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Last active April 26, 2016 23:55
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Ceylon Web Runner: MemoStream
"Indicates an error during parsing."
shared class ParseError(String message) extends Exception(message){
class Token(shared Object type, shared String token, shared Integer index) {
shared actual String string => "``token`` (``type``) at index ``index``";
"enumerates the different token types"
abstract class TokenType(shared actual String string)
of dtAnd | dtOr | dtDot | dtComma | dtDColon | dtGt | dtLt
| dtDigit | dtUpper | dtLower
| dtQn | dtLsq | dtRsq | dtLbr | dtRbr | dtLparen | dtRparen
| dtStar | dtPlus | dtRightArrow | dtEquals |dtIn | dtOut
| dtEoi {}
object dtAnd extends TokenType("&") {}
object dtOr extends TokenType("|") {}
object dtDot extends TokenType(".") {}
object dtComma extends TokenType(",") {}
object dtDColon extends TokenType("::") {}
object dtGt extends TokenType(">") {}
object dtLt extends TokenType("<") {}
object dtDigit extends TokenType("digit") {}
object dtUpper extends TokenType("upper") {}
object dtLower extends TokenType("lower") {}
object dtEoi extends TokenType("<eoi>") {}
object dtQn extends TokenType("?") {}
object dtLsq extends TokenType("[") {}
object dtRsq extends TokenType("]") {}
object dtLbr extends TokenType("{") {}
object dtRbr extends TokenType("}") {}
object dtLparen extends TokenType("(") {}
object dtRparen extends TokenType(")") {}
object dtStar extends TokenType("*") {}
object dtPlus extends TokenType("+") {}
object dtRightArrow extends TokenType("->") {}
object dtEquals extends TokenType("=") {}
object dtIn extends TokenType("in") {}
object dtOut extends TokenType("out") {}
shared void tokenize() {
function identifierCharacter(Character c)
=> c.letter || c.digit || c == '_';
function identifier(TokenType type, {Character*} chars, Integer index)
=> let (string = String(chars.takeWhile(identifierCharacter)))
[Token(type, string, index), string.size];
[Token?] | [Token?, Integer] collecting({Character+} chars, Integer index) {
value char = chars.first;
if (char.whitespace) {
return [null];
switch (char)
case ('&') {
return [Token(dtAnd, char.string, index)];
case ('|') {
return [Token(dtOr, char.string, index)];
case ('.') {
return [Token(dtDot, char.string, index)];
case (',') {
return [Token(dtComma, char.string, index)];
case ('<') {
return [Token(dtLt, char.string, index)];
case ('>') {
return [Token(dtGt, char.string, index)];
case ('?') {
return [Token(dtQn, char.string, index)];
case ('*') {
return [Token(dtStar, char.string, index)];
case ('+') {
return [Token(dtPlus, char.string, index)];
case ('[') {
return [Token(dtLsq, char.string, index)];
case (']') {
return [Token(dtRsq, char.string, index)];
case ('{') {
return [Token(dtLbr, char.string, index)];
case ('}') {
return [Token(dtRbr, char.string, index)];
case ('(') {
return [Token(dtLparen, char.string, index)];
case (')') {
return [Token(dtRparen, char.string, index)];
case ('=') {
return [Token(dtEquals, char.string, index)];
case (':') {
// check next is also :
if (exists char2 = {
if (char2 == ':') {
return [Token(dtDColon, String(chars.take(2)), index), 2];
} else {
throw ParseError("tokenization error, expected ::, \
not :``char2`` at index ``index``");
throw ParseError("unexpected end of input");
case ('-') {
// check next is >
if (exists char2 = {
if (char2 == '>') {
return [Token(dtRightArrow, String(chars.take(2)), index), 2];
} else {
throw ParseError("tokenization error, expected ->, not -``char2`` \
at index ``index``");
throw ParseError("unexpected end of input");
else if ('0' <= char <= '9') {
return [Token(dtDigit, char.string, index)];
else if (char.lowercase) {
return identifier(dtLower, chars, index);
else if (char.uppercase) {
return identifier(dtUpper, chars, index);
else if (char == '\\') {
if (exists char2 = chars.getFromFirst(1)) {
[Token, Integer] id;
if (char2 == 'I') {
id = identifier(dtUpper, chars.skip(2), index);
} else if (char2 == 'i') {
id = identifier(dtLower, chars.skip(2), index);
} else {
throw ParseError("tokenization error, expected \\i or \\I, \
not :\\``char2`` at index ``index``");
if (id[1] == 0) {
throw ParseError("unexpected character \
``chars.getFromFirst(2) else "<null>"`` \
at index ``index+2``");
return [id[0], id[1]+2];
throw ParseError("unexpected end of input");
} else {
throw ParseError("unexpected character ``char`` at index ``index``");
printAll {
enhancedIterable("ceylon.language::Entry<String, Basic & Identifiable>")
ceylon (lower) at index 0
. (.) at index 6
language (lower) at index 7
:: (::) at index 15
Entry (upper) at index 17
< (<) at index 22
String (upper) at index 23
, (,) at index 29
Basic (upper) at index 31
& (&) at index 37
Identifiable (upper) at index 39
> (>) at index 51
interface EnhancedIterable<out Element, out Absent = Null>
satisfies Iterable<Element, Absent>
given Absent satisfies Null {
Iterable<Result, Absent> transform<Result>(
"Consume one or more elements, returning a result and the number of
elements consumed."
[Result, Integer=] collecting({Element+} elements, Integer index))
=> let (outerIterable = this) object
satisfies Iterable<Result, Absent> {
iterator() => object satisfies Iterator<Result> {
variable Integer index = 0;
variable Stream<Element> stream
= streamOf(outerIterable) else emptyStream;
shared actual
Result|Finished next() {
if (!is EmptyStream current = stream) {
value tuple = collecting(current, index);
value result = tuple[0];
value consumed = tuple[1] else 1;
"At least one element must be consumed."
assert (consumed >= 1);
stream = current.skip(consumed);
index += consumed;
return result;
else {
return finished;
EnhancedIterable<Element, Absent> enhancedIterable<Element, Absent>
(Iterable<Element, Absent> delegate)
given Absent satisfies Null => object
satisfies EnhancedIterable<Element, Absent> {
iterator() => delegate.iterator();
shared void run() {
value stream = streamOf(loop(1)((i) {
print("generating from ``i``");
if (i > 9) {
return finished;
return i.successor;
generating from 1
generating from 2
generating from 3
generating from 4
generating from 5
generating from 6
generating from 7
generating from 8
generating from 9
generating from 10
interface Uninitialized of uninitialized {}
object uninitialized satisfies Uninitialized {}
Result() memo<Result>(Result() f) {
variable Result|Uninitialized memo = uninitialized;
return () => if (!is Uninitialized result = memo)
then result
else (memo = f());
interface Stream<out Element>
of NonemptyStream<Element> | EmptyStream
satisfies {Element*} {}
interface EmptyStream of emptyStream satisfies Stream<Nothing> {}
object emptyStream satisfies EmptyStream {
iterator() => emptyIterator;
shared final
class NonemptyStream<out Element> satisfies Stream<Element> & {Element+} {
Element car;
Stream<Element>() cdr;
new noMemo(Element first, Stream<Element> rest() => emptyStream) { = first;
this.cdr = rest;
shared new (Element first, Element | Finished next() => finished) {
car = first;
cdr = memo(() => switch (first = next())
case (is Finished) emptyStream
else NonemptyStream(first, next));
shared actual
Element first => car;
shared actual
NonemptyStream<Element|Other> follow<Other>(Other head)
=> NonemptyStream<Element|Other>.noMemo(head, () => this);
function self() => this;
shared actual
Iterator<Element> iterator() => object
satisfies Iterator<Element> {
variable Stream<Element>()? rest = self;
shared actual
Element|Finished next() {
if (exists previous = rest) {
value next = previous();
if (!is EmptyStream next) {
rest = next.cdr;
rest = null;
return finished;
shared actual
Stream<Element> skip(Integer skipping) {
if (skipping <= 0) {
return this;
else {
variable Stream<Element> result = this;
variable value i=0;
while (i++<skipping, !is EmptyStream current = result) {
result = current.cdr();
return result;
shared actual
Stream<Element> rest
=> cdr();
NonemptyStream<Element>|Absent streamOf<Element, Absent>
(Iterable<Element, Absent> elements)
given Absent satisfies Null {
value next = elements.iterator().next;
if (!is Finished first = next()) {
return NonemptyStream(first, next);
assert (is Absent null);
return null;
module web_ide_script "1.0.0" {
// Add module imports here
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Why does streamOf return a Stream|Absent and not a MemoStream? (Or perhaps, why is such a function completely missing?)

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If it returned MemoStream, you'd have to narrow to Stream before calling first. So, when you have a {T+} argument, it is much more convenient this way. If you want a MemoStream, you can do streamOf(...) else emptyStream.

FYI: I'm about to rename

  • MemoStream --> Stream
  • Stream --> NonemptyStream

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