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Last active July 24, 2023 05:03
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my own malloc/free implementation
* Allocates a block of memory with bytes of length
* @returns a pointer to the allocated block of memory. Return NULL in error
void* memory_alloc(size_t bytes);
* Deallocates the ptr block of memory
* @returns 0 on success
void memory_free(void* ptr);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory/memory.h>
#define LOOP 10
#define ARRAY_LENGTH 10
struct ordinary {
int a;
float b;
double c;
long d;
char e;
void *f;
int main(){
int *i = (int*) memory_alloc(sizeof(int));
int *i2 = (int*) memory_alloc(sizeof(int));
*i = 2;
*i2 = 100;
printf("%d + %d = %d\n", *i, *i2, *i + *i2);
i = (int*) memory_alloc(sizeof(int));
*i = 0;
unsigned int index = 0;
for(index = 0; index < LOOP; index++ ){
int *int_ptr = (int*) memory_alloc(sizeof(int));
*int_ptr = index;
*i += *int_ptr;
printf("The sum of 0 until %d is %d\n", LOOP, *i);
memory_free(memory_alloc(2048 * 5));
struct ordinary *op = (struct ordinary*) memory_alloc(sizeof(struct ordinary));
op->a = 1;
op->b = 1.0f;
op->c = 9.99;
op->d = 999l;
op->e = 'a';
op->f = i;
printf("a = %d, b = %f, c = %f, d = %ld, e = %c, f = %p\n", op->a, op->b, op->c, op->d, op->e, op->f);
int *ia = (int*) memory_alloc(sizeof(int) * ARRAY_LENGTH);
for(index = 0; index < ARRAY_LENGTH; ++index){
ia[index] = index * 2;
printf("[ ");
for(index = 0; index < ARRAY_LENGTH; ++index){
if(index < ARRAY_LENGTH -1)
printf("%d, ", ia[index]);
printf("%d", ia[index]);
printf(" ]\n");
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