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Created February 21, 2019 18:29
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Example of two one-sided t tests (to test equivalence)
# Load libraries
# Set seed for reproducibility
# Working memory means for 3 groups
wm_n <- rnorm(mean = 8.67, sd = 1.15, n = 12)
wm_nin <- rnorm(mean = 9.04, sd = 2.11, n = 26)
wm_m <- rnorm(mean = 9.16, sd = 1.93, n = 25)
# Create DF
my_df <- c(
rep("n", 12),
rep("nin", 26),
rep("m", 25)) %>%
as_data_frame(.) %>%
rename(., group = value) %>%
wm = c(rnorm(mean = 8.67, sd = 1.15, n = 12), # in
rnorm(mean = 9.04, sd = 2.11, n = 26), # nin
rnorm(mean = 9.16, sd = 1.93, n = 25) # m
dele = c(rnorm(mean = 49.17, sd = 4.43, n = 12), # in
rnorm(mean = 46.27, sd = 4.09, n = 26), # nin
rep(0, 25) # m
# Check means
my_df %>%
group_by(., group) %>%
summarize(., wm_mean = mean(wm),
wm_sd = sd(wm),
dele_mean = mean(dele),
dele_sd = sd(dele),
n = n())
# Bartlet test of homogeneity of variance
bartlett.test(wm ~ group, data = my_df)
# Bartlett's K-squared = 4.778, df = 2, p-value = 0.09172
# wm toast m vs nin
TOSTtwo(m1 = 9.16, sd1 = 1.93, n1 = 25, # m
m2 = 9.04, sd2 = 2.11, n2 = 25, # nin
low_eqbound_d = -0.4,
high_eqbound_d = 0.4,
alpha = 0.05)
# wm toast m vs in
TOSTtwo(m1 = 9.16, sd1 = 1.93, n1 = 25, # m
m2 = 8.67, sd2 = 1.15, n2 = 12, # n
low_eqbound_d = -0.3,
high_eqbound_d = 0.3,
alpha = 0.05)
# wm toast in vs nin
TOSTtwo(m1 = 8.67, sd1 = 1.15, n1 = 12, # n
m2 = 9.04, sd2 = 2.11, n2 = 25, # nin
low_eqbound_d = -0.3,
high_eqbound_d = 0.3,
alpha = 0.05)
# dele toast in vs nin
TOSTtwo(m1 = 49.17, sd1 = 4.43, n1 = 12, # n
m2 = 46.27, sd2 = 4.09, n2 = 26, # nin
low_eqbound_d = -0.3,
high_eqbound_d = 0.3,
alpha = 0.05)
# Furthermore, the TOST procedure suggested that the observed effects were
# statistically not different from zero for all pairwise comparisons for
# working memory
# (M vs. N: t(47.62) = -1.204, p = 0.117;
# M vs. NIN: t(33.11) = 0.0263, p = 0.510;
# N vs. NIN: t(34.26) = 0.260, p = 0.398)
# and for L2 proficiency
# (N vs. NIN: t(20) = 1.074, p = 0.852)
# TOST for lexical frequency
lex_df <- structure(list(target = c("corta", "firma", "grita", "lleva",
"llena", "manda", "graba", "gasta", "bebe", "come", "busca",
"llama", "besa", "mira", "vive", "compra", "vende", "lava", "fuma",
"pinta", "toca", "limpia", "cambia", "corto", "firmo", "grito",
"llevo", "lleno", "mando", "grabo", "gasto", "bebio", "comio",
"busco", "llamo", "beso", "miro", "vivio", "compro", "vendio",
"lavo", "fumo", "pinto", "toco", "limpio", "cambio"), freq = c(203,
174, 77, 765, 371, 110, 10, 41, 50, 87, 468, 631, 28, 547, 417,
197, 72, 45, 38, 87, 125, 92, 128, 62, 47, 182, 402, 61, 89,
9, 14, 53, 23, 90, 240, 62, 486, 105, 72, 23, 10, 12, 17, 105,
26, 109)), class = c("spec_tbl_df", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
), row.names = c(NA, -46L), spec = structure(list(cols = list(
target = structure(list(), class = c("collector_character",
"collector")), freq = structure(list(), class = c("collector_double",
"collector"))), default = structure(list(), class = c("collector_guess",
"collector")), skip = 1), class = "col_spec"))
coda_words <- c("corta", "firma", "manda", "gasta", "busca", "compra",
"vende", "pinta", "limpia", "cambia", "corto", "firmo",
"mando", "gasto", "busco", "compro", "vendio", "pinto",
"limpio", "cambio")
lex_df <- lex_df %>%
mutate(., coda = if_else(target %in% coda_words, 1, 0))
bartlett.test(freq ~ coda, data = lex_df)
lex_df %>%
group_by(., coda) %>%
summarize(., freq_mean = mean(freq),
freq_sd = sd(freq),
n = n())
# dele toast in vs nin
TOSTtwo(m1 = 190, sd1 = 220, n1 = 26, # n
m2 = 106, sd2 = 102, n2 = 20, # nin
low_eqbound_d = -0.3,
high_eqbound_d = 0.3,
alpha = 0.05)
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Nicely explained :-) I think the first TOStwo has a small mistake in regards to the Cohen's D,

TOSTtwo(m1 = 9.16, sd1 = 1.93, n1 = 25, # m
        m2 = 9.04, sd2 = 2.11, n2 = 25, # nin
        low_eqbound_d = -0.4, 
        high_eqbound_d = 0.4, 
        alpha = 0.05)

should be

TOSTtwo(m1 = 9.16, sd1 = 1.93, n1 = 25, # m
        m2 = 9.04, sd2 = 2.11, n2 = 25, # nin
        low_eqbound_d = -0.3, 
        high_eqbound_d = 0.3, 
        alpha = 0.05)


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