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Created May 17, 2023 12:05
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Langchain FastAPI stream with simple memory
# The goal of this file is to provide a FastAPI application for handling
# chat requests amd generation AI-powered responses using conversation chains.
# The application uses the LangChaing library, which includes a chatOpenAI model
# for natural language processing.
# The `StreamingConversationChain` class is responsible for creating and storing
# conversation memories and generating responses. It utilizes the `ChatOpenAI` model
# and a callback handler to stream responses as they're generated.
# The application defines a `ChatRequest` model for handling chat requests,
# which includes the conversation ID and the user's message.
# The `/chat` endpoint is used to receive chat requests and generate responses.
# It utilizes the `StreamingConversationChain` instance to generate the responses and
# sends them back as a streaming response using the `StreamingResponse` class.
# PLease note that the implementation relies on certain dependencies and imports,
# which are not included in the provided code snippet.
# Ensure that all necessary packages are installed and imported
# correctly before running the application.
# Install dependencies:
# pip install fastapi uvicorn[standard] python-dotenv langchain openai
# Example of usage:
# uvicorn main:app --reload
# Example of request:
# curl --no-buffer \
# -X POST \
# -H 'accept: text/event-stream' \
# -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
# -d '{
# "conversation_id": "cat-conversation",
# "message": "what'\''s their size?"
# }' \
# http://localhost:8000/chat
# Cheers,
# @jvelezmagic
import asyncio
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import AsyncGenerator
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse
from langchain.callbacks import AsyncIteratorCallbackHandler
from langchain.chains import ConversationChain
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.memory import ConversationBufferMemory
from langchain.prompts import (
from pydantic import BaseModel, BaseSettings
class Settings(BaseSettings):
Settings class for this application.
Utilizes the BaseSettings from pydantic for environment variables.
openai_api_key: str
class Config:
env_file = ".env"
def get_settings():
"""Function to get and cache settings.
The settings are cached to avoid repeated disk I/O.
return Settings()
class StreamingConversationChain:
Class for handling streaming conversation chains.
It creates and stores memory for each conversation,
and generates responses using the ChatOpenAI model from LangChain.
def __init__(self, openai_api_key: str, temperature: float = 0.0):
self.memories = {}
self.openai_api_key = openai_api_key
self.temperature = temperature
async def generate_response(
self, conversation_id: str, message: str
) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None]:
Asynchronous function to generate a response for a conversation.
It creates a new conversation chain for each message and uses a
callback handler to stream responses as they're generated.
:param conversation_id: The ID of the conversation.
:param message: The message from the user.
callback_handler = AsyncIteratorCallbackHandler()
llm = ChatOpenAI(
memory = self.memories.get(conversation_id)
if memory is None:
memory = ConversationBufferMemory(return_messages=True)
self.memories[conversation_id] = memory
chain = ConversationChain(
run = asyncio.create_task(chain.arun(input=message))
async for token in callback_handler.aiter():
yield token
await run
class ChatRequest(BaseModel):
"""Request model for chat requests.
Includes the conversation ID and the message from the user.
conversation_id: str
message: str
CHAT_PROMPT_TEMPLATE = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
"You're a AI that knows everything about cats."
app = FastAPI(dependencies=[Depends(get_settings)])
streaming_conversation_chain = StreamingConversationChain(
)"/chat", response_class=StreamingResponse)
async def generate_response(data: ChatRequest) -> StreamingResponse:
"""Endpoint for chat requests.
It uses the StreamingConversationChain instance to generate responses,
and then sends these responses as a streaming response.
:param data: The request data.
return StreamingResponse(
data.conversation_id, data.message
if __name__ == "__main__":
import uvicorn
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i hope after this changes your chain will work fine

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