash_key = var
+ fun hashVal (VALvar {path, access, ...}) =
+ let val sn = Symbol.number (SymPath.first path) handle SymPath => 0w0
+ open Access
+ fun word_of_word8 w8 = Word.fromLargeWord (Word8.toLargeWord w8)
+ val rec accessHash : Access.access -> word = fn
+ LVAR lvar => Word.fromInt lvar
+ | EXTERN persstamp =>
+ Word8Vector.foldr (fn (i, acc : word) => acc * 0w31 + word_of_word8 i) 0w0 (PersStamps.toBytes persstamp)
+ | PATH (a, i)=> accessHash a + Word.fromInt i
+ | NO_ACCESS => 0w0
+ in accessHash access + sn end
+ | hashVal _ = 0w1494288992 (* random integer *)
+ fun sameKey (VALvar k1, VALvar k2) =
+ (SymPath.equal (#path k1, #path k2))
+ andalso Access.prAcc (#access k1) = Access.prAcc (#access k2)
+ | sameKey _ = false (* don't care *)
+ end)
+(* debugging *)
+val say = Control_Print.say
+val debugging = ElabControl.etopdebugging (* default false *)
+fun debugmsg (msg: string) =
+ if !debugging then (say msg; say "\n") else ()
+val debugPrint = (fn x => ElabDebug.debugPrint debugging x)
+fun bug msg = ErrorMsg.impossible("CheckUnused: " ^ msg)
+fun checkUnusedBindings
+ (ast : Absyn.dec, err : ErrorMsg.errorFn)
+ : unit =
+ let
+ val usedVars = VarSet.mkEmpty 32
+ fun sawVar (var : VarCon.var) =
+ VarSet.add (usedVars, var)
+ fun sawVarDecl region (var : VarCon.var) =
+ if VarSet.delete (usedVars, var)
+ then ()
+ else case var of
+ VarCon.VALvar {path, ...} =>
+ err region ErrorMsg.WARN
+ ("unused " ^ Symbol.describe
+ (SymPath.first path)) ErrorMsg.nullErrorBody
+ | _ => () (* whatever *)
+ open Absyn
+ (* when we see a var add it to usedVars, when we go back up the tree and find its binder
+ we remove it from the table *)
+ fun checkExp (region : SourceMap.region) : Absyn.exp -> unit = fn
+ VARexp (var, _) => sawVar (!var)
+ | CONexp _ => ()
+ | RECORDexp fields => (checkExp region o #2) fields
+ | SELECTexp (_, exp) => checkExp region exp
+ | VECTORexp (exps, _) => checkExps region exps
+ | PACKexp (exp, _, _) => checkExp region exp
+ | APPexp (function, argument) => checkExps region [function, argument]
+ | HANDLEexp (expr, (rules, _)) => (checkExp region expr; checkRules region rules)
+ | RAISEexp (exp, _) => checkExp region exp
+ | CASEexp (exp, rules, _) => (checkExp region exp; checkRules region rules)
+ | IFexp {test, thenCase, elseCase} => checkExps region [test, thenCase, elseCase]
+ | ( ANDALSOexp (e1, e2)
+ | ORELSEexp (e1, e2)) => checkExps region [e1, e2]
+ | WHILEexp {test, expr} => checkExps region [test, expr]
+ | FNexp (rules, _) => checkRules region rules
+ | LETexp (dec, expr) => (checkExp region expr; checkDec true region dec)
+ | SEQexp exps => checkExps region exps
+ | CONSTRAINTexp (expr, _) => checkExp region expr
+ | MARKexp (expr, region) => checkExp region expr
+ | ( INTexp _
+ | WORDexp _
+ | REALexp _
+ | STRINGexp _
+ | CHARexp _ ) => ()
+ and checkExps region exps = (checkExp region) exps
+ and checkRules region rules = (checkRule region) rules
+ and checkRule region (RULE (pat, exp)) =
+ (checkExp region exp;
+ checkPat region pat) (* Order is important, find the usages first *)
+ and checkPat region = fn
+ WILDpat => ()
+ | VARpat var => sawVarDecl region var
+ | ( INTpat _
+ | WORDpat _
+ | REALpat _
+ | STRINGpat _
+ | CHARpat _
+ | CONpat _
+ | NOpat) => ()
+ | RECORDpat {fields, ...} => (fn (_, pat) => checkPat region pat) fields
+ | APPpat (_, _, pat) => checkPat region pat
+ | CONSTRAINTpat (pat, _) => checkPat region pat
+ | LAYEREDpat (p1, p2) => (checkPat region p1; checkPat region p2)
+ | ORpat (p1, p2) => (checkPat region p1; checkPat region p2)
+ | VECTORpat (pats, _) => (checkPat region) pats
+ | MARKpat (pat, region) => checkPat region pat
+ and checkDec checkdeclp region = fn
+ VALdec [VB{exp, pat, ...}] =>
+ (checkExp region exp;
+ if checkdeclp
+ then checkPat region pat
+ else ())
+ | VALdec _ => bug "VALdec with nonsingleton list (see absyn.sml:70)"
+ | VALRECdec rvbs =>
+ ( (fn (RVB {exp, ...}) => checkExp region exp) rvbs;
+ if checkdeclp
+ then (fn (RVB {var, ...}) => sawVarDecl region var) rvbs
+ else ())
+ | DOdec exp => checkExp region exp
+ | TYPEdec _ => ()
+ | DATATYPEdec _ => ()
+ | ABSTYPEdec {body, ...} => checkDec checkdeclp region body
+ | EXCEPTIONdec ebs => ()
+ | STRdec strbs => (fn STRB {def, ...} => checkStrexp checkdeclp region def) (List.rev strbs)
+ | ABSdec strbs => (fn STRB {def, ...} => checkStrexp checkdeclp region def) (List.rev strbs)
+ | FCTdec fctbs => (fn FCTB {def, ...} => checkFctexp checkdeclp region def) (List.rev fctbs)
+ | SIGdec _ => ()
+ | FSIGdec _ => ()
+ | OPENdec _ => ()
+ | LOCALdec (d1, d2) => (checkDec checkdeclp region d2; checkDec true region d1)
+ | SEQdec decs => (checkDec checkdeclp region) (List.rev decs)
+ | OVLDdec _ => ()
+ | FIXdec _ => ()
+ | MARKdec (dec, region) => checkDec checkdeclp region dec
+ and checkStrexp checkdeclp region = fn
+ MARKstr (str, region) => checkStrexp checkdeclp region str
+ (* Do it in the right order since we don't check for unused structures *)
+ | LETstr (dec, str) => (checkDec checkdeclp region dec;
+ checkStrexp checkdeclp region str)
+ | VARstr _ => ()
+ | APPstr _ => ()
+ | STRstr _ => () (* just names of things as far as I can tell *)
+ and checkFctexp checkdeclp region = fn
+ MARKfct (fct, region) => checkFctexp checkdeclp region fct
+ | LETfct (dec, fct) => (checkDec checkdeclp region dec;
+ checkFctexp checkdeclp region fct)
+ | VARfct _ => ()
+ | FCTfct {def, ...} => checkStrexp checkdeclp region def
+ (* In theory we would check declarations that can't escape, like decls in
+ local blocks and structures that ascribe to signatures.
+ In such a world we would also check type variables also though, and maybe even
+ look to see what can escape the CM system. *)
+ in
+ debugmsg ">>checkUnusedBindings";
+ (if !ElabControl.unusedBindingWarn
+ then checkDec false SourceMap.nullRegion ast
+ else debugmsg "ElabControl.unusedBindingWarn is false, not checking");
+ debugmsg "<<checkUnusedBindings"
+ end
Index: compiler/Elaborator/elaborate/elabtop.sml
--- compiler/Elaborator/elaborate/elabtop.sml (revision 4519)
+++ compiler/Elaborator/elaborate/elabtop.sml (working copy)
@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@
debugmsg "<<elabTop";
ElabDebug.debugPrint ElabControl.printAbsyn ("ABSYN::", ppAbsynDec, dec);
+ CheckUnused.checkUnusedBindings (dec, error);
(dec, env)
Index: compiler/Elaborator/
--- compiler/Elaborator/ (revision 4519)
+++ compiler/Elaborator/ (working copy)
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
+ elaborate/check-unused.sml
set -e
function inform_user {
echo -e "${HEADER}$@${ENDC}"
SMLNJ_VERSION=110.82 # (If this changes, you'll likely have to change the patch...)
if ! [ -x "$(command -v svn)" ]; then
inform_user "SVN is required to download SML"
exit 1
mkdir -p "smlnj-${SMLNJ_VERSION}"
cd "smlnj-${SMLNJ_VERSION}"
# get the scripts to set up things
inform_user "Downloading SML install scripts"
svn export --username anonsvn --password anonsvn "${smlnj}/admin"
# get the release version
inform_user "Downloading SML/NJ release version ${SMLNJ_VERSION}"
svn export --username anonsvn --password anonsvn "$smlnj/sml/releases/release-${SMLNJ_VERSION}" base
# get the other repos necessary
inform_user "Downloading supporting libraries (slow!)"
admin/ --export
# build the bootstrapped SMLNJ
inform_user "Configuring SML/NJ"
# fix for if ml-yacc isn't installed already
which ml-yacc || touch ml-yacc/src/yacc.grm.sig ml-yacc/src/yacc.grm.sml
# Now work on the SML part of the compiler
cd base
inform_user "Downloading and applying patch! :)"
# Get the patch!
wget $patch_url \
|| curl -O $patch_url \
|| { inform_user "Could not find a program to download the patch with!" \
&& exit 1; }
# Apply patch!
patch -p0 < "./110.82-unusedvars.patch"
inform_user "Building compiler (This may take a bit)"
# bootstrap & compile
cd system
# build the heap image
# update with the libraries we just built
cd ../../..
inform_user "Your new version of SML has been compiled!"
inform_user "The executable is smlnj-${SMLNJ_VERSION}/bin/sml"
inform_user "To install this new version on macOS, replace your current /usr/local/smlnj with the new directory smlnj-${SMLNJ_VERSION} to install it."
inform_user "Additionally, /usr/local/smlnj/bin should be in your PATH variable to use the sml interpreter"
inform_user "Let's try it out now!"
if [ -x "$(command -v rlwrap)" ]; then
exec rlwrap "smlnj-${SMLNJ_VERSION}/bin/sml"
exec "smlnj-${SMLNJ_VERSION}/bin/sml"
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