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Created May 10, 2015 05:04
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-export([start/0, watcher/0]).
start() ->
Watcher = spawn_link(fizzbuzz, watcher, []),
send_loop(Watcher, 1, 1000000),
receive done -> ok end,
send_loop(Pid, N, Max) when N =< Max ->
Pid ! {fizzbuzz, N},
send_loop(Pid, N+1, Max);
send_loop(Pid, _, _) ->
Pid ! {fizzbuzz, exit_proc, self()},
watcher() ->
{fizzbuzz, I} when I rem 15 == 0 -> ok = io:format("fizzbuzz~n"), watcher();
{fizzbuzz, I} when I rem 3 == 0 -> ok = io:format("fizz~n"), watcher();
{fizzbuzz, I} when I rem 5 == 0 -> ok = io:format("buzz~n"), watcher();
{fizzbuzz, I} when is_number(I) -> ok = io:format("~B~n", [I]), watcher();
{fizzbuzz, exit_proc, Pid} -> Pid ! done, ok
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