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Created August 9, 2017 10:33
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prime generator for prolog
fill([], _, 0).
fill([X|Xs], X, N) :- succ(N0, N), fill(Xs, X, N0).
prime(N, 1) :- write('is prime'), nl.
prime(N, N) :-
D1 is N - 1,
write(D1), nl,
prime(N, D1).
prime(N, D) :-
write(D), nl,
0 < mod(N,D),
D1 is D - 1,
prime(N, D1).
loop(0, X, List).
loop(N, X, List) :-
append([X], List, L1),
N1 is N - 1,
loop(N1, L1, X).
change_element(C, I, Old, New, Val) :-
print(New), nl,
C = I
append(New, [Val], N),
C1 = C + 1,
change_element(C1, I, Old, N, Val)
length(Old, L),
C < L ->
nth0(C, Old, E),
append(New, [E], N),
C1 is C + 1,
change_element(C1, I, Old, N, Val)
steploop(Start, List, Step) :-
print(List), nl,
length(List, L),
Start < L ->
NList = [],
change_element(0, Start, List, NList, 1),
S1 is Start + Step,
steploop(S1, NList, Step)
ifloop(I, List, Condition) :-
length(List, L),
I < L,
nth0(I, List, E),
E is Condition -> print(I), nl ; true,
I1 is I + 1,
ifloop(I1, List, Condition).
primeloop(I, List) :-
length(List, L),
I < L,
nth0(I, List, X),
% print(X), nl,
X = 1 -> steploop(I, List, I) ;
I1 is I + 1,
primeloop(I1, List).
subloop(0, X, List).
subloop(I, X, List) :-
print(List), nl,
append(List, [X], L),
I1 is I - 1,
subloop(I1, X, L).
genprime(N) :-
I is N,
% print('start'), nl,
List = [0,1],
% print(List), nl,
L = [],
subloop(I, 0, L),
append(List, L, List),
print('list '),
print(L), nl,
primeloop(0, List),
ifloop(0, List, 1),
print(List) , nl.
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