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bitterteasweetorange / keybindings.json
Last active May 30, 2024 23:30
setup vscode like neovim
"command": "projectManager.listGitProjects#sideBarGit",
"key": "cmd+o"
"command": "expand_region",
"key": "ctrl+=",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
mengwangk / languages.toml
Last active May 2, 2023 23:56
A Walkthrough on Helix — A Post-Modern Modal Text Editor
name = "python"
roots = ["pyproject.toml"]
formatter = { command = "black", args = ["--quiet", "-"] }
language-server = { command = "pyright-langserver", args = ["--stdio"] }
config = {}
auto-format = true
name = "rust"
mengwangk / config.toml
Last active May 2, 2023 23:56
A Walkthrough on Helix — A Post-Modern Modal Text Editor
theme = "tokyonight"
line-number = "relative"
true-color = true
cursorline = true
gutters = ["diagnostics", "spacer", "line-numbers", "spacer", "diff"]
j = { k = "normal_mode" }
"key": "ctrl+tab",
"command": "workbench.action.nextEditor"
"key": "ctrl+shift+tab",
"command": "workbench.action.previousEditor"
"files.autoSave": "onFocusChange",
"vim.easymotion": true,
"vim.incsearch": true,
"vim.useSystemClipboard": true,
"vim.useCtrlKeys": true,
"vim.hlsearch": true,
"vim.sneak": true,
"vim.easymotionMarkerooundColor": "#020202",
"vim.normalModeKeyBindings": [
kylo252 / bootstrap_msys2.ps1
Created November 9, 2021 17:13
MSYS2 Bootstrap
Setup an MSYS2 environment including the minimum tools needed for building neovim on Windows.
The script will download the latest nightly release of the MSYS2 installer
and install all the packges required for building neovim on Windows.
Requies administrative privilages because the MSYS2 installation must go into `C:\msys64`.
chamindac / win10dockerinstallwsl2.ps1
Last active March 12, 2024 18:11
This script automates installation of Docker Desktop on Windows 10 and uses WSL2
set-executionpolicy -scope CurrentUser -executionPolicy Bypass -Force
If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator))
# Relaunch as an elevated process:
Start-Process powershell.exe "-File",('"{0}"' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -Verb RunAs
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
michaelmcshinsky / api-core.js
Last active December 8, 2023 13:51
A comprehensive starter solution to making API calls structured and manageable in code architecture and development teams.
import apiProvider from './provider';
export class ApiCore {
constructor(options) {
if (options.getAll) {
this.getAll = () => {
return apiProvider.getAll(options.url);
simonpo /
Last active July 22, 2022 11:54
Windows 10 dev box setup with winget

Winget is a command line tool that allows discovery and installation of applications, which will eventually make its way to mainline Windows 10. As I set up a new machine every couple of weeks, it's handy to have a batch file to run from the command line and install a bunch of tools, utilities and languages I use all the time.

You can install the winget preview appx here, and there are more options described here if you want to go the Windows Insider route.

tribut / ds102-3.yaml
Created August 6, 2019 14:26
Esphome config for DS102 (3 Gang)
device_name: your_device_name
friendly_name: "Your Device Name"
api_password: !secret api_password
ota_password: !secret ota_password
name: ${device_name}
platform: ESP8266
board: esp01_1m