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Created July 26, 2013 13:38
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ONIX fields and values SQL
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `onix_code_list`;
CREATE TABLE `onix_code_list` (
`list_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
`values` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`name` varchar(100) DEFAULT '',
`notes` text,
`revision` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
KEY `list_id` (`list_id`)
LOCK TABLES `onix_code_list` WRITE;
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `onix_code_list` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `onix_code_list` (`list_id`, `values`, `name`, `notes`, `revision`)
(1,'01','Early notification','Use for a complete record issued earlier than approximately six months before publication.',0),
(1,'02','Advance notification (confirmed)','Use for a complete record issued to confirm advance information approximately six months before publication; or for a complete record issued after that date and before information has been confirmed from the book-in-hand.',0),
(1,'03','Notification confirmed on publication','Use for a complete record issued to confirm advance information at or just before actual publication date; or for a complete record issued at any later date.',11),
(1,'04','Update (partial)','In ONIX 3.0 only, use when sending a ‘block update’ record. In previous ONIX releases, ONIX updating has generally been by complete record replacement using code 03, and code 04 is not used.',11),
(1,'05','Delete','Use when sending an instruction to delete a record which was previously issued. Note that a Delete instruction should NOT be used when a product is cancelled, put out of print, or otherwise withdrawn from sale: this should be handled as a change of Publishing status, leaving the receiver to decide whether to retain or delete (the record. A Delete instruction is only used when there is a particular reason to withdraw a record completely, eg because it was issued in error.',0),
(1,'08','Notice of sale','Notice of sale of a product, from one publisher to another: sent by the publisher disposing of the product.',2),
(1,'09','Notice of acquisition','Notice of acquisition of a product, by one publisher from another: sent by the acquiring publisher.',2),
(1,'12','Update – SupplyDetail only','ONIX Books 2.1 supply update – <SupplyDetail> only (not used in ONIX 3.0).',7),
(1,'13','Update – MarketRepresentation only','ONIX Books 2.1 supply update – <MarketRepresentation> only (not used in ONIX 3.0).',7),
(1,'14','Update – SupplyDetail and MarketRepresentation','ONIX Books 2.1 supply update – both <SupplyDetail> and <MarketRepresentation> (not used in ONIX 3.0).',7),
(2,'00','Single-item retail product','',9),
(2,'10','Multiple-item retail product','Multiple-item product retailed as a whole.',9),
(2,'11','Multiple-item collection, retailed as separate parts','Used when an ONIX record is required for a collection-as-a-whole, even though it is not currently retailed as such.',9),
(2,'20','Trade-only product','Product not for retail, and not carrying retail items, eg empty dumpbin, empty counterpack, promotional material.',9),
(2,'30','Multiple-item trade pack','Carrying multiple copies for retailing as separate items, eg shrink-wrapped trade pack, filled dumpbin, filled counterpack.',9),
(2,'31','Multiple-item pack','Carrying multiple copies, primarily for retailing as separate items. The pack may be split and retailed as separate items OR retailed as a single item. Use instead of Multiple item trade pack (code 30) only if the data provider specifically wishes to make explicit that the pack may optionally be retailed as a whole.(',21),
(3,'02','Publisher’s distributor','Use to designate a distributor providing warehousing and fulfillment for a publisher or for a publisher’s sales agent, as distinct from a wholesaler.',0),
(3,'04','Bibliographic agency','Bibliographic data aggregator.',0),
(3,'05','Library bookseller','',0),
(3,'06','Publisher’s sales agent','Use for a publisher’s sales agent responsible for marketing the publisher’s products within a territory, as opposed to a publisher’s distributor who fulfills orders but does not market.',4),
(3,'07','Publisher’s conversion service provider','Downstream provider of e-publication format conversion service (who might also be a distributor or retailer of the converted e-publication), supplying metadata on behalf of the publisher. The assigned ISBN is taken from the publisher’s ISBN prefix.',15),
(3,'08','Conversion service provider','Downstream provider of e-publication format conversion service (who might also be a distributor or retailer of the converted e-publication), supplying metadata on behalf of the publisher. The assigned ISBN is taken from the service provider’s prefix (whether or not the service provider dedicates that prefix (to a particular publisher).',15),
(3,'09','ISBN Registration Agency','',18),
(3,'10','ISTC Registration Agency','',18),
(5,'01','Proprietary','For example, a publisher’s or wholesaler’s product number.',0),
(5,'02','ISBN-10','International Standard Book Number, pre-2007, unhyphenated (10 characters) – now DEPRECATED in ONIX for Books, except where providing historical information for compatibility with legacy systems. It should only be used in relation to products published before 2007 – when ISBN-13 superseded it – and should never be used as the (ONLY identifier (it should always be accompanied by the correct GTIN-13 / ISBN-13).',14),
(5,'03','GTIN-13','GS1 Global Trade Item Number, formerly known as EAN article number (13 digits).',9),
(5,'04','UPC','UPC product number (12 digits).',0),
(5,'05','ISMN-10','International Standard Music Number (M plus nine digits). Pre-2008 – now DEPRECATED in ONIX for Books, except where providing historical information for compatibility with legacy systems. It should only be used in relation to products published before 2008 – when ISMN-13 superseded it – and should never be used as the ONLY (identifier (it should always be accompanied by the correct ISMN-13).',14),
(5,'06','DOI','Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set).',0),
(5,'13','LCCN','Library of Congress Control Number (12 characters, alphanumeric).',1),
(5,'14','GTIN-14','GS1 Global Trade Item Number (14 digits).',9),
(5,'15','ISBN-13','International Standard Book Number, from 2007, unhyphenated (13 digits starting 978 or 9791–9799).',4),
(5,'17','Legal deposit number','The number assigned to a publication as part of a national legal deposit process.',7),
(5,'22','URN','Uniform Resource Name: note that in trade applications an ISBN must be sent as a GTIN-13 and, where required, as an ISBN-13 – it should not be sent as a URN.',9),
(5,'23','OCLC number','A unique number assigned to a bibliographic item by OCLC.',9),
(5,'24','Co-publisher’s ISBN-13','An ISBN-13 assigned by a co-publisher. The ‘main’ ISBN sent with ID type code 03 and/or 15 should always be the ISBN that is used for ordering from the supplier identified in Supply Detail. However, ISBN rules allow a co-published title to carry more than one ISBN. The co-publisher should be identified in an (instance of the <Publisher> composite, with the applicable <PublishingRole> code.',9),
(5,'25','ISMN-13','International Standard Music Number, from 2008 (13-digit number starting 9790).',12),
(5,'26','ISBN-A','Actionable ISBN, in fact a special DOI incorporating the ISBN-13 within the DOI syntax. Begins ‘10.978.’ or ‘10.979.’ and includes a / character between the registrant element (publisher prefix) and publication element of the ISBN, eg 10.978.000/1234567. Note the ISBN-A should always be accompanied by the ISBN itself, using (codes 03 and/or 15.',17),
(5,'27','JP e-code','E-publication identifier controlled by JPOIID’s Committee for Research and Management of Electronic Publishing Codes.',17),
(5,'28','OLCC number','Unique number assigned by the Chinese Online Library Cataloging Center (see',18),
(5,'29','JP Magazine ID','Japanese magazine identifier, similar in scope to ISSN but identifying a specific issue of a serial publication. Five digits to identify the periodical, plus a hyphen and two digits to identify the issue.',21),
(6,'00','Not barcoded','',0),
(6,'01','Barcoded, scheme unspecified','',0),
(6,'02','EAN13','Position unspecified.',2),
(6,'03','EAN13+5 (US dollar price encoded)','Position unspecified.',8),
(6,'04','UPC12','Type and position unspecified. DEPRECATED: if possible, use more specific values below.',4),
(6,'05','UPC12+5','Type and position unspecified. DEPRECATED: if possible, use more specific values below.',4),
(6,'06','UPC12 (item-specific)','AKA item/price: position unspecified.',4),
(6,'07','UPC12+5 (item-specific)','AKA item/price: position unspecified.',4),
(6,'08','UPC12 (price-point)','AKA price/item: position unspecified.',4),
(6,'09','UPC12+5 (price-point)','AKA price/item: position unspecified.',4),
(6,'10','EAN13 on cover 4','‘Cover 4’ is defined as the back cover of a book.',4),
(6,'11','EAN13+5 on cover 4 (US dollar price encoded)','‘Cover 4’ is defined as the back cover of a book.',8),
(6,'12','UPC12 (item-specific) on cover 4','AKA item/price; ‘cover 4’ is defined as the back cover of a book.',4),
(6,'13','UPC12+5 (item-specific) on cover 4','AKA item/price; ‘cover 4’ is defined as the back cover of a book.',4),
(6,'14','UPC12 (price-point) on cover 4','AKA price/item; ‘cover 4’ is defined as the back cover of a book.',4),
(6,'15','UPC12+5 (price-point) on cover 4','AKA price/item; ‘cover 4’ is defined as the back cover of a book.',4),
(6,'16','EAN13 on cover 3','‘Cover 3’ is defined as the inside back cover of a book.',4),
(6,'17','EAN13+5 on cover 3 (US dollar price encoded)','‘Cover 3’ is defined as the inside back cover of a book.',8),
(6,'18','UPC12 (item-specific) on cover 3','AKA item/price; ‘cover 3’ is defined as the inside back cover of a book.',4),
(6,'19','UPC12+5 (item-specific) on cover 3','AKA item/price; ‘cover 3’ is defined as the inside back cover of a book.',4),
(6,'20','UPC12 (price-point) on cover 3','AKA price/item; ‘cover 3’ is defined as the inside back cover of a book.',4),
(6,'21','UPC12+5 (price-point) on cover 3','AKA price/item; ‘cover 3’ is defined as the inside back cover of a book.',4),
(6,'22','EAN13 on cover 2','‘Cover 2’ is defined as the inside front cover of a book.',4),
(6,'23','EAN13+5 on cover 2 (US dollar price encoded)','‘Cover 2’ is defined as the inside front cover of a book.',8),
(6,'24','UPC12 (item-specific) on cover 2','AKA item/price; ‘cover 2’ is defined as the inside front cover of a book.',4),
(6,'25','UPC12+5 (item-specific) on cover 2','AKA item/price; ‘cover 2’ is defined as the inside front cover of a book.',4),
(6,'26','UPC12 (price-point) on cover 2','AKA price/item; ‘cover 2’ is defined as the inside front cover of a book.',4),
(6,'27','UPC12+5 (price-point) on cover 2','AKA price/item; ‘cover 2’ is defined as the inside front cover of a book.',4),
(6,'28','EAN13 on box','To be used only on boxed products.',4),
(6,'29','EAN13+5 on box (US dollar price encoded)','To be used only on boxed products.',8),
(6,'30','UPC12 (item-specific) on box','AKA item/price; to be used only on boxed products.',4),
(6,'31','UPC12+5 (item-specific) on box','AKA item/price; to be used only on boxed products.',4),
(6,'32','UPC12 (price-point) on box','AKA price/item; to be used only on boxed products.',4),
(6,'33','UPC12+5 (price-point) on box','AKA price/item; to be used only on boxed products.',4),
(6,'34','EAN13 on tag','To be used only on products fitted with hanging tags.',4),
(6,'35','EAN13+5 on tag (US dollar price encoded)','To be used only on products fitted with hanging tags.',8),
(6,'36','UPC12 (item-specific) on tag','AKA item/price; to be used only on products fitted with hanging tags.',4),
(6,'37','UPC12+5 (item-specific) on tag','AKA item/price; to be used only on products fitted with hanging tags.',4),
(6,'38','UPC12 (price-point) on tag','AKA price/item; to be used only on products fitted with hanging tags.',4),
(6,'39','UPC12+5 (price-point) on tag','AKA price/item; to be used only on products fitted with hanging tags.',4),
(6,'40','EAN13 on bottom','Not be used on books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',4),
(6,'41','EAN13+5 on bottom (US dollar price encoded)','Not be used on books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',8),
(6,'42','UPC12 (item-specific) on bottom','AKA item/price; not be used on books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',4),
(6,'43','UPC12+5 (item-specific) on bottom','AKA item/price; not be used on books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',4),
(6,'44','UPC12 (price-point) on bottom','AKA price/item; not be used on books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',4),
(6,'45','UPC12+5 (price-point) on bottom','AKA price/item; not be used on books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',4),
(6,'46','EAN13 on back','Not be used on books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',4),
(6,'47','EAN13+5 on back (US dollar price encoded)','Not be used on books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',8),
(6,'48','UPC12 (item-specific) on back','AKA item/price; not be used on books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',4),
(6,'49','UPC12+5 (item-specific) on back','AKA item/price; not be used on books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',4),
(6,'50','UPC12 (price-point) on back','AKA price/item; not be used on books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',4),
(6,'51','UPC12+5 (price-point) on back','AKA price/item; not be used on books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',4),
(6,'52','EAN13 on outer sleeve/back','To be used only on products packaged in outer sleeves.',22),
(6,'53','EAN13+5 on outer sleeve/back (US dollar price encoded)','To be used only on products packaged in outer sleeves.',22),
(6,'54','UPC12 (item-specific) on outer sleeve/back','AKA item/price; to be used only on products packaged in outer sleeves.',4),
(6,'55','UPC12+5 (item-specific) on outer sleeve/back','AKA item/price; to be used only on products packaged in outer sleeves.',4),
(6,'56','UPC12 (price-point) on outer sleeve/back','AKA price/item; to be used only on products packaged in outer sleeves.',4),
(6,'57','UPC12+5 (price-point) on outer sleeve/back','AKA price/item; to be used only on products packaged in outer sleeves.',4),
(6,'58','EAN13+5 (no price encoded)','Position unspecified.',8),
(6,'59','EAN13+5 on cover 4 (no price encoded)','‘Cover 4’ is defined as the back cover of a book.',8),
(6,'60','EAN13+5 on cover 3 (no price encoded)','‘Cover 3’ is defined as the inside back cover of a book.',8),
(6,'61','EAN13+5 on cover 2 (no price encoded)','‘Cover 2’ is defined as the inside front cover of a book.',8),
(6,'62','EAN13+5 on box (no price encoded)','To be used only on boxed products.',8),
(6,'63','EAN13+5 on tag (no price encoded)','To be used only on products fitted with hanging tags.',8),
(6,'64','EAN13+5 on bottom (no price encoded)','Not be used on books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',8),
(6,'65','EAN13+5 on back (no price encoded)','Not be used on books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',8),
(6,'66','EAN13+5 on outer sleeve/back (no price encoded)','To be used only on products packaged in outer sleeves.',8),
(6,'67','EAN13+5 (CAN dollar price encoded)','Position unspecified.',9),
(6,'68','EAN13+5 on cover 4 (CAN dollar price encoded)','‘Cover 4’ is defined as the back cover of a book.',9),
(6,'69','EAN13+5 on cover 3 (CAN dollar price encoded)','‘Cover 3’ is defined as the inside back cover of a book.',9),
(6,'70','EAN13+5 on cover 2 (CAN dollar price encoded)','‘Cover 2’ is defined as the inside front cover of a book.',9),
(6,'71','EAN13+5 on box (CAN dollar price encoded)','To be used only on boxed products.',9),
(6,'72','EAN13+5 on tag (CAN dollar price encoded)','To be used only on products fitted with hanging tags.',9),
(6,'73','EAN13+5 on bottom (CAN dollar price encoded)','Not be used on books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',9),
(6,'74','EAN13+5 on back (CAN dollar price encoded)','Not be used on books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',9),
(6,'75','EAN13+5 on outer sleeve/back (CAN dollar price encoded)','To be used only on products packaged in outer sleeves.',22),
(7,'AA','Audio','Audio recording – detail unspecified.',0),
(7,'AB','Audio cassette','Audio cassette (analogue).',0),
(7,'AC','CD-Audio','Audio compact disc, in any recording format: use coding in Product Form Detail to specify the format, if required.',8),
(7,'AD','DAT','Digital audio tape cassette.',0),
(7,'AE','Audio disc','Audio disc (excluding CD).',0),
(7,'AF','Audio tape','Audio tape (open reel tape).',0),
(7,'AG','MiniDisc','Sony MiniDisc format.',2),
(7,'AH','CD-Extra','Audio compact disc with part CD-ROM content.',2),
(7,'AI','DVD Audio','',2),
(7,'AJ','Downloadable audio file','Audio recording downloadable online.',2),
(7,'AK','Pre-recorded digital audio player','For example, Playaway audiobook and player: use coding in Product Form Detail to specify the recording format, if required.',11),
(7,'AL','Pre-recorded SD card','For example, Audiofy audiobook chip.',7),
(7,'AZ','Other audio format','Other audio format not specified by AB to AL.',0),
(7,'BA','Book','Book – detail unspecified.',0),
(7,'BB','Hardback','Hardback or cased book.',0),
(7,'BC','Paperback / softback','Paperback or other softback book.',0),
(7,'BD','Loose-leaf','Loose-leaf book.',0),
(7,'BE','Spiral bound','Spiral, comb or coil bound book.',0),
(7,'BF','Pamphlet','Pamphlet or brochure, stapled; German ‘geheftet’.',0),
(7,'BG','Leather / fine binding','',0),
(7,'BH','Board book','Child’s book with all pages printed on board.',0),
(7,'BI','Rag book','Child’s book with all pages printed on textile.',0),
(7,'BJ','Bath book','Child’s book printed on waterproof material.',0),
(7,'BK','Novelty book','A book whose novelty consists wholly or partly in a format which cannot be described by any other available code – a ‘conventional’ format code is always to be preferred; one or more Product Form Detail codes, eg from the B2nn group, should be used whenever possible to provide additional description.',2),
(7,'BL','Slide bound','Slide bound book.',2),
(7,'BM','Big book','Extra-large format for teaching etc; this format and terminology may be specifically UK; required as a top-level differentiator.',2),
(7,'BN','Part-work (fascículo)','A part-work issued with its own ISBN and intended to be collected and bound into a complete book.',6),
(7,'BO','Fold-out book or chart','Concertina-folded book or chart, designed to fold to pocket or regular page size: use for German ‘Leporello’.',8),
(7,'BP','Foam book','A children’s book whose cover and pages are made of foam.',10),
(7,'BZ','Other book format','Other book format or binding not specified by BB to BP.',0),
(7,'CA','Sheet map','Sheet map – detail unspecified.',0),
(7,'CB','Sheet map, folded','',0),
(7,'CC','Sheet map, flat','',0),
(7,'CD','Sheet map, rolled','See Code List 80 for ‘rolled in tube’.',0),
(7,'CE','Globe','Globe or planisphere.',0),
(7,'CZ','Other cartographic','Other cartographic format not specified by CB to CE.',0),
(7,'DA','Digital','Digital or multimedia (detail unspecified).',0),
(7,'DC','CD-I','CD interactive.',0),
(7,'DD','DVD','DEPRECATED – use VI for DVD video, AI for DVD audio, DI for DVD-ROM.',2),
(7,'DE','Game cartridge','',0),
(7,'DF','Diskette','AKA ‘floppy disc’.',0),
(7,'DG','Electronic book text','Electronic book text in proprietary or open standard format.',0),
(7,'DH','Online resource','An electronic database or other resource or service accessible through online networks.',0),
(7,'DJ','Secure Digital (SD) Memory Card','',6),
(7,'DK','Compact Flash Memory Card','',6),
(7,'DL','Memory Stick Memory Card','',6),
(7,'DM','USB Flash Drive','',6),
(7,'DN','Double-sided CD/DVD','Double-sided disc, one side Audio CD/CD-ROM, other side DVD.',7),
(7,'DO','Digital product license key','Digital product license delivered through the retail supply chain as a physical “key”, typically a card or booklet containing a code enabling the purchaser to download or activate the associated product.',21),
(7,'DZ','Other digital','Other digital or multimedia not specified by DB to DN.',0),
(7,'FA','Film or transparency','Film or transparency – detail unspecified.',0),
(7,'FB','Film','Continuous film or filmstrip: DEPRECATED – use FE or FF.',2),
(7,'FC','Slides','Photographic transparencies mounted for projection.',0),
(7,'FD','OHP transparencies','Transparencies for overhead projector.',0),
(7,'FF','Film','Continuous movie film as opposed to filmstrip.',2),
(7,'FZ','Other film or transparency format','Other film or transparency format not specified by FB to FF.',0),
(7,'MA','Microform','Microform – detail unspecified.',0),
(7,'MC','Microfilm','Roll microfilm.',0),
(7,'MZ','Other microform','Other microform not specified by MB or MC.',0),
(7,'PA','Miscellaneous print','Miscellaneous printed material – detail unspecified.',0),
(7,'PB','Address book','May use product form detail codes P201 to P204 to specify binding.',0),
(7,'PD','Cards','Cards, flash cards (eg for teaching reading).',0),
(7,'PE','Copymasters','Copymasters, photocopiable sheets.',0),
(7,'PF','Diary','May use product form detail codes P201 to P204 to specify binding.',0),
(7,'PG','Frieze','Narrow strip-shaped printed sheet used mostly for education or children’s products (eg depicting alphabet, number line, procession of illustrated characters etc). Usually intended for horizontal display.',14),
(7,'PH','Kit','Parts for post-purchase assembly.',14),
(7,'PI','Sheet music','',0),
(7,'PJ','Postcard book or pack','',0),
(7,'PK','Poster','Poster for retail sale – see also XF.',0),
(7,'PL','Record book','Record book (eg ‘birthday book’, ‘baby book’): may use product form detail codes P201 to P204 to specify binding.',0),
(7,'PM','Wallet or folder','Wallet or folder (containing loose sheets etc): it is preferable to code the contents and treat ‘wallet’ as packaging (List 80), but if this is not possible the product as a whole may be coded as a ‘wallet’.',6),
(7,'PN','Pictures or photographs','',0),
(7,'PQ','Plate (lámina)','A book-sized (as opposed to poster-sized) sheet, usually in colour or high quality print.',6),
(7,'PR','Notebook / blank book','A book with all pages blank for the buyer’s own use: may use product form detail codes P201 to P204 to specify binding.',8),
(7,'PS','Organizer','May use product form detail codes P201 to P204 to specify binding.',8),
(7,'PZ','Other printed item','Other printed item not specified by PB to PT.',0),
(7,'VA','Video','Video – detail unspecified.',0),
(7,'VB','Video, VHS, PAL','DEPRECATED – use new VJ.',2),
(7,'VC','Video, VHS, NTSC','DEPRECATED – use new VJ.',2),
(7,'VD','Video, Betamax, PAL','DEPRECATED – use new VK.',2),
(7,'VE','Video, Betamax, NTSC','DEPRECATED – use new VK.',2),
(7,'VF','Videodisc','eg Laserdisc.',0),
(7,'VG','Video, VHS, SECAM','DEPRECATED – use new VJ.',2),
(7,'VH','Video, Betamax, SECAM','DEPRECATED – use new VK.',2),
(7,'VI','DVD video','DVD video: specify TV standard in List 78.',2),
(7,'VJ','VHS video','VHS videotape: specify TV standard in List 78.',2),
(7,'VK','Betamax video','Betamax videotape: specify TV standard in List 78.',2),
(7,'VM','SVCD','Super VideoCD.',5),
(7,'VN','HD DVD','High definition DVD disc, Toshiba HD DVD format.',7),
(7,'VO','Blu-ray','High definition DVD disc, Sony Blu-ray format.',7),
(7,'VP','UMD Video','Sony Universal Media disc.',7),
(7,'VZ','Other video format','Other video format not specified by VB to VP.',0),
(7,'WW','Mixed media product','A product consisting of two or more items in different media or different product forms, eg book and CD-ROM, book and toy, hardback book and e-book, etc.',19),
(7,'WX','Multiple copy pack','A product containing multiple copies of one or more items packaged together for retail sale, consisting of either (a) several copies of a single item (eg 6 copies of a graded reader), or (b) several copies of each of several items (eg 3 copies each of 3 different graded readers), or (c) several copies of one or more single items plus a single copy of one or more related items (eg 30 copies of a pupil’s textbook plus 1 of teacher’s text). NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH: multi-volume sets, or sets containing a single copy of a number of different items (boxed, slip-cased or otherwise); items with several components of different physical forms (see WW); or packs (intended for trade distribution only, where the contents are retailed separately (see XC, XE, XL).',7),
(7,'XA','Trade-only material','Trade-only material (unspecified).',0),
(7,'XB','Dumpbin – empty','',0),
(7,'XC','Dumpbin – filled','Dumpbin with contents.',0),
(7,'XD','Counterpack – empty','',0),
(7,'XE','Counterpack – filled','Counterpack with contents.',0),
(7,'XF','Poster, promotional','Promotional poster for display, not for sale – see also PK.',0),
(7,'XG','Shelf strip','',0),
(7,'XH','Window piece','Promotional piece for shop window display.',0),
(7,'XK','Large book display','Large scale facsimile of book for promotional display.',0),
(7,'XL','Shrink-wrapped pack','A quantity pack with its own product code, for trade supply only: the retail items it contains are intended for sale individually – see also WX. For products or product bundles supplied shrink-wrapped for retail sale, use the Product Form code of the contents plus code 21 from List 80.',0),
(7,'XZ','Other point of sale','Other point of sale material not specified by XB to XL.',0),
(7,'ZA','General merchandise','General merchandise – unspecified.',0),
(7,'ZC','Soft toy','Soft or plush toy.',0),
(7,'ZE','Game','Board game, or other game (except computer game: see DE).',0),
(7,'ZG','E-book reader','Dedicated e-book reading device, typically with mono screen.',21),
(7,'ZH','Tablet computer','General purpose tablet computer, typically with color screen.',21),
(7,'ZZ','Other merchandise','Other merchandise not specified by ZB to ZF.',0),
(8,'01','A-format paperback','DEPRECATED.',2),
(8,'02','B-format paperback','‘B’ format paperback: UK 198 x 129 mm – DEPRECATED.',2),
(8,'03','C-format paperback','‘C’ format paperback: UK 216 x 135 mm – DEPRECATED.',2),
(8,'04','Paper over boards','DEPRECATED.',2),
(8,'06','With dust jacket','DEPRECATED.',2),
(8,'07','Reinforced binding','DEPRECATED.',2),
(9,'01','WCO Harmonized System','World Customs Organization Harmonized Commodity Coding and Description System.',0),
(9,'02','UNSPSC','UN Standard Product and Service Classification.',0),
(9,'03','HMRC','UK Revenue and Customs classifications, based on the Harmonized System.',11),
(9,'04','Warenverzeichnis für die Außenhandelsstatistik','German export trade classification, based on the Harmonised System.',5),
(9,'05','TARIC','EU TARIC codes, an extended version of the Harmonized System.',5),
(9,'06','Fondsgroep','Centraal Boekhuis free classification field for publishers.',8),
(9,'07','Sender’s product category','A product category (not a subject classification) assigned by the sender.',10),
(9,'08','GAPP Product Class','Product classification maintained by the Chinese General Administration of Press and Publication (',15),
(9,'09','CPA','Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the European Economic Community, see Up to six digits, with one or two periods. For example, printed children’s books are “58.11.13”.',16),
(10,'000','Epublication “content package”','An epublication viewed as a unique package of content which may be converted into any of a number of different types for delivery to the consumer. This code is used when an ONIX <Product> record describes the content package and lists within the record the different forms in which it is available.',0),
(10,'001','HTML','An epublication delivered in a basic, unprotected, HTML format. Do NOT use for HTML-based formats which include DRM protection.',0),
(10,'002','PDF','An epublication delivered in a basic, unprotected, PDF format. Do NOT use for PDF-based formats which include DRM protection.',0),
(10,'003','PDF-Merchant','An epublication delivered in PDF format, capable of being read in the standard Acrobat Reader, and protected by PDF-Merchant DRM features. (This format is no longer supported for new applications.).',0),
(10,'004','Adobe Ebook Reader','An epublication delivered in an enhanced PDF format, using Adobe’s proprietary EBX DRM, capable of being read in the Adobe Ebook Reader software, on any platform which can support this software, which was formerly known as Glassbook.',0),
(10,'005','Microsoft Reader Level 1/Level 3','An epublication delivered in an unencrypted Microsoft .LIT format, capable of being read in the Microsoft Reader software at any level, on any platform which can support this software. (Level 3 differs from Level 1 only in that it embeds the name of the original purchaser.).',0),
(10,'006','Microsoft Reader Level 5','An epublication delivered in the Microsoft .LIT format, with full encryption, capable of being read in the Microsoft Reader software at Level 5, on any platform which can support this software.',0),
(10,'007','NetLibrary','An epublication delivered in a proprietary HTML- or OEBF-based format, capable of being read only through subscription to the NetLibrary service.',0),
(10,'008','MetaText','An epublication delivered in a proprietary format through a web browser, capable of being read only through subscription to the MetaText service (the educational division of NetLibrary).',0),
(10,'009','MightyWords','An epublication delivered in a proprietary PDF-based format, capable of being read only through subscription to the MightyWords service.',0),
(10,'010','eReader (AKA Palm Reader)','An epublication delivered in a proprietary HTML-based format, capable of being read in reading software which may be used on handheld devices using the Palm OS or Pocket PC/Windows CE operating systems.',11),
(10,'011','Softbook','An epublication delivered in a proprietary format capable of being read in reading software which is specific to the Softbook hardware platform. Also capable of being read on the Softbook’s successor, the Gemstar REB 1200.',0),
(10,'012','RocketBook','An epublication delivered in a proprietary .RB format, capable of being read in reading software which is specific to the RocketBook hardware platform. Also capable of being read on the RocketBook’s successor, the Gemstar REB 1100.',0),
(10,'013','Gemstar REB 1100','An epublication delivered in a proprietary .RB format, capable of being read in reading software which is specific to the Gemstar REB 1100 hardware platform. Also capable of being read on the RocketBook with some loss of functionality.',0),
(10,'014','Gemstar REB 1200','An epublication delivered in a proprietary format, capable of being read in reading software which is specific to the Gemstar REB 1200 hardware platform. Also capable of being read on the Softbook with some loss of functionality.',0),
(10,'015','Franklin eBookman','An epublication delivered in Franklin’s proprietary HTML-based format, capable of being read in reading software which is specific to the Franklin eBookman platform.',0),
(10,'016','Books24x7','An epublication delivered in a proprietary XML-based format and available for online access only through subscription to the Books24x7 service.',0),
(10,'017','DigitalOwl','An epublication available through DigitalOwl proprietary packaging, distribution and DRM software, delivered in a variety of formats across a range of platforms.',0),
(10,'018','Handheldmed','An epublication delivered in a proprietary HTML-based format, capable of being read in Handheldmed reader software on Palm OS, Windows, and EPOC/Psion handheld devices, available only through the Handheldmed service.',0),
(10,'019','WizeUp','An epublication delivered in a proprietary ???-based format and available for download only through the WizeUp service.',0),
(10,'020','TK3','An epublication delivered in the proprietary TK3 format, capable of being read only in the TK3 reader software supplied by Night Kitchen Inc, on any platform which can support this software.',0),
(10,'021','Litraweb','An epublication delivered in an encrypted .RTF format, capable of being read only in the Litraweb Visor software, and available only from',0),
(10,'022','MobiPocket','An epublication delivered in a proprietary format, capable of being read in the MobiPocket software on PalmOS, WindowsCE /Pocket PC, Franklin eBookman, and EPOC32 handheld devices, available through the MobiPocket service. Includes Amazon Kindle formats up to and including version 7 – but prefer code 031 for version 7, (and always use 031 for KF8.',17),
(10,'023','Open Ebook','An epublication delivered in the standard distribution format specified in the Open Ebook Publication Structure (OEBPS) format and capable of being read in any OEBPS-compliant reading system. Includes EPUB format up to and including version 2 – but prefer code 029 for EPUB 2, and always use 029 for EPUB 3.',17),
(10,'024','Town Compass DataViewer','An epublication delivered in a proprietary format, capable of being read in Town Compass DataViewer reader software on a Palm OS handheld device.',1),
(10,'025','TXT','An epublication delivered in an openly available .TXT format, with ASCII or UTF-8 encoding, as used for example in Project Gutenberg.',1),
(10,'026','ExeBook','An epublication delivered as a self-executing file including its own reader software, and created with proprietary ExeBook Self-Publisher software.',1),
(10,'027','Sony BBeB','An epublication in a Sony proprietary format for use with the Sony Reader and LIBRIé reading devices.',6),
(10,'028','VitalSource Bookshelf','',8),
(10,'029','EPUB','An epublication delivered using the Open Publication Structure / OPS Container Format standard of the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). [This value was originally defined as ‘Adobe Digital Editions’, which is not an epublication format but a reader which supports PDF or EPUB (IDPF) formats. Since PDF is already (covered by code 002, it was agreed, and announced to the ONIX listserv in September 2009, that code 029 should be refined to represent EPUB format.].',11),
(10,'031','Kindle','Amazon proprietary file format derived from Mobipocket format, used for Kindle devices and Kindle reader software.',17),
(10,'032','Google Edition','An epublication made available by Google in association with a publisher; readable online on a browser-enabled device and offline on designated ebook readers.',11),
(10,'033','Vook','An epublication in a proprietary format combining text and video content and available to be used online or as a downloadable application for a mobile device – see',11),
(10,'034','DXReader','An epublication in a proprietary format for use with DXReader software.',11),
(10,'035','EBL','An epublication in a format proprietary to the Ebook Library service.',11),
(10,'036','Ebrary','An epublication in a format proprietary to the Ebrary service.',11),
(10,'037','iSilo','An epublication in a proprietary format for use with iSilo software on various hardware platforms.',11),
(10,'038','Plucker','An epublication in a proprietary format for use with Plucker reader software on Palm and other handheld devices.',11),
(10,'039','VitalBook','A format proprietary to the VitalSource service.',11),
(10,'040','Book ‘app’ for iOS','Epublication packaged as an application for iOS (eg Apple iPhone, iPad etc) containing both executable code and content. Content can be described with <ProductContentType>.',12),
(10,'041','Android ‘app’','Epublication packaged as an application for Android (eg Android phone or tablet) containing both executable code and content. Content can be described with <ProductContentType>.',12),
(10,'042','Other ‘app’','Epublication packaged as an application. Technical requirements such as target operating system and/or device should be provided in <EpubTypeNote>. Content can be described with <ProductContentType>.',12),
(10,'043','XPS','XML Paper Specification format [File extension .xps] for (eg) Blio.',13),
(10,'044','iBook','Apple’s iBook format (a proprietary extension of EPUB), can only be read on Apple iOS devices.',17),
(10,'045','ePIB','Proprietary format used by Barnes and Noble, readable on NOOK devices and Nook reader software.',17),
(10,'046','SCORM','Sharable Content Object Reference Model, standard content and packaging format for e-learning objects.',20),
(10,'098','Multiple formats','Product consists of parts in different formats.',8),
(10,'099','Unspecified','Unknown, or no code yet assigned for this format.',7),
(11,'03','Microsoft Reader','‘.LIT’ file format used by Microsoft Reader software.',0),
(11,'05','Rich text format (RTF)','',0),
(11,'06','Open Ebook Publication Structure (OEBPS) format standard','',0),
(11,'09','EXE','‘.EXE’ file format used when an epublication is delivered as a self-executing package of software and content.',1),
(11,'10','ASCII','‘.TXT’ file format.',1),
(11,'11','MobiPocket format','Proprietary file format used for the MobiPocket reader software.',5),
(12,'01','UK open market edition','An edition from a UK publisher sold only in territories where exclusive rights are not held. Rights details should be carried in PR.21 (ONIX 2.1) OR P.21 (ONIX 3.0) as usual.',2),
(12,'02','Airport edition','In UK, an edition intended primarily for airside sales in UK airports, though it may be available for sale in other territories where exclusive rights are not held. Rights details should be carried in PR.21 (ONIX 2.1) OR P.21 (ONIX 3.0) as usual.',2),
(12,'03','Sonderausgabe','In Germany, a special printing sold at a lower price than the regular hardback.',2),
(12,'04','Pocket paperback','In countries where recognised as a distinct trade category, eg France ‘livre de poche’, Germany ‘Taschenbuch’, Italy ‘tascabile’, Spain ‘libro de bolsillo’.',6),
(12,'05','International edition (US)','Edition produced solely for sale in designated export markets.',2),
(12,'06','Library audio edition','Audio product sold in special durable packaging and with a replacement guarantee for the contained cassettes or CDs for a specified shelf-life.',2),
(12,'07','US open market edition','An edition from a US publisher sold only in territories where exclusive rights are not held. Rights details should be carried in PR.21 (ONIX 2.1) OR P.21 (ONIX 3.0) as usual.',3),
(12,'08','Livre scolaire, déclaré par l’éditeur','In France, a category of book that has a particular legal status, claimed by the publisher.',5),
(12,'09','Livre scolaire (non spécifié)','In France, a category of book that has a particular legal status, designated independently of the publisher.',5),
(12,'10','Supplement to newspaper','Edition published for sale only with a newspaper or periodical.',7),
(12,'11','Precio libre textbook','In Spain, a school textbook for which there is no fixed or suggested retail price and which is supplied by the publisher on terms individually agreed with the bookseller.',8),
(12,'12','News outlet edition','For editions sold only through newsstands/newsagents.',14),
(12,'13','US textbook','In the US and Canada, a book that is published primarily for use by students in school or college education as a basis for study. Textbooks published for the elementary and secondary school markets are generally purchased by school districts for the use of students. Textbooks published for the higher education market are (generally adopted for use in particular classes by the instructors of those classes. Textbooks are usually not marketed to the general public, which distinguishes them from trade books. Note that trade books adopted for course use are not considered to be textbooks (though a specific education edition of a trade title may be).',17),
(13,'01','Proprietary','For example, publisher’s own series ID.',0),
(13,'02','ISSN','International Standard Serial Number, unhyphenated, 8 digits.',0),
(13,'03','German National Bibliography series ID','Maintained by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek.',0),
(13,'04','German Books in Print series ID','Maintained by VLB.',1),
(13,'05','Electre series ID','Maintained by Electre Information, France.',1),
(13,'06','DOI','Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set).',6),
(13,'15','ISBN-13','Use only where the collection (series or set) is available as a single product.',15),
(13,'22','URN','Uniform Resource Name.',8),
(14,'01','Sentence case','Initial capitals on first word and subsequently on proper names only, eg “The conquest of Mexico”.',0),
(14,'02','Title case','Initial capitals on first word and on all significant words thereafter, eg “The Conquest of Mexico”.',0),
(14,'03','All capitals','For example, “THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO”.',0),
(15,'01','Distinctive title (book); Cover title (serial); Title on item (serial content item or reviewed resou','The full text of the distinctive title of the item, without abbreviation or abridgement. For books, where the title alone is not distinctive, elements may be taken from a set or series title and part number etc to create a (distinctive title. Where the item is an omnibus edition containing two or more works by the same author, and there is no separate combined title, a distinctive title may be constructed by concatenating the individual titles, with suitable punctuation, as in “Pride and prejudice / Sense and sensibility / Northanger Abbey”.',0),
(15,'02','ISSN key title of serial','Serials only.',0),
(15,'03','Title in original language','Where the subject of the ONIX record is a translated item.',0),
(15,'04','Title acronym or initialism','For serials: an acronym or initialism of Title Type 01, eg “JAMA”, “JACM”.',0),
(15,'05','Abbreviated title','An abbreviated form of Title Type 01.',0),
(15,'06','Title in other language','A translation of Title Type 01 into another language.',0),
(15,'07','Thematic title of journal issue','Serials only: when a journal issue is explicitly devoted to a specified topic.',0),
(15,'08','Former title','Books or serials: when an item was previously published under another title.',0),
(15,'10','Distributor’s title','For books: the title carried in a book distributor’s title file: frequently incomplete, and may include elements not properly part of the title.',4),
(15,'11','Alternative title on cover','An alternative title that appears on the cover of a book.',7),
(15,'12','Alternative title on back','An alternative title that appears on the back of a book.',7),
(15,'13','Expanded title','An expanded form of the title, eg the title of a school text book with grade and type and other details added to make the title meaningful, where otherwise it would comprise only the curriculum subject. This title type is required for submissions to the Spanish ISBN Agency.',7),
(16,'02','ISBN-10','10-character ISBN of manifestation of work, when this is the only work identifier available – now DEPRECATED in ONIX for Books, except where providing historical information for compatibility with legacy systems. It should only be used in relation to products published before 2007 – when ISBN-13 superseded it – and should (never be used as the ONLY identifier (it should always be accompanied by the correct GTIN-13 / ISBN-13 of the manifestation of the work).',14),
(16,'06','DOI','Digital Object Identifier (variable length and character set).',0),
(16,'11','ISTC','International Standard Text Code (16 characters: numerals and letters A-F, unhyphenated).',0),
(16,'15','ISBN-13','13-character ISBN of manifestation of work, when this is the only work identifier available.',7),
(16,'18','ISRC','International Standard Recording Code.',7),
(17,'A01','By (author)','Author of a textual work.',0),
(17,'A02','With','With or as told to: ‘ghost’ author of a literary work.',0),
(17,'A03','Screenplay by','Writer of screenplay or script (film or video).',0),
(17,'A04','Libretto by','Writer of libretto (opera): see also A31.',0),
(17,'A05','Lyrics by','Author of lyrics (song): see also A31.',0),
(17,'A06','By (composer)','Composer of music.',0),
(17,'A07','By (artist)','Visual artist when named as the primary creator of, eg, a book of reproductions of artworks.',0),
(17,'A08','By (photographer)','Photographer when named as the primary creator of, eg, a book of photographs.',0),
(17,'A09','Created by','',0),
(17,'A10','From an idea by','',0),
(17,'A11','Designed by','',0),
(17,'A12','Illustrated by','Artist when named as the creator of artwork which illustrates a text, or of the artwork of a graphic novel or comic book.',0),
(17,'A13','Photographs by','Photographer when named as the creator of photographs which illustrate a text.',0),
(17,'A14','Text by','Author of text which accompanies art reproductions or photographs, or which is part of a graphic novel or comic book.',0),
(17,'A15','Preface by','Author of preface.',0),
(17,'A16','Prologue by','Author of prologue.',0),
(17,'A17','Summary by','Author of summary.',0),
(17,'A18','Supplement by','Author of supplement.',0),
(17,'A19','Afterword by','Author of afterword.',0),
(17,'A20','Notes by','Author of notes or annotations: see also A29.',0),
(17,'A21','Commentaries by','Author of commentaries on the main text.',0),
(17,'A22','Epilogue by','Author of epilogue.',0),
(17,'A23','Foreword by','Author of foreword.',0),
(17,'A24','Introduction by','Author of introduction: see also A29.',0),
(17,'A25','Footnotes by','Author/compiler of footnotes.',0),
(17,'A26','Memoir by','Author of memoir accompanying main text.',0),
(17,'A27','Experiments by','Person who carried out experiments reported in the text.',0),
(17,'A29','Introduction and notes by','Author of introduction and notes: see also A20 and A24.',0),
(17,'A30','Software written by','Writer of computer programs ancillary to the text.',0),
(17,'A31','Book and lyrics by','Author of the textual content of a musical drama: see also A04 and A05.',0),
(17,'A32','Contributions by','Author of additional contributions to the text.',0),
(17,'A33','Appendix by','Author of appendix.',0),
(17,'A34','Index by','Compiler of index.',0),
(17,'A35','Drawings by','',0),
(17,'A36','Cover design or artwork by','Use also for the cover artist of a graphic novel or comic book if named separately.',0),
(17,'A37','Preliminary work by','Responsible for preliminary work on which the work is based.',0),
(17,'A38','Original author','Author of the first edition (usually of a standard work) who is not an author of the current edition.',0),
(17,'A39','Maps by','Maps drawn or otherwise contributed by.',4),
(17,'A40','Inked or colored by','When separate persons are named as having respectively drawn and colored artwork, eg for a graphic novel or comic book, use A12 for ‘drawn by’ and A40 for ‘colored by’.',5),
(17,'A41','Pop-ups by','Designer of pop-ups in a pop-up book, who may be different from the illustrator.',7),
(17,'A42','Continued by','Use where a standard work is being continued by somebody other than the original author.',7),
(17,'A99','Other primary creator','Other type of primary creator not specified above.',0),
(17,'B01','Edited by','',0),
(17,'B02','Revised by','',0),
(17,'B03','Retold by','',0),
(17,'B04','Abridged by','',0),
(17,'B05','Adapted by','',0),
(17,'B06','Translated by','',0),
(17,'B07','As told by','',0),
(17,'B08','Translated with commentary by','This code applies where a translator has provided a commentary on issues relating to the translation. If the translator has also provided a commentary on the work itself, codes B06 and A21 should be used.',0),
(17,'B09','Series edited by','Name of a series editor when the product belongs to a series.',0),
(17,'B10','Edited and translated by','',0),
(17,'B12','Guest editor','',0),
(17,'B13','Volume editor','',0),
(17,'B14','Editorial board member','',0),
(17,'B15','Editorial coordination by','',0),
(17,'B16','Managing editor','',0),
(17,'B17','Founded by','Usually the founder editor of a serial publication: Begruendet von.',1),
(17,'B18','Prepared for publication by','',2),
(17,'B19','Associate editor','',2),
(17,'B20','Consultant editor','Use also for ‘advisory editor’.',6),
(17,'B21','General editor','',2),
(17,'B22','Dramatized by','',2),
(17,'B23','General rapporteur','In Europe, an expert editor who takes responsibility for the legal content of a collaborative law volume.',2),
(17,'B24','Literary editor','An editor who is responsible for establishing the text used in an edition of a literary work, where this is recognised as a distinctive role (in Spain, ‘editor literario’).',6),
(17,'B25','Arranged by (music)','',7),
(17,'B26','Technical editor','',15),
(17,'B99','Other adaptation by','Other type of adaptation or editing not specified above.',0),
(17,'C01','Compiled by','',0),
(17,'C02','Selected by','',0),
(17,'C99','Other compilation by','Other type of compilation not specified above.',0),
(17,'D03','Conductor','Conductor of a musical performance.',0),
(17,'D99','Other direction by','Other type of direction not specified above.',0),
(17,'E05','Vocal soloist','Singer etc.',0),
(17,'E06','Instrumental soloist','',0),
(17,'E07','Read by','Reader of recorded text, as in an audiobook.',0),
(17,'E08','Performed by (orchestra, band, ensemble)','Name of a musical group in a performing role.',0),
(17,'E09','Speaker','Of a speech, lecture etc.',15),
(17,'E99','Performed by','Other type of performer not specified above: use for a recorded performance which does not fit a category above, eg a performance by a stand-up comedian.',0),
(17,'F01','Filmed/photographed by','',0),
(17,'F99','Other recording by','Other type of recording not specified above.',0),
(17,'Z01','Assisted by','May be associated with any contributor role, and placement should therefore be controlled by contributor sequence numbering.',2),
(17,'Z98','(Various roles)','For use ONLY with ‘et al’ or ‘Various’ within <UnnamedPersons>, where the roles of the multiple contributors vary.',20),
(17,'Z99','Other','Other creative responsibility not falling within A to F above.',0),
(18,'01','Pseudonym','May be used to give a well-known pseudonym, where the primary name is a ‘real’ name.',0),
(18,'02','Authority-controlled name','',0),
(18,'03','Earlier name','',0),
(18,'04','‘Real’ name','May be used to identify a well-known real name, where the primary name is a pseudonym.',12),
(18,'05','Transliterated form of primary name','Use only within <AlternativeName>, when the primary name type is unspecified.',16),
(19,'03','et al','And others: additional contributors not listed.',0),
(19,'04','Various authors','When the product is a pack of books by different authors.',2),
(19,'05','Synthesized voice – male','Use with Contributor role code E07 “read by”, for audio books for the blind.',8),
(19,'06','Synthesized voice – female','Use with Contributor role code E07 “read by”, for audio books for the blind.',8),
(19,'07','Synthesized voice – unspecified','Use with Contributor role code E07 “read by”, for audio books for the blind.',8),
(21,'ABR','Abridged','Content has been shortened: use for abridged, shortened, concise, condensed.',0),
(21,'ACT','Acting edtion','Version of a play or script intended for use of those directly involved in a production, usually including full stage directions in addition to the text of the script.',16),
(21,'ADP','Adapted','Content has been adapted to serve a different purpose or audience, or from one medium to another: use for dramatization, novelization etc. Use <EditionStatement> to describe the exact nature of the adaptation.',0),
(21,'ALT','Alternate','Do not use. This code is now DEPRECATED, but is retained in the list for reasons of backwards compatibility.',1),
(21,'ANN','Annotated','Content is augmented by the addition of notes.',0),
(21,'BLL','Bilingual edition','Both languages should be specified in the ‘Language’ group. Use MLL for an edition in more than two languages.',5),
(21,'BRL','Braille','Braille edition.',6),
(21,'CMB','Combined volume','An edition in which two or more works also published separately are combined in a single volume; AKA ‘omnibus’ edition.',9),
(21,'CRI','Critical','Content includes critical commentary on the text.',0),
(21,'CSP','Coursepack','Content was compiled for a specified educational course.',0),
(21,'DGO','Digital original','A digital product which has no print counterpart and is not expected to have a print counterpart.',11),
(21,'ENH','Enhanced','Use for e-publications that have been enhanced with additional text, speech, other audio, video, interactive or other content.',12),
(21,'ENL','Enlarged','Content has been enlarged or expanded from that of a previous edition.',0),
(21,'EXP','Expurgated','‘Offensive’ content has been removed.',0),
(21,'FAC','Facsimile','Exact reproduction of the content and format of a previous edition.',0),
(21,'FST','Festschrift','A collection of writings published in honor of a person, an institution or a society.',9),
(21,'ILL','Illustrated','Content includes extensive illustrations which are not part of other editions.',0),
(21,'LTE','Large type / large print','Large print edition, print sizes 14 to 19 pt – see also ULP.',6),
(21,'MCP','Microprint','A printed edition in a type size too small to be read without a magnifying glass.',6),
(21,'MDT','Media tie-in','An edition published to coincide with the release of a film, TV program, or electronic game based on the same work. Use <EditionStatement> to describe the exact nature of the tie-in.',1),
(21,'MLL','Multilingual edition','All languages should be specified in the ‘Language’ group. Use BLL for a bilingual edition.',5),
(21,'NED','New edition','Where no other information is given, or no other coded type is applicable.',1),
(21,'NUM','Edition with numbered copies','A limited edition in which each copy is individually numbered.',9),
(21,'PRB','Prebound edition','In the US, a book that was previously bound, normally as a paperback, and has been rebound with a library-quality hardcover binding by a supplier other than the original publisher. See also the <Publisher> and <RelatedProduct> composites for other aspects of the treatment of prebound editions in ONIX.',9),
(21,'REV','Revised','Content has been revised from that of a previous edition.',0),
(21,'SCH','School edition','An edition intended specifically for use in schools.',0),
(21,'SMP','Simplified language edition','An edition that uses simplified language (Finnish ‘Selkokirja’).',8),
(21,'SPE','Special edition','Use for anniversary, collectors’, de luxe, gift, limited, numbered, autographed edition. Use <EditionStatement> to describe the exact nature of the special edition.',1),
(21,'STU','Student edition','Where a text is available in both student and teacher’s editions.',0),
(21,'TCH','Teacher’s edition','Where a text is available in both student and teacher’s editions; use also for instructor’s or leader’s editions.',0),
(21,'UBR','Unabridged','Where a title has also been published in an abridged edition; also for audiobooks, regardless of whether an abridged audio version also exists.',0),
(21,'ULP','Ultra large print','For print sizes 20pt and above, and with typefaces designed for the visually impaired – see also LTE.',6),
(21,'UXP','Unexpurgated','Content previously considered ‘offensive’ has been restored.',0),
(21,'VAR','Variorum','Content includes notes by various commentators, and/or includes and compares several variant texts of the same work.',0),
(22,'01','Language of text','',0),
(22,'02','Original language of a translated text','Where the text in the original language is NOT part of the current product.',0),
(22,'03','Language of abstracts','Where different from language of text: used mainly for serials.',0),
(22,'04','Rights language','Language to which specified rights apply.',0),
(22,'05','Rights-excluded language','Language to which specified rights do not apply.',0),
(22,'06','Original language in a multilingual edition','Where the text in the original language is part of a bilingual or multilingual edition.',5),
(22,'07','Translated language in a multilingual edition','Where the text in a translated language is part of a bilingual or multilingual edition.',5),
(22,'08','Language of audio track','For example, on a DVD.',7),
(22,'09','Language of subtitles','For example, on a DVD.',7),
(23,'00','Main content page count','The highest-numbered page in a single numbered sequence of main content, usually the highest Arabic-numbered page in a book; or, for books without page numbers or (rarely) with multiple numbered sequences of main content, the total number of pages that carry the main content of the book. Note that this may include numbered but otherwise blank pages (eg pages inserted to ensure chapters start on a recto page) and may exclude unnumbered (but contentful) pages such as those in inserts/plate sections. Either this or the Content Page count is the preferred page count for most books for the general reader. For books with substantial front and/or back (matter, include also Front matter and Back matter page counts, or Total numbered pages. For books with inserts (plate sections), also include Total unnumbered insert page count whenever possible.',14),
(23,'02','Number of words','Number of words of natural language text.',2),
(23,'03','Front matter page count','The total number of numbered (usually Roman-numbered) pages that precede the main content of a book. This usually consists of various title and imprint pages, table of contents, an introduction, preface, foreword, etc.',14),
(23,'04','Back matter page count','The total number of numbered (usually Roman-numbered) pages that follow the main content of a book. This usually consists of an afterword, appendices, endnotes, index, etc. It excludes blank (or advertising) pages that are present only for convenience of printing and binding.',14),
(23,'05','Total numbered pages','The sum of all Roman- and Arabic-numbered pages. Note that this may include numbered but otherwise blank pages (eg pages inserted to ensure chapters start on a recto page) and may exclude unnumbered (but contentful) pages such as those in inserts/plate sections.',14),
(23,'06','Production page count','The total number of pages in a book, including unnumbered pages, front matter, back matter, etc. This includes any blank pages at the back that carry no content and are present only for convenience of printing and binding.',9),
(23,'07','Absolute page count','The total number of pages of the book counting the cover as page 1. This page count type should be used only for digital publications delivered with fixed pagination.',9),
(23,'08','Number of pages in print counterpart','The total number of pages (equivalent to the Content page count) in the print counterpart of a digital product delivered without fixed pagination.',14),
(23,'09','Duration','Total duration in time, expressed in the specified extent unit. This is the ‘running time’ equivalent of codes 05 or 11.',20),
(23,'10','Notional number of pages in digital product','An estimate of the number of ‘pages’ in a digital product delivered without fixed pagination, and with no print counterpart, given as an indication of the size of the work. Equivalent to code 08, but for exclusively digital products.',14),
(23,'11','Content page count','The sum of all Roman- and Arabic-numbered and contentful unnumbered pages. Sum of page counts with codes 00, 03, 04 and 12, and also the sum of 05 and 12.',14),
(23,'12','Total unnumbered insert page count','The total number of unnumbered pages with content inserted within the main content of a book – for example inserts/plate sections that are not numbered.',13),
(23,'13','Duration of introductory matter','Duration in time, expressed in the specified extent units, of introductory matter. This is the ‘running time’ equivalent of code 03, and comprises any significant amount of running time represented by announcements, titles, introduction or other material prefacing the main content.',20),
(23,'14','Duration of main content','Duration in time, expressed in the specified extent units, of the main content. This is the ‘running time’ equivalent of code 00, and excludes time represented by announcements, titles, introduction or other prefatory material or \'back matter\'.',20),
(23,'22','Filesize','The size of a digital file, expressed in the specified extent unit.',0),
(24,'02','Words','Words of natural language text.',2),
(24,'04','Hours (integer and decimals)','',0),
(24,'05','Minutes (integer and decimals)','',0),
(24,'06','Seconds (integer only)','',0),
(24,'11','Tracks','Of an audiobook on CD (or a similarly divided selection of audio files). Conventionally, each track is 3–6 minutes of running time, and track counts are misleading and inappropriate if the average track duration is significantly more or less than this. Note that track breaks are not necessarily aligned with structural breaks (in the text (eg chapter breaks).',22),
(24,'15','Hours and minutes HHHMM','Fill with leading zeroes if any elements are missing.',0),
(24,'16','Hours minutes seconds HHHMMSS','Fill with leading zeroes if any elements are missing.',0),
(25,'00','Unspecified, see description','See description in the <IllustrationTypeDescription> element.',0),
(25,'01','Illustrations, black and white','',0),
(25,'02','Illustrations, color','',0),
(25,'03','Halftones, black and white','Including black and white photographs.',0),
(25,'04','Halftones, color','Including color photographs.',0),
(25,'05','Line drawings, black and white','',0),
(25,'06','Line drawings, color','',0),
(25,'07','Tables, black and white','',0),
(25,'08','Tables, color','',0),
(25,'09','Illustrations, unspecified','',1),
(25,'10','Halftones, unspecified','Including photographs.',1),
(25,'11','Tables, unspecified','',1),
(25,'12','Line drawings, unspecified','',1),
(25,'13','Halftones, duotone','',1),
(25,'19','Recorded music items','Recorded music extracts or examples, or complete recorded work(s), accompanying textual or other content.',1),
(25,'20','Printed music items','Printed music extracts or examples, or complete music score(s), accompanying textual or other content.',1),
(25,'21','Graphs','To be used in the mathematical sense of a diagram that represents numerical values plotted against an origin and axes, cf codes 16 and 18.',4),
(25,'22','Plates, unspecified','‘Plates’ means illustrations that are on separate pages bound into the body of a book.',4),
(25,'23','Plates, black and white','‘Plates’ means illustrations that are on separate pages bound into the body of a book.',4),
(25,'24','Plates, color','‘Plates’ means illustrations that are on separate pages bound into the body of a book.',4),
(25,'27','Inset maps','Larger-scale inset maps of places or features of interest included in a map product.',7),
(25,'28','GPS grids','GPS grids included in a map product.',7),
(26,'01','Dewey','Dewey Decimal Classification.',9),
(26,'02','Abridged Dewey','',9),
(26,'03','LC classification','US Library of Congress classification.',9),
(26,'04','LC subject heading','US Library of Congress subject heading.',9),
(26,'05','NLM classification','US National Library of Medicine medical classification.',9),
(26,'06','MeSH heading','US National Library of Medicine Medical subject heading.',9),
(26,'07','NAL subject heading','US National Agricultural Library subject heading.',9),
(26,'08','AAT','Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus heading.',9),
(26,'09','UDC','Universal Decimal Classification.',5),
(26,'10','BISAC Subject Heading','BISAC Subject Headings are used in the North American market to categorize books based on topical content. They serve as a guideline for shelving books in physical stores and browsing books in online stores. See ‘’.',9),
(26,'11','BISAC region code','A geographical qualifier used with a BISAC subject category.',9),
(26,'12','BIC subject category','For all BIC subject codes and qualifiers, see ‘’.',4),
(26,'13','BIC geographical qualifier','',9),
(26,'14','BIC language qualifier (language as subject)','',9),
(26,'15','BIC time period qualifier','',9),
(26,'16','BIC educational purpose qualifier','',9),
(26,'17','BIC reading level and special interest qualifier','',9),
(26,'18','DDC-Sachgruppen der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie','Used for German National Bibliography since 2004 (100 subjects). Is different from value 30. See (in German) or (English).',9),
(26,'19','LC fiction genre heading','',9),
(26,'20','Keywords','Where multiple keywords or keyword phrases are sent in a single instance of the <SubjectHeadingText> element, it is recommended that they should be separated by semi-colons (this is consistent with Library of Congress preferred practice).',9),
(26,'21','BIC children’s book marketing category','See ‘’s-Books-Marketing-Classifications/’.',9),
(26,'22','BISAC Merchandising Theme','BISAC Merchandising Themes are used in addition to BISAC Subject Headings to denote an audience to which a work may be of particular appeal, a time of year or event for which a work may be especially appropriate, or to further describe fictional works that have been subject-coded by genre.',9),
(26,'23','Publisher’s own category code','',9),
(26,'24','Proprietary subject scheme','As specified in <SubjectSchemeName>.',9),
(26,'25','Tabla de materias ISBN','Latin America.',0),
(26,'26','Warengruppen-Systematik des deutschen Buchhandels','See ‘’.',0),
(26,'27','SWD','Schlagwortnormdatei – Subject Headings Authority File in the German-speaking countries. See (in German) and (English). DEPRECATED in favour of the GND.',18),
(26,'28','Thèmes Electre','Subject classification used by Electre (France).',0),
(26,'29','CLIL','France. A four-digit number, see (in French). The first digit identifies the version of the scheme.',22),
(26,'30','DNB-Sachgruppen','Deutsche Bibliothek subject groups. Used for German National Bibliography until 2003 (65 subjects). Is different from value 18. See ‘’.',1),
(26,'31','NUGI','Nederlandse Uniforme Genre-Indeling (former Dutch book trade classification).',9),
(26,'32','NUR','Nederlandstalige Uniforme Rubrieksindeling (Dutch book trade classification, from 2002),see (in Dutch).',1),
(26,'33','ECPA Christian Book Category','ECPA Christian Product Category Book Codes, consisting of up to three x 3-letter blocks, for Super Category, Primary Category and Sub-Category. See ‘’.',1),
(26,'34','SISO','Schema Indeling Systematische Catalogus Openbare Bibliotheken (Dutch library classification).',9),
(26,'35','Korean Decimal Classification (KDC)','A modified Dewey Decimal Classification used in the Republic of Korea.',1),
(26,'36','DDC Deutsch 22','German Translation of Dewey Decimal Classification 22. Also known as DDC 22 ger. See ‘’.',2),
(26,'37','Bokgrupper','Norwegian book trade product categories (4701).',9),
(26,'38','Varegrupper','Norwegian bookselling subject categories (4702).',9),
(26,'39','Læreplaner','Norwegian school curriculum version (4703).',9),
(26,'40','Nippon Decimal Classification','Japanese subject classification scheme.',5),
(26,'41','BSQ','BookSelling Qualifier: Russian book trade classification.',9),
(26,'42','ANELE Materias','Spain: subject coding scheme of the Asociación Nacional de Editores de Libros y Material de Enseñanza.',5),
(26,'43','Skolefag','Norwegian primary and secondary school subject categories (4705).',9),
(26,'44','Videregående','Norwegian list of categories used in higher secondary education and vocational training (4706).',9),
(26,'45','Undervisningsmateriell','Norwegian list of categories for books and other material used in education (4707).',9),
(26,'46','Norsk DDK','Norwegian version of Dewey Decimal Classification.',9),
(26,'47','Varugrupper','Swedish bookselling subject categories.',9),
(26,'48','SAB','Swedish classification scheme.',9),
(26,'49','Läromedel','Swedish bookselling educational subject.',9),
(26,'50','Förhandsbeskrivning','Swedish publishers preliminary subject classification.',9),
(26,'51','Spanish ISBN UDC subset','Controlled subset of UDC codes used by the Spanish ISBN Agency.',7),
(26,'52','ECI subject categories','Subject categories defined by El Corte Inglés and used widely in the Spanish book trade.',7),
(26,'53','Soggetto CCE','Classificazione commerciale editoriale (Italian book trade subject category based on BIC). CCE documentation available at ‘’.',7),
(26,'54','Qualificatore geografico CCE','',9),
(26,'55','Qualificatore di lingua CCE','',9),
(26,'56','Qualificatore di periodo storico CCE','',9),
(26,'57','Qualificatore di livello scolastico CCE','',9),
(26,'58','Qualificatore di età di lettura CCE','',9),
(26,'59','VdS Bildungsmedien Fächer','Subject code list of the German association of educational media publishers.',9),
(26,'60','Fagkoder','Undervisningsdirektoratets fagkoder for kunnskapsløftet I videregående (Norwegian educational curriculum for secondary schools) (4708).',9),
(26,'61','JEL classification','Journal of Economic Literature classification scheme.',9),
(26,'62','CSH','National Library of Canada subject heading (English).',9),
(26,'63','RVM','Répertoire de vedettes-matière (Bibliothèque et Archives Canada et Bibliothèque de l’Université Laval) (French).',9),
(26,'64','YSA','Yleinen suomalainen asiasanasto: Finnish General Thesaurus. See (in Finnish).',8),
(26,'65','Allärs','Allmän tesaurus på svenska: Swedish translation of the Finnish General Thesaurus. See (in Finnish).',8),
(26,'66','YKL','Yleisten kirjastojen luokitusjärjestelmä: Finnish Public Libraries Classification System. See (in Finnish).',8),
(26,'67','MUSA','Musiikin asiasanasto: Finnish Music Thesaurus. See (in Finnish).',8),
(26,'68','CILLA','Specialtesaurus för musik: Swedish translation of the Finnish Music Thesaurus. See (in Finnish).',8),
(26,'69','Kaunokki','Fiktiivisen aineiston asiasanasto: Finnish thesaurus for fiction. See (in Finnish).',8),
(26,'70','Bella','Specialtesaurus för fiktivt material: Swedish translation of the Finnish thesaurus for fiction. See (in Finnish).',8),
(26,'71','YSO','Yleinen suomalainen ontologia: Finnish General Upper Ontology. See (In Finnish).',8),
(26,'72','Paikkatieto ontologia','Finnish Place Ontology. See (in Finnish).',8),
(26,'73','Suomalainen kirja-alan luokitus','Finnish book trade categorisation.',8),
(26,'74','Sears','Sears List of Subject Headings.',9),
(26,'75','BIC E4L','BIC E4Libraries Category Headings, see ‘’.',9),
(26,'76','CSR','Code Sujet Rayon: subject categories used by bookstores in France.',11),
(26,'77','Suomalainen oppiaineluokitus','Finnish school subject categories.',11),
(26,'78','Japanese book trade C-Code','See ‘’ (in Japanese).',12),
(26,'79','Japanese book trade Genre Code','',12),
(26,'80','Fiktiivisen aineiston lisäluokitus','Finnish fiction genre classification. See (in Finnish).',13),
(26,'85','Postal code','Location defined by postal code. Format is two-letter country code (from List 91), space, postal code. Note some postal codes themselves contain spaces, eg “GB N7 9DP” or “US 10125”.',14),
(26,'86','GeoNames ID','ID number for geographical place, as defined at (eg 2825297 is Stuttgart, Germany, see',14),
(26,'87','NewBooks Subject Classification','Used for classification of academic and specialist publication in German-speaking countries. See (German) and (English).',14),
(26,'91','GND','Gemeinsame Normdatei – Joint Authority File in the German-speaking countries. See \' (English)\'. Combines the PND, SWD and GKD into a single authority file, and should be used in preference to the older codes.',18),
(26,'92','BIC UKSLC','UK Standard Library Categories, the successor to BIC’s E4L classification scheme.',19),
(26,'93','Thema subject category','',20),
(26,'94','Thema geographical qualifier','',20),
(26,'95','Thema language qualifier','',20),
(26,'96','Thema time period qualifier','',20),
(26,'97','Thema educational purpose qualifier','',20),
(26,'98','Thema interest age / special interest qualifier','',21),
(26,'99','Thema style qualifier','',21),
(26,'A2','Ämnesord','Swedish subject categories maintained by Bokrondellen.',22),
(27,'01','Dewey','Dewey Decimal Classification.',0),
(27,'02','Abridged Dewey','',0),
(27,'03','LC classification','US Library of Congress classification.',0),
(27,'04','LC subject heading','US Library of Congress subject heading.',0),
(27,'05','NLM classification','US National Library of Medicine medical classification.',9),
(27,'06','MeSH heading','US National Library of Medicine Medical subject heading.',9),
(27,'07','NAL subject heading','US National Agricultural Library subject heading.',9),
(27,'08','AAT','Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus heading.',9),
(27,'09','UDC','Universal Decimal Classification.',0),
(27,'10','BISAC Subject Heading','BISAC Subject Headings are used in the North American market to categorize books based on topical content. They serve as a guideline for shelving books in physical stores and browsing books in online stores. See ‘’.',0),
(27,'11','BISAC region code','A geographical qualifier used with a BISAC subject category.',5),
(27,'12','BIC subject category','For all BIC subject codes and qualifiers, see ‘’.',0),
(27,'13','BIC geographical qualifier','',0),
(27,'14','BIC language qualifier (language as subject)','',0),
(27,'15','BIC time period qualifier','',0),
(27,'16','BIC educational purpose qualifier','',0),
(27,'17','BIC reading level and special interest qualifier','',6),
(27,'18','DDC-Sachgruppen der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie','Used for German National Bibliography since 2004 (100 subjects). Is different from value 30. See (in German) or (English).',9),
(27,'19','LC fiction genre heading','',0),
(27,'20','Keywords','Where multiple keywords or keyword phrases are sent in a single instance of the <SubjectHeadingText> element, it is recommended that they should be separated by semi-colons (this is consistent with Library of Congress preferred practice).',11),
(27,'21','BIC children’s book marketing category','See ‘’s-Books-Marketing-Classifications/’.',0),
(27,'22','BISAC Merchandising Theme','BISAC Merchandising Themes are used in addition to BISAC Subject Headings to denote an audience to which a work may be of particular appeal, a time of year or event for which a work may be especially appropriate, or to further describe fictional works that have been subject-coded by genre.',0),
(27,'23','Publisher’s own category code','',0),
(27,'24','Proprietary subject scheme','As specified in <SubjectSchemeName>.',0),
(27,'25','Tabla de materias ISBN','Latin America.',0),
(27,'26','Warengruppen-Systematik des deutschen Buchhandels','See (in German).',0),
(27,'27','SWD','Schlagwortnormdatei – Subject Headings Authority File in the German-speaking countries. See (in German) and (English). DEPRECATED in favour of the GND.',18),
(27,'28','Thèmes Electre','Subject classification used by Electre (France).',0),
(27,'29','CLIL','France. A four-digit number, see (in French). The first digit identifies the version of the scheme.',22),
(27,'30','DNB-Sachgruppen','Deutsche Bibliothek subject groups. Used for German National Bibliography until 2003 (65 subjects). Is different from value 18. See (in German).',9),
(27,'31','NUGI','Nederlandse Uniforme Genre-Indeling (former Dutch book trade classification).',1),
(27,'32','NUR','Nederlandstalige Uniforme Rubrieksindeling (Dutch book trade classification, from 2002, see (in Dutch).',1),
(27,'33','ECPA Christian Book Category','ECPA Christian Product Category Book Codes, consisting of up to three x 3-letter blocks, for Super Category, Primary Category and Sub-Category. See ‘’.',1),
(27,'34','SISO','Schema Indeling Systematische Catalogus Openbare Bibliotheken (Dutch library classification).',1),
(27,'35','Korean Decimal Classification (KDC)','A modified Dewey Decimal Classification used in the Republic of Korea.',1),
(27,'36','DDC Deutsch 22','German Translation of Dewey Decimal Classification 22. Also known as DDC 22 ger. See ‘’.',9),
(27,'37','Bokgrupper','Norwegian book trade product categories (4701).',5),
(27,'38','Varegrupper','Norwegian bookselling subject categories (4702).',5),
(27,'39','Læreplaner','Norwegian school curriculum version (4703).',6),
(27,'40','Nippon Decimal Classification','Japanese subject classification scheme.',5),
(27,'41','BSQ','BookSelling Qualifier: Russian book trade classification.',5),
(27,'42','ANELE Materias','Spain: subject coding scheme of the Asociación Nacional de Editores de Libros y Material de Enseñanza.',5),
(27,'43','Skolefag','Norwegian primary and secondary school subject categories (4705).',6),
(27,'44','Videregående','Norwegian list of categories used in higher secondary education and vocational training (4706).',6),
(27,'45','Undervisningsmateriell','Norwegian list of categories for books and other material used in education (4707).',6),
(27,'46','Norsk DDK','Norwegian version of Dewey Decimal Classification.',6),
(27,'47','Varugrupper','Swedish bookselling subject categories.',7),
(27,'48','SAB','Swedish classification scheme.',7),
(27,'49','Läromedel','Swedish bookselling educational subject.',7),
(27,'50','Förhandsbeskrivning','Swedish publishers preliminary subject classification.',7),
(27,'51','Spanish ISBN UDC subset','Controlled subset of UDC codes used by the Spanish ISBN Agency.',7),
(27,'52','ECI subject categories','Subject categories defined by El Corte Inglés and used widely in the Spanish book trade.',7),
(27,'53','Soggetto CCE','Classificazione commerciale editoriale (Italian book trade subject category based on BIC). CCE documentation available at ‘’.',7),
(27,'54','Qualificatore geografico CCE','CCE Geographical qualifier.',7),
(27,'55','Qualificatore di lingua CCE','CCE Language qualifier.',7),
(27,'56','Qualificatore di periodo storico CCE','CCE Time Period qualifier.',7),
(27,'57','Qualificatore di livello scolastico CCE','CCE Educational Purpose qualifier.',7),
(27,'58','Qualificatore di età di lettura CCE','CCE Reading Level Qualifier.',7),
(27,'59','VdS Bildungsmedien Fächer','Subject code list of the German association of educational media publishers.',7),
(27,'60','Fagkoder','Undervisningsdirektoratets fagkoder for kunnskapsløftet I videregående (Norwegian educational curriculum for secondary schools) (4708).',7),
(27,'61','JEL classification','Journal of Economic Literature classification scheme.',7),
(27,'62','CSH','National Library of Canada subject heading (English).',9),
(27,'63','RVM','Répertoire de vedettes-matière (Bibliothèque et Archives Canada et Bibliothèque de l’Université Laval) (French).',9),
(27,'64','YSA','Yleinen suomalainen asiasanasto: Finnish General Thesaurus. See (in Finnish).',8),
(27,'65','Allärs','Allmän tesaurus på svenska: Swedish translation of the Finnish General Thesaurus. See (in Finnish).',8),
(27,'66','YKL','Yleisten kirjastojen luokitusjärjestelmä: Finnish Public Libraries Classification System. See (in Finnish).',8),
(27,'67','MUSA','Musiikin asiasanasto: Finnish Music Thesaurus. See (in Finnish).',8),
(27,'68','CILLA','Specialtesaurus för musik: Swedish translation of the Finnish Music Thesaurus. See (in Finnish).',8),
(27,'69','Kaunokki','Fiktiivisen aineiston asiasanasto: Finnish thesaurus for fiction. See (in Finnish).',8),
(27,'70','Bella','Specialtesaurus för fiktivt material: Swedish translation of the Finnish thesaurus for fiction. See (in Finnish).',8),
(27,'71','YSO','Yleinen suomalainen ontologia: Finnish General Upper Ontology. See (In Finnish).',8),
(27,'72','Paikkatieto ontologia','Finnish Place Ontology. See (in Finnish).',8),
(27,'73','Suomalainen kirja-alan luokitus','Finnish book trade categorisation.',8),
(27,'74','Sears','Sears List of Subject Headings.',9),
(27,'75','BIC E4L','BIC E4Libraries Category Headings, see ‘’.',9),
(27,'76','CSR','Code Sujet Rayon: subject categories used by bookstores in France.',11),
(27,'77','Suomalainen oppiaineluokitus','Finnish school subject categories.',11),
(27,'78','Japanese book trade C-Code','See ‘’ (in Japanese).',12),
(27,'79','Japanese book trade Genre Code','',12),
(27,'80','Fiktiivisen aineiston lisäluokitus','Finnish fiction genre classification. See (in Finnish).',13),
(27,'81','Arabic Subject heading scheme','',13),
(27,'82','Arabized BIC subject category','Arabized version of BIC subject category scheme developed by',13),
(27,'83','Arabized LC subject headings','Arabized version of Library of Congress scheme.',13),
(27,'84','Bibliotheca Alexandrina Subject Headings','Classification scheme used by Library of Alexandria.',13),
(27,'85','Postal code','Location defined by postal code. Format is two-letter country code (from List 91), space, postal code. Note some postal codes themselves contain spaces, eg “GB N7 9DP” or “US 10125”.',14),
(27,'86','GeoNames ID','ID number for geographical place, as defined at (eg 2825297 is Stuttgart, Germany, see',14),
(27,'87','NewBooks Subject Classification','Used for classification of academic and specialist publication in German-speaking countries. See (German) and (English).',14),
(27,'88','Chinese Library Classification','Subject classification maintained by the Editorial Board of Chinese Library Classification. See for access to details of the scheme.',15),
(27,'89','NTCPDSAC Classification','Subject classification for Books, Audiovisual products and E-publications formulated by China National Technical Committee 505.',15),
(27,'90','Season and Event Indicator','German code scheme indicating association with seasons, holidays, events (eg Autumn, Back to School, Easter).',18),
(27,'91','GND','Gemeinsame Normdatei – Joint Authority File in the German-speaking countries. See \' (English)\'. Combines the PND, SWD and GKD into a single authority file, and should be used in preference to the older codes.',18),
(27,'92','BIC UKSLC','UK Standard Library Categories, the successor to BIC’s E4L classification scheme.',19),
(27,'93','Thema subject category','',20),
(27,'94','Thema geographical qualifier','',20),
(27,'95','Thema language qualifier','',20),
(27,'96','Thema time period qualifier','',20),
(27,'97','Thema educational purpose qualifier','',20),
(27,'98','Thema interest age / special interest qualifier','',21),
(27,'99','Thema style qualifier','',21),
(27,'A2','Ämnesord','Swedish subject categories maintained by Bokrondellen',22),
(28,'01','General/trade','For a non-specialist adult audience.',0),
(28,'02','Children/juvenile','For a juvenile audience, not specifically for any educational purpose.',0),
(28,'03','Young adult','For a teenage audience, not specifically for any educational purpose.',0),
(28,'04','Primary and secondary/elementary and high school','Kindergarten, pre-school, primary/elementary or secondary/high school education.',0),
(28,'05','College/higher education','For universities and colleges of further and higher education.',0),
(28,'06','Professional and scholarly','For an expert adult audience, including academic research.',0),
(28,'07','ELT/ESL','Intended for use in teaching English as a second language.',0),
(28,'08','Adult education','For centres providing academic, vocational or recreational courses for adults.',2),
(29,'01','ONIX audience codes','Using a code from List 28.',6),
(29,'03','MPAA rating','Motion Picture Association of America rating applied to movies.',0),
(29,'04','BBFC rating','British Board of Film Classification rating applied to movies.',0),
(29,'05','FSK rating','German FSK (Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft) rating applied to movies.',1),
(29,'06','BTLF audience code','French Canadian audience code list, used by BTLF for Memento.',4),
(29,'07','Electre audience code','Audience code used by Electre (France).',4),
(29,'08','ANELE Tipo','Spain: educational audience and material type code of the Asociación Nacional de Editores de Libros y Material de Enseñanza.',5),
(29,'09','AVI','Code list used to specify reading levels for children’s books, used in Flanders, and formerly in the Netherlands – see also code 18.',11),
(29,'10','USK rating','German USK (Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle) rating applied to video or computer games.',7),
(29,'11','AWS','Audience code used in Flanders.',8),
(29,'12','Schulform','Type of school: codelist maintained by VdS Bildungsmedien eV, the German association of educational media publishers.',8),
(29,'13','Bundesland','School region: codelist maintained by VdS Bildungsmedien eV, the German association of educational media publishers, indicating where products are licensed to be used in schools.',8),
(29,'14','Ausbildungsberuf','Occupation: codelist for vocational training materials, maintained by VdS Bildungsmedien eV, the German association of educational media publishers.',8),
(29,'15','Suomalainen kouluasteluokitus','Finnish school or college level.',8),
(29,'16','CBG age guidance','UK Publishers Association, Children’s Book Group, coded indication of intended reader age, carried on book covers.',8),
(29,'17','Nielsen Book audience code','Audience code used in Nielsen Book Services.',11),
(29,'18','AVI (revised)','Code list used to specify reading levels for children’s books, used in the Netherlands – see also code 09.',11),
(29,'19','Lexile measure','Lexile measure (the Lexile measure in <AudienceCodeValue> may optionally be prefixed by the Lexile code). Examples might be ‘880L’, ‘AD0L’ or ‘HL600L’.',12),
(29,'20','Fry Readability score','Fry readability metric based on number of sentences and syllables per 100 words. Expressed as a number from 1 to 15 in <AudienceCodeValue>.',14),
(29,'21','Japanese Children’s audience code','Children’s audience code, two-digit encoding of intended target readership from 0–2 years up to High School level.',18),
(29,'22','ONIX Adult audience rating','Publisher\'s rating indicating suitability for an particular adult audience, using a code from List 203.',18),
(29,'23','Common European Framework for Language Learning','Codes A1 to C2 indicating standardised level of language learning or teaching material, from beginner to advanced, used in EU.',19),
(29,'24','Korean Publication Ethics Commission rating','Rating used in Korea to control selling of books and e-books to minors. Current values are 0 (suitable for all) and 19 (only for sale to ages 19+). See ‘’.',21),
(30,'11','US school grade range','Values for <AudienceRangeValue> are specified in List 77.',0),
(30,'12','UK school grade','Values are defined by BIC for England and Wales, Scotland and N Ireland.',6),
(30,'15','Reading speed, words per minute','Values in <AudienceRangeValue> must be integers.',7),
(30,'16','Interest age, months','For use up to 30 months only: values in <AudienceRangeValue> must be integers.',6),
(30,'17','Interest age, years','Values in <AudienceRangeValue> must be integers.',0),
(30,'18','Reading age, years','Values in <AudienceRangeValue> must be integers.',0),
(30,'19','Spanish school grade','Spain: combined grade and region code, maintained by the Ministerio de Educación.',5),
(30,'20','Skoletrinn','Norwegian educational grades (4704).',6),
(30,'21','Nivå','Swedish educational qualifier (code).',7),
(30,'22','Italian school grade','',7),
(30,'23','Schulform','DEPRECATED – assigned in error: see List 29.',8),
(30,'24','Bundesland','DEPRECATED – assigned in error: see List 29.',8),
(30,'25','Ausbildungsberuf','DEPRECATED – assigned in error: see List 29.',8),
(30,'26','Canadian school grade range','Values for <AudienceRangeValue> are specified in List 77.',8),
(30,'27','Finnish school grade range','',8),
(30,'28','Finnish Upper secondary school course','Lukion kurssi.',13),
(30,'29','Chinese School Grade code','Values are P, K, 1–17 (including college-level audiences).',15),
(32,'01','Lexile code','For example AD or HL. DEPRECATED in ONIX 3 – use <Audience> instead.',12),
(32,'02','Lexile number','For example 880L. DEPRECATED in ONIX 3 – use <Audience> instead.',12),
(32,'03','Fry Readability score','DEPRECATED in ONIX 3 – Use <Audience> instead. Fry readability metric based on number of sentences and syllables per 100 words. Expressed as a number from 1 to 15 in <ComplexityCode>.',14),
(33,'01','Main description','',0),
(33,'02','Short description/annotation','Limited to a maximum of 350 characters.',0),
(33,'03','Long description','',0),
(33,'04','Table of contents','Used for a table of contents sent as a single text field, which may or may not carry structure expressed through HTML etc. Alternatively, a fully structured table of contents may be sent by using the <ContentItem> composite.',0),
(33,'05','Review quote, restricted length','A review quote that is restricted to a maximum length agreed between the sender and receiver of an ONIX file.',5),
(33,'06','Quote from review of previous edition','A review quote taken from a review of a previous edition of the work.',5),
(33,'07','Review text','Full text of a review of the product.',0),
(33,'08','Review quote','A quote from a review of the product.',0),
(33,'09','Promotional “headline”','A promotional phrase which is intended to headline a description of the product.',0),
(33,'10','Previous review quote','A quote from a review of a previous work by the same author(s) or in the same series.',0),
(33,'11','Author comments','May be part of Reading Group Guide material: for other commentary, see code 42.',1),
(33,'12','Description for reader','',0),
(33,'13','Biographical note','A note referring to all contributors to a product – NOT linked to a single contributor.',0),
(33,'14','Description for Reading Group Guide','For linking to a complete Reading Group Guide, see code 41.',1),
(33,'15','Discussion question for Reading Group Guide','Each instance must carry a single question: for linking to a complete Reading Group Guide, see code 41.',1),
(33,'16','Competing titles','Free text listing of other titles with which the product is in competition: although this text might not appear in “public” ONIX records, it could be required where ONIX Is used as a communication format within a group of publishing and distribution companies.',2),
(33,'17','Flap copy','',0),
(33,'18','Back cover copy','',0),
(33,'19','Feature','Text describing a feature of a product to which the publisher wishes to draw attention for promotional purposes. Each separate feature should be described by a separate repeat, so that formatting can be applied at the discretion of the receiver of the ONIX record.',3),
(33,'20','New feature','As code 19, but used for a feature which is new in a new edition of the product.',3),
(33,'21','Publisher’s notice','A statement included by a publisher in fulfillment of its contractual obligations, such as a disclaimer, sponsor statement, or legal notice of any sort. Note that the inclusion of such a notice cannot and does not imply that a user of the ONIX record is obliged to reproduce it.',8),
(33,'23','Excerpt from book','',0),
(33,'24','First chapter','',0),
(33,'25','Description for sales people','',0),
(33,'26','Description for press or other media','',0),
(33,'27','Description for subsidiary rights department','',0),
(33,'28','Description for teachers/educators','',0),
(33,'30','Unpublished endorsement','A quote usually provided by a celebrity to promote a new book, not from a review.',0),
(33,'31','Description for bookstore','',0),
(33,'32','Description for library','',0),
(33,'33','Introduction or preface','',0),
(33,'34','Full text','',0),
(33,'35','Promotional text','Promotional text not covered elsewhere.',8),
(33,'40','Author interview / QandA','',8),
(33,'41','Reading Group Guide','Complete guide: see also codes 14 and 15.',8),
(33,'42','Commentary / discussion','Other than author comments: see code 11.',8),
(33,'43','Short description for series or set','(of which the product is a part.) Limited to a maximum of 350 characters.',17),
(33,'44','Long description for series or set','(of which the product is a part.)',17),
(33,'45','Contributor event schedule','Link to a schedule in iCalendar format.',20),
(33,'46','License','Link to a license covering permitted usage of the product content.',22),
(33,'98','Master brand name','A master brand name or title, where the use of the brand spans multiple sets, series and product forms, and possibly multiple imprints and publishers. Used only for branded media properties such as children’s character properties. (This functionality is provided as a workaround in ONIX 2.1 only. ONIX 3.0 has (specific provision for master brands as title elements.',20),
(33,'99','Country of final manufacture','A single ISO 3166-1 country code from List 91 designating the country of final manufacture of the product. (This functionality is provided as a workaround in ONIX 2.1. ONIX 3.0 has specific provision for country of manufacture as a separate element.).',11),
(34,'00','ASCII text','DEPRECATED: use code 06 or 07 as appropriate.',4),
(34,'02','HTML','Other than XHTML.',2),
(34,'03','XML','Other than XHTML.',2),
(34,'04','PDF','DEPRECATED: was formerly assigned both to PDF and to XHTML.',4),
(34,'06','Default text format','Default: text in the encoding declared at the head of the message or in the XML default (UTF-8 or UTF-16) if there is no explicit declaration.',4),
(34,'07','Basic ASCII text','Plain text containing no tags of any kind, except for the tags &amp; and &lt; that XML insists must be used to represent ampersand and less-than characters in text; and with the character set limited to the ASCII range, i.e. valid UTF-8 characters whose character number lies between 32 (space) and 126 (tilde).',4),
(34,'08','PDF','Replaces 04 for the <TextFormat> element, but cannot of course be used as a textformat attribute.',4),
(34,'09','Microsoft rich text format (RTF)','',8),
(34,'10','Microsoft Word binary format (DOC)','',8),
(34,'11','ECMA 376 WordprocessingML','Office Open XML file format / OOXML / DOCX.',8),
(34,'12','ISO 26300 ODF','ISO Open Document Format.',8),
(34,'13','Corel Wordperfect binary format (DOC)','',8),
(34,'14','EPUB','The Open Publication Structure / OPS Container Format standard of the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) [File extension .epub].',12),
(34,'15','XPS','XML Paper Specification.',15),
(35,'05','FTP address','',0),
(37,'05','FTP address','',0),
(38,'01','Whole product','Link to a location where the whole product may be found – used for epublications.',0),
(38,'02','Application: software demo','',0),
(38,'03','Image: whole cover','Includes cover, back cover, spine and – where appropriate – any flaps. Quality unspecified: if sending both a standard quality and a high quality image, use 03 for standard quality and 05 for high quality.',17),
(38,'04','Image: front cover','Quality unspecified: if sending both a standard quality and a high quality image, use 04 for standard quality and 06 for high quality.',0),
(38,'05','Image: whole cover, high quality','Should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi when rendered at the intended size for display or print.',17),
(38,'06','Image: front cover, high quality','Should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi when rendered at the intended size for display or print.',6),
(38,'07','Image: front cover thumbnail','',0),
(38,'08','Image: contributor(s)','',0),
(38,'10','Image: for series','Use for an image, other than a logo, that is part of the ‘branding’ of a series.',0),
(38,'11','Image: series logo','',0),
(38,'12','Image: product logo','Use only for a logo which is specific to an individual product.',0),
(38,'16','Image: Master brand logo','',20),
(38,'17','Image: publisher logo','',0),
(38,'18','Image: imprint logo','',0),
(38,'22','Image: table of contents','',11),
(38,'23','Image: sample content','Use for inside page image for book, or screenshot for software or game (revised definition from Issue 8).',8),
(38,'24','Image: back cover','Quality unspecified: if sending both a standard quality and a high quality image, use 24 for standard quality and 25 for high quality.',8),
(38,'25','Image: back cover, high quality','Should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi when rendered at the intended size for display or print.',8),
(38,'26','Image: back cover thumbnail','',8),
(38,'27','Image: other cover material','',8),
(38,'28','Image: promotional material','',8),
(38,'29','Video segment: unspecified','',0),
(38,'30','Audio segment: unspecified','',0),
(38,'31','Video: author presentation / commentary','',8),
(38,'32','Video: author interview','',8),
(38,'33','Video: author reading','',8),
(38,'34','Video: cover material','',8),
(38,'35','Video: sample content','',8),
(38,'36','Video: promotional material','',8),
(38,'37','Video: review','',8),
(38,'38','Video: other commentary / discussion','',8),
(38,'41','Audio: author presentation / commentary','',8),
(38,'42','Audio: author interview','',8),
(38,'43','Audio: author reading','',8),
(38,'44','Audio: sample content','',8),
(38,'45','Audio: promotional material','',8),
(38,'46','Audio: review','',8),
(38,'47','Audio: other commentary / discussion','',8),
(38,'51','Application: sample content','Use for ‘look inside’ facility or ‘widget’.',9),
(38,'52','Application: promotional material','',8),
(39,'06','RealAudio 28.8','',0),
(39,'07','MP3','MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer III file (.mp3).',0),
(39,'08','MPEG-4','MPEG-4 container format (.mp4, .m4a).',15),
(39,'09','PNG','Portable Network Graphics bitmapped image format (.png).',9),
(39,'10','WMA','Windows Media Audio format (.wma).',15),
(39,'11','AAC','Advanced Audio Codec format (.aac).',15),
(39,'12','WAV','Waveform audio file (.wav).',15),
(39,'13','AIFF','Audio Interchange File Format (.aiff).',15),
(39,'14','WMV','Windows Media Video format (.wmv).',15),
(39,'15','OGG','Ogg container format (.ogg).',15),
(39,'16','AVI','Audio Video Interleaved container format (.avi).',15),
(39,'17','MOV','Quicktime container format (.mov).',15),
(39,'18','Flash','Flash container format (includes .flv, .swf, .f4v etc).',15),
(39,'19','3GP','3GP container format (.3gp, 3g2).',15),
(39,'20','WebM','WebM container format (includes .webm and .mkv).',15),
(40,'05','FTP address','',0),
(41,'02','Runner-up','Named as being in second place.',0),
(41,'04','Short-listed','Nominated by the judging process to be one of the final ‘short-list’ from which the winner is selected.',0),
(41,'05','Long-listed','Nominated by the judging process to be one of the preliminary ‘long-list’ from which first a short-list and then the winner is selected.',3),
(41,'06','Joint winner','Or co-winner.',5),
(42,'01','Textual work','A complete work which is published as a content item in a product which carries two or more such works, eg when two or three novels are published in a single omnibus volume.',0),
(42,'02','Front matter','Text components such as Preface, Introduction etc which appear as preliminaries to the main body of text content in a product.',0),
(42,'03','Body matter','Text components such as Part, Chapter, Section etc which appear as part of the main body of text content in a product.',0),
(42,'04','Back matter','Text components such as Index which appear after the main body of text in a product.',0),
(42,'10','Serial item, miscellaneous or unspecified','For journals.',0),
(42,'11','Research article','For journals.',0),
(42,'12','Review article','For journals.',0),
(42,'13','Letter','For journals.',0),
(42,'14','Short communication','For journals.',0),
(42,'15','Erratum','For journals.',0),
(42,'16','Abstract','For journals.',0),
(42,'17','Book review (or review of other publication)','For journals.',0),
(42,'18','Editorial','For journals.',0),
(42,'19','Product review','For journals.',0),
(42,'21','Obituary','For journals.',0),
(43,'01','Proprietary','For example, a publisher’s own identifier.',0),
(43,'03','GTIN-13','Formerly known as the EAN-13 (unhyphenated).',13),
(43,'09','PII','Publisher item identifier.',0),
(43,'10','SICI','For serial items only.',0),
(44,'02','Proprietary','DEPRECATED – use 01.',10),
(44,'03','DNB publisher identifier','Deutsche Nationalbibliothek publisher identifier.',1),
(44,'04','Börsenverein Verkehrsnummer','',1),
(44,'05','German ISBN Agency publisher identifier','',1),
(44,'06','GLN','GS1 global location number (formerly EAN location number).',9),
(44,'07','SAN','Book trade Standard Address Number – US, UK etc.',6),
(44,'10','Centraal Boekhuis Relatie ID','Trading party identifier used in the Netherlands.',4),
(44,'13','Fondscode Boekenbank','Flemish publisher code.',7),
(44,'15','Y-tunnus','Business Identity Code (Finland). See (in Finnish).',8),
(44,'16','ISNI','International Standard Name Identifier. See ‘’.',10),
(44,'17','PND','Personennamendatei – person name authority file used by Deutsche Nationalbibliothek and in other German-speaking countries. See (German) or (English). DEPRECATED in favour of the GND.',18),
(44,'18','LCCN','A control number assigned to a Library of Congress Name Authority record.',10),
(44,'19','Japanese Publisher identifier','Publisher identifier administered by Japanese ISBN Agency.',12),
(44,'20','GKD','Gemeinsame Körperschaftsdatei – Corporate Body Authority File in the German-speaking countries. See (German) or (English). DEPRECATED in favour of the GND.',18),
(44,'21','ORCID','Open Researcher and Contributor ID. See ‘’.',13),
(44,'22','GAPP Publisher Identifier','Publisher identifier maintained by the Chinese ISBN Agency (GAPP).',15),
(44,'23','VAT Identity Number','Identifier for a business organization for VAT purposes, eg within the EU’s VIES system. See for EU VAT ID formats, which vary from country to country. Generally these consist of a two-letter country code followed by the 8–12 digits of the national VAT ID. Some (countries include one or two letters within their VAT ID. See for non-EU countries that maintain similar identifiers. Spaces, dashes etc should be omitted.',16),
(44,'24','JP Distribution Identifier','4-digit business organization identifier controlled by the Japanese Publication Wholesalers Association.',17),
(44,'25','GND','Gemeinsame Normdatei – Joint Authority File in the German-speaking countries. See \' (English)\'. Combines the PND, SWD and GKD into a single authority file, and should be used in preference.',18),
(44,'27','Ringgold ID','',18),
(45,'02','Co-publisher','Use where two or more publishers co-publish the exact same product, either under a single ISBN (in which case both publishers are co-publishers), or under different ISBNs (in which case the publisher of THIS ISBN is the publisher and the publishers of OTHER ISBNs are co-publishers. Note this is different from publication (of \'co-editions\'.',19),
(45,'04','Publisher of original-language version','Of a translated work.',0),
(45,'05','Host/distributor of electronic content','',0),
(45,'06','Published for/on behalf of','',1),
(45,'07','Published in association with','Use also for “Published in cooperation with”.',2),
(45,'08','Published on behalf of','DEPRECATED: use code 06.',3),
(45,'09','New or acquiring publisher','When ownership of a product or title is transferred from one publisher to another.',2),
(45,'10','Publishing group','The group to which a publisher (publishing role 01) belongs: use only if a publisher has been identified with role code 01.',8),
(45,'11','Publisher of facsimile original','The publisher of the edition of which a product is a facsimile.',9),
(45,'12','Repackager of prebound edition','The repackager of a prebound edition that has been assigned its own identifier. (In the US, a ‘prebound edition’ is a book that was previously bound, normally as a paperback, and has been rebound with a library-quality hardcover binding by a supplier other than the original publisher.) Required when the (<EditionType> is coded PRB. The original publisher should be named as the ‘publisher’.',9),
(45,'13','Former publisher','When ownership of a product or title is transferred from one publisher to another (complement of code 09).',12),
(45,'14','Publication funder','Body funding publication fees, if different from the body funding the underlying research. For use with open access publications.',22),
(45,'15','Research funder','Body funding the research on which publication is based, if different from the body funding the publication. For use with open access publications.',22),
(45,'16','Funding body','Body funding research and publication. For use with open access publications.',22),
(46,'00','Sales rights unknown or unstated for any reason','May only be used with the ONIX 3 <ROWSalesRightsType> element.',12),
(46,'01','For unrestricted sale with exclusive rights in the specified countries or territories','',0),
(46,'02','For unrestricted sale with non-exclusive rights in the specified countries or territories','',0),
(46,'03','Not for sale in the specified countries or territories (reason unspecified)','',12),
(46,'04','Not for sale in the specified countries (but publisher holds exclusive rights in those countries or ','',12),
(46,'05','Not for sale in the specified countries (publisher holds non-exclusive rights in those countries or ','',12),
(46,'06','Not for sale in the specified countries (because publisher does not hold rights in those countries o','',12),
(46,'07','For sale with exclusive rights in the specified countries or territories (sales restriction applies)','Only for use with ONIX 3.',12),
(46,'08','For sale with non-exclusive rights in the specified countries or territories (sales restriction appl','Only for use with ONIX 3.',12),
(47,'001','World except territories specified elsewhere in rights statements','',0),
(47,'002','UK airports','',0),
(47,'003','UK ‘open market’','Use when an open market edition is published under its own ISBN.',0),
(48,'01','Height','For a book, the spine height when standing on a shelf. For a folded map, the height when folded. In general, the height of a product in the form in which it is presented or packaged for retail sale.',7),
(48,'02','Width','For a book, the horizontal dimension of the cover when standing upright. For a folded map, the width when folded. In general, the width of a product in the form in which it is presented or packaged for retail sale.',7),
(48,'03','Thickness','For a book, the thickness of the spine. For a folded map, the thickness when folded. In general, the thickness or depth of a product in the form in which it is presented or packaged for retail sale.',7),
(48,'04','Page trim height','Not recommended for general use.',0),
(48,'05','Page trim width','Not recommended for general use.',0),
(48,'08','Unit weight','',0),
(48,'09','Diameter (sphere)','Of a globe, for example.',1),
(48,'10','Unfolded/unrolled sheet height','The height of a folded or rolled sheet map, poster etc when unfolded.',7),
(48,'11','Unfolded/unrolled sheet width','The width of a folded or rolled sheet map, poster etc when unfolded.',7),
(48,'12','Diameter (tube or cylinder)','The diameter of the cross-section of a tube or cylinder, usually carrying a rolled sheet product. Use 01 “height” for the height or length of the tube.',7),
(48,'13','Rolled sheet package side measure','The length of a side of the cross-section of a long triangular or square package, usually carrying a rolled sheet product. Use 01 “height” for the height or length of the package.',7),
(49,'AU-CT','Australian Capital Territory','',1),
(49,'AU-NS','New South Wales','',1),
(49,'AU-NT','Northern Territory','',1),
(49,'AU-SA','South Australia','',1),
(49,'AU-WA','Western Australia','',1),
(49,'CA-BC','British Columbia','',2),
(49,'CA-NB','New Brunswick','',2),
(49,'CA-NL','Newfoundland and Labrador','',2),
(49,'CA-NS','Nova Scotia','',2),
(49,'CA-NT','Northwest Territories','',2),
(49,'CA-PE','Prince Edward Island','',2),
(49,'CA-YT','Yukon Territory','',2),
(49,'ES-CN','Canary Islands','',5),
(49,'GB-AIR','UK airside','Airside outlets at UK international airports only.',1),
(49,'GB-APS','UK airports','All UK airports, including both airside and other outlets.',3),
(49,'GB-CHA','Channel Islands','DEPRECATED, replaced by country codes GG – Guernsey, and JE – Jersey.',13),
(49,'GB-EWS','England, Wales, Scotland','UK excluding Northern Ireland.',1),
(49,'GB-IOM','Isle of Man','DEPRECATED, replaced by country code IM – Isle of Man.',13),
(49,'GB-NIR','Northern Ireland','',1),
(49,'RU-AD','Republic of Adygeya','',22),
(49,'RU-AL','Republic of Altay','',22),
(49,'RU-BA','Republic of Bashkortostan','',22),
(49,'RU-BU','Republic of Buryatiya','',22),
(49,'RU-CE','Chechenskaya Republic','',22),
(49,'RU-CU','Chuvashskaya Republic','',22),
(49,'RU-DA','Republic of Dagestan','',22),
(49,'RU-IN','Republic of Ingushetiya','',22),
(49,'RU-KB','Kabardino-Balkarskaya Republic','',22),
(49,'RU-KL','Republic of Kalmykiya','',22),
(49,'RU-KC','Karachayevo-Cherkesskaya Republic','',22),
(49,'RU-KR','Republic of Kareliya','',22),
(49,'RU-KK','Republic of Khakasiya','',22),
(49,'RU-KO','Republic of Komi','',22),
(49,'RU-ME','Republic of Mariy El','',22),
(49,'RU-MO','Republic of Mordoviya','',22),
(49,'RU-SA','Republic of Sakha (Yakutiya)','',22),
(49,'RU-SE','Republic of Severnaya Osetiya-Alaniya','',22),
(49,'RU-TA','Republic of Tatarstan','',22),
(49,'RU-TY','Republic of Tyva (Tuva)','',22),
(49,'RU-UD','Udmurtskaya Republic','',22),
(49,'RU-ALT','Altayskiy Administrative Territory','',22),
(49,'RU-KAM','Kamchatskiy Administrative Territory','',22),
(49,'RU-KHA','Khabarovskiy Administrative Territory','',22),
(49,'RU-KDA','Krasnodarskiy Administrative Territory','',22),
(49,'RU-KYA','Krasnoyarskiy Administrative Territory','',22),
(49,'RU-PER','Permskiy Administrative Territory','',22),
(49,'RU-PRI','Primorskiy Administrative Territory','',22),
(49,'RU-STA','Stavropol\'skiy Administrative Territory','',22),
(49,'RU-ZAB','Zabaykal\'skiy Administrative Territory','',22),
(49,'RU-AMU','Amurskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-ARK','Arkhangel\'skaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-AST','Astrakhanskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-BEL','Belgorodskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-BRY','Bryanskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-CHE','Chelyabinskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-IRK','Irkutskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-IVA','Ivanovskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-KGD','Kaliningradskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-KLU','Kaluzhskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-KEM','Kemerovskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-KIR','Kirovskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-KOS','Kostromskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-KGN','Kurganskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-KRS','Kurskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-LEN','Leningradskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-LIP','Lipetskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-MAG','Magadanskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-MOS','Moskovskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-MUR','Murmanskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-NIZ','Nizhegorodskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-NGR','Novgorodskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-NVS','Novosibirskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-OMS','Omskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-ORE','Orenburgskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-ORL','Orlovskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-PNZ','Penzenskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-PSK','Pskovskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-ROS','Rostovskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-RYA','Ryazanskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-SAK','Sakhalinskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-SAM','Samarskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-SAR','Saratovskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-SMO','Smolenskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-SVE','Sverdlovskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-TAM','Tambovskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-TOM','Tomskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-TUL','Tul\'skaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-TVE','Tverskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-TYU','Tyumenskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-ULY','Ul\'yanovskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-VLA','Vladimirskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-VGG','Volgogradskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-VLG','Vologodskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-VOR','Voronezhskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-YAR','Yaroslavskaya Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-MOW','Moskva City','',22),
(49,'RU-SPE','Sankt-Peterburg City','',22),
(49,'RU-YEV','Yevreyskaya Autonomous Administrative Region','',22),
(49,'RU-CHU','Chukotskiy Autonomous District','',22),
(49,'RU-KHM','Khanty-Mansiyskiy Autonomous District','',22),
(49,'RU-NEN','Nenetskiy Autonomous District','',22),
(49,'RU-YAN','Yamalo-Nenetskiy Autonomous District','',22),
(49,'US-DC','District of Columbia','',9),
(49,'US-NC','North Carolina','',9),
(49,'US-ND','North Dakota','',9),
(49,'US-NH','New Hampshire','',9),
(49,'US-NJ','New Jersey','',9),
(49,'US-NM','New Mexico','',9),
(49,'US-NY','New York','',9),
(49,'US-RI','Rhode Island','',9),
(49,'US-SC','South Carolina','',9),
(49,'US-SD','South Dakota','',9),
(49,'US-WV','West Virginia','',9),
(49,'ECZ','Eurozone','Countries geographically within continental Europe which use the Euro as their sole currency. At the time of writing, this is a synonym for “AT BE CY EE FI FR DE ES GR IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK” (the official Eurozone 17), plus “AD MC SM VA ME” (other Euro-using countries in continental Europe). Note some other territories (using the Euro, but outside continental Europe are excluded from this list, and may need to be specified separately. Only valid in ONIX 3, and only within P.26. Use of an explicit list of countries instead of ECZ is encouraged.',13),
(49,'ROW','Rest of world','World except as otherwise specified. NOT USED in ONIX 3.',12),
(50,'cm','Centimeters','Millimeters are the preferred metric unit of length.',6),
(50,'in','Inches (US)','',0),
(50,'kg','Kilograms','Grams are the preferred metric unit of weight.',9),
(50,'lb','Pounds (US)','',0),
(50,'oz','Ounces (US)','',0),
(51,'00','Unspecified','<Product> is related to <RelatedProduct> in a way that cannot be specified by another code value.',11),
(51,'01','Includes','<Product> includes <RelatedProduct>.',11),
(51,'02','Is part of','<Product> is part of <RelatedProduct>: use for ‘also available as part of’.',11),
(51,'03','Replaces','<Product> replaces, or is new edition of, <RelatedProduct>.',11),
(51,'05','Replaced by','<Product> is replaced by, or has new edition, <RelatedProduct> (reciprocal of code 03).',11),
(51,'06','Alternative format','<Product> is available in an alternative format as <RelatedProduct> – indicates an alternative format of the same content which is or may be available.',11),
(51,'07','Has ancillary product','<Product> has an ancillary or supplementary product <RelatedProduct>.',11),
(51,'08','Is ancillary to','<Product> is ancillary or supplementary to <RelatedProduct>.',11),
(51,'09','Is remaindered as','<Product> is remaindered as <RelatedProduct>, when a remainder merchant assigns its own identifier to the product.',11),
(51,'10','Is remainder of','<Product> was originally sold as <RelatedProduct>, indicating the publisher’s original identifier for a title which is offered as a remainder under a different identifier (reciprocal of code 09).',11),
(51,'11','Is other-language version of','<Product> is an other-language version of <RelatedProduct>.',11),
(51,'12','Publisher’s suggested alternative','<Product> has a publisher’s suggested alternative <RelatedProduct>, which does not, however, carry the same content (cf 05 and 06).',11),
(51,'13','Epublication based on (print product)','<Product> is an epublication based on printed product <RelatedProduct>.',11),
(51,'14','Epublication is distributed as','<Product> is an epublication ‘rendered’ as <RelatedProduct>: use in ONIX 2.1 only when the <Product> record describes a package of electronic content which is available in multiple ‘renderings’ (coded 000 in <EpubTypeCode>): NOT USED in ONIX 3.0.',11),
(51,'15','Epublication is a rendering of','<Product> is a ‘rendering’ of an epublication <RelatedProduct>: use in ONIX 2.1 only when the <Product> record describes a specific rendering of an epublication content package, to identify the package: NOT USED in ONIX 3.0.',11),
(51,'16','POD replacement for','<Product> is a POD replacement for <RelatedProduct>. <RelatedProduct> is an out-of-print product replaced by a print-on-demand version under a new ISBN.',11),
(51,'17','Replaced by POD','<Product> is replaced by POD <RelatedProduct>. <RelatedProduct> is a print-on-demand replacement, under a new ISBN, for an out-of-print <Product> (reciprocal of code 16).',11),
(51,'18','Is special edition of','<Product> is a special edition of <RelatedProduct>. Used for a special edition (German: Sonderausgabe) with different cover, binding etc – more than ‘alternative format’ – which may be available in limited quantity and for a limited time.',11),
(51,'19','Has special edition','<Product> has a special edition <RelatedProduct> (reciprocal of code 18).',11),
(51,'20','Is prebound edition of','<Product> is a prebound edition of <RelatedProduct> (in the US, a prebound edition is ‘a book that was previously bound and has been rebound with a library quality hardcover binding. In almost all commercial cases, the book in question began as a paperback.’).',11),
(51,'21','Is original of prebound edition','<Product> is the regular edition of which <RelatedProduct> is a prebound edition.',11),
(51,'22','Product by same author','<Product> and <RelatedProduct> have a common author.',11),
(51,'23','Similar product','<RelatedProduct> is another product that is suggested as similar to <Product> (‘if you liked <Product>, you may also like <RelatedProduct>’).',11),
(51,'24','Is facsimile of','<Product> is a facsimile edition of <RelatedProduct>.',11),
(51,'25','Is original of facsimile','<Product> is the original edition from which a facsimile edition <RelatedProduct> is taken (reciprocal of code 25).',11),
(51,'26','Is license for','<Product> is a license for a digital <RelatedProduct>, traded or supplied separately.',11),
(51,'27','Electronic version available as','<RelatedProduct> is an electronic version of print <Product> (reciprocal of code 13).',11),
(51,'28','Enhanced version available as','<RelatedProduct> is an ‘enhanced’ version of <Product>, with additional content. Typically used to link an enhanced e-book to its original ‘unenhanced’ equivalent, but not specifically limited to linking e-books – for example, may be used to link illustrated and non-illustrated print books. <Product> and (<RelatedProduct> should share the same <ProductForm>.',13),
(51,'29','Basic version available as','<RelatedProduct> is a basic version of <Product> (reciprocal of code 28). <Product> and <RelatedProduct> should share the same <ProductForm>.',13),
(51,'30','Product in same collection','<RelatedProduct> and <Product> are part of the same collection (eg two products in same series or set).',13),
(51,'31','Has alternative in a different market sector','<RelatedProduct> is an alternative product in another market sector. Indicates an alternative that carries the same content, but available to a different set of customers, as one or both products are retailer-, channel- or market-specific.',22),
(52,'004','UK ‘open market’','When the same ISBN is used for open market and UK editions.',0),
(53,'01','French book trade returns conditions code','Maintained by CLIL (Commission Interprofessionnel du Livre). Returns conditions values in <ReturnsCode> should be taken from the CLIL list.',0),
(53,'02','BISAC Returnable Indicator code','Maintained by BISAC: Returns conditions values in <ReturnsCode> should be taken from List 66.',1),
(53,'03','UK book trade returns conditions code','NOT CURRENTLY USED – BIC has decided that it will not maintain a code list for this purpose, since returns conditions are usually at least partly based on the trading relationship.',6),
(53,'04','ONIX Returns conditions code','Returns conditions values in <ReturnsCode> should be taken from List 204.',19),
(54,'AB','Cancelled','Publication abandoned after having been announced.',0),
(54,'AD','Available direct from publisher only','Apply direct to publisher, item not available to trade.',0),
(54,'CS','Availability uncertain','Check with customer service.',0),
(54,'EX','No longer stocked by us','Wholesaler or vendor only.',0),
(54,'IP','Available','In-print and in stock.',0),
(54,'MD','Manufactured on demand','May be accompanied by an estimated average time to supply.',0),
(54,'NP','Not yet published','MUST be accompanied by an expected availability date.',0),
(54,'NY','Newly catalogued, not yet in stock','Wholesaler or vendor only: MUST be accompanied by expected availability date.',0),
(54,'OF','Other format available','This format is out of print, but another format is available: should be accompanied by an identifier for the alternative product.',0),
(54,'OI','Out of stock indefinitely','No current plan to reprint.',0),
(54,'OP','Out of print','Discontinued, deleted from catalogue.',0),
(54,'OR','Replaced by new edition','This edition is out of print, but a new edition has been or will soon be published: should be accompanied by an identifier for the new edition.',0),
(54,'PP','Publication postponed indefinitely','Publication has been announced, and subsequently postponed with no new date.',1),
(54,'RF','Refer to another supplier','Supply of this item has been transferred to another publisher or distributor: should be accompanied by an identifier for the new supplier.',0),
(54,'RP','Reprinting','MUST be accompanied by an expected availability date.',0),
(54,'RU','Reprinting, undated','Use instead of RP as a last resort, only if it is really impossible to give an expected availability date.',1),
(54,'TO','Special order','This item is not stocked but has to be specially ordered from a supplier (eg import item not stocked locally): may be accompanied by an estimated average time to supply.',0),
(54,'TP','Temporarily out of stock because publisher cannot supply','Wholesaler or vendor only.',0),
(54,'TU','Temporarily unavailable','MUST be accompanied by an expected availability date.',0),
(54,'UR','Unavailable, awaiting reissue','The item is out of stock but will be reissued under the same ISBN: MUST be accompanied by an expected availability date and by the reissue date in the <Reissue> composite. See notes on the <Reissue> composite for details on treatment of availability status during reissue.',1),
(54,'WR','Will be remaindered as of (date)','MUST be accompanied by the remainder date.',0),
(54,'WS','Withdrawn from sale','Typically, withdrawn indefinitely for legal reasons.',1),
(55,'00','YYYYMMDD','Year month day (default).',0),
(55,'01','YYYYMM','Year and month.',0),
(55,'02','YYYYWW','Year and week number.',0),
(55,'03','YYYYQ','Year and quarter (Q = 1, 2, 3, 4).',0),
(55,'04','YYYYS','Year and season (S = 1, 2, 3, 4, with 1 = “Spring”).',1),
(55,'06','YYYYMMDDYYYYMMDD','Spread of exact dates.',1),
(55,'07','YYYYMMYYYYMM','Spread of months.',1),
(55,'08','YYYYWWYYYYWW','Spread of week numbers.',1),
(55,'09','YYYYQYYYYQ','Spread of quarters.',1),
(55,'10','YYYYSYYYYS','Spread of seasons.',1),
(55,'11','YYYYYYYY','Spread of years.',1),
(55,'12','Text string','For complex, approximate or uncertain dates.',1),
(55,'13','YYYYMMDDThhmm','Exact time. Use ONLY when exact times with hour/minute precision are relevant. By default, time is local. Alternatively, the time may be suffixed with an optional ‘Z’ for UTC times, or with ‘+’ or ‘-’ and an hhmm timezone offset from UTC. Times without a timezone are ‘rolling’ local times, times qualified with a (timezone (using Z, + or -) specify a particular instant in time.',18),
(55,'14','YYYYMMDDThhmmss','Exact time. Use ONLY when exact times with second precision are relevant. By default, time is local. Alternatively, the time may be suffixed with an optional ‘Z’ for UTC times, or with ‘+’ or ‘-’ and an hhmm timezone offset from UTC. Times without a timezone are ‘rolling’ local times, times qualified with a timezone ((using Z, + or -) specify a particular instant in time.',18),
(55,'20','YYYYMMDD (H)','Year month day (Hijri calendar).',13),
(55,'21','YYYYMM (H)','Year and month (Hijri calendar).',13),
(55,'25','YYYY (H)','Year (Hijri calendar).',13),
(55,'32','Text string (H)','For complex, approximate or uncertain dates (Hijri calendar), text would usually be in Arabic script.',13),
(56,'R','Restrictions apply, see note','',0),
(56,'X','Indiziert','Indexed for the German market – in Deutschland indiziert.',2),
(57,'01','Free of charge','',0),
(57,'02','Price to be announced','',0),
(57,'03','Not sold separately','',1),
(57,'04','Contact supplier','May be used for books that do not carry a recommended retail price, when an ONIX file is “broadcast” rather than sent one-to-one to a single trading partner; or for digital products offered on subscription or with pricing which is too complex to specify in ONIX.',4),
(57,'05','Not sold as set','When a collection that is not sold as a set nevertheless has its own ONIX record.',10),
(58,'01','RRP excluding tax','RRP excluding any sales tax or value-added tax.',8),
(58,'02','RRP including tax','RRP including sales or value-added tax if applicable.',8),
(58,'03','Fixed retail price excluding tax','In countries where retail price maintenance applies by law to certain products: not used in USA.',0),
(58,'04','Fixed retail price including tax','In countries where retail price maintenance applies by law to certain products: not used in USA.',0),
(58,'05','Supplier’s net price excluding tax','Unit price charged by supplier to reseller excluding any sales tax or value-added tax: goods for retail sale.',8),
(58,'06','Supplier’s net price excluding tax: rental goods','Unit price charged by supplier to reseller / rental outlet, excluding any sales tax or value-added tax: goods for rental (used for video and DVD).',8),
(58,'07','Supplier’s net price including tax','Unit price charged by supplier to reseller including any sales tax or value-added tax if applicable: goods for retail sale.',8),
(58,'08','Supplier’s alternative net price excluding tax','Unit price charged by supplier to a specified class of reseller excluding any sales tax or value-added tax: goods for retail sale (this value is for use only in countries, eg Finland, where trade practice requires two different net prices to be listed for different classes of resellers, (and where national guidelines specify how the code should be used).',8),
(58,'09','Supplier’s alternative net price including tax','Unit price charged by supplier to a specified class of reseller including any sales tax or value-added tax: goods for retail sale (this value is for use only in countries, eg Finland, where trade practice requires two different net prices to be listed for different classes of resellers, (and where national guidelines specify how the code should be used).',8),
(58,'11','Special sale RRP excluding tax','Special sale RRP excluding any sales tax or value-added tax. Note ‘special sales’ are sales where terms and conditions are different from normal trade sales, when for example products that are normally sold on a sale-or-return basis are sold on firm-sale terms, where a particular product is tailored for (a specific retail outlet (often termed a ‘premium’ product), or where other specific conditions or qualiifications apply. Further details of the modified terms and conditions should be given in <PriceTypeDescription>.',15),
(58,'12','Special sale RRP including tax','Special sale RRP including sales or value-added tax if applicable.',8),
(58,'13','Special sale fixed retail price excluding tax','In countries where retail price maintenance applies by law to certain products: not used in USA.',8),
(58,'14','Special sale fixed retail price including tax','In countries where retail price maintenance applies by law to certain products: not used in USA.',8),
(58,'15','Supplier’s net price for special sale excluding tax','Unit price charged by supplier to reseller for special sale excluding any sales tax or value-added tax.',8),
(58,'17','Supplier’s net price for special sale including tax','Unit price charged by supplier to reseller for special sale including any sales tax or value-added tax.',15),
(58,'21','Pre-publication RRP excluding tax','Pre-publication RRP excluding any sales tax or value-added tax.',8),
(58,'22','Pre-publication RRP including tax','Pre-publication RRP including sales or value-added tax if applicable.',8),
(58,'23','Pre-publication fixed retail price excluding tax','In countries where retail price maintenance applies by law to certain products: not used in USA.',0),
(58,'24','Pre-publication fixed retail price including tax','In countries where retail price maintenance applies by law to certain products: not used in USA.',0),
(58,'25','Supplier’s pre-publication net price excluding tax','Unit price charged by supplier to reseller pre-publication excluding any sales tax or value-added tax.',8),
(58,'27','Supplier’s pre-publication net price including tax','Unit price charged by supplier to reseller pre-publication including any sales tax or value-added tax.',15),
(58,'31','Freight-pass-through RRP excluding tax','In the US, books are sometimes supplied on ‘freight-pass-through’ terms, where a price that is different from the RRP is used as the basis for calculating the supplier’s charge to a reseller. To make it clear when such terms are being invoked, code 31 is used instead of code 01 to indicate the (RRP. Code 32 is used for the ‘billing price’.',3),
(58,'32','Freight-pass-through billing price excluding tax','When freight-pass-through terms apply, the price on which the supplier’s charge to a reseller is calculated, ie the price to which trade discount terms are applied. See also code 31.',3),
(58,'41','Publishers retail price excluding tax','For a product supplied on agency terms, the retail price set by the publisher, excluding any sales tax or value-added tax.',11),
(58,'42','Publishers retail price including tax','For a product supplied on agency terms, the retail price set by the publisher, including sales or value-added tax if applicable.',11),
(59,'00','Unqualified price','Price applies to all customers that do not fall within any other group with a specified group-specific qualified price.',20),
(59,'01','Member/subscriber price','Price applies to a designated group membership.',0),
(59,'02','Export price','Price applies to sales outside the territory in which the supplier is located.',0),
(59,'03','Reduced price applicable when the item is purchased as part of a set (or series, or collection)','Use in cases where there is no combined price, but a lower price is offered for each part if the whole set / series / collection is purchased (either at one time, as part of a continuing commitment, or in a single purchase).',13),
(59,'04','Voucher price','In the Netherlands (or any other market where similar arrangements exist): a reduced fixed price available for a limited time on presentation of a voucher or coupon published in a specified medium, eg a newspaper. Should be accompanied by Price Type code 13 and additional detail in <PriceTypeDescription>, and by (validity dates in <PriceEffectiveFrom> and <PriceEffectiveUntil> (ONIX 2.1) or in the <PriceDate> composite (ONIX 3.0).',2),
(59,'05','Consumer price','Price for individual consumer sale only.',11),
(59,'06','Corporate price','Price for sale to libraries or other corporate or institutional customers.',11),
(59,'07','Reservation order price','Price valid for a specified period prior to publication. Orders placed prior to the end of the period are guaranteed to be delivered to the retailer before the nominal publication date. The price may or may not be different from the ‘normal’ price, which carries no such delivery guarantee. Must be accompanied (by a <PriceEffectiveUntil> date (or equivalent <PriceDate> composite in ONIX 3), and should also be accompanied by a ‘normal’ price.',13),
(59,'08','Promotional offer price','Temporary ‘Special offer’ price. Must be accompanied by <PriceEffectiveFrom> and <PriceEffectiveUntil> dates (or equivalent <PriceDate> composites in ONIX 3), and may also be accompanied by a ‘normal’ price.',15),
(59,'09','Linked price','Price requires purchase with, or proof of ownership of another product. Further details of purchase or ownership requirements must be given in <PriceTypeDescription>.',21),
(60,'00','Per copy of whole product','Default.',0),
(60,'01','Per page for printed loose-leaf content only','',0),
(62,'H','Higher rate','Specifies that tax is applied at a higher rate than standard.',5),
(62,'P','Tax paid at source (Italy)','Under Italian tax rules, VAT on books may be paid at source by the publisher, and subsequent transactions through the supply chain are tax-exempt.',7),
(62,'R','Lower rate','Specifies that tax is applied at a lower rate than standard.',0),
(62,'S','Standard rate','',0),
(64,'00','Unspecified','Status is not specified (as distinct from unknown): the default if the <PublishingStatus> element is not sent. Also to be used in applications where the element is considered mandatory, but the sender of the ONIX message chooses not to pass on status information.',2),
(64,'01','Cancelled','The product was announced, and subsequently abandoned; the <PublicationDate> element must not be sent.',2),
(64,'02','Forthcoming','Not yet published, must be accompanied by expected date in <PublicationDate>.',2),
(64,'03','Postponed indefinitely','The product was announced, and subsequently postponed with no expected publication date; the <Publication Date> element (ONIX 2.1), or its equivalent as a date composite in ONIX 3.0, must not be sent.',2),
(64,'04','Active','The product was published, and is still active in the sense that the publisher will accept orders for it, though it may or may not be immediately available, for which see <SupplyDetail>.',2),
(64,'05','No longer our product','Ownership of the product has been transferred to another publisher (with details of acquiring publisher if possible in PR.19 (ONIX 2.1) OR P.19 (ONIX 3.0)).',2),
(64,'06','Out of stock indefinitely','The product was active, but is now inactive in the sense that (a) the publisher cannot fulfill orders for it, though stock may still be available elsewhere in the supply chain, and (b) there are no current plans to bring it back into stock. Use this code for ‘reprint under consideration’. Code 06 does not (specifically imply that returns are or are not still accepted.',9),
(64,'07','Out of print','The product was active, but is now permanently inactive in the sense that (a) the publisher will not accept orders for it, though stock may still be available elsewhere in the supply chain, and (b) the product will not be made available again under the same ISBN. Code 07 normally implies that the publisher will not (accept returns beyond a specified date.',2),
(64,'08','Inactive','The product was active, but is now permanently or indefinitely inactive in the sense that the publisher will not accept orders for it, though stock may still be available elsewhere in the supply chain. Code 08 covers both of codes 06 and 07, and may be used where the distinction between those values is either unnecessary or (meaningless.',2),
(64,'09','Unknown','The sender of the ONIX record does not know the current publishing status.',2),
(64,'10','Remaindered','The product is no longer available from the current publisher, under the current ISBN, at the current price. It may be available to be traded through another channel. A Publishing Status code 10 ‘Remaindered’ usually but not always means that the publisher has decided to sell off excess inventory of the book. Copies of books that are remaindered are often made available in the supply chain at a reduced price. However, such remainders are often sold under a product identifier that differs from the ISBN on the full-priced copy of the book. A Publishing Status code 10 ‘Remaindered’ on a given product record may or may not be followed by a Publishing Status code 06 ‘Out of Stock Indefinitely’ or 07 ‘Out of Print’: the practise varies from one publisher to another. Some publishers may revert to a Publishing Status code 04 “Active” if a desired inventory level on the product in question has subsequently been reached. No change in rights should ever be inferred from this (or any other) Publishing Status code (value.',3),
(64,'11','Withdrawn from sale','Withdrawn, typically for legal reasons or to avoid giving offence.',9),
(64,'12','Recalled','Recalled for reasons of consumer safety. Deprecated, use code 15 instead.',15),
(64,'15','Recalled','Recalled for reasons of consumer safety.',15),
(64,'16','Temporarily withdrawn from sale','Withdrawn temporarily, typically for quality or technical reasons. In ONIX 3.0, must be accompanied by expected availability date coded ‘22’ within the <PublishingDate> composite, except in exceptional circumstances where no date is known.',15),
(64,'17','Permanently withdrawn from sale','Withdrawn permanently from the market. Effectively synonymous with \'Out of print\' (code 07), but specific to downloadable and online digital products (where no ‘stock’ would remain in the supply chain).',21),
(65,'01','Cancelled','Cancelled: product was announced, and subsequently abandoned.',2),
(65,'10','Not yet available','Not yet available (requires <ExpectedShipDate>, except in exceptional circumstances where no date is known).',2),
(65,'11','Awaiting stock','Not yet available, but will be a stock item when available (requires <ExpectedShipDate>, except in exceptional circumstances where no date is known). Used particularly for imports which have been published in the country of origin but have not yet arrived in the importing country.',2),
(65,'12','Not yet available, will be POD','Not yet available, to be published as print-on-demand only. May apply either to a POD successor to an existing conventional edition, when the successor will be published under a different ISBN (normally because different trade terms apply); or to a title that is being published as a POD original.',5),
(65,'20','Available','Available from us (form of availability unspecified).',2),
(65,'21','In stock','Available from us as a stock item.',2),
(65,'22','To order','Available from us as a non-stock item, by special order.',2),
(65,'23','POD','Available from us by print-on-demand.',10),
(65,'30','Temporarily unavailable','Temporarily unavailable: temporarily unavailable from us (reason unspecified) (requires expected date, either as <ExpectedShipDate> (ONIX 2.1) or as <SupplyDate> with <SupplyDateRole> coded ‘08’ (ONIX 3.0), except in exceptional circumstances where no date is known).',2),
(65,'31','Out of stock','Stock item, temporarily out of stock (requires expected date, either as <ExpectedShipDate> (ONIX 2.1) or as <SupplyDate> with <SupplyDateRole> coded ‘08’ (ONIX 3.0), except in exceptional circumstances where no date is known).',2),
(65,'32','Reprinting','Temporarily unavailable, reprinting (requires expected date, either as <ExpectedShipDate> (ONIX 2.1) or as <SupplyDate> with <SupplyDateRole> coded ‘08’ (ONIX 3.0), except in exceptional circumstances where no date is known).',2),
(65,'33','Awaiting reissue','Temporarily unavailable, awaiting reissue (requires the <Reissue> composite, and expected date, either as <ExpectedShipDate> (ONIX 2.1) or as <SupplyDate> with <SupplyDateRole> coded ‘08’ (ONIX 3.0), except in exceptional circumstances where no date is known).',2),
(65,'34','Temporarily withdrawn from sale','May be for quality or technical reasons. Requires expected availability date, either as <ExpectedShipDate> (ONIX 2.1) or as <SupplyDate> with <SupplyDateRole> coded ‘08’ (ONIX 3.0), except in exceptional circumstances where no date is known.',15),
(65,'40','Not available (reason unspecified)','Not available from us (for any reason).',13),
(65,'41','Not available, replaced by new product','This product is unavailable, but a successor product or edition is or will be available from us (identify successor in <RelatedProduct>).',2),
(65,'42','Not available, other format available','This product is unavailable, but the same content is or will be available from us in an alternative format (identify other format product in <RelatedProduct>).',2),
(65,'43','No longer supplied by us','Identify new supplier in <NewSupplier> if possible.',2),
(65,'44','Apply direct','Not available to trade, apply direct to publisher.',2),
(65,'45','Not sold separately','Must be bought as part of a set (identify set in <RelatedProduct>).',2),
(65,'46','Withdrawn from sale','May be for legal reasons or to avoid giving offence.',2),
(65,'48','Not available, replaced by POD','Out of print, but a print-on-demand edition is or will be available under a different ISBN. Use only when the POD successor has a different ISBN, normally because different trade terms apply.',5),
(65,'49','Recalled','Recalled for reasons of consumer safety.',9),
(65,'50','Not sold as set','When a collection that is not sold as a set nevertheless has its own ONIX record.',10),
(65,'51','Not available, publisher indicates OP','This product is unavailable, no successor product or alternative format is available or planned. Use this code only when the publisher has indicated the product is out of print.',13),
(65,'52','Not available, publisher no longer sells product in this market','This product is unavailable in this market, no successor product or alternative format is available or planned. Use this code when a publisher has indicated the product is permanently unavailable (in this market) while remaining available elsewhere.',13),
(65,'97','No recent update received','Sender has not received any recent update for this product from the publisher/supplier (for use when the sender is a data aggregator): the definition of “recent” must be specified by the aggregator, or by agreement between parties to an exchange.',11),
(65,'98','No longer receiving updates','Sender is no longer receiving any updates from the publisher/supplier of this product (for use when the sender is a data aggregator).',11),
(65,'99','Contact supplier','Availability not known to sender.',9),
(66,'N','No, not returnable','',2),
(66,'Y','Yes, returnable, full copies only','',2),
(66,'S','Yes, returnable, stripped cover','',2),
(66,'C','Conditional','Contact publisher for requirements and/or authorization.',2),
(67,'01','Publication date','The nominal date of publication in this market. If there is a strict embargo on retail sales before the expected date, it should be specified separately as an embargo date.',9),
(67,'02','Embargo date','If there is an embargo on retail sales in this market before a certain date, the date from which the embargo is lifted and retail sales are permitted.',9),
(68,'00','Unspecified','Status is not specified (as distinct from unknown): the default if the <MarketPublishingStatus> element is not sent.',3),
(68,'01','Cancelled','The product was announced for publication in this market, and subsequently abandoned.',3),
(68,'02','Forthcoming','Not yet published in this market, should be accompanied by expected local publication date..',3),
(68,'03','Postponed indefinitely','The product was announced for publication in this market, and subsequently postponed with no expected local publication date.',3),
(68,'04','Active','The product was published in this market, and is still active in the sense that the publisher will accept orders for it, though it may or may not be immediately available, for which see <SupplyDetail>.',3),
(68,'05','No longer our product','Responsibility for the product in this market has been transferred elsewhere.',3),
(68,'06','Out of stock indefinitely','The product was active, but is now inactive in the sense that (a) no further stock is expected to be made available in this market, though stock may still be available elsewhere in the supply chain, and (b) there are no current plans to bring it back into stock.',3),
(68,'07','Out of print','The product was active, but is now permanently inactive in the sense that (a) no further stock is expected to be made available in this market, though stock may still be available elsewhere in the supply chain, and (b) the product will not be made available again under the same ISBN.',3),
(68,'08','Inactive','The product was active, but is now permanently or indefinitely inactive in the sense that no further stock is expected to be made available in this market, though stock may still be available elsewhere in the supply chain. Code 08 covers both of codes 06 and 07, and may be used where the distinction between those values is (either unnecessary or meaningless.',3),
(68,'09','Unknown','The sender of the ONIX record does not know the current publishing status in this market.',3),
(68,'10','Remaindered','The product is no longer available in this market from the local publisher, under the current ISBN, at the current price. It may be available to be traded through another channel, usually at a reduced price.',3),
(68,'11','Withdrawn from sale','Withdrawn from sale in this market, typically for legal reasons.',3),
(68,'12','Not available in this market','Either no rights are held for the product in this market, or for other reasons the publisher has decided not to make it available in this market.',3),
(68,'13','Active, but not sold separately','The product is published in this market and active but, as a publishing decision, it is not sold separately – only in an assembly or as part of a package.',3),
(68,'14','Active, with market restrictions','The product is published in this market and active, but is not available to all customer types, typically because the market is split between exclusive sales agents for different market segments. In ONIX 2.1, should be accompanied by a free-text statement in <MarketRestrictionDetail> describing the (nature of the restriction. In ONIX 3.0, the <SalesRestriction> composite in Group P.24 should be used.',3),
(68,'15','Recalled','Recalled in this market for reasons of consumer safety.',15),
(68,'16','Temporarily withdrawn from sale','Temporarily withdrawn from sale in this market, typically for quality or technical reasons. In ONIX 3.0, must be accompanied by expected availability date coded ‘22’ within the <MarketPublishingDate> composite, except in exceptional circumstances where no date is known.',15),
(69,'05','Exclusive sales agent','Publisher’s exclusive sales agent in a specified territory.',3),
(69,'06','Non-exclusive sales agent','Publisher’s non-exclusive sales agent in a specified territory.',3),
(69,'07','Local publisher','Publisher for a specified territory.',3),
(69,'08','Sales agent','Publisher’s sales agent in a specific territory. Use only where exclusive / non-exclusive status is not known. Prefer 05 or 06 as appropriate, where possible.',7),
(70,'02','APA stock quantity code','Code scheme defined by the Australian Publishers Association.',6),
(71,'00','Unspecified – see text','Restriction must be described in <SalesRestrictionDetail> (ONIX 2.1) or <SalesRestrictionNote> (ONIX 3.0).',1),
(71,'01','Retailer exclusive / own brand','For sale only through designated retailer. Retailer must be identified or named in an instance of the <SalesOutlet> composite. Use only when it is not possible to assign the more explicit code 04 or 05.',6),
(71,'02','Office supplies edition','For editions sold only though office supplies wholesalers. Retailer(s) and/or distributor(s) may be identified or named in an instance of the <SalesOutlet> composite.',1),
(71,'03','Internal publisher use only: do not list','For an ISBN that is assigned for a publisher’s internal purposes.',1),
(71,'04','Retailer exclusive','For sale only through designated retailer, though not under retailer’s own brand/imprint. Retailer must be identified or named in an instance of the <SalesOutlet> composite.',6),
(71,'05','Retailer own brand','For sale only through designated retailer under retailer’s own brand/imprint. Retailer must be identified or named in an instance of the <SalesOutlet> composite.',6),
(71,'06','Library edition','For sale to libraries only; not for sale through retail trade.',6),
(71,'07','Schools only edition','For sale directly to schools only; not for sale through retail trade.',8),
(71,'08','Indiziert','Indexed for the German market – in Deutschland indiziert.',9),
(71,'09','Not for sale to libraries','Expected to apply in particular to digital products for consumer sale where the publisher does not permit the product to be supplied to libraries who provide an ebook loan service.',11),
(71,'10','News outlet edition','For editions sold only through newsstands/newsagents.',14),
(72,'01','Habilitationsschrift','Professorial dissertation (thesis for postdoctoral lecturing qualification).',1),
(72,'02','Dissertationsschrift','Doctoral thesis.',1),
(72,'03','Staatsexamensarbeit','State examination thesis.',1),
(72,'04','Magisterarbeit','Magisters degree thesis.',9),
(72,'05','Diplomarbeit','Diploma degree thesis.',9),
(72,'06','Bachelorarbeit','Bachelors degree thesis.',9),
(72,'07','Masterarbeit','Masters degree thesis.',9),
(73,'00','Unspecified, see website description','',5),
(73,'01','Publisher’s corporate website','See also codes 17 and 18.',5),
(73,'02','Publisher’s website for a specified work','A publisher’s informative and/or promotional webpage relating to a specified work (book, journal, online resource or other publication type).',5),
(73,'03','Online hosting service home page','A webpage giving access to an online content hosting service as a whole.',5),
(73,'04','Journal home page','A webpage giving general information about a serial, in print or electronic format or both.',5),
(73,'05','Online resource ‘available content’ page','A webpage giving direct access to the content that is available online for a specified resource version. Generally used for content available online under subscription terms.',14),
(73,'06','Contributor’s own website','A webpage maintained by an author or other contributor about her/his publications and personal background.',5),
(73,'07','Publisher’s website relating to specified contributor','A publisher’s webpage devoted to a specific author or other contributor.',5),
(73,'08','Other publisher’s website relating to specified contributor','A webpage devoted to a specific author or other contributor, and maintained by a publisher other than the publisher of the item described in the ONIX record.',5),
(73,'09','Third-party website relating to specified contributor','A webpage devoted to a specific author or other contributor, and maintained by a third party (eg a fan site).',5),
(73,'10','Contributor’s own website for specified work','A webpage maintained by an author or other contributor and specific to an individual work.',5),
(73,'11','Other publisher’s website relating to specified work','A webpage devoted to an individual work, and maintained by a publisher other than the publisher of the item described in the ONIX record.',5),
(73,'12','Third-party website relating to specified work','A webpage devoted to an individual work, and maintained by a third party (eg a fan site).',5),
(73,'13','Contributor’s own website for group or series of works','A webpage maintained by an author or other contributor and specific to a group or series of works.',5),
(73,'14','Publisher’s website relating to group or series of works','A publisher’s webpage devoted to a group or series of works.',5),
(73,'15','Other publisher’s website relating to group or series of works','A webpage devoted to a group or series of works, and maintained by a publisher other than the publisher of the item described in the ONIX record.',5),
(73,'16','Third-party website relating to group or series of works (eg a fan site)','A webpage devoted to a group or series of works, and maintained by a third party (eg a fan site).',5),
(73,'17','Publisher’s B2B website','Use instead of code 01 to specify a publisher’s website for trade users.',5),
(73,'18','Publisher’s B2C website','Use instead of code 01 to specify a publisher’s website for end customers (consumers).',5),
(73,'23','Author blog','For example, a Blogger or Tumblr URL, a Wordpress website or other blog URL.',16),
(73,'24','Web page for author presentation / commentary','',8),
(73,'25','Web page for author interview','',8),
(73,'26','Web page for author reading','',8),
(73,'27','Web page for cover material','',8),
(73,'28','Web page for sample content','',8),
(73,'29','Web page for full content','Use this value in the <Website> composite in <SupplyDetail> when sending a link to a webpage at which a digital product is available for download and/or online access.',11),
(73,'30','Web page for other commentary / discussion','',8),
(73,'31','Transfer-URL','URL needed by the German National Library for direct access, harvesting and storage of an electronic resource.',9),
(73,'32','DOI Website Link','Link needed by German Books in Print (VLB) for DOI registration and ONIX DOI conversion.',9),
(73,'33','Supplier’s corporate website','A corporate website operated by a distributor or other supplier (not the publisher).',10),
(73,'34','Supplier’s B2B website','A website operated by a distributor or other supplier (not the publisher) and aimed at trade customers.',10),
(73,'35','Supplier’s B2C website','A website operated by a distributor or other supplier (not the publisher) and aimed at consumers.',10),
(73,'36','Supplier’s website for a specified work','A distributor or supplier’s webpage describing a specified work.',10),
(73,'37','Supplier’s B2B website for a specified work','A distributor or supplier’s webpage describing a specified work, and aimed at trade customers.',10),
(73,'38','Supplier’s B2C website for a specified work','A distributor or supplier’s webpage describing a specified work, and aimed at consumers.',10),
(73,'39','Supplier’s website for a group or series of works','A distributor or supplier’s webpage describing a group or series of works.',10),
(73,'40','URL of full metadata description','For example an ONIX or MARC record for the product, available online.',14),
(73,'41','Social networking URL for specific work or product','For example, a Facebook, Google+ or Twitter URL for the product or work.',16),
(73,'42','Author’s social networking URL','For example, a Facebook, Google+ or Twitter page.',16),
(73,'43','Publisher’s social networking URL','For example, a Facebook, Google+ or Twitter page.',16),
(73,'44','Social networking URL for specific article, chapter or content item','For example, a Facebook, Google+ or Twitter page. Use only in the context of a specific content item (eg within <ContentItem>).',17),
(74,'afa','Afro-Asiatic languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'afh','Afrihili','Artificial language.',0),
(74,'alg','Algonquian languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'alt','Southern Altai','',5),
(74,'ang','English, Old (ca. 450-1100)','',0),
(74,'apa','Apache languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'arc','Official Aramaic; Imperial Aramaic (700-300 BCE)','',0),
(74,'arn','Mapudungun; Mapuche','',0),
(74,'art','Artificial languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'ast','Asturian; Bable; Leonese; Asturleonese','',0),
(74,'ath','Athapascan languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'aus','Australian languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'bad','Banda languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'bai','Bamileke languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'bat','Baltic languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'bej','Beja; Bedawiyet','',0),
(74,'ber','Berber languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'bih','Bihari languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'bin','Bini; Edo','',0),
(74,'bnt','Bantu languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'btk','Batak languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'byn','Blin; Bilin','',4),
(74,'cai','Central American Indian languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'car','Galibi Carib','',0),
(74,'cau','Caucasian languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'cel','Celtic languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'chk','Chuukese (Truk)','',0),
(74,'chn','Chinook jargon','',0),
(74,'chp','Chipewyan; Dene Suline','',0),
(74,'chu','Church Slavic; Old Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church Slavonic','',0),
(74,'cmc','Chamic languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'cpe','Creoles and pidgins, English-based','Collective name.',0),
(74,'cpf','Creoles and pidgins, French-based','Collective name.',0),
(74,'cpp','Creoles and pidgins, Portuguese-based','Collective name.',0),
(74,'crh','Crimean Turkish; Crimean Tatar','',0),
(74,'crp','Creoles and pidgins','Collective name.',0),
(74,'cus','Cushitic languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'day','Land Dayak languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'den','Slave (Athapascan)','',0),
(74,'div','Divehi; Dhivehi; Maldivian','',0),
(74,'dra','Dravidian languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'dsb','Lower Sorbian','',4),
(74,'dum','Dutch, Middle (ca. 1050-1350)','',0),
(74,'dut','Dutch; Flemish','',0),
(74,'egy','Egyptian (Ancient)','',0),
(74,'enm','English, Middle (1100-1500)','',0),
(74,'epo','Esperanto','Artificial language.',0),
(74,'fil','Filipino; Pilipino','',4),
(74,'fiu','Finno-Ugrian languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'frm','French, Middle (ca. 1400-1600)','',0),
(74,'fro','French, Old (ca. 842-1400)','',0),
(74,'frr','Northern Frisian','',7),
(74,'frs','Eastern Frisian','',7),
(74,'fry','Western Frisian','',7),
(74,'gem','Germanic languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'gez','Ethiopic (Ge’ez)','',0),
(74,'gla','Scottish Gaelic','',0),
(74,'gmh','German, Middle High (ca. 1050-1500)','',0),
(74,'goh','German, Old High (ca. 750-1050)','',0),
(74,'grc','Greek, Ancient (to 1453)','',0),
(74,'gre','Greek, Modern (1453-)','',0),
(74,'gsw','Swiss German; Alemannic','',7),
(74,'hat','Haitian French Creole','',0),
(74,'him','Himachali languages; Western Pahari languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'hmn','Hmong; Mong','',0),
(74,'hmo','Hiri Motu','',0),
(74,'hsb','Upper Sorbian','',4),
(74,'ido','Ido','Artificial language.',0),
(74,'iii','Sichuan Yi; Nuosu','',0),
(74,'ijo','Ijo languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'ile','Interlingue; Occidental','Artificial language.',0),
(74,'ina','Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)','Artificial language.',0),
(74,'inc','Indic languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'ine','Indo-European languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'ira','Iranian languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'iro','Iroquoian languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'kac','Kachin; Jingpho','',0),
(74,'kal','Kalâtdlisut; Greenlandic','',0),
(74,'kar','Karen languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'kbd','Kabardian (Circassian)','',0),
(74,'khi','Khoisan languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'khm','Central Khmer','',0),
(74,'kho','Khotanese; Sakan','',0),
(74,'kik','Kikuyu; Gikuyu','',0),
(74,'kir','Kirghiz; Kyrgyz','',0),
(74,'kos','Kusaiean (Caroline Islands)','',0),
(74,'kro','Kru languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'ltz','Luxembourgish; Letzeburgesch','',0),
(74,'luo','Luo (Kenya and Tanzania)','',0),
(74,'map','Austronesian languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'mga','Irish, Middle (ca. 1100-1550)','',0),
(74,'mic','Mi’kmaq; Micmac','',0),
(74,'mis','Uncoded languages','',0),
(74,'mkh','Mon-Khmer languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'mno','Manobo languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'mol','Moldavian; Moldovan','DEPRECATED – use rum.',10),
(74,'mos','Mooré; Mossi','',0),
(74,'mul','Multiple languages','',0),
(74,'mun','Munda languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'myn','Mayan languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'nah','Nahuatl languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'nai','North American Indian languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'nbl','Ndebele, South','',0),
(74,'nde','Ndebele, North','',0),
(74,'nds','Low German; Low Saxon','',0),
(74,'new','Newari; Nepal Bhasa','',0),
(74,'nic','Niger-Kordofanian languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'nno','Norwegian Nynorsk','',5),
(74,'nob','Norwegian Bokmål','',5),
(74,'non','Old Norse','',0),
(74,'nso','Pedi; Sepedi; Northern Sotho','',0),
(74,'nub','Nubian languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'nwc','Classical Newari; Old Newari; Classical Nepal Bhasa','',4),
(74,'nya','Chichewa; Chewa; Nyanja','',0),
(74,'oci','Occitan (post 1500)','',0),
(74,'oss','Ossetian; Ossetic','',0),
(74,'ota','Turkish, Ottoman','',0),
(74,'oto','Otomian languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'paa','Papuan languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'pam','Pampanga; Kapampangan','',0),
(74,'peo','Old Persian (ca. 600-400 B.C.)','',0),
(74,'phi','Philippine languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'pra','Prakrit languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'pro','Provençal, Old (to 1500); Occitan, Old (to 1500)','',0),
(74,'pus','Pushto; Pashto','',0),
(74,'qar','Aranés','ONIX local code.',6),
(74,'qav','Valencian','ONIX local code.',5),
(74,'rar','Rarotongan; Cook Islands Maori','',0),
(74,'roa','Romance languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'rup','Aromanian; Arumanian; Macedo-Romanian','',5),
(74,'sai','South American Indian languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'sal','Salishan languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'sam','Samaritan Aramaic','',0),
(74,'scc','Serbian','DEPRECATED – use srp.',10),
(74,'sco','Scots (lallans)','',0),
(74,'scr','Croatian','DEPRECATED – use hrv.',10),
(74,'sem','Semitic languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'sga','Irish, Old (to 1100)','',0),
(74,'sgn','Sign languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'sin','Sinhala; Sinhalese','',0),
(74,'sio','Siouan languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'sit','Sino-Tibetan languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'sla','Slavic languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'sma','Southern Sami','',0),
(74,'sme','Northern Sami','',0),
(74,'smi','Sami languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'smj','Lule Sami','',0),
(74,'smn','Inari Sami','',0),
(74,'sms','Skolt Sami','',0),
(74,'son','Songhai languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'sot','Sotho; Sesotho','',0),
(74,'srn','Sranan Tongo','',7),
(74,'ssa','Nilo-Saharan languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'ssw','Swazi; Swati','',0),
(74,'syc','Classical Syriac','',8),
(74,'tai','Tai languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'tem','Temne; Time','',0),
(74,'tlh','Klingon; tlhIngan-Hol','Artificial language.',4),
(74,'tog','Tonga (Nyasa)','',0),
(74,'tpi','Tok Pisin','',0),
(74,'tsn','Tswana','AKA Setswana.',0),
(74,'tup','Tupi languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'tut','Altaic languages','',0),
(74,'uig','Uighur; Uyghur','',0),
(74,'und','Undetermined language','',0),
(74,'vol','Volapük','Artificial language.',0),
(74,'wak','Wakashan languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'wal','Wolaitta; Wolaytta','',0),
(74,'wen','Sorbian languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'ypk','Yupik languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'zbl','Blissymbols; Blissymbolics; Bliss','Artificial language.',8),
(74,'zha','Zhuang; Chuang','',0),
(74,'znd','Zande languages','Collective name.',0),
(74,'zxx','No linguistic content','',10),
(74,'zza','Zaza; Dimili; Dimli; Kirdki; Kirmanjki; Zazaki','',7),
(75,'007','Date of birth','',1),
(75,'008','Date of death','',1),
(76,'0','All regions','DVD or Blu-Ray.',8),
(76,'1','DVD region 1','US, US Territories, Canada.',2),
(76,'2','DVD region 2','Japan, Europe, South Africa and Middle East (including Egypt).',8),
(76,'3','DVD region 3','Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea, and Taiwan.',8),
(76,'4','DVD region 4','Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Central America, Mexico, South America and the Caribbean.',2),
(76,'5','DVD region 5','Eastern Europe (former Soviet Union), Indian subcontinent, Africa, North Korea and Mongolia.',2),
(76,'6','DVD region 6','People’s Republic of China (except Macau and Hong Kong).',8),
(76,'7','DVD region 7','Reserved for future use.',8),
(76,'8','DVD region 8','International venues: aircraft, cruise ships etc.',8),
(76,'A','Blu-Ray region A','North America, Central America, South America, Japan, Taiwan, North Korea, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia.',8),
(76,'B','Blu-Ray region B','Most of Europe, Greenland, French territories, Middle East, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, plus all of Oceania.',8),
(76,'C','Blu-Ray region C','India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Mainland China, Pakistan, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Central, and South Asia.',8),
(77,'P','Preschool','Age typically 0-4 years.',1),
(77,'K','Kindergarten','Age typically 5 years.',1),
(77,'1','First Grade','Age typically 6 years.',1),
(77,'2','Second Grade','Age typically 7 years.',1),
(77,'3','Third Grade','Age typically 8 years.',1),
(77,'4','Fourth Grade','Age typically 9 years.',1),
(77,'5','Fifth Grade','Age typically 10 years.',1),
(77,'6','Sixth Grade','Age typically 11 years.',1),
(77,'7','Seventh Grade','Age typically 12 years.',1),
(77,'8','Eighth Grade','Age typically 13 years.',1),
(77,'9','Ninth Grade','High School Freshman – age typically 14 years.',1),
(77,'10','Tenth Grade','High School Sophomore – age typically 15 years.',1),
(77,'11','Eleventh Grade','High School Junior – age typically 16 years.',1),
(77,'12','Twelfth Grade','High School Senior – age typically 17 years.',1),
(77,'13','College Freshman','Age typically 18 years.',1),
(77,'14','College Sophomore','Age typically 19 years.',1),
(77,'15','College Junior','Age typically 20 years.',1),
(77,'16','College Senior','Age typically 21 years.',1),
(77,'17','College Graduate Student','Age typically 22+ years.',1),
(78,'A101','CD standard audio format','CD ‘red book’ format.',2),
(78,'A102','SACD super audio format','',2),
(78,'A103','MP3 format','MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer III file.',2),
(78,'A104','WAV format','Waveform audio file.',2),
(78,'A105','Real Audio format','',2),
(78,'A106','WMA','Windows Media Audio format.',9),
(78,'A107','AAC','Advanced Audio Coding format.',9),
(78,'A108','Ogg/Vorbis','Vorbis audio format in the Ogg container.',9),
(78,'A109','Audible','Audio format proprietary to',9),
(78,'A110','FLAC','Free lossless audio codec.',9),
(78,'A111','AIFF','Audio Interchangeable File Format.',9),
(78,'A112','ALAC','Apple Lossless Audio Codec.',9),
(78,'A201','DAISY 2: full audio with title only (no navigation)','Deprecated, as does not meet DAISY 2 standard. Use conventional audiobook codes instead.',13),
(78,'A202','DAISY 2: full audio with navigation (no text)','',13),
(78,'A203','DAISY 2: full audio with navigation and partial text','',8),
(78,'A204','DAISY 2: full audio with navigation and full text','',13),
(78,'A205','DAISY 2: full text with navigation and partial audio','Reading systems may provide full audio via text-to-speech.',13),
(78,'A206','DAISY 2: full text with navigation and no audio','Reading systems may provide full audio via text-to-speech.',13),
(78,'A207','DAISY 3: full audio with title only (no navigation)','Deprecated, as does not meet DAISY 3 standard. Use conventional audiobook codes instead.',13),
(78,'A208','DAISY 3: full audio with navigation (no text)','',13),
(78,'A209','DAISY 3: full audio with navigation and partial text','',8),
(78,'A210','DAISY 3: full audio with navigation and full text','',13),
(78,'A211','DAISY 3: full text with navigation and some audio','Reading systems may provide full audio via text-to-speech.',13),
(78,'A212','DAISY 3: full text with navigation (no audio)','Reading systems may provide full audio via text-to-speech.',13),
(78,'A301','Standalone audio','',15),
(78,'A302','Readalong audio','Audio intended exclusively for use alongside a printed copy of the book. Most often a children’s product. Normally contains instructions such as “turn the page now” and other references to the printed item, and is usually sold packaged together with a printed copy.',15),
(78,'A303','Playalong audio','Audio intended for musical accompaniment, eg ‘Music minus one’, etc, often used for music learning. Includes singalong backing audio for musical learning or for Karaoke-style entertainment.',15),
(78,'A304','Speakalong audio','Audio intended for language learning, which includes speech plus gaps intended to be filled by the listener.',15),
(78,'B101','Mass market (rack) paperback','In North America, a category of paperback characterized partly by page size (typically 4¼ x 7 1/8 inches) and partly by target market and terms of trade. Use with Product Form code BC.',2),
(78,'B102','Trade paperback (US)','In North America, a category of paperback characterized partly by page size and partly by target market and terms of trade. AKA ‘quality paperback’, and including textbooks. Most paperback books sold in North America except ‘mass-market’ (B101) and ‘tall rack’ (B107) are correctly described with this code. Use (with Product Form code BC.',2),
(78,'B103','Digest format paperback','In North America, a category of paperback characterized by page size and generally used for children’s books; use with Product Form code BC. Note: was wrongly shown as B102 (duplicate entry) in Issue 3.',4),
(78,'B104','A-format paperback','In UK, a category of paperback characterized by page size (normally 178 x 111 mm approx); use with Product Form code BC.',2),
(78,'B105','B-format paperback','In UK, a category of paperback characterized by page size (normally 198 x 129 mm approx); use with Product Form code BC.',2),
(78,'B106','Trade paperback (UK)','In UK, a category of paperback characterized partly by size (usually in traditional hardback dimensions), and often used for paperback originals; use with Product Form code BC (replaces ‘C-format’ from former List 8).',2),
(78,'B107','Tall rack paperback (US)','In North America, a category of paperback characterised partly by page size and partly by target market and terms of trade; use with Product Form code BC.',4),
(78,'B108','A5 size Tankobon','210x148mm.',17),
(78,'B109','JIS B5 size Tankobon','Japanese B-series size, 257x182mm.',17),
(78,'B110','JIS B6 size Tankobon','Japanese B-series size, 182x128mm.',17),
(78,'B111','A6 size Bunko','148x105mm.',17),
(78,'B112','B40-dori Shinsho','Japanese format, 182x103mm or 173x105mm.',17),
(78,'B113','Pocket (Sweden)','A Swedish paperback format, use with Product Form Code BC.',7),
(78,'B114','Storpocket (Sweden)','A Swedish paperback format, use with Product Form Code BC.',7),
(78,'B115','Kartonnage (Sweden)','A Swedish hardback format, use with Product Form Code BB.',7),
(78,'B116','Flexband (Sweden)','A Swedish softback format, use with Product Form Code BC.',7),
(78,'B117','Mook','In Japan, a softback book in the format of a magazine but sold like a book.',11),
(78,'B118','Dwarsligger','Also called ‘Flipback’. A softback book in a specially compact proprietary format with pages printed in landscape on very thin paper and bound along the long (top) edge – see',14),
(78,'B119','46 size','Japanese format: 188x127mm.',12),
(78,'B120','46-Henkei size','Japanese format.',12),
(78,'B122','A4-Henkei size','Japanese format.',12),
(78,'B123','A5-Henkei size','Japanese format.',12),
(78,'B124','B5-Henkei size','Japanese format.',12),
(78,'B125','B6-Henkei size','Japanese format.',12),
(78,'B126','AB size','257x210mm.',12),
(78,'B127','JIS B7 size','Japanese B-series size, 128x91mm.',17),
(78,'B128','Kiku size','Japanese format, 218x152mm or 227x152mm.',17),
(78,'B129','Kiku-Henkei size','Japanese format.',12),
(78,'B130','JIS B4 size','Japanese B-series size, 364x257mm.',17),
(78,'B201','Coloring / join-the-dot book','',2),
(78,'B202','Lift-the-flap book','',2),
(78,'B203','Fuzzy book','DEPRECATED because of ambiguity – use B210, B214 or B215 as appropriate.',10),
(78,'B204','Miniature book','Note: was wrongly shown as B203 (duplicate entry) in Issue 3.',4),
(78,'B205','Moving picture / flicker book','',2),
(78,'B206','Pop-up book','',2),
(78,'B207','Scented / ‘smelly’ book','',2),
(78,'B208','Sound story / ‘noisy’ book','',2),
(78,'B209','Sticker book','',2),
(78,'B210','Touch-and-feel book','A book whose pages have a variety of textured inserts designed to stimulate tactile exploration: see also B214 and B215.',10),
(78,'B211','Toy / die-cut book','DEPRECATED – use B212 or B213 as appropriate.',10),
(78,'B212','Die-cut book','A book which is cut into a distinctive non-rectilinear shape and/or in which holes or shapes have been cut internally. (‘Die-cut’ is used here as a convenient shorthand, and does not imply strict limitation to a particular production process.).',10),
(78,'B213','Book-as-toy','A book which is also a toy, or which incorporates a toy as an integral part. (Do not, however, use B213 for a multiple-item product which includes a book and a toy as separate items.).',10),
(78,'B214','Soft-to-touch book','A book whose cover has a soft textured finish, typically over board.',10),
(78,'B215','Fuzzy-felt book','A book with detachable felt pieces and textured pages on which they can be arranged.',10),
(78,'B221','Picture book','Children’s picture book: use with applicable Product Form code.',2),
(78,'B222','‘Carousel’ book','(aka ‘Star’ book). Tax treatment of products may differ from that of products with similar codes such as Book as toy or Pop-up book).',12),
(78,'B301','Loose leaf – sheets and binder','Use with Product Form code BD.',2),
(78,'B302','Loose leaf – binder only','Use with Product Form code BD.',2),
(78,'B303','Loose leaf – sheets only','Use with Product Form code BD.',2),
(78,'B304','Sewn','AKA stitched; for ‘saddle-sewn’, see code B310.',2),
(78,'B305','Unsewn / adhesive bound','Including ‘perfect bound’, ‘glued’.',3),
(78,'B306','Library binding','Strengthened binding intended for libraries.',2),
(78,'B307','Reinforced binding','Strengthened binding, not specifically intended for libraries.',2),
(78,'B308','Half bound','Must be accompanied by a code specifiying a material, eg ‘half-bound real leather’.',2),
(78,'B309','Quarter bound','Must be accompanied by a code specifiying a material, eg ‘quarter bound real leather’.',2),
(78,'B310','Saddle-sewn','AKA ‘saddle-stitched’ or ‘wire-stitched’.',3),
(78,'B311','Comb bound','Round or oval plastic forms in a clamp-like configuration: use with Product Form code BE.',6),
(78,'B312','Wire-O','Twin loop metal or plastic spine: use with Product Form code BE.',6),
(78,'B313','Concealed wire','Cased over Wire-O binding: use with Product Form code BE.',6),
(78,'B401','Cloth over boards','AKA fabric, linen over boards.',2),
(78,'B402','Paper over boards','',2),
(78,'B403','Leather, real','',2),
(78,'B404','Leather, imitation','',2),
(78,'B405','Leather, bonded','',2),
(78,'B407','Plastic','DEPRECATED – use new B412 or B413 as appropriate.',8),
(78,'B408','Vinyl','DEPRECATED – use new B412 or B414 as appropriate.',8),
(78,'B409','Cloth','Cloth, not necessarily over boards – cf B401.',6),
(78,'B410','Imitation cloth','Spanish ‘simil-tela’.',6),
(78,'B412','Flexible plastic/vinyl cover','AKA ‘flexibound’: use with Product Form code BC.',8),
(78,'B415','Laminated cover','Book, laminating material unspecified: use L101 for ‘whole product laminated’, eg a laminated sheet map or wallchart.',8),
(78,'B501','With dust jacket','Type unspecified.',2),
(78,'B502','With printed dust jacket','Used to distinguish from B503.',2),
(78,'B503','With translucent dust cover','With translucent paper or plastic protective cover.',2),
(78,'B504','With flaps','For paperback with flaps.',2),
(78,'B505','With thumb index','',2),
(78,'B506','With ribbon marker(s)','If the number of markers is significant, it can be stated as free text in <ProductFormDescription>.',2),
(78,'B507','With zip fastener','',2),
(78,'B508','With button snap fastener','',2),
(78,'B509','With leather edge lining','AKA yapp edge?.',2),
(78,'B510','Rough front','With edge trimming such that the front edge is ragged, not neatly and squarely trimmed: AKA deckle edge, feather edge, uncut edge, rough cut.',11),
(78,'B601','Turn-around book','A book in which half the content is printed upside-down, to be read the other way round.',7),
(78,'B602','Unflipped manga format','Manga with pages and panels in the sequence of the original Japanese, but with Western text.',8),
(78,'B701','UK Uncontracted Braille','Single letters only. Was formerly identified as UK Braille Grade 1.',12),
(78,'B702','UK Contracted Braille','With some letter combinations. Was formerly identified as UK Braille Grade 2.',12),
(78,'B703','US Braille','DEPRECATED- use B704/B705 as appropriate instead.',12),
(78,'B704','US Uncontracted Braille','',12),
(78,'B705','US Contracted Braille','',12),
(78,'B706','Unified English Braille','',12),
(78,'B707','Moon','Moon embossed alphabet, used by some print-impaired readers who have difficulties with Braille.',13),
(78,'D101','Real Video format','Includes RealVideo packaged within a .rm RealMedia container.',18),
(78,'D102','Quicktime format','',2),
(78,'D103','AVI format','',2),
(78,'D104','Windows Media Video format','',9),
(78,'D201','MS-DOS','Use with an applicable Product Form code D*; note that more detail of operating system requirements can be given in a Product Form Feature composite.',2),
(78,'D202','Windows','Use with an applicable Product Form code D*; see note on D201.',2),
(78,'D203','Macintosh','Use with an applicable Product Form code D*; see note on D201.',2),
(78,'D204','UNIX / LINUX','Use with an applicable Product Form code D*; see note on D201.',2),
(78,'D205','Other operating system(s)','Use with an applicable Product Form code D*; see note on D201.',2),
(78,'D206','Palm OS','Use with an applicable Product Form code D*; see note on D201.',6),
(78,'D207','Windows Mobile','Use with an applicable Product Form code D*; see note on D201.',6),
(78,'D301','Microsoft XBox','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(78,'D302','Nintendo Gameboy Color','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(78,'D303','Nintendo Gameboy Advanced','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(78,'D304','Nintendo Gameboy','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(78,'D305','Nintendo Gamecube','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(78,'D306','Nintendo 64','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(78,'D307','Sega Dreamcast','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(78,'D308','Sega Genesis/Megadrive','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(78,'D309','Sega Saturn','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(78,'D310','Sony PlayStation 1','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(78,'D311','Sony PlayStation 2','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(78,'D312','Nintendo Dual Screen','',6),
(78,'D313','Sony PlayStation 3','',7),
(78,'D314','Xbox 360','',7),
(78,'D315','Nintendo Wii','',7),
(78,'D316','Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP)','',7),
(78,'E200','Reflowable','Use where a particular e-publication type (specified in <EpubType>) has both reflowable and fixed-format variants.',15),
(78,'E201','Fixed format','Use where a particular e-publication type (specified in <EpubType>) has both reflowable and fixed-format variants.',15),
(78,'E202','Readable offline','All e-publication resources are included within the e-publication package.',15),
(78,'E203','Requires network connection','E-publication requires a network connection to access some resources (eg an enhanced e-book where video clips are not stored within the e-publication ‘package’ itself, but are delivered via an internet connection).',15),
(78,'E204','Content removed','Resources (eg images) present in other editions have been removed from this product, eg due to rights issues.',19),
(78,'L101','Laminated','Whole product laminated (eg laminated map, fold-out chart, wallchart, etc): use B415 for book with laminated cover.',8),
(78,'P101','Desk calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',2),
(78,'P102','Mini calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',2),
(78,'P103','Engagement calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',2),
(78,'P104','Day by day calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',2),
(78,'P105','Poster calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',2),
(78,'P106','Wall calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',2),
(78,'P107','Perpetual calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',6),
(78,'P108','Advent calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',6),
(78,'P109','Bookmark calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',8),
(78,'P110','Student calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',8),
(78,'P111','Project calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',8),
(78,'P112','Almanac calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',8),
(78,'P113','Other calendar','A calendar that is not one of the types specified elsewhere: use with Product Form code PC.',8),
(78,'P114','Other calendar or organiser product','A product that is associated with or ancillary to a calendar or organiser, eg a deskstand for a calendar, or an insert for an organiser: use with Product Form code PC or PS.',8),
(78,'P201','Hardback (stationery)','Stationery item in hardback book format.',10),
(78,'P202','Paperback / softback (stationery)','Stationery item in paperback/softback book format.',10),
(78,'P203','Spiral bound (stationery)','Stationery item in spiral-bound book format.',10),
(78,'P204','Leather / fine binding (stationery)','Stationery item in leather-bound book format, or other fine binding.',10),
(78,'V201','PAL','TV standard for video or DVD.',2),
(78,'V202','NTSC','TV standard for video or DVD.',2),
(78,'V203','SECAM','TV standard for video or DVD.',2),
(79,'01','Color of cover','For Product Form Feature values see code list 98.',1),
(79,'02','Color of page edge','For Product Form Feature values see code list 98.',1),
(79,'03','Text font','The principal font used for body text, when this is a significant aspect of product description, eg for some Bibles, and for large print product. The accompanying Product Form Feature Description is text specifying font size and, if desired, typeface.',14),
(79,'04','Special cover material','For Product Form Feature values see code list 99.',1),
(79,'05','DVD region','For Product Form Feature values see code list 76.',2),
(79,'06','Operating system requirements','A computer or handheld device operating system required to use a digital product, with version detail if applicable. The accompanying Product Form Feature Value is a code from List 176. Version detail, when applicable, is carried in Product Form Feature Description.',10),
(79,'07','Other system requirements','Other system requirements for a digital product, described by free text in Product Form Feature Description.',10),
(79,'08','‘Point and listen’ device compatibility','Indicates compatibility with proprietary ‘point and listen’ devices such as Ting Pen ( or the iSmart Touch and Read Pen. These devices scan invisible codes specially printed on the page to identify the book and position of the word, and the word is then read aloud by the (device. The name of the compatible device (or range of devices) should be given in <ProductFormFeatureDescription>.',15),
(79,'09','E-publication accessibility detail','For <ProductFormFeatureValue> codes, see Codelist 196.',15),
(79,'10','E-publication format version','For versioned e-book file format (or in some cases, device) – for example EPUB 2 and EPUB 3. <ProductFormFeatureValue> should contain the version number. Use only with ONIX 3.0 – in ONIX 2.1, use <EpubTypeVersion> instead.',17),
(79,'11','CPSIA choking hazard warning','DEPRECATED – use code 12 and List 143.',10),
(79,'12','CPSIA choking hazard warning','Choking hazard warning required by US Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) of 2008. Required, when applicable, for products sold in the US. The Product Form Feature Value is a code from List 143. Further explanation may be given in Product Form Feature Description.',9),
(79,'13','EU Toy Safety Hazard warning','Product carries hazard warning required by EU Toy Safety Directive. The Product Form Feature value is a code from List 184, and (for some codes) the exact wording of the warning may be given in Product Form Feature Description.',14),
(79,'14','IATA Dangerous Goods warning','Product Form Feature Description must give further details of the warning.',21),
(79,'30','Not FSC or PEFC certified','Product does not carry FSC or PEFC logo. The Product Form Feature Value and Description elements are not used. The product may, however, still carry a claimed Pre- and Post-Consumer Waste (PCW) content (type code 37) in a separate repeat of the Product Form Feature composite.',14),
(79,'31','FSC certified – pure','Product carries FSC logo (Pure, 100%). <ProductFormFeatureValue> is the Certification number (ie either a Chain Of Custody (COC) number or a Trademark License number) printed on the book. Format: Chain of Custody number is two to five letters-COC-six digits (the digits should include leading zeros if necessary), eg “AB-COC-001234” or “ABCDE-COC-123456”; Trademark License number is C followed by six digits, eg “C005678” (this would normally be prefixed by ‘FSC®’ when displayed). By definition, a product certified Pure does not contain Pre- and Post-Consumer-Waste (PCW), so type code 31 can only occur on its own. Certification numbers may be checked at ‘(’.',14),
(79,'32','FSC certified – mixed sources','Product carries FSC logo (Mixed sources, Mix). <ProductFormFeatureValue> is the Certification number (ie either a Chain Of Custody (COC) number or a Trademark License number) printed on the book. Format: Chain of Custody number is two to five letters-COC-six digits (the digits should include leading zeros if necessary), eg “AB-COC-001234” or “ABCDE-COC-123456”; Trademark License number is C followed by six digits, eg “C005678” (this would normally be prefixed by ‘FSC®’ when displayed). May be accompanied by a Pre- and Post-Consumer-Waste (PCW) percentage value, to be reported in another instance of <ProductFormFeature> with type code 36. (Certification numbers may be checked at',14),
(79,'33','FSC certified – recycled','Product carries FSC logo (Recycled). <ProductFormFeatureValue> is the Certification number (ie either a Chain Of Custody (COC) number or a Trademark License number) printed on the book. Format: Chain of Custody number is two to five letters-COC-six digits (the digits should include leading zeroes if necessary), eg “AB-COC-001234” or “ABCDE-COC-123456”; Trademark License number is C followed by six digits, eg “C005678” (this would normally be prefixed by ‘FSC®’ when displayed). Should be accompanied by a Pre- and Post-Consumer-Waste (PCW) percentage value, to be reported in another instance of <ProductFormFeature> with type code 36. Certification (numbers may be checked at‘’.',14),
(79,'34','PEFC certified','Product carries PEFC logo (certified). <ProductFormFeatureValue> is the Chain Of Custody (COC) number printed on the book. May be accompanied by a Post-Consumer Waste (PCW) percentage value, to be reported in another instance of <ProductFormFeature> with type code 36.',10),
(79,'35','PEFC recycled','Product carries PEFC logo (recycled). <ProductFormFeatureValue> is the Chain Of Custody (COC) number printed on the book. Should be accompanied by a Post-Consumer-Waste (PCW) percentage value, to be reported in another instance of <ProductFormFeature> with type code 36.',10),
(79,'36','FSC or PEFC certified Pre- and Post-Consumer Waste (PCW) percentage','The percentage of recycled Pre- and Post-Consumer-Waste (PCW) used in a product where the composition is certified by FSC or PEFC. <ProductFormFeatureValue> is an integer. May occur together with type code 32, 33, 34 or 35.',14),
(79,'37','Claimed Pre- and Post-Consumer Waste (PCW) percentage','The percentage of recycled Pre- and Post-Consumer Waste (PCW) claimed to be used in a product where the composition is not certified by FSC or PEFC. <Product FormFeatureValue> is an integer. <ProductFormFeatureDescription> may carry free text supporting the claim. Must be (accompanied by type code 30.',14),
(79,'40','Paper produced by ‘green’ technology','Product made from paper produced using environmentally-conscious technology. <ProductFormFeatureDescription> may carry free text with a more detailed statement.',11),
(80,'00','No outer packaging','No packaging, or all smaller items enclosed inside largest item.',13),
(80,'01','Slip-sleeve','Thin card or soft plastic sleeve, much less rigid than a slip case.',21),
(80,'02','Clamshell','Packaging consisting of formed plastic sealed around each side of the product. Not to be confused with single-sided Blister pack.',17),
(80,'03','Keep case','Typical DVD-style packaging, sometimes known as an ‘Amaray’ case.',17),
(80,'05','Jewel case','Typical CD-style packaging.',17),
(80,'06','Digipak','Common CD-style packaging, a card folder with one or more panels incorporating a tray, hub or pocket to hold the disc(s).',21),
(80,'09','In box','Individual item, items or set in card box with separate or hinged lid: not to be confused with the commonly-used ‘boxed set’.',17),
(80,'10','Slip-cased','Slip-case for single item only: German ‘Schuber’.',2),
(80,'11','Slip-cased set','Slip-case for multi-volume set: German ‘Kassette’; also commonly referred to as ‘boxed set’.',2),
(80,'12','Tube','Rolled in tube or cylinder: eg sheet map or poster.',2),
(80,'13','Binder','Use for miscellaneous items such as slides, microfiche, when presented in a binder.',2),
(80,'14','In wallet or folder','Use for miscellaneous items such as slides, microfiche, when presented in a wallet or folder.',2),
(80,'15','Long triangular package','Long package with triangular cross-section used for rolled sheet maps, posters etc.',7),
(80,'16','Long square package','Long package with square cross-section used for rolled sheet maps, posters, etc.',7),
(80,'17','Softbox (for DVD)','',8),
(80,'18','Pouch','In pouch, eg teaching materials in a plastic bag or pouch.',8),
(80,'19','Rigid plastic case','In duroplastic or other rigid plastic case, eg for a class set.',8),
(80,'20','Cardboard case','In cardboard case, eg for a class set.',8),
(80,'21','Shrink-wrapped','Use for products or product bundles supplied for retail sale in shrink-wrapped packaging. For shrink-wrapped packs of multiple products for trade supply only, see code XL in List 7.',8),
(80,'22','Blister pack','A pack comprising a pre-formed plastic blister and a printed card with a heat-seal coating.',8),
(80,'23','Carry case','A case with carrying handle, typically for a set of educational books and/or learning materials.',8),
(81,'10','Text (eye-readable)','Readable text of the main work: this value is required, together with applicable <ProductForm> and <ProductFormDetail> values, to designate an e-book or other digital product whose primary content is eye-readable text.',9),
(81,'15','Extensive links between internal content','E-publication is enhanced with a significant number of actionable cross-references, hyperlinked notes and annotations, or with other links between largely textual elements (eg quiz/test questions, ‘choose your own ending’ etc).',13),
(81,'14','Extensive links to external content','E-publication is enhanced with a significant number of actionable (clickable) web links.',13),
(81,'16','Additional eye-readable text not part of main work','E-publication is enhanced with additional textual content such as interview, feature article, essay, bibliography, quiz/test, other background material or text that is not included in a primary or ‘unenhanced’ version.',13),
(81,'17','Promotional text for other book product','eg Teaser chapter.',13),
(81,'11','Musical notation','',9),
(81,'07','Still images / graphics','Use only when no more detailed specification is provided.',13),
(81,'18','Photographs','Whether in a plate section / insert, or not.',13),
(81,'19','Figures, diagrams, charts, graphs','Including other ‘mechanical’ (ie non-photographic) illustrations.',13),
(81,'20','Additional images / graphics not part of main work','E-publication is enhanced with additional images or graphical content such as supplementary photographs that are not included in a primary or ‘unenhanced’ version.',13),
(81,'12','Maps and/or other cartographic content','',12),
(81,'01','Audiobook','Audio recording of a reading of a book or other text.',1),
(81,'02','Performance – spoken word','Audio recording of a drama or other spoken word performance.',1),
(81,'13','Other speech content','eg an interview, not a ‘reading’ or ‘performance’).',12),
(81,'03','Music recording','Audio recording of a music performance, including musical drama and opera.',1),
(81,'04','Other audio','Audio recording of other sound, eg birdsong.',2),
(81,'21','Partial performance – spoken word','Audio recording of a reading, performance or dramatization of part of the work.',13),
(81,'22','Additional audio content not part of main work','Product is enhanced with audio recording of full or partial reading, performance, dramatization, interview, background documentary or other audio content not included in the primary or ‘unenhanced’ version.',13),
(81,'23','Promotional audio for other book product','eg Reading of teaser chapter.',13),
(81,'06','Video','Includes Film, video, animation etc. Use only when no more detailed specification is provided. Formerly ‘Moving images’.',13),
(81,'26','Video recording of a reading','',13),
(81,'27','Performance – visual','Video recording of a drama or other performance, including musical performance.',13),
(81,'24','Animated / interactive illustrations','eg animated diagrams, charts, graphs or other illustrations.',13),
(81,'25','Narrative animation','eg cartoon, animatic or CGI animation.',13),
(81,'28','Other video','Other video content eg interview, not a reading or performance.',13),
(81,'29','Partial performance – video','Video recording of a reading, performance or dramatization of part of the work.',13),
(81,'30','Additional video content not part of main work','E-publication is enhanced with video recording of full or partial reading, performance, dramatization, interview, background documentary or other content not included in the primary or ‘unenhanced’ version.',13),
(81,'31','Promotional video for other book product','eg Book trailer.',13),
(81,'05','Game / Puzzle','No multi-user functionality. Formerly just ‘Game’.',13),
(81,'32','Contest','Includes some degree of multi-user functionality.',13),
(81,'08','Software','Largely ‘content free’.',13),
(81,'09','Data','Data files.',2),
(81,'33','Data set plus software','',13),
(81,'34','Blank pages','Intended to be filled in by the reader.',13),
(81,'35','Advertising content','Use only where type of advertising content is not stated.',13),
(81,'37','Advertising – first party','‘Back ads’ – promotional pages for other books (that do not include sample content, cf codes 17, 23).',13),
(81,'36','Advertising – coupons','Eg to obtain discounts on other products.',13),
(81,'38','Advertising – third party display','',13),
(81,'39','Advertising – third party textual','',13),
(82,'AP','Apocrypha (Catholic canon)','The seven portions of the Apocrypha added to the Catholic canon at the Council of Trent in 1546: Tobit; Judith; Wisdom of Solomon; Sirach (Ecclesiasticus); Baruch, including the Letter of Jeremiah; I and II Maccabees; Extra portions of Esther and Daniel (Additions to Esther; the Prayer of Azariah; Song of (the Three Jews; Susannah; Bel and the Dragon). These are not generally included in the Protestant canon.',8),
(82,'AQ','Apocrypha (canon unspecified)','A collection of Apocryphal texts, canon not specified.',8),
(82,'AX','Additional Apocryphal texts: Greek Orthodox canon','I Esdras; Prayer of Manasseh; Psalm 151; III Maccabees.',5),
(82,'AY','Additional Apocryphal texts: Slavonic Orthodox canon','I and II Esdras; Prayer of Manasseh; Psalm 151; III and IV Maccabees.',5),
(82,'AZ','Additional Apocryphal texts','Additional Apocryphal texts included in some Bible versions: I and II Esdras; Prayer of Manasseh.',5),
(82,'GA','General canon with Apocrypha (Catholic canon)','The 66 books included in the Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox canons, together with the seven portions of the Apocrypha included in the Catholic canon.',8),
(82,'GC','General canon with Apocryphal texts (canon unspecified)','The 66 books included in the Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox canons, together with Apocryphal texts, canon not specified.',8),
(82,'GE','General canon','The 66 books included in the Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox canons, 39 from the Old Testament and 27 from the New Testament. The sequence of books may differ in different canons.',1),
(82,'GS','Gospels','The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.',1),
(82,'OT','Old Testament','Those 39 books which were included in the Jewish canon by the rabbinical academy established at Jamma in 90 CE. Also known as the Jewish or Hebrew scriptures.',1),
(82,'NT','New Testament','The 27 books included in the Christian canon through the Easter Letter of Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria and also by a general council of the Christian church held near the end of the 4th century CE.',1),
(82,'NP','New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs','Includes the 27 books of the New Testament plus Psalms and Proverbs from the Old Testament.',1),
(82,'PE','Paul’s Epistles','The books containing the letters of Paul to the various early Christian churches.',1),
(82,'PP','Psalms and Proverbs','The book of Psalms and the book of Proverbs combined.',1),
(82,'PS','Psalms','The book of Psalms.',5),
(82,'PT','Pentateuch','The first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus, Deuteronomy. Also applied to the Torah.',1),
(82,'ZZ','Other portions','Selected books of either the OT or NT not otherwise noted.',1),
(83,'ALV','Alberto Vaccari','Alberto Vaccari – Pontificio Istituto Biblico.',7),
(83,'AMP','Amplified','A translation based on the American Standard Version and showing multiple options for the translation of ancient text. Published in full in 1965. Sponsored by the Lockman Foundation.',1),
(83,'ANM','Antonio Martini','Most popular Catholic Bible translation in Italian prior to the CEI translation in 1971.',7),
(83,'ASV','American Standard','A 1901 translation using verbal equivalence techniques with the purpose of Americanizing the REV.',17),
(83,'CEI','Conferenza Episcopale Italiana','Italian Episcopal Conference 1971 translation suitable for Italian Catholic liturgy. (Includes minor 1974 revision).',9),
(83,'CEN','Conferenza Episcopale Italiana 2008','New translation of the C.E.I. first published in 2008 – the version most widely used by the Italian Catholic Church.',9),
(83,'CEV','Contemporary English','A translation completed in 1995 and sponsored by the American Bible Society under the leadership of Barclay Newman.',1),
(83,'CNC','Concordata','1968 Interfaith version promoted by the Italian Bible Society. Has a Catholic ‘imprimateur’, but its ecumenical approach has Jewish, Protestant and Christian Orthodox approval.',7),
(83,'DDI','Diodati','Version based on original documents, edited by Giovanni Diodati in 1607, revised by Diodati in 1641 and again in 1894. It is the reference version for many Italian Protestants.',7),
(83,'DDN','Nuova Diodati','Revision of the Diodati Bible dating to the 1990s, aiming at highest fidelity to original ancient Greek (New Testament) and Hebrew (Old Testament) texts.',7),
(83,'DOU','Douay-Rheims','An early (1580-1609) English translation from the Latin Vulgate designed for Catholics and performed by George Martin.',1),
(83,'EIN','Einheitsübersetzung','A German translation of the Bible for use in Roman Catholic churches.',7),
(83,'ESV','English Standard','An update of the Revised Standard Version that makes ‘modest’ use of gender-free terminology.',1),
(83,'FBB','Biblia (1776)','Finnish Bible translation.',8),
(83,'FRA','Raamattu (1933/1938)','Finnish Bible translation.',8),
(83,'FRK','Raamattu kansalle','Finnish Bible translation.',8),
(83,'FRM','Raamattu (1992)','Finnish Bible translation.',8),
(83,'GDW','God’s Word','A 1995 translation by the World Bible Publishing Company using the English language in a manner to communicate to the late 20th century American.',1),
(83,'GEN','Geneva','An early (1560) English version of the Bible translated by William Whittingham with strong Protestant leanings.',1),
(83,'GNB','Good News','A translation sponsored by the American Bible Society. The New Testament was first published (as “Today’s English Version” TEV) in 1966. The Old Testament was completed in 1976, and the whole was published as the “Good News Bible”.',1),
(83,'GPR','Galbiati, Penna, Rossano – UTET','Version edited by E. Galbiati, A. Penna and P. Rossano, and published by UTET. This version, based on original texts, is rich in notes and has been used as the basis for CEI translation.',7),
(83,'GRK','Original Greek','New Testament text in an original Greek version.',1),
(83,'GRM','Garofano, Rinaldi – Marietti','Richly annotated 1963 Version edited by S. Garofano and S. Rinaldi, and published by Marietti.',7),
(83,'HBR','Original Hebrew','Old Testament text in an original Hebrew version.',1),
(83,'HCS','Holman Christian Standard','Published by Broadman and Holman this translation rejects all forms of gender-neutral wording and is written with strong influences from the Southern Baptist perspective of biblical scholarship.',1),
(83,'ICB','International Children’s','A translation completed in 1986 targeting readability at the US third grade level.',1),
(83,'ILC','Traduzione Interconfessionale in Lingua Corrente','Interconfessional translation resulting from 1985 effort by Catholic and Protestant scholars, aimed at delivering an easy-to-understand message.',7),
(83,'JER','Jerusalem','A translation designed for English speaking Catholics based on the original languages. It is based on French as well as ancient texts and was first published in 1966.',1),
(83,'KJV','King James','A translation commissioned by King James I of England and first published in 1611.',1),
(83,'KJT','21st Century King James','A verbal translation led by William Prindele. Published in 1994, it was designed to modernize the language of the King James Version based on Webster’s New International Dictionary, 2nd edition, unabridged.',1),
(83,'LVB','Living Bible','A paraphrase translation led by Kenneth N Taylor and first published in 1972.',1),
(83,'LZZ','Luzzi','1924 translation by Giovanni Luzzi, Professor at the Waldensian Faculty of Theology in Rome, who revised the 17th Century Diodati version.',7),
(83,'MSG','Message Bible','A paraphrase translation of the New Testament by Eugene Peterson first published in 1993.',1),
(83,'NAB','New American','A translation aimed at Catholic readers first published in its entirety in 1970. A revised New Testament was issued in 1986 as the 2nd Edition. The 3rd Edtion was published in 1991 with a revision to Psalms. The 4th Edition (also known as the New American Bible Revised Edition) was published in 2011, incorporating (revisions to the Old Testament.',17),
(83,'NAS','New American Standard','A translation commissioned by the Lockman Foundation. The New Testament was published in 1960 followed by the entire Bible in 1971.',1),
(83,'NAU','New American Standard, Updated','A 1995 translation using more modern language than the NASB.',1),
(83,'NBA','Bibelen 1895','Norwegian Bible translation.',6),
(83,'NBB','Bibelen 1930','Norwegian Bible translation.',6),
(83,'NBC','Bibelen 1938','Norwegian Bible translation.',6),
(83,'NBD','Bibelen 1978-85','Norwegian Bible translation.',6),
(83,'NBE','Bibelen 1978','Norwegian Bible translation.',6),
(83,'NBF','Bibelen 1985','Norwegian Bible translation.',6),
(83,'NBG','Bibelen 1988','Norwegian Bible translation.',6),
(83,'NBH','Bibelen 1978-85/rev. 2005','Norwegian Bible translation.',6),
(83,'NBI','Bibelen 2011','Norwegian Bible translation.',17),
(83,'NCV','New Century','A translation inspired by the International Children’s version. First published by World Publishing in 1991.',1),
(83,'NEB','New English','A translation first issued in 1961 (New Testament) and 1970 (complete Bible) as a result of a proposal at the 1946 General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.',17),
(83,'NGO','Bibelen Guds ord','Norwegian Bible translation.',6),
(83,'NIV','New International','A translation underwritten by Biblica (formerly the International Bible Society, and previously the New York Bible Society). The New Testament was published in 1973 followed by the entire Bible in 1978. The NIV text was revised in 1984 and again in 2011.',17),
(83,'NIR','New International Reader’s','A 1996 translation designed for people with limited literacy in English and based on the NIV.',1),
(83,'NJB','New Jerusalem','A revision of the Jerusalem Bible. First published in 1986.',1),
(83,'NKJ','New King James','A version issued by Thomas Nelson Publishers in 1982-83 designed to update the language of the King James Version while maintaining the phrasing and rhythm and using the same sources as its predecessor.',1),
(83,'NNK','Bibelen, nynorsk','Norwegian ‘nynorsk’ Bible translation.',6),
(83,'NLV','New Living','A translation sponsored by Tyndale House and first released in 1996. It is considered a revision and updating of the Living Bible.',1),
(83,'NRS','New Revised Standard','A revision of the Revised Standard based on ancient texts but updating language to American usage of the 1980s.',1),
(83,'NTV','Nueva Traduccion Vivienta','A Spanish translation from the original Greek and Hebrew, sponsored by Tyndale House.',10),
(83,'NVB','Novissima Versione della Bibbia','Nuovissima version – a Catholic-oriented translation in modern Italian, edited by a group including Carlo Martini, Gianfranco Ravasi and Ugo Vanni and first published (in 48 volumes, 1967-1980) by Edizioni San Paolo.',7),
(83,'NVD','Nueva Biblia al Dia','A Spanish translation from the original Greek and Hebrew, sponsored by the International Bible Society/Sociedad Bíblica Internacional.',10),
(83,'NVI','Nueva Version Internacional','A Spanish translation underwritten by the International Bible Society.',1),
(83,'PHP','New Testament in Modern English (Phillips)','An idiomatic translation by J B Phillips, first completed in 1966.',1),
(83,'REB','Revised English','A 1989 revision of the NEB. A significant effort was made to reduce the British flavor present in the NEB.',1),
(83,'REV','Revised Version','The first major revision of the King James Version, the Revised Version incorporates insights from early manuscripts discovered between 1611 and 1870, and corrects readings in the KJV which nineteenth-century scholarship deemed mistaken. The New Testament was published in 1881, the Old Testament in 1885, and the (Apocrypha in 1895.',5),
(83,'RSV','Revised Standard','A translation authorized by the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA. The New Testament was published in 1946 followed by a complete Protestant canon in 1951.',1),
(83,'RVL','Reina Valera','A Spanish translation based on the original texts.',1),
(83,'SBB','Bibel 2000','Swedish Bible translation.',8),
(83,'SMK','Bibelen, samisk','Norwegian ‘samisk’ Bible translation.',6),
(83,'TEV','Today’s English','A translation of the New Testament sponsored by the American Bible Society and first published in 1966. It was incorporated into the “Good News Bible” GNB in 1976.',1),
(83,'TNI','Today’s New International','An updating of the New International Version. The New Testament was published in 2002, and the entire Bible in 2005. Superseded by the 2011 NIV update.',17),
(83,'ZZZ','Other','Other translations not otherwise noted.',1),
(84,'CAM','Cambridge Annotated','Contains the work of Howard Clark Kee including a summary of the development of the canon, introductions to the books, notes and cross references. Originally published in 1993, NRSV.',1),
(84,'LIF','Life Application','A project of Tyndale House Publishers and Zondervan intended to help readers apply the Bible to daily living. Living Bible, King James, New International, NASB.',1),
(84,'MAC','Macarthur','A King James version study Bible with notes by James Macarthur first published in 1997.',1),
(84,'OXF','Oxford Annotated','A study Bible originally published in the 1960s and based on the RSV / NRSV.',1),
(84,'NNT','Studiebibel, Det Nye testamentet','Norwegian study Bible, New Testament.',6),
(84,'NOX','New Oxford Annotated','Published in 1991 and based on the New Revised Standard version.',1),
(84,'NSB','Norsk studiebibel','Norwegian study Bible.',6),
(84,'RYR','Ryrie','Based on the work of Charles C. Ryrie. King James, NI, NASB.',1),
(84,'SCO','Scofield','A study Bible based on the early 20th century work of C.I. Scofield. Based on the King James version.',1),
(84,'SPR','Spirit Filled','A transdenominational study Bible for persons from the Pentecostal/Charismatic traditions.',1),
(85,'AW','Award','A Bible (or selected Biblical text) designed for presentation from a religious organization.',1),
(85,'BB','Baby','A Bible (or selected Biblical text) designed to be a gift to commemorate a child’s birth.',1),
(85,'BR','Bride','A special gift Bible (or selected Biblical text) designed for the bride on her wedding day. Usually white.',1),
(85,'CF','Confirmation','A Bible (or selected Biblical text) designed to be used in the confirmation reading or as a gift to a confirmand.',6),
(85,'CH','Children’s','A text Bible (or selected Biblical text) designed in presentation and readability for a child.',1),
(85,'CM','Compact','A small Bible (or selected Biblical text) with a trim height of five inches or less.',1),
(85,'CR','Cross-reference','A Bible (or selected Biblical text) which includes text conveying cross-references to related scripture passages.',1),
(85,'DR','Daily readings','A Bible (or selected Biblical text) laid out to provide readings for each day of the year.',1),
(85,'DV','Devotional','A Bible (or selected Biblical text) containing devotional content together with the scripture.',1),
(85,'FM','Family','A Bible (or selected Biblical text) containing family record pages and/or additional study material for family devotion.',1),
(85,'GT','General/Text','A standard Bible (or selected Biblical text) of any version with no distinguishing characteristics beyond the canonical text.',1),
(85,'GF','Gift','A Bible (or selected Biblical text) designed for gift or presentation, often including a presentation page.',1),
(85,'LP','Lectern/Pulpit','A large Bible (or selected Biblical text) with large print designed for use in reading scriptures in public worship from either the pulpit or lectern.',1),
(85,'MN','Men’s','A Bible (or selected Biblical text) especially designed with helps and study guides oriented to the adult male.',1),
(85,'PS','Primary school','A Bible (or selected Biblical text) designed for use in primary school.',6),
(85,'PW','Pew','Usually inexpensive but sturdy, a Bible (or selected Biblical text) designed for use in church pews.',1),
(85,'SC','Scholarly','A Bible (or selected Biblical text) including texts in Greek and/or Hebrew and designed for scholarly study.',1),
(85,'ST','Student','A Bible (or selected Biblical text) with study articles and helps especially for use in the classroom.',1),
(85,'SU','Study','A Bible (or selected Biblical text) with many extra features, e.g. book introductions, dictionary, concordance, references, maps, etc., to help readers better understand the scripture.',1),
(85,'WG','Wedding gift','A special gift Bible (or selected Biblical text) designed as a gift to the couple on their wedding day.',6),
(85,'WM','Women’s','A devotional or study Bible (or selected Biblical text) with helps targeted at the adult woman.',1),
(85,'YT','Youth','A Bible (or selected Biblical text) containing special study and devotional helps designed specifically for the needs of teenagers.',1),
(86,'CHR','Chronological','A Bible with the text organized in the order in which events are believed to have happened.',1),
(86,'CHA','Chain reference','A Bible which explores keywords or themes by referring text to preceding or following text.',1),
(86,'INT','Interlinear','A Bible or other text in which different versions are printed one line above the other, so that the variations can easily be detected.',1),
(86,'PAR','Parallel','A Bible with two or more versions printed side by side.',1),
(86,'STN','Standard','A Bible in which the text is presented in the traditional order.',1),
(87,'CCL','Center column','References are printed in a narrow column in the center of the page between two columns of text.',1),
(87,'PGE','Page end','References are printed at the foot of the page.',1),
(87,'SID','Side column','References are printed in a column to the side of the scripture.',1),
(87,'VER','Verse end','References are printed at the end of the applicable verse.',1),
(87,'UNK','Unknown','The person creating the ONIX record does not know where the references are located.',1),
(87,'ZZZ','Other','Other locations not otherwise identified.',1),
(89,'01','Church season or activity','A church season or activity for which a religious text is intended.',7),
(90,'01','Academic year','Use with code 01 in <ReligiousTextFeatureType>.',7),
(90,'02','Catechistic year','Use with code 01 in <ReligiousTextFeatureType>.',7),
(90,'03','Liturgical year','Use with code 01 in <ReligiousTextFeatureType>.',7),
(90,'04','Advent and Christmas','Use with code 01 in <ReligiousTextFeatureType>.',7),
(90,'05','Blessings','Use with code 01 in <ReligiousTextFeatureType>.',7),
(90,'06','Scholastic cycles','Use with code 01 in <ReligiousTextFeatureType>.',7),
(90,'07','Confirmation and Holy Communion','Use with code 01 in <ReligiousTextFeatureType>.',7),
(90,'08','Summer activites','For example, summer camps and other youth recreational activities: use with code 01 in <ReligiousTextFeatureType>.',7),
(90,'09','Easter','Use with code 01 in <ReligiousTextFeatureType>.',7),
(90,'10','Lent','Use with code 01 in <ReligiousTextFeatureType>.',7),
(90,'11','Marian themes','Use with code 01 in <ReligiousTextFeatureType>.',7),
(91,'AE','United Arab Emirates','',0),
(91,'AG','Antigua and Barbuda','',0),
(91,'AN','Netherlands Antilles','Deprecated – use BQ, CW or SX as appropriate.',13),
(91,'AS','American Samoa','',0),
(91,'AX','Åland Islands','',4),
(91,'BA','Bosnia and Herzegovina','',0),
(91,'BF','Burkina Faso','',0),
(91,'BL','Saint Barthélemy','',8),
(91,'BN','Brunei Darussalam','',0),
(91,'BO','Bolivia, Plurinational State of','',0),
(91,'BQ','Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba','',13),
(91,'BV','Bouvet Island','',0),
(91,'CC','Cocos (Keeling) Islands','',0),
(91,'CD','Congo, Democratic Republic of the','',0),
(91,'CF','Central African Republic','',0),
(91,'CI','Cote d’Ivoire','',0),
(91,'CK','Cook Islands','',0),
(91,'CR','Costa Rica','',0),
(91,'CS','Serbia and Montenegro','DEPRECATED, replaced by ME – Montenegro and RS – Serbia.',7),
(91,'CV','Cape Verde','',0),
(91,'CX','Christmas Island','',0),
(91,'CZ','Czech Republic','',0),
(91,'DO','Dominican Republic','',0),
(91,'EH','Western Sahara','',0),
(91,'FK','Falkland Islands (Malvinas)','',0),
(91,'FM','Micronesia, Federated States of','',0),
(91,'FO','Faroe Islands','',0),
(91,'GB','United Kingdom','',0),
(91,'GF','French Guiana','',0),
(91,'GQ','Equatorial Guinea','',0),
(91,'GS','South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands','',0),
(91,'HK','Hong Kong','',0),
(91,'HM','Heard Island and McDonald Islands','',0),
(91,'IM','Isle of Man','',7),
(91,'IO','British Indian Ocean Territory','',0),
(91,'IR','Iran, Islamic Republic of','',0),
(91,'KN','Saint Kitts and Nevis','',0),
(91,'KP','Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of','',0),
(91,'KR','Korea, Republic of','',0),
(91,'KY','Cayman Islands','',0),
(91,'LA','Lao People’s Democratic Republic','',0),
(91,'LC','Saint Lucia','',0),
(91,'LK','Sri Lanka','',0),
(91,'MD','Moldova, Repubic of','',0),
(91,'MF','Saint Martin (French part)','',8),
(91,'MH','Marshall Islands','',0),
(91,'MK','Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of','',0),
(91,'MP','Northern Mariana Islands','',0),
(91,'NC','New Caledonia','',0),
(91,'NF','Norfolk Island','',0),
(91,'NZ','New Zealand','',0),
(91,'PF','French Polynesia','',0),
(91,'PG','Papua New Guinea','',0),
(91,'PM','Saint Pierre and Miquelon','',0),
(91,'PR','Puerto Rico','',0),
(91,'PS','Palestine, State of','',21),
(91,'RU','Russian Federation','',0),
(91,'SA','Saudi Arabia','',0),
(91,'SB','Solomon Islands','',0),
(91,'SH','Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha','',0),
(91,'SJ','Svalbard and Jan Mayen','',0),
(91,'SL','Sierra Leone','',0),
(91,'SM','San Marino','',0),
(91,'SS','South Sudan','',15),
(91,'ST','Sao Tome and Principe','',0),
(91,'SV','El Salvador','',0),
(91,'SX','Sint Maarten (Dutch part)','',13),
(91,'SY','Syrian Arab Republic','',0),
(91,'TC','Turks and Caicos Islands','',0),
(91,'TF','French Southern Territories','',0),
(91,'TT','Trinidad and Tobago','',0),
(91,'TW','Taiwan, Province of China','',0),
(91,'TZ','Tanzania, United Republic of','',0),
(91,'UM','United States Minor Outlying Islands','',0),
(91,'US','United States','',0),
(91,'VA','Holy See (Vatican City State)','',0),
(91,'VC','Saint Vincent and the Grenadines','',0),
(91,'VE','Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of','',0),
(91,'VG','Virgin Islands, British','',0),
(91,'VI','Virgin Islands, US','',0),
(91,'VN','Viet Nam','',0),
(91,'WF','Wallis and Futuna','',0),
(91,'YU','Yugoslavia','DEPRECATED, replaced by ME – Montenegro and RS – Serbia.',4),
(91,'ZA','South Africa','',0),
(92,'02','Proprietary','DEPRECATED – use 01.',11),
(92,'04','Börsenverein Verkehrsnummer','',1),
(92,'05','German ISBN Agency publisher identifier','',2),
(92,'06','GLN','GS1 global location number (formerly EAN location number).',9),
(92,'07','SAN','Book trade Standard Address Number – US, UK etc.',1),
(92,'12','Distributeurscode Boekenbank','Flemish supplier code.',7),
(92,'13','Fondscode Boekenbank','Flemish publisher code.',7),
(92,'23','VAT Identity Number','Identifier for a business organization for VAT purposes, eg within the EU’s VIES system. See for EU VAT ID formats, which vary from country to country. Generally these consist of a two-letter country code followed by the 8–12 digits of the national VAT ID. Some (countries include one or two letters within their VAT ID. See for non-EU countries that maintain similar identifiers. Spaces, dashes etc should be omitted.',16),
(93,'01','Publisher to retailers','Publisher as supplier to retail trade outlets.',9),
(93,'02','Publisher’s exclusive distributor to retailers','',9),
(93,'03','Publisher’s non-exclusive distributor to retailers','',9),
(93,'04','Wholesaler','Wholesaler supplying retail trade outlets.',9),
(93,'05','Sales agent','DEPRECATED – use <MarketRepresentation> (ONIX 2.1) or <MarketPublishingDetail> (ONIX 3.0) to specify a sales agent.',3),
(93,'06','Publisher’s distributor to retailers','In a specified supply territory. Use only where exclusive/non-exclusive status is not known. Prefer 02 or 03 as appropriate, where possible.',9),
(93,'07','POD supplier','Where a POD product is supplied to retailers and/or consumers direct from a POD source.',6),
(93,'09','Publisher to end-customers','Publisher as supplier direct to consumers and/or institutional customers.',9),
(93,'10','Exclusive distributor to end-customers','Intermediary as exclusive distributor direct to consumers and/or institutional customers.',9),
(93,'11','Non-exclusive distributor to end-customers','Intermediary as non-exclusive distributor direct to consumers and/or institutional customers.',9),
(93,'12','Distributor to end-customers','Use only where exclusive/non-exclusive status is not known. Prefer 10 or 11 as appropriate, where possible.',9),
(94,'cm','Centimeters','Millimeters are the preferred metric unit of length.',6),
(94,'in','Inches (US)','',1),
(95,'lb','Pounds (US)','',1),
(95,'oz','Ounces (US)','',1),
(96,'AED','UAE Dirham','United Arab Emirates.',0),
(96,'AFA','Afghani','DEPRECATED, replaced by AFN.',4),
(96,'AMD','Armenian Dram','Armenia.',0),
(96,'ANG','Netherlands Antillian Guilder','Curaçao, Sint Maarten.',17),
(96,'AOA','Angolan Kwanza','Angola.',0),
(96,'ARS','Argentine Peso','Argentina.',0),
(96,'ATS','Austria, Schilling','Now replaced by the Euro (EUR): use only for historical prices that pre-date the introduction of the Euro.',5),
(96,'AUD','Australian Dollar','Australia, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Kiribati, Nauru, Norfolk Island, Tuvalu.',0),
(96,'AWG','Aruban Florin','Aruba.',0),
(96,'AZN','Azerbaijanian Manat','Azerbaijan.',7),
(96,'BAM','Convertible Marks','Bosnia and Herzegovina.',0),
(96,'BBD','Barbados Dollar','Barbados.',0),
(96,'BEF','Belgium, Franc','Now replaced by the Euro (EUR): use only for historical prices that pre-date the introduction of the Euro.',5),
(96,'BGL','Lev','DEPRECATED, replaced by BGN.',4),
(96,'BHD','Bahraini Dinar','Bahrain.',0),
(96,'BIF','Burundi Franc','Burundi.',0),
(96,'BMD','Bermuda Dollar','Bermuda.',0),
(96,'BND','Brunei Dollar','Brunei Darussalam.',0),
(96,'BRL','Brazilian Real','Brazil.',0),
(96,'BSD','Bahamian Dollar','Bahamas.',0),
(96,'BYR','Belarussian Ruble','Belarus.',0),
(96,'BZD','Belize Dollar','Belize.',0),
(96,'CAD','Canadian Dollar','Canada.',0),
(96,'CDF','Franc Congolais','Congo (Democratic Republic of the).',0),
(96,'CHF','Swiss Franc','Switzerland, Liechtenstein.',0),
(96,'CLP','Chilean Peso','Chile.',0),
(96,'CNY','Yuan Renminbi','China.',0),
(96,'COP','Colombian Peso','Colombia.',0),
(96,'CRC','Costa Rican Colon','Costa Rica.',0),
(96,'CSD','Serbian Dinar','Deprecated, replaced by RSD.',17),
(96,'CUC','Cuban Convertible Peso','Cuba (alternative currency).',4),
(96,'CUP','Cuban Peso','Cuba.',0),
(96,'CVE','Cape Verde Escudo','Cape Verde.',0),
(96,'CYP','Cyprus Pound','Now replaced by the Euro (EUR): use only for historical prices that pre-date the introduction of the Euro.',13),
(96,'CZK','Czech Koruna','Czech Republic.',0),
(96,'DEM','Germany, Mark','Now replaced by the Euro (EUR): use only for historical prices that pre-date the introduction of the Euro.',5),
(96,'DJF','Djibouti Franc','Djibouti.',0),
(96,'DKK','Danish Krone','Denmark, Faroe Islands, Greenland.',0),
(96,'DOP','Dominican Peso','Dominican Republic.',0),
(96,'DZD','Algerian Dinar','Algeria.',0),
(96,'EEK','Kroon','Estonia – now replaced by the Euro (EUR): use only for historical prices that pre-date the introduction of the Euro.',13),
(96,'EGP','Egyptian Pound','Egypt.',0),
(96,'ESP','Spain, Peseta','Now replaced by the Euro (EUR): use only for historical prices that pre-date the introduction of the Euro.',5),
(96,'ETB','Ethiopian Birr','Ethiopia.',0),
(96,'EUR','Euro','Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Fr Guiana, Fr S Territories, Germany, Greece, Guadeloupe, Holy See (Vatican City), Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Martinique, Malta, Mayotte, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Portugal, Réunion, St Pierre and Miquelon, San Marino, Spain.',13),
(96,'FIM','Finland, Markka','Now replaced by the Euro (EUR): use only for historical prices that pre-date the introduction of the Euro.',5),
(96,'FJD','Fiji Dollar','Fiji.',0),
(96,'FKP','Falkland Islands Pound','Falkland Islands (Malvinas).',0),
(96,'FRF','France, Franc','Now replaced by the Euro (EUR): use only for historical prices that pre-date the introduction of the Euro.',5),
(96,'GBP','Pound Sterling','United Kingdom, Isle of Man, Channel Islands, South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands, British Indian Ocean Territory.',0),
(96,'GHC','Cedi','Deprecated, replaced by GHS.',0),
(96,'GIP','Gibraltar Pound','Gibraltar.',0),
(96,'GNF','Guinea Franc','Guinea.',0),
(96,'GRD','Greece, Drachma','Now replaced by the Euro (EUR): use only for historical prices that pre-date the introduction of the Euro.',5),
(96,'GWP','Guinea-Bissau Peso','Now replaced by the CFA Franc BCEAO XOF use only for historical prices that pre-date use of the CFA Franc.',17),
(96,'GYD','Guyana Dollar','Guyana.',0),
(96,'HKD','Hong Kong Dollar','Hong Kong, Macao.',0),
(96,'HRK','Croatian Kuna','Croatia.',0),
(96,'IEP','Ireland, Punt','Now replaced by the Euro (EUR): use only for historical prices that pre-date the introduction of the Euro.',5),
(96,'ILS','Israeli Sheqel','Israel.',0),
(96,'INR','Indian Rupee','India.',0),
(96,'IQD','Iraqi Dinar','Iraq.',0),
(96,'IRR','Iranian Rial','Iran (Islamic Republic of).',0),
(96,'ISK','Iceland Krona','Iceland.',0),
(96,'ITL','Italy, Lira','Now replaced by the Euro (EUR): use only for historical prices that pre-date the introduction of the Euro.',5),
(96,'JMD','Jamaican Dollar','Jamaica.',0),
(96,'JOD','Jordanian Dinar','Jordan.',0),
(96,'KES','Kenyan Shilling','Kenya.',0),
(96,'KMF','Comoro Franc','Comoros.',0),
(96,'KPW','North Korean Won','Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of).',0),
(96,'KRW','Won','Korea (Republic of).',0),
(96,'KWD','Kuwaiti Dinar','Kuwait.',0),
(96,'KYD','Cayman Islands Dollar','Cayman Islands.',0),
(96,'LAK','Kip','Lao People’s Democratic Republic.',0),
(96,'LBP','Lebanese Pound','Lebanon.',0),
(96,'LKR','Sri Lanka Rupee','Sri Lanka.',0),
(96,'LRD','Liberian Dollar','Liberia.',0),
(96,'LTL','Lithuanian Litus','Lithuania.',0),
(96,'LUF','Luxembourg, Franc','Now replaced by the Euro (EUR): use only for historical prices that pre-date the introduction of the Euro.',5),
(96,'LVL','Latvian Lats','Latvia.',0),
(96,'LYD','Libyan Dinar','Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.',0),
(96,'MAD','Moroccan Dirham','Morocco, Western Sahara.',0),
(96,'MDL','Moldovan Leu','Moldova, Republic of.',0),
(96,'MGF','Malagasy Franc','Now replaced by the Ariary (MGA).',17),
(96,'MKD','Denar','Macedonia (former Yugoslav Republic of).',0),
(96,'MTL','Maltese Lira','Malta – now replaced by the Euro (EUR): use only for historical prices that pre-date the introduction of the Euro.',13),
(96,'MUR','Mauritius Rupee','Mauritius.',0),
(96,'MXN','Mexican Peso','Mexico.',0),
(96,'MYR','Malaysian Ringgit','Malaysia.',0),
(96,'NAD','Namibia Dollar','Namibia.',0),
(96,'NIO','Cordoba Oro','Nicaragua.',0),
(96,'NLG','Netherlands, Guilder','Now replaced by the Euro (EUR): use only for historical prices that pre-date the introduction of the Euro.',5),
(96,'NOK','Norwegian Krone','Norway, Bouvet Island, Svalbard and Jan Mayen.',0),
(96,'NPR','Nepalese Rupee','Nepal.',0),
(96,'NZD','New Zealand Dollar','New Zealand, Cook Islands, Niue, Pitcairn, Tokelau.',0),
(96,'OMR','Rial Omani','Oman.',0),
(96,'PEN','Nuevo Sol','Peru.',0),
(96,'PGK','Kina','Papua New Guinea.',0),
(96,'PHP','Philippine Peso','Philippines.',0),
(96,'PKR','Pakistan Rupee','Pakistan.',0),
(96,'PTE','Portugal, Escudo','Now replaced by the Euro (EUR): use only for historical prices that pre-date the introduction of the Euro.',5),
(96,'QAR','Qatari Rial','Qatar.',0),
(96,'ROL','Old Leu','Deprecated, replaced by RON.',17),
(96,'RON','New Leu','Romania.',7),
(96,'RSD','Serbian Dinar','Serbia.',17),
(96,'RUB','Russian Ruble','Russian Federation.',4),
(96,'RUR','Russian Ruble','DEPRECATED, replaced by RUB.',4),
(96,'RWF','Rwanda Franc','Rwanda.',0),
(96,'SAR','Saudi Riyal','Saudi Arabia.',0),
(96,'SBD','Solomon Islands Dollar','Solomon Islands.',0),
(96,'SCR','Seychelles Rupee','Seychelles.',0),
(96,'SDD','Sudanese Dinar','Now replaced by the Sudanese Pound (SDG).',17),
(96,'SDG','Sudanese Pound','Sudan.',17),
(96,'SEK','Swedish Krona','Sweden.',0),
(96,'SGD','Singapore Dollar','Singapore.',0),
(96,'SHP','Saint Helena Pound','Saint Helena.',0),
(96,'SIT','Tolar','Now replaced by the Euro (EUR): use only for historical prices that pre-date the introduction of the Euro.',17),
(96,'SKK','Slovak Koruna','Now replaced by the Euro (EUR): use only for historical prices that pre-date the introduction of the Euro.',17),
(96,'SLL','Leone','Sierra Leone.',0),
(96,'SOS','Somali Shilling','Somalia.',0),
(96,'SRD','Suriname Guilder','Suriname.',4),
(96,'SRG','Suriname Guilder','DEPRECATED, replaced by SRD.',4),
(96,'STD','Dobra','São Tome and Principe.',0),
(96,'SVC','El Salvador Colon','El Salvador.',0),
(96,'SYP','Syrian Pound','Syrian Arab Republic.',0),
(96,'TMM','Manat','Deprecated, replaced by TMT.',17),
(96,'TND','Tunisian Dinar','Tunisia.',0),
(96,'TPE','Timor Escudo','NO LONGER VALID, Timor-Leste now uses the US Dollar.',7),
(96,'TRL','Turkish Lira (old)','Deprecated, replaced by TRY.',17),
(96,'TRY','Turkish Lira (new)','Turkey, from 1 January 2005.',4),
(96,'TTD','Trinidad and Tobago Dollar','Trinidad and Tobago.',0),
(96,'TWD','New Taiwan Dollar','Taiwan (Province of China).',0),
(96,'TZS','Tanzanian Shilling','Tanzania (United Republic of).',0),
(96,'UGX','Uganda Shilling','Uganda.',0),
(96,'USD','US Dollar','United States, American Samoa, British Indian Ocean Territory, Ecuador, Guam, Marshall Is, Micronesia (Federated States of), Northern Mariana Is, Palau, Puerto Rico, Timor-Leste, Turks and Caicos Is, US Minor Outlying Is, Virgin Is (British), Virgin Is (US).',0),
(96,'UYU','Peso Uruguayo','Uruguay.',0),
(96,'UZS','Uzbekistan Sum','Uzbekistan.',0),
(96,'VEB','Bolivar','Deprecated, replaced by VEF.',17),
(96,'VEF','Bolivar fuerte','Venezuela.',17),
(96,'VND','Dong','Viet Nam.',0),
(96,'XAF','CFA Franc BEAC','Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon.',0),
(96,'XCD','East Caribbean Dollar','Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.',0),
(96,'XOF','CFA Franc BCEAO','Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte D’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo.',17),
(96,'XPF','CFP Franc','French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna.',0),
(96,'YER','Yemeni Rial','Yemen.',0),
(96,'YUM','Yugoslavian Dinar','DEPRECATED, replaced by CSD.',4),
(96,'ZAR','Rand','South Africa.',0),
(96,'ZWD','Zimbabwe Dollar','Deprecated, replaced with ZWL.',17),
(96,'ZWL','Zimbabwe Dollar','Zimbabwe.',17),
(97,'RL','Red letter','Words spoken by Christ are printed in red.',1),
(98,'FCS','Four-color and spot-color','',8),
(98,'MUL','Multicolor','Use <ProductFormFeatureDescription> to add brief details if required.',17),
(98,'NAV','Navy/Dark blue','',17),
(99,'01','Berkshire leather','Pigskin.',2),
(99,'03','French Morocco','Calf split or sheep split.',2),
(99,'05','Bonded buffalo grain','',2),
(99,'06','Bonded calf grain','',2),
(99,'07','Bonded Cordova','',2),
(99,'08','Bonded eelskin','',2),
(99,'09','Bonded Ostraleg','',2),
(99,'10','Bonded ostrich','',2),
(99,'11','Bonded reptile grain','',2),
(99,'12','Bonded leather','',2),
(99,'16','Leatherflex','An imitation leather binding material.',17),
(99,'18','Softhide leather','',2),
(99,'20','Velvet','German ‘Samt’.',6),
(99,'21','Mother-of-pearl','Spanish ‘nácar’.',6),
(99,'23','Géltex','An imitation cloth binding material.',6),
(99,'24','Guaflex','An imitation leather binding material.',6),
(100,'01','BIC discount group code','UK publisher’s or distributor’s discount group code in a format specified by BIC to ensure uniqueness.',1),
(100,'02','Proprietary discount code','A publisher’s or supplier’s own code which identifies a trade discount category, the actual discount being set by trading partner agreement (applies to goods supplied on standard trade discounting terms).',11),
(100,'03','Boeksoort','Terms code used in the Netherlands book trade.',4),
(100,'04','German terms code','Terms code used in German ONIX applications.',5),
(100,'05','Proprietary commission code','A publisher’s or supplier’s own code which identifies a commission rate category, the actual commission rate being set by trading partner agreement (applies to goods supplied on agency terms).',11),
(100,'06','BIC commission group code','UK publisher’s or distributor’s commission group code in format specified by BIC to ensure uniqueness. Format is identical to BIC discount group code, but indicates a commission rather than a discount (applies to goods supplied on agency terms).',12),
(101,'02','PND','Personennamendatei – person name authority file used by Deutsche Nationalbibliothek and in other German-speaking countries. See (German) or (English). DEPRECATED in favour of the GND.',18),
(101,'04','LCCN','Library of Congress control number assigned to a Library of Congress Name Authority record.',10),
(101,'16','ISNI','International Standard Name Identifier. See ‘’.',17),
(101,'25','GND','Gemeinsame Normdatei – Joint Authority File in the German-speaking countries. See \' (English)\'. Combines the PND, SWD and GKD into a single authority file, and should be used in preference.',18),
(102,'02','BIC sales outlet ID code','DEPRECATED – use code 03.',8),
(102,'03','ONIX sales outlet ID code','From List 139.',8),
(121,'Afak','Afaka','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Armi','Imperial Aramaic','',9),
(121,'Bass','Bassa Vah','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Blis','Blissymbols','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Cakm','Chakma','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Cans','Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics','',9),
(121,'Cirt','Cirth','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Cyrs','Cyrillic (Old Church Slavonic variant)','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Deva','Devanagari (Nagari)','',9),
(121,'Dsrt','Deseret (Mormon)','',9),
(121,'Dupl','Duployan shorthand, Duployan stenography','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Egyd','Egyptian demotic','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Egyh','Egyptian hieratic','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Egyp','Egyptian hieroglyphs','',9),
(121,'Elba','Elbasan','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Ethi','Ethiopic (Ge‘ez)','',9),
(121,'Geok','Khutsuri (Asomtavruli and Khutsuri)','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Geor','Georgian (Mkhedruli)','',9),
(121,'Gran','Grantha','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Hang','Hangul (Hangeul)','',9),
(121,'Hani','Han (Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja)','',9),
(121,'Hano','Hanunoo (Hanunóo)','',9),
(121,'Hans','Han (Simplified variant)','',9),
(121,'Hant','Han (Traditional variant)','',9),
(121,'Hmng','Pahawh Hmong','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Hrkt','Japanese syllabaries (alias for Hiragana + Katakana)','',9),
(121,'Hung','Old Hungarian','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Inds','Indus (Harappan)','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Ital','Old Italic (Etruscan, Oscan, etc.)','',9),
(121,'Jpan','Japanese syllabaries (alias for Han + Hiragana + Katakana)','',13),
(121,'Jurc','Jurchen','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Kali','Kayah Li','',9),
(121,'Kore','Korean (alias for Hangul + Han)','',9),
(121,'Kpel','Kpelle','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Lana','Lanna, Tai Tham','',9),
(121,'Latf','Latin (Fraktur variant)','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Latg','Latin (Gaelic variant)','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Lepc','Lepcha (Róng)','',9),
(121,'Lina','Linear A','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Linb','Linear B','',9),
(121,'Lisu','Lisu (Fraser)','',13),
(121,'Loma','Loma','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Mand','Mandaic, Mandaean','',9),
(121,'Mani','Manichaean','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Maya','Mayan hieroglyphs','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Mend','Mende','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Merc','Meroitic Cursive','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Mero','Meroitic Hieroglyphs','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Moon','Moon (Moon code, Moon script, Moon type)','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Mroo','Mro, Mru','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Mtei','Meitei Mayek (Meithei, Meetei)','',13),
(121,'Mymr','Myanmar (Burmese)','',9),
(121,'Narb','Old North Arabian (Ancient North Arabian)','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Nbat','Nabatean','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Nkgb','Nakhi Geba (Naxi Geba)','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Nshu','Nüshu','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Olck','Ol Chiki (Ol Cemet’, Ol, Santali)','',9),
(121,'Orkh','Old Turkic, Orkhon Runic','',13),
(121,'Palm','Palmyrene','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Perm','Old Permic','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Phli','Inscriptional Pahlavi','',9),
(121,'Phlp','Psalter Pahlavi','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Phlv','Book Pahlavi','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Plrd','Miao (Pollard)','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Prti','Inscriptional Parthian','',9),
(121,'Qaaa','Reserved for private use (start)','',9),
(121,'Qabx','Reserved for private use (end)','',9),
(121,'Rjng','Rejang (Redjang, Kaganga)','',9),
(121,'Roro','Rongorongo','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Sara','Sarati','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Sarb','Old South Arabian','',13),
(121,'Sgnw','SignWriting','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Shaw','Shavian (Shaw)','',9),
(121,'Shrd','Sharada','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Sind','Khudawadi, Sindhi','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Sora','Sora Sompeng','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Sylo','Syloti Nagri','',9),
(121,'Syre','Syriac (Estrangelo variant)','',9),
(121,'Syrj','Syriac (Western variant)','',9),
(121,'Syrn','Syriac (Eastern variant)','',9),
(121,'Takr','Takri','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Tale','Tai Le','',9),
(121,'Talu','New Tai Lue','',9),
(121,'Tang','Tangut','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Tavt','Tai Viet','',9),
(121,'Teng','Tengwar','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Tfng','Tifinagh (Berber)','',9),
(121,'Tglg','Tagalog (Baybayin, Alibata)','',9),
(121,'Visp','Visible Speech','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Wara','Warang Citi (Varang Kshiti)','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Wole','Woleai','Script is not supported by Unicode.',13),
(121,'Xpeo','Old Persian','',9),
(121,'Xsux','Cuneiform, Sumero-Akkadian','',9),
(121,'Zinh','Code for inherited script','',13),
(121,'Zmth','Mathematical notation','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Zsym','Symbols','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Zxxx','Code for unwritten documents','Script is not supported by Unicode.',9),
(121,'Zyyy','Code for undetermined script','',9),
(121,'Zzzz','Code for uncoded script','',9),
(138,'SFS4900','Finnish standard SFS 4900','Transliteration of Cyrillic characters – Slavic languages.',8),
(138,'SFS5807','Finnish standard SFS 5807','Transliteration and transcription of Greek characters.',8),
(138,'SFS5755','Finnish standard SFS 5755','Transliteration of Arabic characters.',8),
(138,'SFS3602','Finnish standard SFS 5824','Transliteration of Hebrew characters.',8),
(138,'ISO3602','ISO 3602','Documentation – Romanization of Japanese (kana script).',8),
(138,'ISO7098','ISO 7098','Information and documentation – Romanization of Chinese.',8),
(139,'ACM','A C Moore','',8),
(139,'ANR','Angus and Robertson','',8),
(139,'BDL','B Dalton','',8),
(139,'BNO','Barnes and Noble','',8),
(139,'BBB','Bed Bath and Beyond','',8),
(139,'BST','Best Buy','',8),
(139,'BJW','BJ’s Wholesale Club','',8),
(139,'BCA','Book Club Associates','',8),
(139,'BRB','Borders/Books Etc','',8),
(139,'BRT','British Bookshops','',8),
(139,'CDL','Casa del Libro','',20),
(139,'CRB','Crate and Barrel','',8),
(139,'CVS','CVS Drug Stores','',8),
(139,'DSG','Dick’s Sporting Goods','',8),
(139,'ELC','Early Learning Centre','',8),
(139,'EBC','Ebooks Corp','',16),
(139,'ECI','El Corte Inglés','',20),
(139,'ENH','English Heritage','',8),
(139,'FRY','Fry’s Electronics','',8),
(139,'GOO','Google Books','',16),
(139,'GOS','Blinkbox','Formerly GoSpoken/Mobcast',21),
(139,'HST','Hastings Entertainment','',8),
(139,'HMD','Home Depot','',8),
(139,'JSM','John Smith and Son','',8),
(139,'KNO','Kno Inc','',16),
(139,'MKS','Marks and Spencer','',8),
(139,'MMS','Media Markt/Saturn','Also known as Media World.',16),
(139,'NTR','National Trust','',8),
(139,'OFD','Office Depot','',8),
(139,'OFM','Office Max','',8),
(139,'PST','Past Times','',8),
(139,'PTS','Pet Smart','',8),
(139,'PTB','Pottery Barn','',8),
(139,'RST','Restoration Hardware','',8),
(139,'RTZ','Ritz Camera','',8),
(139,'TEA','The Ebook Alternative','',21),
(139,'TSR','Toys ‘R’ Us','',8),
(139,'TSO','TSO (The Stationery Office)','',8),
(139,'VRG','Virgin Megastores','',8),
(139,'WHS','W H Smith','',8),
(139,'WLS','Williams Sonoma','',8),
(139,'ZVV','Zavvi','Formerly Virgin Megastores (UK).',8),
(139,'ZZZ','Other','Include retailer name in <SalesOutletName>.',8),
(140,'01','WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD – Small parts | Not for children under 3 yrs.','List withdrawn – use List 143.',9),
(140,'02','WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD – This toy is a small ball | Not for children under 3 yrs.','List withdrawn – use List 143.',9),
(140,'03','WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD – Toy contains a small ball | Not for children under 3 yrs.','List withdrawn – use List 143.',9),
(140,'04','WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD – Children under 8 yrs. can choke or suffocate on uninflated or broken ballo','List withdrawn – use List 143.',9),
(140,'05','WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD – This toy is a marble | Not for children under 3 yrs.','List withdrawn – use List 143.',9),
(140,'06','WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD – Toy contains a marble | Not for children under 3 yrs.','List withdrawn – use List 143.',9),
(140,'07','No choking hazard warning necessary','List withdrawn – use List 143.',9),
(141,'00','Not barcoded','',9),
(141,'01','Barcoded, scheme unspecified','',9),
(141,'03','GTIN-13+5 (US dollar price encoded)','',9),
(141,'04','GTIN-13+5 (CAN dollar price encoded)','',9),
(141,'05','GTIN-13+5 (no price encoded)','',9),
(141,'06','UPC-12 (item-specific)','AKA item/price.',9),
(141,'07','UPC-12+5 (item-specific)','AKA item/price.',9),
(141,'08','UPC-12 (price-point)','AKA price/item.',9),
(141,'09','UPC-12+5 (price-point)','AKA price/item.',9),
(142,'00','Unknown / unspecified','Position unknown or unspecified.',9),
(142,'01','Cover 4','The back cover of a book.',9),
(142,'02','Cover 3','The inside back cover of a book.',9),
(142,'03','Cover 2','The inside front cover of a book.',9),
(142,'04','Cover 1','The front cover of a book.',9),
(142,'05','On spine','The spine of a book.',9),
(142,'06','On box','Used only for boxed products.',9),
(142,'07','On tag','Used only for products fitted with hanging tags.',9),
(142,'08','On bottom','Not be used for books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',9),
(142,'09','On back','Not be used for books unless they are contained within outer packaging.',9),
(142,'10','On outer sleeve / back','Used only for products packaged in outer sleeves.',9);
INSERT INTO `onix_code_list` (`list_id`, `values`, `name`, `notes`, `revision`)
(142,'11','On removable wrapping','Used only for products packaged in shrink-wrap or other removable wrapping.',9),
(143,'01','WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD – Small parts | Not for children under 3 yrs.','Required on applicable products sold in the US.',9),
(143,'02','WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD – Children under 8 yrs. can choke or suffocate on uninflated or broken ballo','Required on applicable products sold in the US.',9),
(143,'03','WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD – This toy is a small ball | Not for children under 3 yrs.','Required on applicable products sold in the US.',9),
(143,'04','WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD – Toy contains a small ball | Not for children under 3 yrs.','Required on applicable products sold in the US.',9),
(143,'05','WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD – This toy is a marble | Not for children under 3 yrs.','Required on applicable products sold in the US.',9),
(143,'06','WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD – Toy contains a marble | Not for children under 3 yrs.','Required on applicable products sold in the US.',9),
(143,'07','No choking hazard warning necessary','To be used when a supplier wishes to make a clear statement that no such warning is applicable to product.',9),
(144,'00','None','Has no technical protection.',9),
(144,'01','DRM','Has DRM protection.',9),
(144,'02','Digital watermarking','Has digital watermarking.',9),
(144,'03','Adobe DRM','Has DRM protection applied by the Adobe CS4 Content Server Package or by the Adobe ADEPT hosted service.',10),
(144,'04','Apple DRM','FairPlay’ DRM protection applied via Apple proprietary online store.',12),
(144,'05','OMA DRM','Has OMA v2 DRM protection applied, as used to protect some mobile phone content.',12),
(145,'01','Preview','Preview before purchase.',9),
(145,'02','Print','Print paper copy of extract.',9),
(145,'03','Copy / paste','Make digital copy of extract.',9),
(145,'04','Share','Share product across multiple concurrent devices.',9),
(145,'05','Text to speech','‘Read aloud’ with text to speech functionality.',9),
(145,'06','Lend','Lendable to other device owner or account holder, eg ‘Lend-to-a-friend’, library lending. The ‘primary’ copy becomes unusable while the secondary copy is ‘on loan’ unless a number of concurrent borrowers is also specified).',15),
(145,'07','Time-limited license','E-publication license is time limited. Use with 02 from List 146 and a number of days in <EpubUsageLimit>.',13),
(146,'01','Permitted unlimited','',9),
(146,'02','Permitted subject to limit','Limit should be specified in <EpubUsageLimit>.',9),
(147,'01','Copies','Maximum number of copies that may be made of a permitted extract.',9),
(147,'02','Characters','Maximum number of characters in a permitted extract for a specified usage.',9),
(147,'03','Words','Maximum number of words in a permitted extract for a specified usage.',9),
(147,'04','Pages','Maximum number of pages in a permitted extract for a specified usage.',9),
(147,'05','Percentage','Maximum percentage of total content in a permitted extract for a specified usage.',9),
(147,'06','Devices','Maximum number of devices in ‘share group’.',9),
(147,'07','Concurrent users','Maximum number of concurrent users. NB where the number of concurrent users is specifically not limited, set the number of concurrent users to zero.',15),
(147,'08','Percentage per time period','Maximum percentage of total content which may be used in a specified usage per time period; the time period being specified as another EpubUsageQuantity.',11),
(147,'09','Days','Maximum time period in days.',11),
(147,'13','Weeks','Maximum time period in weeks.',17),
(147,'14','Months','Maximum time period in months.',17),
(147,'10','Times','Maximum number of times a specified usage may occur.',11),
(147,'11','Allowed usage start page','Page number where allowed usage begins. <Quantity> should contain an absolute page number, counting the cover as page 1. (This type of page numbering should not be used where the e-publication has no fixed pagination). Use with (max number of) Pages, Percentage of content, or End page to specify pages (allowed in Preview.',14),
(147,'12','Allowed usage end page','Page number at which allowed usage ends. <Quantity> should contain an absolute page number, counting the cover as page 1. (This type of page numbering should not be used where the e-publication has no fixed pagination). Use with Start page to specify pages allowed in a preview.',14),
(148,'00','Unspecified (default)','Collection type is not determined.',9),
(148,'10','Publisher collection','The collection is a bibliographic collection (eg a series) defined and identified by a publisher, either on the product itself or in product information supplied by the publisher.',9),
(148,'20','Ascribed collection','The collection has been defined and identified by a party in the metadata supply chain other than the publisher, typically an aggregator.',9),
(149,'01','Product','The title element refers to an individual product.',9),
(149,'02','Collection level','The title element refers to the top level of a bibliographic collection.',9),
(149,'03','Subcollection','The title element refers to an intermediate level of a bibliographic collection that comprises two or more ‘sub-collections’.',9),
(149,'04','Content item','The title element refers to a content item within a product, eg a work included in a combined or ‘omnibus’ edition, or a chapter in a book.',10),
(149,'05','Master brand','The title element names a master brand where the use of the brand spans multiple collections and product forms, and possibly multiple imprints and publishers. Used only for branded media properties such as children’s character properties.',19),
(150,'AA','Audio','Audio recording – detail unspecified.',0),
(150,'AB','Audio cassette','Audio cassette (analogue).',0),
(150,'AC','CD-Audio','Audio compact disc, in any recording format: use coding in Product Form Detail to specify the format, if required.',8),
(150,'AD','DAT','Digital audio tape cassette.',0),
(150,'AE','Audio disc','Audio disc (excluding CD).',0),
(150,'AF','Audio tape','Audio tape (reel tape).',0),
(150,'AG','MiniDisc','Sony MiniDisc format.',2),
(150,'AH','CD-Extra','Audio compact disc with part CD-ROM content.',2),
(150,'AI','DVD Audio','',2),
(150,'AJ','Downloadable audio file','Audio recording downloadable online.',2),
(150,'AK','Pre-recorded digital audio player','For example, Playaway audiobook and player: use coding in Product Form Detail to specify the recording format, if required.',11),
(150,'AL','Pre-recorded SD card','For example, Audiofy audiobook chip.',7),
(150,'AZ','Other audio format','Other audio format not specified by AB to AK.',0),
(150,'BA','Book','Book – detail unspecified.',0),
(150,'BB','Hardback','Hardback or cased book.',0),
(150,'BC','Paperback / softback','Paperback or other softback book.',0),
(150,'BD','Loose-leaf','Loose-leaf book.',0),
(150,'BE','Spiral bound','Spiral, comb or coil bound book.',0),
(150,'BF','Pamphlet','Pamphlet or brochure, stapled; German ‘geheftet’.',0),
(150,'BG','Leather / fine binding','',0),
(150,'BH','Board book','Child’s book with all pages printed on board.',0),
(150,'BI','Rag book','Child’s book with all pages printed on textile.',0),
(150,'BJ','Bath book','Child’s book printed on waterproof material.',0),
(150,'BK','Novelty book','A book whose novelty consists wholly or partly in a format which cannot be described by any other available code – a ‘conventional’ format code is always to be preferred; one or more Product Form Detail codes, eg from the B2nn group, should be used whenever possible to provide additional description.',2),
(150,'BL','Slide bound','Slide bound book.',2),
(150,'BM','Big book','Extra-large format for teaching etc; this format and terminology may be specifically UK; required as a top-level differentiator.',2),
(150,'BN','Part-work (fascículo)','A part-work issued with its own ISBN and intended to be collected and bound into a complete book.',6),
(150,'BO','Fold-out book or chart','Concertina-folded book or chart, designed to fold to pocket or regular page size: use for German ‘Leporello’.',8),
(150,'BP','Foam book','A children’s book whose cover and pages are made of foam.',10),
(150,'BZ','Other book format','Other book format or binding not specified by BB to BO.',0),
(150,'CA','Sheet map','Sheet map – detail unspecified.',0),
(150,'CB','Sheet map, folded','',0),
(150,'CC','Sheet map, flat','',0),
(150,'CD','Sheet map, rolled','See Code List 80 for ‘rolled in tube’.',0),
(150,'CE','Globe','Globe or planisphere.',0),
(150,'CZ','Other cartographic','Other cartographic format not specified by CB to CE.',0),
(150,'DA','Digital (on physical carrier)','Digital content delivered on a physical carrier (detail unspecified).',0),
(150,'DC','CD-I','CD interactive.',0),
(150,'DE','Game cartridge','',0),
(150,'DF','Diskette','AKA ‘floppy disc’.',0),
(150,'DJ','Secure Digital (SD) Memory Card','',6),
(150,'DK','Compact Flash Memory Card','',6),
(150,'DL','Memory Stick Memory Card','',6),
(150,'DM','USB Flash Drive','',6),
(150,'DN','Double-sided CD/DVD','Double-sided disc, one side Audio CD/CD-ROM, other side DVD.',7),
(150,'DZ','Other digital carrier','Other carrier of digital content not specified by DB to DN.',0),
(150,'EA','Digital (delivered electronically)','Digital content delivered electronically (delivery method unspecified).',9),
(150,'EB','Digital download and online','Digital content available both by download and by online access.',9),
(150,'EC','Digital online','Digital content accessed online only.',9),
(150,'ED','Digital download','Digital content delivered by download only.',9),
(150,'FA','Film or transparency','Film or transparency – detail unspecified.',0),
(150,'FC','Slides','Photographic transparencies mounted for projection.',0),
(150,'FD','OHP transparencies','Transparencies for overhead projector.',0),
(150,'FF','Film','Continuous movie film as opposed to filmstrip.',2),
(150,'FZ','Other film or transparency format','Other film or transparency format not specified by FB to FF.',0),
(150,'LA','Digital product license','Digital product license (delivery method not encoded).',10),
(150,'LB','Digital product license key','Digital product license delivered through the retail supply chain as a physical “key”, typically a card or booklet containing a code enabling the purchaser to download the associated product.',10),
(150,'LC','Digital product license code','Digital product license delivered by email or other electronic distribution, typically providing a code enabling the purchaser to upgrade or extend the license supplied with the associated product.',10),
(150,'MA','Microform','Microform – detail unspecified.',0),
(150,'MC','Microfilm','Roll microfilm.',0),
(150,'MZ','Other microform','Other microform not specified by MB or MC.',0),
(150,'PA','Miscellaneous print','Miscellaneous printed material – detail unspecified.',0),
(150,'PB','Address book','May use product form detail codes P201 to P204 to specify binding.',0),
(150,'PD','Cards','Cards, flash cards (eg for teaching reading).',0),
(150,'PE','Copymasters','Copymasters, photocopiable sheets.',0),
(150,'PF','Diary','May use product form detail codes P201 to P204 to specify binding.',0),
(150,'PG','Frieze','Narrow strip-shaped printed sheet used mostly for education or children’s products (eg depicting alphabet, number line, procession of illustrated characters etc). Usually intended for horizontal display.',14),
(150,'PH','Kit','Parts for post-purchase assembly.',14),
(150,'PI','Sheet music','',0),
(150,'PJ','Postcard book or pack','',0),
(150,'PK','Poster','Poster for retail sale – see also XF.',0),
(150,'PL','Record book','Record book (eg ‘birthday book’, ‘baby book’): binding unspecified; may use product form detail codes P201 to P204 to specify binding.',0),
(150,'PM','Wallet or folder','Wallet or folder (containing loose sheets etc): it is preferable to code the contents and treat ‘wallet’ as packaging (List 80), but if this is not possible the product as a whole may be coded as a ‘wallet’.',0),
(150,'PN','Pictures or photographs','',0),
(150,'PQ','Plate (lámina)','A book-sized (as opposed to poster-sized) sheet, usually in colour or high quality print.',6),
(150,'PR','Notebook / blank book','A book with all pages blank for the buyer’s own use; may use product form detail codes P201 to P204 to specify binding.',8),
(150,'PS','Organizer','May use product form detail codes P201 to P204 to specify binding.',8),
(150,'PZ','Other printed item','Other printed item not specified by PB to PQ.',0),
(150,'SA','Multiple-item retail product','Presentation unspecified: format of product items must be given in <ProductPart>.',11),
(150,'SB','Multiple-item retail product, boxed','Format of product items must be given in <ProductPart>.',11),
(150,'SC','Multiple-item retail product, slip-cased','Format of product items must be given in <ProductPart>.',11),
(150,'SD','Multiple-item retail product, shrinkwrapped','Format of product items must be given in <ProductPart>. Use code XL for a shrink-wrapped pack for trade supply, where the retail items it contains are intended for sale individually.',11),
(150,'SE','Multiple-item retail product, loose','Format of product items must be given in <ProductPart>.',11),
(150,'SF','Multiple-item retail product, part(s) enclosed','Multiple item product where subsidiary product part(s) is/are supplied as enclosures to the primary part, eg a book with a CD packaged in a sleeve glued within the back cover. Format of product items must be given in <ProductPart>.',11),
(150,'VA','Video','Video – detail unspecified.',0),
(150,'VF','Videodisc','eg Laserdisc.',0),
(150,'VI','DVD video','DVD video: specify TV standard in List 175.',2),
(150,'VJ','VHS video','VHS videotape: specify TV standard in List 175.',2),
(150,'VK','Betamax video','Betamax videotape: specify TV standard in List 175.',2),
(150,'VM','SVCD','Super VideoCD.',5),
(150,'VN','HD DVD','High definition DVD disc, Toshiba HD DVD format.',7),
(150,'VO','Blu-ray','High definition DVD disc, Sony Blu-ray format.',7),
(150,'VP','UMD Video','Sony Universal Media disc.',7),
(150,'VZ','Other video format','Other video format not specified by VB to VP.',0),
(150,'XA','Trade-only material','Trade-only material (unspecified).',0),
(150,'XB','Dumpbin – empty','',0),
(150,'XC','Dumpbin – filled','Dumpbin with contents. ISBN (where applicable) and format of contained items must be given in Product Part.',11),
(150,'XD','Counterpack – empty','',0),
(150,'XE','Counterpack – filled','Counterpack with contents. ISBN (where applicable) and format of contained items must be given in Product Part.',11),
(150,'XF','Poster, promotional','Promotional poster for display, not for sale – see also PK.',0),
(150,'XG','Shelf strip','',0),
(150,'XH','Window piece','Promotional piece for shop window display.',0),
(150,'XK','Large book display','Large scale facsimile of book for promotional display.',0),
(150,'XL','Shrink-wrapped pack','A quantity pack with its own product code, for trade supply only: the retail items it contains are intended for sale individually. ISBN (where applicable) and format of contained items must be given in Product Part. For products or product bundles supplied shrink-wrapped for retail sale, use code SD.',11),
(150,'XZ','Other point of sale','Other point of sale material not specified by XB to XL.',0),
(150,'ZA','General merchandise','General merchandise – unspecified.',0),
(150,'ZC','Soft toy','Soft or plush toy.',0),
(150,'ZE','Game','Board game, or other game (except computer game: see DE).',0),
(150,'ZG','E-book reader','Dedicated e-book reading device, typically with mono screen.',21),
(150,'ZH','Tablet computer','General purpose tablet computer, typically with color screen.',21),
(150,'ZZ','Other merchandise','Other merchandise not specified by ZB to ZF.',0),
(151,'01','Born in','',9),
(151,'02','Died in','',9),
(151,'03','Formerly resided in','',9),
(151,'04','Currently resides in','',9),
(151,'05','Educated in','',9),
(151,'06','Worked in','',9),
(151,'07','Flourished in','',9),
(151,'08','Citizen of','Or nationality. For use with country codes only.',20),
(152,'01','No','Not illustrated.',9),
(153,'01','Sender-defined text','To be used only in circumstances where the parties to an exchange have agreed to include text which (a) is not for general distribution, and (b) cannot be coded elsewhere. If more than one type of text is sent, it must be identified by tagging within the text itself.',10),
(153,'02','Short description/annotation','Limited to a maximum of 350 characters.',10),
(153,'03','Description','Length unrestricted.',10),
(153,'04','Table of contents','Used for a table of contents sent as a single text field, which may or may not carry structure expressed as XHTML.',10),
(153,'05','Flap / cover copy','Descriptive blurb taken from the back cover and/or flaps.',10),
(153,'06','Review quote','A quote taken from a review of the product or of the work in question where there is no need to take account of different editions.',10),
(153,'07','Review quote: previous edition','A quote taken from a review of a previous edition of the work.',10),
(153,'08','Review quote: previous work','A quote taken from a review of a previous work by the same author(s) or in the same series.',10),
(153,'09','Endorsement','A quote usually provided by a celebrity to promote a new book, not from a review.',10),
(153,'10','Promotional headline','A promotional phrase which is intended to headline a description of the product.',10),
(153,'11','Feature','Text describing a feature of a product to which the publisher wishes to draw attention for promotional purposes. Each separate feature should be described by a separate repeat, so that formatting can be applied at the discretion of the receiver of the ONIX record, or multiple features can be described using appropriate XHTML (markup.',22),
(153,'12','Biographical note','A note referring to all contributors to a product – NOT linked to a single contributor.',10),
(153,'13','Publisher’s notice','A statement included by a publisher in fulfillment of contractual obligations, such as a disclaimer, sponsor statement, or legal notice of any sort. Note that the inclusion of such a notice cannot and does not imply that a user of the ONIX record is obliged to reproduce it.',10),
(153,'14','Excerpt','A short excerpt from the work.',10),
(153,'15','Index','Used for an index sent as a single text field, which may be structured using XHTML.',17),
(153,'16','Short description/annotation for collection','(of which the product is a part.) Limited to a maximum of 350 characters.',17),
(153,'17','Description for collection','(of which the product is a part.) Length unrestricted.',17),
(153,'18','New feature','As code 11 but used for a new feature of this edition or version.',22),
(153,'19','Version history','',22),
(154,'00','Unrestricted','Any audience.',10),
(154,'01','Restricted','Distribution by agreement between the parties to the ONIX exchange (this value is provided to cover applications where ONIX content includes material which is not for general distribution).',10),
(154,'02','Booktrade','Distributors, bookstores, publisher’s own staff etc.',10),
(154,'07','Press','Press or other media.',10),
(154,'08','Shopping comparison service','Where a specially formatted description is required for this audience.',10),
(155,'01','Publication date','Nominal date of publication.',10),
(155,'04','Broadcast date','Date when a TV or radio program was / will be broadcast.',10),
(155,'14','From date','Date from which a content item or supporting resource may be referenced or used.',10),
(155,'15','Until date','Date until which a content item or supporting resource may be referenced or used.',10),
(155,'17','Last updated','Date when a resource was last changed or updated.',10),
(155,'24','From… until date','Combines From date and Until date to define a period (both dates are inclusive). Use with for example dateformat 06.',16),
(155,'27','Available from','Date from which a supporting resource is available for download. Note that this date also implies that it can be immediately displayed to the intended audience, unless a From date (code 14) is also supplied and is later than the Available from date.',20),
(155,'28','Available until','Date until which a supporting resource is available for download. Note that this date does not imply it must be removed from display to the intended audience on this date – for this, use Until date (code 15).',20),
(156,'01','Review','The full text of a review in a third-party publication in any medium.',10),
(156,'02','Bestseller list','',10),
(156,'03','Media mention','Other than a review.',10),
(156,'04','‘One locality, one book’ program','(North America) Inclusion in a program such as ‘Chicago Reads’, ‘Seattle Reads’.',10),
(157,'01','Printed media','',10),
(158,'01','Front cover','',10),
(158,'02','Back cover','',10),
(158,'03','Cover / pack','Not limited to front or back.',10),
(158,'04','Contributor picture','Photograph or portrait of contributor(s).',10),
(158,'05','Series image / artwork','',10),
(158,'06','Series logo','',10),
(158,'07','Product image / artwork','',10),
(158,'08','Product logo','',10),
(158,'09','Publisher logo','',10),
(158,'10','Imprint logo','',10),
(158,'11','Contributor interview','',12),
(158,'12','Contributor presentation','Contributor presentation and/or commentary.',12),
(158,'13','Contributor reading','',12),
(158,'14','Contributor event schedule','Link to a schedule in iCalendar format.',12),
(158,'15','Sample content','For example: sample chapter text, page images, screenshots.',10),
(158,'16','Widget','A ‘look inside’ feature presented as a small embeddable application.',10),
(158,'17','Review','Use the <TextContent> composite for review quotes carried in the ONIX record. Use the <CitedContent> composite for a third-party review which is referenced from the ONIX record. Use <SupportingResource> only for a review which is offered for reproduction as part of promotional material for the product.',11),
(158,'18','Other commentary / discussion','',10),
(158,'19','Reading group guide','',10),
(158,'20','Teacher’s guide','',10),
(158,'21','Feature article','Feature article provided by publisher.',10),
(158,'22','Character ‘interview’','Fictional character ‘interview’.',10),
(158,'23','Wallpaper / screensaver','',10),
(158,'24','Press release','',10),
(158,'25','Table of contents','A table of contents held on a webpage, not in the ONIX record.',11),
(158,'26','Trailer','A promotional video, similar to a movie trailer (sometimes referred to as a ‘book trailer’).',11),
(158,'27','Cover thumbnail','Intended ONLY for transitional use, where ONIX 2.1 records referencing existing thumbnail assets of unknown pixel size are being re-expressed in ONIX 3.0. Use code 01 for all new cover assets, and where the pixel size of older assets is known.',14),
(158,'28','Full content','The full content of the product (or the product itself), supplied for example to support full-text search.',17),
(158,'29','Full cover','Includes cover, back cover, spine and – where appropriate – any flaps.',17),
(158,'30','Master brand logo','',20),
(158,'99','License','Link to a license covering permitted usage of the product content. This is a workaround in ONIX 3.0, pending introduction of an license link element near to UsageConstraints.',22),
(159,'01','Application','An executable together with data on which it operates.',10),
(159,'02','Audio','A sound recording.',10),
(159,'03','Image','A still image.',10),
(159,'04','Text','Readable text, with or without associated images etc.',10),
(159,'05','Video','Moving images, with or without accompanying sound.',10),
(159,'06','Multi-mode','A website or other supporting resource delivering content in a variety of modes.',10),
(160,'01','Required credit','Credit that must be displayed when a resource is used (eg ‘Photo Jerry Bauer’ or ‘© Magnum Photo’). Credit text should be carried in <FeatureNote>.',12),
(160,'02','Caption','Explanatory caption that may accompany a resource (eg use to identify an author in a photograph). Caption text should be carried in <FeatureNote>.',12),
(160,'03','Copyright holder','Copyright holder of resource (indicative only, as the resource can be used without consultation). Copyright text should be carried in <FeatureNote>.',12),
(160,'04','Length in minutes','Approximate length in minutes of an audio or video resource. <FeatureValue> should contain the length of time as an integer number of minutes.',12),
(161,'01','Linkable resource','A resource that may be accessed by a hyperlink. The current host (eg the ONIX sender, who may be the publisher) will provide ongoing hosting services for the resource for the active life of the product (or at least until the Until Date specified in <ContentDate>). The ONIX recipient may embed the URL in a consumer (facing-website (eg as the src attribute in an <img> link), and need not host an independent copy of the resource.',12),
(161,'02','Downloadable file','A file that may be downloaded on demand for third-party use. The ONIX sender will host a copy of the resource until the specified Until Date, but only for the ONIX recipient’s direct use. The ONIX recipient should download a copy of the resource, and must host an independent copy of the resource if it is used on a (consumer-facing website. Special attention should be paid to the ‘Last Updated’ <ContentDate> to ensure the independent copy of the resource is kept up to date.',12),
(161,'03','Embeddable application','An application which is supplied in a form which can be embedded into a third-party webpage. As type 02, except the resource contains active content such as JavaScript, Flash, etc.',12),
(162,'01','File format','Resource Version Feature Value carries a code from List 178.',11),
(162,'02','Image height in pixels','Resource Version Feature Value carries an integer.',11),
(162,'03','Image width in pixels','Resource Version Feature Value carries an integer.',11),
(162,'04','Filename','Resource Version Feature Value carries the filename of the supporting resource.',11),
(162,'05','Approximate download file size in megabytes','Resource Version Feature Value carries a decimal number only, suggested no more than 2 significant digits (eg 1.7, not 1.7462).',17),
(162,'06','MD5 hash value','MD5 hash value of the resource file. <ResourceVersionFeatureValue> should contain the hash value (as 32 hexadecimal digits). Can be used as a cryptographic check on the integrity of a resource after it has been retrieved.',12),
(162,'07','Exact download file size in bytes','Resource Version Feature Value carries a integer number only (eg 1831023).',17),
(163,'01','Publication date','Nominal date of publication.',9),
(163,'02','Embargo date','If there is an embargo on retail sales in this market before a certain date, the date from which the embargo is lifted and retail sales are permitted.',12),
(163,'09','Public announcement date','Date when a new product may be announced to the general public.',9),
(163,'10','Trade announcement date','Date when a new product may be announced for trade only.',9),
(163,'11','Date of first publication','Date when the work incorporated in a product was first published.',9),
(163,'12','Last reprint date','Date when a product was last reprinted.',9),
(163,'13','Out-of-print / deletion date','Date when a product was (or will be) declared out-of-print or deleted.',20),
(163,'16','Last reissue date','Date when a product was last reissued.',9),
(163,'19','Publication date of print counterpart','Date of publication of a printed book which is the print counterpart to a digital edition.',11),
(163,'20','Date of first publication in original language','Year when the original language version of work incorporated in a product was first published (note, use only when different from code 11).',13),
(163,'21','Forthcoming reissue date','Date when a product will be reissued.',13),
(163,'22','Expected availability date after temporary withdrawal','Date when a product that has been temporary withdrawn from sale or recalled for any reason is expected to become available again, eg after correction of quality or technical issues.',15),
(163,'23','Review embargo date','Date from which reviews of a product may be published eg in newspapers and magazines or online. Provided to the book trade for information only: newspapers and magazines are not expected to be recipients of ONIX metadata.',16),
(163,'25','Publisher’s reservation order deadline','Latest date on which an order may be placed with the publisher for guaranteed delivery prior to the publication date. May or may not be linked to a special reservation or pre-publication price.',18),
(163,'26','Forthcoming reprint date','Date when a product will be reprinted.',18),
(164,'01','Manifestation of','Product X is or includes a manifestation of work Y.',9),
(164,'02','Derived from','Product X is or includes a manifestation of a work derived from related work Y in one or more of the ways specified in ISTC rules. This relation type is intended to enable products with a common ‘parent’ work to be linked without specifying the precise nature of their derivation.',9),
(164,'03','Related work is derived from this','Product X is a manifestation of a work from which related work Y is derived in one or more of the ways specified in ISTC rules (reciprocal of code 02).',13),
(164,'04','Other work in same collection','Product X is a manifestation of a work in the same collection as related work Y.',13),
(164,'05','Other work by same contributor','Product X is a manifestation of a work by the same contributor(s) as related work Y.',13),
(165,'01','Supplier’s sales classification','A rating applied by a supplier (typically a wholesaler) to indicate its assessment of the expected or actual sales performance of a product.',9),
(165,'02','Supplier’s bonus eligibility','A supplier’s coding of the eligibility of a product for a bonus scheme on overall sales.',9),
(165,'03','Publisher’s sales classification','A rating applied by the publisher to indicate a sales category (eg backlist/frontlist, core stock etc). Use only when the publisher is not the ‘supplier’.',13),
(165,'04','Supplier’s pricing restriction classification','A classification applied by a supplier to a product sold on Agency terms, to indicate that retail price restrictions are applicable.',15),
(166,'02','Embargo date','If there is an embargo on retail sales before a certain date, the date from which the embargo is lifted and retail sales are permitted.',9),
(166,'08','Expected availability date','The date on which physical stock is expected to be available to be shipped to retailers, or a digital product is expected to be released.',9),
(166,'18','Last date for returns','Last date when returns will be accepted, generally for a product which is being remaindered or put out of print.',11),
(166,'25','Reservation order deadline','Latest date on which an order may be placed for guaranteed delivery prior to the publication date. May or may not be linked to a special reservation or pre-publication price.',17),
(167,'00','No conditions','Allows positive indication that there are no conditions.',20),
(167,'01','Includes updates','Purchase at this price includes specified updates.',9),
(167,'02','Must also purchase updates','Purchase at this price requires commitment to purchase specified updates, not included in price.',9),
(167,'03','Updates available','Updates may be purchased separately, no minimum commitment required.',9),
(167,'10','Rental duration','The duration of the rental to which the price applies.',20),
(168,'01','Time period','The price condition quantity represents a time period.',9),
(168,'02','Number of updates','The price condition quantity is a number of updates.',9),
(169,'00','Units','The quantity refers to a unit implied by the quantity type.',9),
(171,'01','VAT','Value added tax (TVA, IVA, MwSt etc).',9),
(171,'02','GST','General sales tax.',9),
(172,'EUR','Eurozone','Countries that at the time being have the Euro as their national currency. Deprecated in ONIX 3.',12),
(173,'14','From date','Date on which a price becomes effective.',9),
(173,'15','Until date','Date on which a price ceases to be effective.',9),
(173,'24','From… until date','Combines From date and Until date to define a period (both dates are inclusive). Use with for example dateformat 06.',16),
(174,'01','No','Price not printed on product.',9),
(174,'02','Yes','Price printed on product.',9),
(175,'A101','CD standard audio format','CD ‘red book’ format.',2),
(175,'A102','SACD super audio format','',2),
(175,'A103','MP3 format','MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer III file.',2),
(175,'A104','WAV format','',2),
(175,'A105','Real Audio format','',2),
(175,'A106','WMA','Windows Media Audio format.',9),
(175,'A107','AAC','Advanced Audio Coding format.',9),
(175,'A108','Ogg/Vorbis','Vorbis audio format in the Ogg container.',9),
(175,'A109','Audible','Audio format proprietary to',9),
(175,'A110','FLAC','Free lossless audio codec.',9),
(175,'A111','AIFF','Audio Interchangeable File Format.',9),
(175,'A112','ALAC','Apple Lossless Audio Codec.',9),
(175,'A201','DAISY 2: full audio with title only (no navigation)','Deprecated, as does not meet DAISY 2 standard. Use conventional audiobook codes instead.',13),
(175,'A202','DAISY 2: full audio with navigation (no text)','',13),
(175,'A203','DAISY 2: full audio with navigation and partial text','',8),
(175,'A204','DAISY 2: full audio with navigation and full text','',13),
(175,'A205','DAISY 2: full text with navigation and partial audio','Reading systems may provide full audio via text-to-speech.',13),
(175,'A206','DAISY 2: full text with navigation and no audio','Reading systems may provide full audio via text-to-speech.',13),
(175,'A207','DAISY 3: full audio with title only (no navigation)','Deprecated, as does not meet DAISY 3 standard. Use conventional audiobook codes instead.',13),
(175,'A208','DAISY 3: full audio with navigation (no text)','',13),
(175,'A209','DAISY 3: full audio with navigation and partial text','',8),
(175,'A210','DAISY 3: full audio with navigation and full text','',13),
(175,'A211','DAISY 3: full text with navigation and partial audio','Reading systems may provide full audio via text-to-speech.',13),
(175,'A212','DAISY 3: full text with navigation and no audio','Reading systems may provide full audio via text-to-speech.',13),
(175,'A301','Standalone audio','',15),
(175,'A302','Readalong audio','Audio intended exclusively for use alongside a printed copy of the book. Most often a children’s product. Normally contains instructions such as “turn the page now” and other references to the printed item, and is usually sold packaged together with a printed copy.',15),
(175,'A303','Playalong audio','Audio intended for musical accompaniment, eg ‘Music minus one’, etc, often used for music learning. Includes singalong backing audio for musical learning or for Karaoke-style entertainment.',15),
(175,'A304','Speakalong audio','Audio intended for language learning, which includes speech plus gaps intended to be filled by the listener.',15),
(175,'B101','Mass market (rack) paperback','In North America, a category of paperback characterized partly by page size (typically 4¼ x 7 1/8 inches) and partly by target market and terms of trade. Use with Product Form code BC.',2),
(175,'B102','Trade paperback (US)','In North America, a category of paperback characterized partly by page size and partly by target market and terms of trade. AKA ‘quality paperback’, and including textbooks. Most paperback books sold in North America except ‘mass-market’ (B101) and ‘tall rack’ (B107) are correctly described with this code. Use (with Product Form code BC.',2),
(175,'B103','Digest format paperback','In North America, a category of paperback characterized by page size and generally used for children’s books; use with Product Form code BC. Note: was wrongly shown as B102 (duplicate entry) in Issue 3.',4),
(175,'B104','A-format paperback','In UK, a category of paperback characterized by page size (normally 178 x 111 mm approx); use with Product Form code BC.',2),
(175,'B105','B-format paperback','In UK, a category of paperback characterized by page size (normally 198 x 129 mm approx); use with Product Form code BC.',2),
(175,'B106','Trade paperback (UK)','In UK, a category of paperback characterized partly by size (usually in traditional hardback dimensions), and often used for paperback originals; use with Product Form code BC (replaces ‘C-format’ from former List 8).',2),
(175,'B107','Tall rack paperback (US)','In North America, a category of paperback characterised partly by page size and partly by target market and terms of trade; use with Product Form code BC.',4),
(175,'B108','A5 size Tankobon','210x148mm.',17),
(175,'B109','JIS B5 size Tankobon','Japanese B-series size, 257x182mm.',17),
(175,'B110','JIS B6 size Tankobon','Japanese B-series size, 182x128mm.',17),
(175,'B111','A6 size Bunko','148x105mm.',17),
(175,'B112','B40-dori Shinsho','Japanese format, 182x103mm or 173x105mm.',17),
(175,'B113','Pocket (Sweden)','A Swedish paperback format, use with Product Form Code BC.',7),
(175,'B114','Storpocket (Sweden)','A Swedish paperback format, use with Product Form Code BC.',7),
(175,'B115','Kartonnage (Sweden)','A Swedish hardback format, use with Product Form Code BB.',7),
(175,'B116','Flexband (Sweden)','A Swedish softback format, use with Product Form Code BC.',7),
(175,'B117','Mook','In Japan, a softback book in the format of a magazine but sold like a book.',11),
(175,'B118','Dwarsligger','Also called ‘Flipback’. A softback book in a specially compact proprietary format with pages printed in landscape on very thin paper and bound along the long (top) edge – see',14),
(175,'B119','46 size','Japanese format: 188x127mm.',12),
(175,'B120','46-Henkei size','Japanese format.',12),
(175,'B122','A4-Henkei size','Japanese format.',12),
(175,'B123','A5-Henkei size','Japanese format.',12),
(175,'B124','B5-Henkei size','Japanese format.',12),
(175,'B125','B6-Henkei size','Japanese format.',12),
(175,'B126','AB size','257x210mm.',12),
(175,'B127','JIS B7 size','Japanese B-series size, 128x91mm.',17),
(175,'B128','Kiku size','Japanese format: 218x152mm or 227x152mm.',17),
(175,'B129','Kiku-Henkei size','Japanese format.',12),
(175,'B130','JIS B4 size','Japanese B-series size, 257x364mm.',17),
(175,'B201','Coloring / join-the-dot book','',2),
(175,'B202','Lift-the-flap book','',2),
(175,'B204','Miniature book','Note: was wrongly shown as B203 (duplicate entry) in Issue 3.',4),
(175,'B205','Moving picture / flicker book','',2),
(175,'B206','Pop-up book','',2),
(175,'B207','Scented / ‘smelly’ book','',2),
(175,'B208','Sound story / ‘noisy’ book','',2),
(175,'B209','Sticker book','',2),
(175,'B210','Touch-and-feel book','A book whose pages have a variety of textured inserts designed to stimulate tactile exploration: see also B214 and B215.',10),
(175,'B212','Die-cut book','A book which is cut into a distinctive non-rectilinear shape and/or in which holes or shapes have been cut internally. (‘Die-cut’ is used here as a convenient shorthand, and does not imply strict limitation to a particular production process.).',10),
(175,'B213','Book-as-toy','A book which is also a toy, or which incorporates a toy as an integral part. (Do not, however, use B213 for a multiple-item product which includes a book and a toy as separate items.).',10),
(175,'B214','Soft-to-touch book','A book whose cover has a soft textured finish, typically over board.',10),
(175,'B215','Fuzzy-felt book','A book with detachable felt pieces and textured pages on which they can be arranged.',10),
(175,'B221','Picture book','Children’s picture book: use with applicable Product Form code.',2),
(175,'B222','‘Carousel’ Book','(aka ‘Star’ book). Tax treatment of products may differ from that of products with similar codes such as Book as toy or Pop-up book).',12),
(175,'B301','Loose leaf – sheets and binder','Use with Product Form code BD.',2),
(175,'B302','Loose leaf – binder only','Use with Product Form code BD.',2),
(175,'B303','Loose leaf – sheets only','Use with Product Form code BD.',2),
(175,'B304','Sewn','AKA stitched; for ‘saddle-sewn’, see code B310.',2),
(175,'B305','Unsewn / adhesive bound','Including ‘perfect bound’, ‘glued’.',3),
(175,'B306','Library binding','Strengthened binding intended for libraries.',2),
(175,'B307','Reinforced binding','Strengthened binding, not specifically intended for libraries.',2),
(175,'B308','Half bound','Must be accompanied by a code specifiying a material, eg ‘half-bound real leather’.',2),
(175,'B309','Quarter bound','Must be accompanied by a code specifiying a material, eg ‘quarter bound real leather’.',2),
(175,'B310','Saddle-sewn','AKA ‘saddle-stitched’ or ‘wire-stitched’.',3),
(175,'B311','Comb bound','Round or oval plastic forms in a clamp-like configuration: use with Product Form code BE.',6),
(175,'B312','Wire-O','Twin loop metal or plastic spine: use with Product Form code BE.',6),
(175,'B313','Concealed wire','Cased over Wire-O binding: use with Product Form code BE.',6),
(175,'B401','Cloth over boards','AKA fabric, linen over boards.',2),
(175,'B402','Paper over boards','',2),
(175,'B403','Leather, real','',2),
(175,'B404','Leather, imitation','',2),
(175,'B405','Leather, bonded','',2),
(175,'B409','Cloth','Cloth, not necessarily over boards – cf B401.',6),
(175,'B410','Imitation cloth','Spanish ‘simil-tela’.',6),
(175,'B412','Flexible plastic/vinyl cover','AKA “flexibound”: use with Product Form code BC.',8),
(175,'B415','Laminated cover','Book, laminating material unspecified: use L101 for ‘whole product laminated’, eg a laminated sheet map or wallchart.',8),
(175,'B501','With dust jacket','Type unspecified.',2),
(175,'B502','With printed dust jacket','Used to distinguish from B503.',2),
(175,'B503','With translucent dust cover','With translucent paper or plastic protective cover.',2),
(175,'B504','With flaps','For paperback with flaps.',2),
(175,'B505','With thumb index','',2),
(175,'B506','With ribbon marker(s)','If the number of markers is significant, it can be stated as free text in <ProductFormDescription>.',2),
(175,'B507','With zip fastener','',2),
(175,'B508','With button snap fastener','',2),
(175,'B509','With leather edge lining','AKA yapp edge?.',2),
(175,'B510','Rough front','With edge trimming such that the front edge is ragged, not neatly and squarely trimmed: AKA deckle edge, feather edge, uncut edge, rough cut.',11),
(175,'B601','Turn-around book','A book in which half the content is printed upside-down, to be read the other way round. Also known as a ‘flip-book’ (usually an omnibus of two works).',7),
(175,'B602','Unflipped manga format','Manga with pages and panels in the sequence of the original Japanese, but with Western text.',8),
(175,'B701','UK Uncontracted Braille','Single letters only. Was formerly identified as UK Braille Grade 1.',12),
(175,'B702','UK Contracted Braille','With some letter combinations. Was formerly identified as UK Braille Grade 2.',12),
(175,'B703','US Braille','DEPRECATED- use B704/B705 as appropriate instead.',12),
(175,'B704','US Uncontracted Braille','',12),
(175,'B705','US Contracted Braille','',12),
(175,'B706','Unified English Braille','',12),
(175,'B707','Moon','Moon embossed alphabet, used by some print-impaired readers who have difficulties with Braille.',13),
(175,'D101','Real Video format','Proprietary RealNetworks format. Includes Real Video packaged within a .rm RealMedia container.',18),
(175,'D102','Quicktime format','',2),
(175,'D103','AVI format','',2),
(175,'D104','Windows Media Video format','',2),
(175,'D201','MS-DOS','Use with an applicable Product Form code D*; note that more detail of operating system requirements can be given in a Product Form Feature composite.',2),
(175,'D202','Windows','Use with an applicable Product Form code D*; see note on D201.',2),
(175,'D203','Macintosh','Use with an applicable Product Form code D*; see note on D201.',2),
(175,'D204','UNIX / LINUX','Use with an applicable Product Form code D*; see note on D201.',2),
(175,'D205','Other operating system(s)','Use with an applicable Product Form code D*; see note on D201.',2),
(175,'D206','Palm OS','Use with an applicable Product Form code D*; see note on D201.',6),
(175,'D207','Windows Mobile','Use with an applicable Product Form code D*; see note on D201.',6),
(175,'D301','Microsoft XBox','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(175,'D302','Nintendo Gameboy Color','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(175,'D303','Nintendo Gameboy Advanced','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(175,'D304','Nintendo Gameboy','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(175,'D305','Nintendo Gamecube','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(175,'D306','Nintendo 64','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(175,'D307','Sega Dreamcast','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(175,'D308','Sega Genesis/Megadrive','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(175,'D309','Sega Saturn','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(175,'D310','Sony PlayStation 1','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(175,'D311','Sony PlayStation 2','Use with Product Form code DE or DB as applicable.',2),
(175,'D312','Nintendo Dual Screen','',6),
(175,'D313','Sony PlayStation 3','',7),
(175,'D314','Xbox 360','',7),
(175,'D315','Nintendo Wii','',7),
(175,'D316','Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP)','',7),
(175,'E100','Other','No code allocated for this e-publication format yet.',13),
(175,'E101','EPUB','The Open Publication Structure / OPS Container Format standard of the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) [File extension .epub].',10),
(175,'E102','OEB','The Open EBook format of the IDPF, a predecessor of the full EPUB format, still (2008) supported as part of the latter [File extension .opf]. Includes EPUB format up to and including version 2 – but prefer code E101 for EPUB 2, and always use code E101 for EPUB 3.',17),
(175,'E103','DOC','Microsoft Word binary document format [File extension .doc].',10),
(175,'E104','DOCX','Office Open XML / Microsoft Word XML document format (ISO/IEC 29500:2008) [File extension .docx].',10),
(175,'E105','HTML','HyperText Mark-up Language [File extension .html, .htm].',10),
(175,'E106','ODF','Open Document Format [File extension .odt].',10),
(175,'E107','PDF','Portable Document Format (ISO 32000-1:2008) [File extension .pdf].',10),
(175,'E108','PDF/A','PDF archiving format defined by ISO 19005-1:2005 [File extension .pdf].',10),
(175,'E109','RTF','Rich Text Format [File extension .rtf].',10),
(175,'E110','SGML','Standard Generalized Mark-up Language.',10),
(175,'E111','TCR','A compressed text format mainly used on Psion handheld devices [File extension .tcr].',10),
(175,'E112','TXT','Text file format [File extension .txt].',10),
(175,'E113','XHTML','Extensible Hypertext Markup Language [File extension .xhtml, .xht, .xml, .html, .htm].',10),
(175,'E114','zTXT','A compressed text format mainly used on Palm handheld devices [File extension .pdb – see also E121, E125, E130].',10),
(175,'E115','XPS','XML Paper Specification format [File extension .xps].',10),
(175,'E116','Amazon Kindle','A format proprietary to Amazon for use with its Kindle reading devices or software readers [File extensions .azw, .mobi, .prc].',17),
(175,'E117','BBeB','A Sony proprietary format for use with the Sony Reader and LIBRIé reading devices [File extension .lrf].',10),
(175,'E118','DXReader','A proprietary format for use with DXReader software.',10),
(175,'E119','EBL','A format proprietary to the Ebook Library service.',10),
(175,'E120','Ebrary','A format proprietary to the Ebrary service.',10),
(175,'E121','eReader','A proprietary format for use with eReader (AKA ‘Palm Reader’) software on various hardware platforms [File extension .pdb – see also E114, E125, E130].',10),
(175,'E122','Exebook','A proprietary format with its own reading system for Windows platforms [File extension .exe].',10),
(175,'E123','Franklin eBookman','A proprietary format for use with the Franklin eBookman reader.',10),
(175,'E124','Gemstar Rocketbook','A proprietary format for use with the Gemstar Rocketbook reader [File extension .rb].',10),
(175,'E125','iSilo','A proprietary format for use with iSilo software on various hardware platforms [File extension .pdb – see also E114, E121, E130].',10),
(175,'E126','Microsoft Reader','A proprietary format for use with Microsoft Reader software on Windows and Pocket PC platforms [File extension .lit].',10),
(175,'E127','Mobipocket','A proprietary format for use with Mobipocket software on various hardware platforms [File extensions .mobi, .prc]. Includes Amazon Kindle formats up to and including version 7 – but prefer code E116 for version 7, and always use E116 for KF8.',17),
(175,'E128','MyiLibrary','A format proprietary to the MyiLibrary service.',10),
(175,'E129','NetLibrary','A format proprietary to the NetLibrary service.',10),
(175,'E130','Plucker','A proprietary format for use with Plucker reader software on Palm and other handheld devices [File extension .pdb – see also E114, E121, E125].',10),
(175,'E131','VitalBook','A format proprietary to the VitalSource service.',10),
(175,'E132','Vook','A proprietary digital product combining text and video content and available to be used online or as a downloadable application for a mobile device – see',11),
(175,'E133','Google Edition','An epublication made available by Google in association with a publisher; readable online on a browser-enabled device and offline on designated ebook readers.',11),
(175,'E134','Book ‘app’ for iOS','Epublication packaged as application for iOS (eg Apple iPhone, iPad etc), containing both executable code and content. Use <ProductContentType> to describe content, and <ProductFormFeatureType> to list detailed technical requirements.',12),
(175,'E135','Book ‘app’ for Android','Epublication packaged as application for Android (eg Android phone or tablet), containing both executable code and content. Use <ProductContentType> to describe content, and <ProductFormFeatureType> to list detailed technical requirements.',12),
(175,'E136','Book ‘app’ for other operating system','Epublication packaged as application, containing both executable code and content. Use where other ‘app’ codes are not applicable. Technical requirements such as target operating system and/or device should be provided eg in <ProductFormFeatureType>. Content type (text or text plus various (‘enhancements’) may be described with <ProductContentType>.',12),
(175,'E139','CEB','Founder Apabi’s proprietary basic e-book format.',15),
(175,'E140','CEBX','Founder Apabi’s proprietary XML e-book format.',15),
(175,'E141','iBook','Apple’s iBook format (a proprietary extension of EPUB), can only be read on Apple iOS devices.',17),
(175,'E142','ePIB','Proprietary format used by Barnes and Noble, readable on NOOK devices and Nook reader software.',17),
(175,'E143','SCORM','Sharable Content Object Reference Model, standard content and packaging format for e-learning objects.',20),
(175,'E200','Reflowable','Use when a particular e-publication type (specified using codes E100 and upwards) has both fixed format and reflowable variants.',15),
(175,'E201','Fixed format','Use when a particular e-publication type (specified using codes E100 and upwards) has both fixed format and reflowable variants.',15),
(175,'E202','Readable offline','All e-publication resources are included within the e-publication package.',15),
(175,'E203','Requires network connection','E-publication requires a network connection to access some resources (eg an enhanced e-book where video clips are not stored within the e-publication package itself, but are delivered via an internet connection).',15),
(175,'E204','Content removed','Resources (eg images) present in other editions have been removed from this product, eg due to rights issues.',19),
(175,'L101','Laminated','Whole product laminated (eg laminated map, fold-out chart, wallchart, etc): use B415 for book with laminated cover.',8),
(175,'P101','Desk calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',2),
(175,'P102','Mini calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',2),
(175,'P103','Engagement calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',2),
(175,'P104','Day by day calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',2),
(175,'P105','Poster calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',2),
(175,'P106','Wall calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',2),
(175,'P107','Perpetual calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',6),
(175,'P108','Advent calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',6),
(175,'P109','Bookmark calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',8),
(175,'P110','Student calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',8),
(175,'P111','Project calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',8),
(175,'P112','Almanac calendar','Use with Product Form code PC.',8),
(175,'P113','Other calendar','A calendar that is not one of the types specified elsewhere: use with Product Form code PC.',8),
(175,'P114','Other calendar or organiser product','A product that is associated with or ancillary to a calendar or organiser, eg a deskstand for a calendar, or an insert for an organiser: use with Product Form code PC or PS.',8),
(175,'P201','Hardback (stationery)','Stationery item in hardback book format.',10),
(175,'P202','Paperback / softback (stationery)','Stationery item in paperback/softback book format.',10),
(175,'P203','Spiral bound (stationery)','Stationery item in spiral-bound book format.',10),
(175,'P204','Leather / fine binding (stationery)','Stationery item in leather-bound book format, or other fine binding.',10),
(175,'V201','PAL','TV standard for video or DVD.',2),
(175,'V202','NTSC','TV standard for video or DVD.',2),
(175,'V203','SECAM','TV standard for video or DVD.',2),
(176,'01','Android','An Open Source mobile device operating system originally developed by Google and supported by the Open Handset Alliance.',10),
(176,'02','BlackBerry OS','A proprietary operating system supplied by Research In Motion for its BlackBerry handheld devices.',10),
(176,'03','iOS','A proprietary operating system based on Mac OS X supplied by Apple for its iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch handheld devices.',10),
(176,'04','Linux','An operating system based on the Linux kernel.',10),
(176,'05','Mac OS','[A proprietary operating system supplied by Apple on Macintosh computers up to 2002] DEPRECATED – use code 13 for all Mac OS versions.',11),
(176,'06','Mac OS X','[A proprietary operating system supplied by Apple on Macintosh computers from 2001/2002] DEPRECATED – use code 13 for all Mac OS versions.',11),
(176,'07','Palm OS','A proprietary operating system (AKA Garnet OS) originally developed for handheld devices.',10),
(176,'08','webOS','A proprietry Linux-based operating system for handheld devices, originally developed by Palm (now owned by HP).',10),
(176,'09','Symbian','An operating system for hand-held devices, originally developed as a proprietary system, but planned to become wholly Open Source by 2010.',10),
(176,'10','Windows','A proprietary operating system supplied by Microsoft.',10),
(176,'11','Windows CE','A proprietary operating system (AKA Windows Embedded Compact, WinCE) supplied by Microsoft for small-scale devices.',10),
(176,'12','Windows Mobile','A proprietary operating system supplied by Microsoft for mobile devices.',10),
(176,'13','Mac OS','A proprietary operating system supplied by Apple on Macintosh computers.',11),
(176,'14','Windows Phone 7','A proprietary operating system supplied by Microsoft for mobile devices, successor to Windows Mobile.',12),
(177,'50','Date of birth','',9),
(177,'51','Date of death','',9),
(178,'A103','MP3','MPEG 1/2 Audio Layer III file.',10),
(178,'A104','WAV','Waveform Audio file.',10),
(178,'A105','Real Audio','Proprietary RealNetworks format.',10),
(178,'A106','WMA','Windows Media Audio format.',10),
(178,'A107','AAC','Advanced Audio Coding format.',10),
(178,'A111','AIFF','Audio Interchange File format.',15),
(178,'D101','Real Video','Proprietary RealNetworks format. Includes Real Video packaged within a .rm RealMedia container.',18),
(178,'D102','Quicktime','Quicktime container format (.mov).',15),
(178,'D103','AVI','Audio Video Interleave format.',10),
(178,'D104','WMV','Windows Media Video format.',10),
(178,'D105','MPEG-4','MPEG-4 container format (.mp4, .m4a).',15),
(178,'D106','FLV','Flash Video (.flv, .f4v).',10),
(178,'D107','SWF','ShockWave (.swf).',10),
(178,'D108','3GP','3GPP container format (.3gp, .3g2).',15),
(178,'D109','WebM','WebM container format (includes .mkv).',15),
(178,'D401','PDF','Portable Document File format.',10),
(178,'D501','GIF','Graphic Interchange File format.',10),
(178,'D502','JPEG','Joint Photographic Experts Group format.',10),
(178,'D503','PNG','Portable Network Graphics format.',10),
(178,'D504','TIFF','Tagged Image File format.',10),
(178,'E101','EPUB','The Open Publication Structure / OPS Container Format standard of the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) [File extension .epub].',11),
(178,'E105','HTML','HyperText Mark-up Language [File extension .html, .htm].',17),
(178,'E107','PDF','Portable Document Format (ISO 32000-1:2008) [File extension .pdf].',17),
(178,'E113','XHTML','Extensible Hypertext Markup Language [File extension .xhtml, .xht, .xml, .html, .htm].',17),
(178,'E115','XPS','XML Paper Specification.',16),
(178,'E116','Amazon Kindle','A format proprietary to Amazon for use with its Kindle reading devices or software readers [File extensions .azw, .mobi, .prc].',21),
(178,'E139','CEB','Founder Apabi’s proprietary basic e-book format.',20),
(178,'E140','CEBX','Founder Apabi’s proprietary XML e-book format.',20),
(179,'01','Proprietary','A publisher or retailer’s proprietary code list which identifies particular codes with particular price points, price tiers or bands.',12),
(179,'02','Finnish Pocket Book price code','Price Code scheme for Finnish Pocket Books (Pokkareiden hintaryhmä). Price codes expressed as letters A–J in <PriceCode>.',14),
(184,'00','No warning','Use to provide positive indication that no warnings are applicable.',13),
(184,'01','Carries ‘CE’ logo','',13),
(184,'02','Carries minimum age warning','Use to specify age (in years, or years and months). Provide specific wording in <ProductFormFeatureDescription>.',13),
(184,'03','Carries EU Toy Safety Directive ‘Unsuitable for children ages 0–3’ warning logo','Carries logo, and must be accompanied by the default warning ‘Not suitable for children under 36 months’ (or its approved equivalent in a language other than English, as appropriate), unless specific wording is provided in <ProductFormFeatureDescription>.( If specific alternative wording is carried in <ProductFormFeatureDescription>, this must be used in place of the default text.',13),
(184,'04','Carries EU Toy Safety Directive hazard warning','Exact text of warning must be included in <ProductFormFeatureDescription>.',13),
(184,'05','Carries other text associated with toy safety','Exact text (not in itself a warning) must be included in <ProductFormFeatureDescription>. May be used either without any warning, or as text additional to a warning. Note that if no warnings apply, code 00 can provide positive indication of this. Example use: “Suitable for all ages”.(',15),
(184,'06','Material Safety Data Sheet available','Material Safety Data Sheet (a document required by the EU Toy Safety Directive) available online, typically as a PDF file or similar. <ProductFormFeatureDescription> must carry the URL of the document.',17),
(184,'07','Declaration of Conformity available','Declaration of Conformity (the document that backs up the CE mark) available online, typically as a PDF file or similar. <ProductFormFeatureDescription> must carry the URL of the document.',17),
(196,'01','LIA Compliance Scheme','',16),
(196,'10','No reading system accessibility options disabled (except)','No accessibility features offered by the reading system, device or reading software (including but not limited to choice of text size or typeface, choice of text or background color, text-to-speech) are disabled, overridden or otherwise unusable with the product EXCEPT – in (ONIX 3 messages only – those specifically noted as subject to restriction or prohibition in <EpubUsageConstraint>. Note that provision of any significant part of the textual content as images (ie as pictures of text, rather than as text) inevitably prevents use of these accessibility options.',15),
(196,'11','Table of contents navigation','Table of contents allows direct (eg hyperlinked) access to all levels of text organization above individual paragraphs (eg to all sections and subsections) and to all tables, figures, illustrations etc. Non-textual items such as illustrations, tables, audio or video content may be directly accessible (from the Table of contents, or from a similar List of illustrations, List of tables, etc.',15),
(196,'12','Index navigation','Index provides direct (eg hyperlinked) access to uses of the index terms in the document body.',15),
(196,'13','Reading order','All or substantially all textual matter is arranged in a single logical reading order (including text that is visually presented as separate from the main text flow, eg in boxouts, captions, tables, footnotes, endnotes, citations, etc). Non-textual content is also linked from within this logical reading order. (Purely (decorative non-text content can be ignored.)',15),
(196,'14','Short alternative descriptions','All or substantially all non-text content has short alternative descriptions, usually provided via alt attributes. Note this applies to normal images (eg photographs, charts and diagrams) and also to any embedded audio, video etc. Audio and video content should include alternative descriptions suitable (for hearing-impaired as well as for visually-impaired readers. (Purely decorative non-text content can be ignored, but the accessibility of resources delivered via a network connection rather than as part of the e-publication package must be included.)',15),
(196,'15','Full alternative descriptions','All or substantially all non-text content has full alternative descriptions. Note this applies to normal images (eg photographs, charts and diagrams) and also to any embedded audio, video etc. Audio and video content should include full alternative descriptions (eg audio-described video) and subtitles (or closed captions suitable for hearing-impaired as well as for visually-impaired readers. (Purely decorative non-text content can be ignored, but the accessibility of resources delivered via a network connection rather than as part of the e-publication package must be included.)',15),
(196,'16','Visualised data also available as non-graphical data','Where data visualisations are provided (eg graphs and charts), the underlying data is also available in non-graphical (usually tabular, textual) form.',15),
(196,'17','Accessible math content','Mathematical content such as equations is usable with assistive technology, eg through use of MathML. Semantic MathML is preferred but Presentational MathML is acceptable.',15),
(196,'18','Accessible chem content','Chemistry content such as chemical formulae is usable with assistive technology, eg through use of ChemML.',15),
(196,'19','Print-equivalent page numbering','For a reflowable e-publication, contains references to the page numbering of an equivalent printed product.',15),
(196,'20','Synchronised pre-recorded audio','Text-synchronised pre-recorded audio narration (natural or synthesised voice) is included for substantially all textual matter, including all alternative descriptions.',15),
(196,'21','Text-to-speech hinting provided','Text-to-speech has been optimised through provision of PLS lexicons, SSML or CSS Speech synthesis hints.',19),
(196,'22','Language tagging provided','The language of the text has been specified (eg via the HTML or XML lang attribute) to optimise text-to-speech (and other alternative renderings), both at whole document level and, where appropriate, for individual words, phrases or passages in a different language.',20),
(196,'94','Compliance web page for detailed accessibility information','<ProductFormFeatureDescription> carries the URL of a web page giving further detailed description of the accessibility features, compatibility, testing etc. The web page should be maintained by an independent compliance scheme or testing organization.',19),
(196,'95','Trusted intermediary’s web page for detailed accessibility information','<ProductFormFeatureDescription> carries the URL of a web page giving further detailed description of the accessibility features, compatibility, testing etc. The web page should be provided by a trusted intermediary or third party nominated by the publisher.',19),
(196,'96','Publisher’s web page for detailed accessibility information','<ProductFormFeatureDescription> carries the URL of a web page giving further detailed description of the accessibility features, compatibility, testing etc. The web page should be provided by the publisher.',19),
(196,'97','Compatibility tested','<ProductFormFeatureDescription> carries a short description of compatibility testing carried out for this product, including detailed compatibility with various assistive technology such as third-party screen-reading software.',15),
(196,'98','Trusted Intermediary contact','<ProductFormFeatureDescription> carries the e-mail address for a contact at a ‘trusted intermediary’, to whom detailed questions about accessibility for this product may be directed.',15),
(196,'99','Publisher contact for further accessibility information','<ProductFormFeatureDescription> carries the e-mail address for a contact at the publisher to whom detailed questions about accessibility of this product may be directed.',15),
(197,'01','Proprietary','A short explanatory label for the sequence should be provided in <CollectionSequenceTypeName>.',16),
(197,'02','Title order','Order as specified by the title, eg by volume or part number sequence, provided for confirmation.',16),
(197,'03','Publication order','Order of publication of products within the collection.',16),
(197,'04','Temporal/narrative order','Order defined by a continuing narrative or temporal sequence within products in the collection. Applicable to either fiction or to non-fiction (eg within a collection of history textbooks).',16),
(197,'05','Original publication order','Original publication order, for a republished collection or collected works originally published outside a collection.',16),
(198,'01','Accessibility request contact','Eg for requests for supply of mutable digital files for conversion to other formats.',16),
(198,'02','Promotional contact','',16),
(203,'01','Any adult audience','The publisher states that the product is suitable for any adult audience.',18),
(203,'02','Content warning','The publisher warns the content may offend parts of the adult audience (for any reason).',18),
(203,'03','Content warning (sex)','The publisher warns the product includes content of an explicit sexual nature.',18),
(203,'04','Content warning (violence)','The publisher warns the product includes content of a violent nature.',18),
(203,'05','Content warning (drug-taking)','The publisher warns the product includes content involving misuse of drugs.',18),
(203,'06','Content warning (language)','The publisher warns the product includes extreme / offensive / explicit language.',18),
(203,'07','Content warning (intolerance)','The publisher warns the product includes content involving intolerance of particular groups (eg religious, ethnic, racial, social).',19),
(204,'00','Unspecified','Unspecified, contact supplier for details.',19),
(204,'01','Consignment','The retailer pays for goods only after they are sold by the retailer, and may return excess unsold inventory to the supplier at any time. The goods remain the property of the supplier until they are paid for, even while they are physically located at the retailer.',19),
(204,'02','Firm sale','The retailer is invoiced and pays immediately as in the sale or return model, but any excess unsold inventory cannot be returned to the supplier.',19),
(204,'03','Sale or return','Contact supplier for applicable returns authorization process. The retailer is invoiced immediately for the goods and pays within the specified credit period, but can return excess unsold inventory to the supplier for full credit at a later date (some kind of returns authorisation process is normally required, and (returns of stripped covers or proof of destruction may be allowed instead).',19);
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `onix_code_list` ENABLE KEYS */;
CREATE TABLE `onix_tags` (
`name` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`tag` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`code_list_id` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)
LOCK TABLES `onix_tags` WRITE;
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `onix_tags` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `onix_tags` (`name`, `tag`, `code_list_id`)
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `onix_tags` ENABLE KEYS */;
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