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Last active July 12, 2023 06:02
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Ubuntu post-install script (installs my usual packages and apps)
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
### APT
function install_apt_packages {
read -e -p "Install Gnome Tweaks? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && apt_packages="${apt_packages}gnome-tweaks "
read -e -p "Install Net Tools? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && apt_packages="${apt_packages}net-tools "
read -e -p "Install Open SSH Server? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && apt_packages="${apt_packages}openssh-server "
read -e -p "Install GIT? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && apt_packages="${apt_packages}git "
read -e -p "Install Composer? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && apt_packages="${apt_packages}composer "
read -e -p "Install Curl? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && apt_packages="${apt_packages}curl "
read -e -p "Install Network Manager (nmcli)? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && apt_packages="${apt_packages}network-manager "
read -e -p "Install Dconf Editor? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && apt_packages="${apt_packages}dconf-editor "
read -e -p "Install Curtail? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && apt_packages="${apt_packages}curtail "
read -e -p "Install Dialect? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && apt_packages="${apt_packages}dialect "
read -e -p "Install Health? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && apt_packages="${apt_packages}health "
read -e -p "Install Newsflash? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && apt_packages="${apt_packages}newsflash "
read -e -p "Install Podcasts? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && apt_packages="${apt_packages}podcasts "
read -e -p "Install Shortwave? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && apt_packages="${apt_packages}shortwave "
read -e -p "Install Solanum? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && apt_packages="${apt_packages}solanum "
read -e -p "Install Cockpit? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && apt_packages="${apt_packages}cockpit cockpit-machines cockpit-networkmanager"
#read -e -p "Install ? (n) " choice
#[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && apt_packages="${apt_packages} "
sudo apt install ${apt_packages} -y
function install_librewolf_package {
echo "Keypass doesn't work with Flatpak version of Librewolf."
echo "Installing deb version."
sudo apt install -y wget gnupg lsb-release apt-transport-https ca-certificates
distro=$(if echo " una bookworm vanessa focal jammy bullseye vera uma " | grep -q " $(lsb_release -sc) "; then echo $(lsb_release -sc); else echo focal; fi)
wget -O- | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/librewolf.gpg
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/librewolf.sources << EOF > /dev/null
Types: deb
Suites: $distro
Components: main
Architectures: amd64
Signed-By: /usr/share/keyrings/librewolf.gpg
sudo apt install librewolf -y
mkdir ~/.librewolf/native-messaging-hosts
echo "Install KeepassXC official plugin."
echo "Enable browser sync (Firefox) and then set custom native messaging hosts to:"
echo "~/.librewolf/native-messaging-hosts/"
function install_flatpak {
sudo apt install flatpak gnome-software-plugin-flatpak -y
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
read -e -p "Install KeepassXC? (n) " choicekeepass
[[ "$choicekeepass" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}org.keepassxc.KeepassXC "
read -e -p "Install LibreWolf browser? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && [[ "$choicekeepass" == [Yy]* ]] && install_librewolf_package || [[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}io.gitlab.librewolf-community "
read -e -p "Install BlueBubbles? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}app.bluebubbles.BlueBubbles "
read -e -p "Install Extension Manager? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}com.mattjakeman.ExtensionManager "
read -e -p "Install NextCloud Desktop? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}com.nextcloud.desktopclient.nextcloud "
read -e -p "Install Proton VPN? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}com.protonvpn.www "
read -e -p "Install Blanket (white noise)? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}com.rafaelmardojai.Blanket "
read -e -p "Install Spotify? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}com.spotify.Client "
read -e -p "Install WhatsApp Desktop? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages} io.github.mimbrero.WhatsAppDesktop"
read -e -p "Install GitHub Desktop? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}io.github.shiftey.Desktop "
read -e -p "Install Boxes (virtual machines)? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}org.gnome.Boxes "
read -e -p "Install Inkscape (vector graphics)? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}org.inkscape.Inkscape "
read -e -p "Install LibreOffice? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}org.libreoffice.LibreOffice "
read -e -p "Install Remmina (Remote Desktop Client)? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}org.remmina.Remmina "
read -e -p "Install VideoLanClient (VLC)? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}org.videolan.VLC "
read -e -p "Install Plex Desktop? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}tv.plex.PlexDesktop "
read -e -p "Install Transmission bittorrent app? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}com.transmissionbt.Transmission "
read -e -p "Install Transmission bittorrent remote? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}io.freetubeapp.FreeTube org.equeim.Tremotesf "
read -e -p "Install Bavarder (AI)? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}io.github.Bavarder.Bavarder "
read -e -p "Install Upscaler (AI)? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}io.gitlab.theevilskeleton.Upscaler "
read -e -p "Install Imaginer (AI)? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}page.codeberg.Imaginer.Imaginer "
read -e -p "Install Footage (video converter and trimmer)? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}io.gitlab.adhami3310.Footage "
read -e -p "Install TubeFeeder (YouTube and PeerTube subscription)? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}de.schmidhuberj.tubefeeder "
read -e -p "Install Decoder? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages}com.belmoussaoui.Decoder "
#read -e -p "Install ? (n) " choice
#[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && flatpak_packages="${flatpak_packages} "
flatpak install ${flatpak_packages}
read -e -p "Install Flatpak? (n) " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && install_flatpak || echo "Not installing Flatpak"
### SNAP
read -e -p "Remove Firefox Snap? " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && sudo snap remove firefox || echo "Not removing Firefox Snap"
sudo snap refresh
function install_radeon_drivers {
sudo dpkg -i amdgpu-install_5.5.50502-1_all.deb
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install mesa-utils -y
## Testing:
# sudo lshw -c video
# sudo dmesg | grep -i amdgpu
# lsmod | grep | amd
# glxinfo -B
read -e -p "Install Radeon drivers (amdgpu)? " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && install_radeon_drivers || echo "Not installing Radeon drivers"
### ZeroTier
function install_zerotier {
sudo snap install zerotier # curl -s | bash
read -e -p "Please enter network ID " networkid
[[ "$networkid" == "" ]] && "No network ID specified" && exit 1
sudo snap run zerotier join "$networkid" # zerotier-cli join "$networkid"
echo "Now you need to authenticate the device in Zerotier settings."
read -p "Press any key to open browser."
xdg-open "$networkid"
read -e -p "Install Zerotier? " choice
[[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && install_zerotier || echo "Not installing Zerotier"
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