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Last active March 6, 2019 01:43
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# GAM analysis -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Resources:
# -
# -
# set modality to ordered variable and relevel so production is reference
prodShadow_gamm <- prodShadow %>%
filter(., group == 'midd', picName == 0,
labID != "approx" & labID != "error") %>%
dplyr::select(., id, session, days, place, voicing, phon, vowelHeight,
word, repN, vot, labID) %>%
mutate(., id = as.factor(id),
place_ord = as.ordered(place),
place_ord = fct_relevel(place_ord, 'bilabial'),
phon_ord = as.ordered(phon),
phon_ord = fct_relevel(phon_ord, 'b'),
voicing_ord = as.ordered(voicing),
voicing_ord = fct_relevel(voicing_ord, 'voiceless')) %>%
group_by(., voicing) %>%
mutate(., votS = (vot - mean(vot)) / sd(vot)) %>%
# dummy code voicing_ord
contrasts(prodShadow_gamm$voicing_ord) <- "contr.treatment"
gamm_1 <- readRDS(here('cache', 'gamm', 'gamm_1.rds'))
gamm_0 <- readRDS(here('cache', 'gamm', 'gamm_0.rds'))
# Fit full model with parametric place variable, reference smooth,
# difference smooth, and random smooth
gamm_1 <- gam(
votS ~ voicing_ord + # parametric predictor
s(days, bs = "cr", k = 4) + # reference smooth
s(days, by = voicing_ord, bs = "cr", k = 4) + # difference smooth
s(days, id, bs = "fs", xt = "cr", m = 1, k = 4), # random smooth
data = prodShadow_gamm, method = "ML")
# Fit null model with no parametric modality predictor nor difference smooth
# Essentially take out anything related to place
gamm_0 <- gam(
votS ~ s(days, bs = "cr", k = 4) + # reference smooth
s(days, id, bs = "fs", xt = "cr", m = 1, k = 4), # random smooth
data = prodShadow_gamm, method = "ML")
saveRDS(gamm_1, "./cache/gamm/gamm_1.rds", compress = 'xz')
saveRDS(gamm_0, "./cache/gamm/gamm_0.rds", compress = 'xz')
acf_plot(resid(gamm_1), split_by = list(prodShadow_gamm$id))
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